Sermon 1535. Christ's Universal Kingdom and How It Comes
(No. 1535)
"Ask of Me and I shall give You the heathen for Your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for Your possession.You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel." Psalms 2:8,9.
OBSERVE, dear Friends, the wonderful contrast between the violent excitement of the enemies of the Lord and the sublime serenityof God Himself. He is not disturbed though the heathen so furiously rage and their kings and mighty ones set themselves inbattle array. He smiles at them-He has them in derision. You and I are often downcast and depressed and our forebodings aredark and dismal, but God sits in His eternal peacefulness and serenely overrules tumult and rebellion. The Lord reigns andHis Throne is not moved, nor His rest broken whatever may be the noise and turmoil down below. Notice the sublimity of thisDivine calm. While the heathen and their princes are plotting and planning how to break His bands asunder and cast His cordsfrom them, He has already defeated their devices and He says to them, "Yet have I set My king upon My holy hill of Zion.""You will not have My Son to reign over you, but nevertheless He reigns. While you have been raging I have crowned Him. Yourimaginations are, indeed, vain, for I have forestalled you and established Him upon His Throne. Hear Him as He proclaims Mydecree and asserts His filial sovereignty."
God is always beforehand with His adversaries-they find their scheming frustrated and their craft baffled even before theyhave begun to execute their plans! By God's decree the Ever-Blessed Son of the Highest is placed in power and exalted to HisThrone. The rulers cannot snatch from His hand the scepter, nor dash from His head the crown-Jesus reigns and must reign tillall enemies are put under His feet. God has set Him firmly upon Zion's sacred hill and raging nations cannot cast Him down!The very idea of their doing so excites the derision of Jehovah, He disturbs not His great soul because of their blustering.As if it were a banquet rather than a conflict, the Lord God, as Himself King, speaks to the King's Son, even to His Anointedon His right hand and having acknowledged His royal rank, confers upon Him the highest honors.
At great feasts many a monarch has been known to say to his favorite, "Ask what I shall give you and nothing shall be deniedyou this day." Even thus does the great Father say to His glorious Son, the Prince of Peace, "Ask of Me and I will give Youthe heathen for Your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for Your possession." He bids Him open His mouth wideand request a boundless dominion! He will give Him distant nations, yes, and the whole round earth to be His kingdom. Thereis an air of regal festivity and peaceful joy about all this which strangely contrasts with the uproar of the adversaries.
Brothers and Sisters, I wish we could enter, in some measure, into this sublime quiet. We may well be confident since Godis so. If the Captain is assured of victory, it behooves the common soldier to be bravely hopeful. The battle is the Lord'sand since He is the Lord God Omnipotent, fear about the issue of the conflict is foolish and wicked. All events are in Hishands-His hands who can dash whole worlds to dust or create them when it pleases Him. What can stand against the almightywill? Who shall say unto Jehovah, "What are You doing?" In this eternal All-Sufficiency is our rest and we may, therefore,cease from anxiety! Stand still, my weary Brother, and see the salvation of God! Put not forth your timorous hands to staythe trembling ark, but know that Jehovah can protect His own!
Lay your Martha cares aside, my Sister-sit at your Savior's feet and listen to His voice! He will tell you that God stillreigns and that His Anointed shall reign, also. Things are not as they seem-all is well when all looks ill. If the heavensare clouded, the sun is not put out! If the evening has darkened, even to midnight, yet the morning comes! To the moment shallit break, nor can all the powers of darkness hinder the dawning day! Jehovah's fixed decrees remain engraved as in eternalbrass, nor can the craft of Hell efface a single line nor stay the execution of a single purpose! Despite
all opposition, the sacred purpose will blossom into the actual Providence and the Providence will ripen into salvation. God'splan will be carried out without failure in any point and there is no cause for alarm.
If we were more calm and restful we would do our work better, for do we not gather both wisdom and courage when we abide inquietness and confidence? The joy of the Lord is the strength of His saints. The assurance of faith, if we were filled withit, would make us go forth "fair as the moon, clear as the sun and terrible as an army with banners." Alas, our short-sightedfretfulness, our anxious mistrust and our timorous suspicion cause us needless distress, weaken us for service and exposeus to the assaults of our adversaries! Without the preparation of the Gospel of peace our feet are unshod and we are unfitfor the heavenly pilgrimage.
Groveling here below among the troubles of the hour, the majority of Christians are a timorous people and act like the tribeof Reuben in the day of Barak's battle, to whom Deborah cried, "Why abide you among the sheep-folds, to hear the bleatingof the flocks?" O you who lie among the pots and do servile work in abject fear, arise to a braver spirit! Up to the everlastinghills and breathe a purer air-gird yourselves with the belt of confidence in God and you shall be "strong in the Lord andin the power of His might!" May God grant that the subject of this morning may help us out of the depressing influences whichsurround us and raise us into fellowship with the calm in which Jehovah sits smiling and out of which He says, "Yet have Iset My King upon My holy hill of Zion."
Our text suggests to us this morning, first, that the kingdoms of the earth and the earth itself are Christ's inheri-tance-"Ishall give You the heathen for Your inheritance." Leave out those little words which the translators have inserted, for theybut feebly help the sense. "I will give the heathen, Your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth, Your possession."When we have dwelt upon that we shall then notice that this is to be had for the asking-"Ask of Me and I shall give." Thirdly,we shall note that the power by which the dominion shall be gained is altogether of God-"I shall give." And fourthly, we shallremark that in order to complete the conquest of the world all existing and all future confederacies against the Lord andagainst His Christ shall be utterly destroyed-"You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them in pieces likea potter's vessel."
take to refer to our Lord as Man. Already as God, the kingdom of the Divine Son rules over all. There never was a limit tothe reign of Jesus as God, not even when He was hanging on the Cross-He was the everlasting Father even when He was "the Childborn, the Son given." It is in His wondrous Nature as God-Man Mediator that these words may be understood, for so the ApostlePaul evidently interpreted them.
The mysterious sentence, "You are My Son; this day have I begotten You," may refer to the deep and secret Truth of God ofthe Eternal Filiation of our Lord, whatever that may be. But Paul quotes it in the 13th chapter of Acts as referring to HisResurrection. Here are His Words, "And we declare unto you glad tidings, how that the promise which was made unto the fathers,God has fulfilled the same unto us, their children, in that He has raised up Jesus again, as it is also written in the secondPsalm, You are My Son, this day have I begotten You." It is in resurrection power that Christ comes forth and God gives toHim dominion over the earth and all that is upon it.
Because He lives and was dead He has the keys of Hell and of death. By virtue of His humiliation He reigns. For the sufferingof death He is crowned with Glory and honor. The heavenly host proclaim His worthiness to take the Book and open its sevenseals, singing, "For You were slain and have redeemed us to God by Your blood." He descended that He might ascend above allthings and fill all things! He laid aside His Glory that He might be crowned with this new Glory and honor and might haveall things put under His feet as the Son of Man. We speak, therefore, of Jesus Christ the Risen One, who once died, but hasnow risen from the tomb and quit this earth for the splendors of the New Jerusalem.
Our conviction is that this same Jesus is to reign over the whole world. I shall not enter into the question whether thiswill be accomplished before His Second Advent or will be the result of His glorious appearing. I should not like to assertthat this consummation will be reached before His Advent, for that might seem to work against our duty to watch for His comingwhich may be at any moment. On the other hand, I would not venture to assert that the Gospel cannot be universally victoriousbefore His coming, because I perceive that this opinion is a pillow for many an idle head and is ruinous to the hopeful spiritof missionary enterprise. It is enough for me that a wide dominion will be given to our Lord at
some time or other and that assuredly His kingdom shall embrace all the nations of mankind. The whole earth shall yet be filledwith His Glory! The Seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head and clear the world of his slimy trail!
For the next few minutes you will be so good as to keep your Bibles open, for the appeal must be to God's own Word. I gatherthat the kingdom of Christ is to be so extensive as to comprehend all mankind, first, because, of the exceeding breadth ofthe prophecy of it which was made to Abraham in Genesis 12:3. That is an old Covenant promise which refers to Abraham as the father of the faithful and to his one great seed, even Jesus,the promised Messiah. Here are the far-reaching words-"In you shall all families of the earth be blessed." Assuredly theyare not as yet all blessed in him to such an extent as to exhaust the Divine meaning. When God, in Covenant, promises a blessingit is no light thing and, therefore, I am sure that this grand Covenant blessing of the nations is something more than a name.
Though I doubt not that the whole earth is, to some extent, the better because of the coming of Christ and His peacemakingdeath and the spread of His pure faith, yet I cannot believe that multitudes who live and die in the thick darkness of ignoranceand idolatry are really blessed in Christ in such a sense as to make it a Covenant blessing. How much are Tartary, China andTibet blessed by the Gospel? There must yet be something better for all the families of the earth than anything they haveup to now received. All the families of the earth shall yet know that the promised Seed has lived and died for them and someof every kindred and tongue shall find salvation in Him.
Jacob, too, when He spoke concerning the Shiloh in Genesis 49:10, said, "Unto Him shall the gathering of the people be." By the people is not meant the seed of Israel, but the nations, orthe Gentiles. So the Septuagint and the Syrian understand it and so, indeed, it is. Jesus, our great Shiloh, sets up the standardand His chosen rally around in ever growing numbers till the dispersed of Babel shall find in Him a new center and a purelanguage shall be given to them in Him. The words mean not, "gathering," only, but a willing obedience, the fruit of faithand the expression of piety. To this is parallel the word of Paul in Romans 15:12-"And again, Isaiah says, There shall be a root of Jesse and He that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in Him shall theGentiles trust."
It is evident, then, that the nations shall come to trust in the Messiah and thus shall they find life eternal. Moses, too,in Deuteronomy 32:21, to which passage Paul, in Romans, so especially refers, speaks of the heathen nations when he says, "I will move them tojealousy with those who are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation." Truly this is fulfilled inthese days when the Gospel line has gone out throughout all the earth and its words unto the ends of the earth-and this, ourown foolish nation, this once barbarous people which seemed shut out from God, worshipping idols with all the cruel ritesof the Druids, has been brought into Covenant with God and made to rejoice in Him!
Degraded heathens in all lands have become Believers and so shall all nations be brought believingly to Jesus' feet, thatIsrael may be angered and provoked to jealousy until her time shall come when she shall look on Him whom she has pierced andshall mourn for Him and turn to Him with full purpose of heart. When we reach the Psalms, we come into the clear light ofprophecy concerning the kingdom of our blessed Master. Our text stands first and is sufficient in it-self-the heathen areto be His inheritance and the utmost bounds of the world are to be His possession!
Turn to that famous passion Psalm, the twenty-second. Its pathos with regard to the griefs of the Crucified One is deep andtouching. You see Him hanging on the tree, a laughingstock to scoffers, with His tongue cleaving to His jaws and His heartmelting like wax in the midst of His bowels-and yet before the Psalm closes the plaintive gives place to the triumphant andthe dying One cries-"All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord: and all the kindreds of the nationsshall worship before You. For the kingdom is the Lord's: and He is the Governor among the nations. All they that are fat uponearth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust shall bow before Him: and none can keep alive His own soul."
On the Cross this prospect cheered our dying Master's heart, that the kingdoms should be the Lord's and that all the kindredsof the nations should come and worship before Him! Let it cheer us, also. Do you think that the crucified Lord will be disappointedof the end for which He died? Will you venture to assert that a single drop of His blood was shed for nothing? Rest assuredthat He shall see of the travail of His soul, till even His great loving heart shall be content! God has said it, "I willdivide Him a portion with the great and He shall divide the spoil with the strong, because He has poured out His soul untodeath." And you can be calmly confident that the Word of the Lord will stand!
Turn in your Bibles to Psalm 66:4 and there you come upon another word of comfort-"All the earth shall worship You and shall sing unto You; they shall singto Your name." This sentence is not merely the passionate hope of an enthu-
siastic worshipper, but a voice inspired of the Holy Spirit plainly declaring that all peoples shall adore their Maker withhearty praise and joyful song! How glowing is the language of Psalm 72. Can we expect too great things for our King when we remember the gracious words beginning at the 8th verse-"He shall havedominion also from sea to sea and from the river unto the ends of the earth. They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow beforeHim; and His enemies shall lick the dust. The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Shebaand Seba shall offer gifts. Yes, all kings shall fall down before Him: all nations shall serve Him."
Read on at verse 17-"His name shall endure forever: His name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessedin Him: all nations shall call Him blessed." These terms include the most barbarous tribes that exist and they specially mentionnations which boast that they were never conquered, such as the untamed rovers of the wilderness who centuries ago laughedat the Roman power. The legions which subdued all other peoples could not conquer the sons of Ishmael! Fleet of foot as arabbit and swift as a young roe, they fled over the desert sands out of reach of the pursuer. Yet these shall bow before ourLord and joyfully pay Him homage! He will sway His scepter where scepter was never acknowledged before! He shall set up athrone where all other authority has been laughed to scorn!
You will not be wearied if I ask you to look at Psalm 86:9. There you will find it written, "All nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord; and shall glorifyYour name." It is not to be mere outside worship that shall be paid, for the nations are to glorify His name which is a highform of praise! All nations are to glorify the Lord and this they have not done as yet. We expected to find and we are notdisappointed in our expectation, that Isaiah would be sure to speak concerning these things. I would rather you heard theWord of God by far than my word and, therefore, we will keep to our reading.
It will bring you encouragement and cheer your heart to know what Prophets said in the olden times when only Israel had thelight. They did not think the light would be confined to the one peculiar people, but they expected that light would breakon all the nations which sat in darkness and they, also, would seek the Lord. Turn to Isaiah and read. See what he says inhis second chapter. "It shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established inthe top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall goand say, Come and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of Hisways and we will walk in His paths for out of Zion shall go forth the Law and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And Heshall judge among the nations and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spearsinto pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."
I can but give samples. The passages abound all through Isaiah in which there is the intimation of the general spread of theRedeemer's kingdom. Turn to Isaiah 49:6, 7-"It is a light thing that You should be My servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved of Israel:I will also give You for a light to the Gentiles, that You may be My salvation unto the end of the earth. Thus says the Lord,the Redeemer of Israel and His Holy One, to Him whom man despises, to Him whom the nation abhors, to a Servant of rulers,Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship, because of the Lord that is faithful and the Holy One of Israel andHe shall choose You." And now, verse 12-"Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west;and these from the land of Sinim." And verse 18-"Lift up your eyes round about and behold: all these gather themselves togetherand come to you."
Nor is Isaiah alone in such prophecies as these. I cannot detain you by reading what Ezekiel says concerning the ever deepeningwaters which shall carry life to all lands and I will only mention one word of Jeremiah, because it so peculiarly proves thatthe homage paid by heathen nations to our Lord will be that of their hearts-and that the reign of Christ, whatever else itmay be, will certainly be a spiritual reign. Jeremiah 3:17-"They shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the Lord,to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart." Christ will work a heart-changewhen He shall win the nations to allegiance and this shall lead to a manifest change of life-"neither shall they walk anymore after the imagination of their evil heart."
Daniel, that John of the Old Testament, of course saw more clearly than any, the coming kingdom of the Anointed One. Listenwhat he says beginning in 7:18-"But the saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, evenforever and ever. Until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was given to the saints of the Most
High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. And the kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdomunder the whole Heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdomand all dominions shall serve and obey Him." Can anything be more positive than this last word?
Look how the idols are to be destroyed according to the Prophet Zephaniah (2:11)-"The Lord will be terrible unto them: forHe will famish all the gods of the earth; and men shall worship Him, everyone from his place, even all the isles of the heathen."Zechariah says, to the same effect, (9:10)-"He shall speak peace unto the heathen and His dominion shall be from sea evento sea and from the river even to the ends of the earth." Lest I should weary you, I dare not quote any more. To me it isevident beyond all contradiction that according to the whole run of Scripture the kingdom of Christ is to extend over allparts of the earth and over all races and conditions of men and, therefore, I charge you never despair for the grand old cause!
An infidel notion is abroad that these different religions have sprung up at different times as developments of the religiousinstinct and that they may all profitably exist side by side with ours. It is admitted that the religion of Christ is excellentand that it deserves a large following, but still other religions have their advantages and must not be despised-as if tosay that something better than the Gospel of Christ may yet be discovered. This is the current talk in certain circles andwe would at once express our horror at it! Jesus is not to share a divided Throne! Cast with abhorrence from your souls everysuch blasphemous thought! Jesus must reign till all enemies are put under His feet and to Him all rivals are enemies!
If Jesus is King, He is the only Potentate. Christians are enlisted under a banner which does not allow another standard sideby side with it! They serve a Prince who will not share dominion with others-who will not submit that even a province shallbe torn away from His government! He shall reign forever and ever, King of kings and Lord of lords. Hallelujah! Like a burstof thunder let all hearts that love Him say, Amen!
II. It appears from our text that THIS UNIVERSAL DOMINION IS TO BE ASKED FOR. Thus says the Father to
His glorious Son, "Ask of Me and I will give You." Beloved, Jesus fails not to ask. We do not doubt that He responds to theFather's invitation and asks for His inheritance. This is the way in which the Psalm before us touches upon the priestly characterof Christ as combined with His kingly office. He always lives to intercede and a part of His daily intercession is to askthat the heathen may be His inheritance.
Now, Beloved, this is a lesson to us. We belong to Christ. We are members of that body of which He is the mystical Head andit is ours to act with Him in His lifework-as He asks, we are to ask with Him. As Jesus suffers in His people, so He pleadsin them. Let us cry day and night unto God for the coming of the kingdom of our Lord! Let the Throne of the Highest be surroundedby our perpetual prayers! Let us urge for the Lord Jesus His suit in the courts above, that the heathen may be His inheritanceand the uttermost parts of the earth His possession. We are so truly one with Him that His sympathies and hopes are ours!His Glory is our glory! His victory our victory and, therefore, our supplications should naturally and spontaneously arisefor Him every day of our lives.
Our union with Him has given us a kingdom, the same kingdom as that which He claims. He Himself has said it, "It is your Father'sgood pleasure to give you the kingdom." As surely as He sets His Son upon His holy hill of Zion, so surely will the Lord bringus all there! Our prayers, therefore, should daily rise together with the pleading of the great Intercessor, Himself. O Lord,Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory! Let Your will be done in earth as it is in Heaven! This prayer is one whichis commanded by God Himself. About its fitness we can, therefore, have no doubt. Your Savior taught you to say, "Your kingdomcome." In this text we find it prescribed as a prayer to the Well-Beloved-"Ask of Me"-and, therefore, it is certainly a properprayer for us and we may use it without question.
We are highly honored in being permitted to present such a petition-to be allowed to pray for myself is mercy, to be permittedto pray for my fellow man is favor-but to be allowed to pray for Jesus is an honor! It is written, "Prayer also shall be madefor Him continually," and thus there is a special honor put upon those who intercede. My Lord's prayer for me saves me, butwhen He bids me pray for Him, He dignifies me and I say with David, "Your gentleness has made me great." Whatever else weforget, never from our private intercessions let us omit the prayer that the heathen may come to glorify Christ! It is a joyto know that this prayer will be effectual to the fullest. It is no vain desire, no dream of a fevered brain-the infinitewisdom of God, Himself, suggests it, for He says, "Ask and I shall give You."
This union of precept and promise is found attached to every Covenant blessing, but here it is conspicuously and distinctlystated in so many words-"Ask and I shall give You." Concerning this thing,, the promise of God is definite! We may, therefore,pray with full assurance. Let us avail ourselves of this plain direction every hour of our lives. O Church of God, ask, onChrist's behalf, and the Lord God will give Him the kingdom! Heir of Heaven, ask on behalf of the Elder Brother, for the ElderBrother pleads in you and God will hear both you and Him and He will grant the united request! My heart is full of confidencewhen pleading upon this subject! What surer guarantee do we need than, "Ask and I shall
give You"?
Let our prayer be wide and far-reaching. Let our desires embrace the world. Pray not only for your own country, though itneeds it and God, alone, knows how much-but pray for the colonies, the continent and the far off lands. Ask that all heathensmay become Christians! Plead that the whole round earth may be the Lord's-that the uttermost parts of the earth may resoundwith songs in His praise! On this earth His blood has fallen! The precious drops could not be gathered up again and so thisglobe remains blood-marked-the one star upon which the Son of God poured out His life! It must be the Lord's! The Sacrificeof Calvary has made it sacred to the Son of God! As our Government marks with the broad arrow those stores which belong toit, so did Christ, upon the tree, when the blood fell from His hands and feet and side, mark, as it were, with something morefull of meaning than the broad arrow-this round earth on which He bled-and it must be forever and ever His by right of purchaseand ransom!
It was made subject to vanity for a little season, but it is to be redeemed from it-and when it shall be purified and beautifiedin the day of the manifestation of the sons of God, you will not know it, for it will come forth as "a new heavens and a newearth, wherein dwells righteousness." Its sister stars have long wondered at its silence, or its discord, but at the sightof its restoration to the choirs of holiness, they will sing in deep delight and chant a new song unto the Lord! With whatadmiration will they perceive, rising up from this once beclouded orb, a flame of unquenchable praise with pillars of perfumedsmoke, the incense of eternal gratitude! Sweeter the offering of this once fallen world than that of any other sphere, forit has been redeemed and upon it have been seen marvels of free Grace and dying love such as no other world has known.
Oh, may this soon come to pass! May the prayer be heard and God be praised. But it can only be accomplished through His ownappointed method, the asking of Christ, the pleading of the Church. Oh, awaken, Church, to ask! Awake from your unholy lethargyand cry day and night unto God! Cease not, but with anguish, like a woman in travail, cry aloud and spare not until He givesthe risen Lord the heathen for His inheritance and makes His Throne higher than the kings of the earth!
III. Thirdly, THIS DOMINION IS TO BE GAINED BY THE POWER OF GOD. Notice the text, for it is very explicit-"Ask of Me and Ishall give You." The power and Grace of God will be conspicuously seen in the subjugation of this world to Christ. Every heartshall know that it was worked by the power of God in answer to the prayer of Christ and His Church. I believe, Brothers andSisters, that the length of time spent in the accomplishment of the Divine plan has, much of it, been occupied with gettingrid of those many forms of human power which have intruded into the place of the Spirit. If you and I had been about in ourLord's day and could have had everything managed to our hand, we should have converted Caesar straight away by argument orby oratory. We should then have converted all his legions by every means within our reach. And, I guarantee you, with Caesarand his legions at our back we would have Christianized the world in no time, would we not?
Yes, but that is not God's way at all, nor the right and effectual way to set up a spiritual kingdom! Bribes and threats are,alike, unlawful. Eloquence and carnal reasoning are out of court. The power of Divine Love is the one weapon for this campaign.Long ago the Prophet wrote, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord." The fact is that such conversionsas could be brought about by physical force, or by mere mental energy, or by the prestige of rank and pomp are not conversionsat all! The kingdom of Christ is not a kingdom of this world, otherwise would His servants fight! It rests on a spiritualbasis and is to be advanced by spiritual means. Yet Christ's servants gradually slipped down into the notion that His kingdomwas of this world and could be upheld by human power.
A Roman emperor professed to be converted, using a deep policy to settle himself upon the throne. Then Christianity becamethe religion patronized by the State-it seemed that the world was Christianized, whereas, indeed, the Church was heathenized!Hence sprang the monster of a State Church, a conjunction ill-assorted and fraught with untold ills.
This incongruous thing is half human, half Divine! As a theory it fascinates, as a fact it betrays! It promises to advancethe Truth of God and is, itself, a negation of it! Under its influences a system of religion was fashioned which, beyond allfalse religions and beyond even Atheism itself, is the greatest hindrance to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Under its influence dark ages lowered over the world. Men were not permitted to think. A Bible could scarcely be found anda preacher of the Gospel, if found, was put to death! That was the result of human power coming in with the sword in one handand the Gospel in the other and developing its pride of ecclesiastical power into a triple crown, an Inquisition and an "infalliblePope"! This parasite, this canker, this incubus of the church will be removed by the Grace of God and by His Providence indue season. The kings of the earth who have loved this unchaste system will grow weary of it and destroy it.
Read Revelation 17:16 and see how terrible her end will be. The death of the system will come from those who gave it life-the powers of earth createdthe system and they will, in due time, destroy it! Frequently do we meet with the idea that the world is to be converted toChrist by the spread of civilization. Now civilization always follows the Gospel and is, in a great measure, the product ofit, but many people put the cart before the horse and make civilization the first cause. According to their opinion, tradeis to regenerate the nations! The arts are to ennoble them and education is to purify them. Peace Societies are formed, againstwhich I have not a word to say, but much in their favor. Still, I believe the only efficient Peace Society is the Church ofGod and the best peace teaching is the love of God in Christ Jesus!
The Grace of God is the great instrument for lifting up the world from the depths of its ruin and covering it with happinessand holiness. Christ's Cross is the Pharos of this tempestuous sea, like the Eddystone lighthouse flinging its beams throughthe midnight of ignorance over the raging waters of human sin, preserving men from rock and shipwreck, piloting them intothe port of peace! Tell it among the heathen-the Lord reigns from the Cross-and as you tell it believe that the power to makethe peoples believe it is with God the Father and the power to bow them before Christ is in God the Holy Spirit. Saving energylies not in learning, nor in wit, nor in eloquence, nor in anything except in the right arm of God who will be exalted amongthe heathen, for He has sworn that surely all flesh shall see the salvation of God.
The might of the Omnipotent One shall work out His purposes of Grace and as for us, we will use the simple processes of prayerand faith. "Ask of Me and I shall give You." Oh, that we could keep in perpetual motion the machinery of prayer! Pray, pray,pray and God will give, give, give-abundantly and supernaturally above all that we ask, or even think! He must do all thingsin the conquering work of the Lord Jesus. We cannot convert a single child, nor bring to Christ the humblest peasant, norlead to peace the most hopeful youth! All must be done by the Spirit of God, alone, and if ever nations are to be born ina day and crowds are to come humbly to Jesus' feet, it is Yours, Eternal Spirit, YOURS to do it! God must give the dominionor the rebels will remain unsubdued!
IV. Thus the power of God works to bring about the kingdom of Christ and THIS INVOLVES THE BREAKING UP OF ALL THE CONFEDERACIESWHICH NOW EXIST OR EVER SHALL EXIST FOR THE HINDRANCE OF THE REDEEMER'S KINGDOM. Our text employs a figure which is very fullof meaning. "He shall break them with a rod of iron." He breaks not the subject nations, nor the inherited heathen, but thekings of the earth who stood up and took counsel together against the Lord and against His Anointed. Against these He willlift up His iron rod of stern justice and irresistible power!
Over His own inheritance He will sway a silver scepter of love. Over His own possession He shall reign with gentleness andGrace, but as for His adversaries, He will deal with them in severity and display His power in them. How shall they standout against Him? They have formed their confederacy with great care and skill-as when men prepare clay and make it pliablefor the potter's use, so have they made all things ready-they have set their design upon the wheel and caused it to revolvein their thoughts and with great skill they have fashioned it. Lo, there it stands-finished and fair to look upon! Yet atits very best it is nothing more than a potter's vessel. It may be of the purest clay and of such exquisite workmanship thatit shall enchant every man of taste, but it is nothing more than an earthen vessel and, therefore, woe unto it when the rodof iron falls upon it.
Woe to all human societies and brotherhoods which are framed to resist the Lord! Mark the conflict and its end! It is briefenough. A stroke! Where is the hope of the Lord's adversary? Gone, gone, utterly gone! Only a few potsherds remain. Oh forsuch a smiting of the apostasy of Rome! Oh for one touch of the iron rod upon the imposture of Mohammed! Oh, for a blow atBuddhism and a back stroke at the superstition of Brahmanism and at all the idols of the heathen!
Woe unto the gods of the land of Sinim in that day! A single stroke shall set the potsherds flying. Why, then, should we fear,although they plot and plan? Although a solemn conclave of cardinals is held. Though the "Pope" fulminates his bulls. Thoughthe Sultan ordain that every convert to Christianity shall be put to death. Though the scoffers still revile at Christianityand say that it spreads not as once it did, a speedy answer shall confound them, or if not speedy, yet the stroke shall besure!
Our King waits a while. He has leisure. Haste belongs to weakness. His strength moves calmly. Only let Him be awakened andyou shall see how quick are His paces! He redeemed the world in a few short hours upon the Cross and I guarantee you thatwhen He gets that iron rod once to working, He will not need many days to ease Him of His adversaries and make a clean sweepof all that set themselves against Him! If you want to see how it will be done, read, I pray you, Daniel 2:31-"You, O king, saw and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before you; and the formthereof was terrible. This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass,his legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay."
It was a strange conglomeration-all the metallic empires are set forth as combined in one image-which image is the embodiedidea of monarchical power which has fascinated men even to this day. The Prophet goes on to say, "You saw still that a stonewas cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay and broke them to pieces. Then wasthe iron, the clay, the brass, the silver and the gold broken to pieces together and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a greatmountain and filled the whole earth."
And so it is to be-the vision is being each day fulfilled. The Gospel stone, which owes nothing to human strength or wisdom,is breaking the image and scattering all opposing powers. No system, society, confederacy, or cabinet can stand which is opposedto the Truth of God and righteousness. I, even I, that am but of yesterday and know nothing, have seen one of the mightiestof empires of modern times melt away all of a sudden as the frost of the morning in the heat of the sun. I have seen monarchsdriven out of their tyrannies by the powers of a single man and a free nation born as in an hour. I have seen states whichfought to hold the Negro in perpetual captivity subdued by those whom they despised, while the slave has been set free!
I have seen nations chastened under evil governments and revived when the yoke has been broken and they have returned to theway of righteousness and peace. He who lives longest shall see most of this. Evil is short-lived. Truth shall yet rise aboveall. The Lord says, overturn, overturn till He shall come whose right it is and God shall give it to Him. Woe unto those thatstand against the Lord and His Anointed, for they shall not prosper. "Be wise now, therefore, O you kings: be instructed,you judges of the earth. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry and you perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little.Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him."