Sermon 1502. Satan in a Rage

(No. 1502)




"Woe to the inhibitors of the earth and of the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knowsthat he has but a short time." Revelation 12:12.

THE great battle in the heavenlies has been fought-our glorious Michael has forever overthrown the dragon and cast him down.In the highest regions the great principle of evil has received a total defeat through the life and death of our Lord Jesus.Atonement has been made for human sin and the great quarrel between God and man has come to a happy end. Everlasting righteousnesshas been brought in and the peace of God reigns in Heaven. The conflict, from now on, rages here below and in these inferiorregions the Prince of this world is warring mightily against the cause of God and truth. Much woe does this cause to the sonsof men-woe which will never end till his power is altogether taken away.

Observe concerning our archenemy that he exercises forethought and care as to the evil enterprise to which he has set hishand. Whatever foolish men may do, the devil thinks. Others may be heedless and thoughtless, but he is anxious and full ofconsideration. He knows that his time, or, "opportunity" is short and he bides his time till its close, for he is no carelesswaster of time and forgetter of the end. He values his opportunity to maintain his kingdom, to distress the people of Godand to dishonor the name of Christ. And since it is but a short one, he treats it as such. He infers the brevity of his timefrom the victory which Jesus has already gained over him.

In reading the chapter, we saw how the Man-Child who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron was caught up unto God andto His Throne. And then we saw the war in Heaven and how the devil was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast outwith him. Then was a loud voice heard on high, "Now is come salvation and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the powerof His Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night." Right wellmay the old serpent conclude that he will be routed on earth since he has already sustained so dire a defeat that he has fallenfrom Heaven never to rise again!

Because the Man-Child, Christ Jesus, has met him in conflict, met him when as yet all his power was unbroken and has casthim down from his high places, he is persuaded and well he may be, that his reign is ended and that his opportunity is short.He feels about him, even now, a chain which is lengthened for a while, but which shall be drawn into shorter compass and fasteneddown, by-and-by, so that he shall roam the earth no longer, but lie as a captive in his prison. Fallen as this apostate spirithas become, he has wit enough to look forward to the future! O that men were half as wise and would remember their latterend!

I beg you to notice this fact concerning the evil spirit, that you, too, may learn to acquire knowledge and then use it forpractical purposes. Why should it always be that the powers of darkness appear to act more wisely than the children of light?For once I would point out a matter in which our worst foe may read us a lesson. Among men there are some who know a greatmany important matters, but act as if they did not know them-their knowledge is so much waste stored up in the lumber roomof their minds and never brought into the workshop to be used for practical purposes. For instance, we know our mortalityand yet live as if we never meant to die! There is great necessity for many of us to pray, "Lord, teach us to number our daysthat we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."

We must know that our time is short and that our life will soon come to an end and yet we fail to know it practically, forwe are not as earnest as dying men ought to be. In this, the archenemy is not so foolish as we are, for he so well knows thathis time is short that he remembers the fact and is actuated by it. Note well the direction in which this knowledge operatesupon him. It excites his emotions. The deepest emotion of which he is capable is that of anger, for he knows not

how to love. Wrath is his very soul, as hatred is his very life! He knows nothing of gentleness, nothing of affection and,therefore, the fact that his time is short moves within him his master passion and he has great wrath.

His evil nature is all on fire and his excitement is terrible! How much the shortness of our time ought to stir our hearts!With what ardency of love and fervency of zeal ought we to pass the days of our sojourning here! Knowing that the time ofour departure is at hand and that the season in which we can serve God among the sons of men is very brief, we ought to beexcited to flaming zeal and passionate love! We are not half stirred as we ought to be. Devils feel great hatred-how is itthat we do not feel great love? Shall they be more eager to destroy than we are to save? Shall they be all alive and shallwe be half dead?

Nor is the result of knowing that his time is short merely emotional on the part of the archenemy, for, in consequence ofhis great wrath he is moved to make earnest efforts. His energy is excited! He persecutes the woman whose Seed he dreads andhe pours floods out of his mouth against her. There is nothing which Satan can do for his evil cause which he does not do.We may be half-hearted, but he never is. He is the very image of ceaseless industry and indefatigable earnestness. He willdo all that can be done in the time of his permitted range. We may be sure that he will never lose a day.

My Brothers and Sisters, you and I, on the other hand, should be moved by the shortness of our opportunity to an equal energyof incessant industry, serving God continually because, "the night comes wherein no man can work." My Friend, if you wantyour children brought to Christ, speak to them, for they will soon be without a father! If you wish your servants to be saved,labor for their conversion, for they will soon be without a mistress! If you desire your brother to be converted, speak tohim, for your sisterly love will not much longer avail him. Minister, if you would save your congregation by the Spirit ofGod, seek to do it at once, for your tongue will soon be silent. Teacher in the Sunday school, if you would have your classgathered into the Good Shepherd's fold, treasure up every Lord's Day opportunities, for in a short time the place which knowsyou, now, shall know you no more forever!

Thus, as of old the Israelites went down to the Philistines to sharpen every man his plowshare and his axe and his shovel,so have I bid you quicken your diligence by the example of the Prince of Darkness. Shall we not learn wisdom from his subtletyand zeal from his fury? Shall he discern the signs of the times and, therefore, bestir himself, and shall we sleep? Shallevil compass sea and land and shall the children of God creep about in idleness? God forbid! By the great wrath of the olddragon, I beseech you, my Brothers and Sisters, awake out of your sleep!

The text tells us that the shortness of Satan's opportunity excites his wrath and we may gather a general rule from this onestatement-namely, that in proportion as the devil's time is shortened, his energy is increased and we may take it as an assuredfact that when he rages to the uttermost his opportunities are nearly over. He has great wrath, knowing that his time is short.I hope there will be something of instruction in this and of comfort for all those who are on the right side. May the HolySpirit make it so!

In the world around us we must not consider that things go altogether amiss when the powers of evil become strong. We shouldbe foolish if we wept in despair because the tares are ripening, for is not the wheat ripening, too? True, the dead becomemore and more corrupt, but if the living become more and more active, why should we lament? Because blasphemy grows loud;because infidels seek to undermine the foundation of the faith, or because the clouds of superstition grow more dense, wemust not, therefore, conclude that we have fallen upon evil times, the like of which were never seen before. Not so! Oftentimesthe development of evil is an indication that there is an equal or a greater development of good-and the climax of ill isfrequently its end.

Do you not know that in the world of Nature the darkest time of the night is that which precedes the dawning of the day? Mayit not be the same in the spiritual and moral world? Does not the old proverb tell us, concerning the year, that "as the daylengthens the cold strengthens"? As the spring comes with lengthened days, the frosts often grow more sharp and hard. Is itnot also plain to the simplest mind that the turning of the tide happens when the ebb has reached its utmost? Even so, whenevil is at its height, it is nearest to its fall. Look for confirmation in the pages of history. When the tale of bricks wasdoubled, Moses came to deliver the oppressed! When Pharaoh would by no means let the people go and his yoke seemed rivetedupon the neck of Israel, then the right arm of God was made bare and the Red Sea beheld His vengeance!

When despots grow most tyrannical, liberty's hour is coming. When the lie becomes exceedingly bold and wears a bronze forehead,then it is that the Truth of God confounds her. When Goliath stalks abroad and defies the armies of Israel, then is the stonealready in the sling and the David hard at hand to lay the giant low. Do not, therefore, dread the advent of greater opposition,nor the apparent increase in strength of those oppositions which already exist, for it has always been so in the history ofevents that the hour of the triumph of evil is the hour of its doom. When Belshazzar profanes the holy vessels, the handwritingblazes on the wall! And when Haman is at the king's banquet seeking the blood of the whole race of the Jews, the gallows areprepared for him upon his own roof! It shall be seen, even to the last hour of history, that the devil rages the more whenhis empire is the nearer to its end.

At the very last he shall go about to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gatherthem together to battle. They shall come up in great hosts, fierce for the conflict, to "the battle of the great day of GodAlmighty" at Armageddon. It shall then seem as if the light of Israel must be quenched and the Truth of God utterly extinguished.But in that dread hour the Lord shall triumph gloriously and He shall smite His adversaries to their final overthrow. Thenshall the angel standing in the sun invite the vultures and all the fowls that fly in the midst of Heaven to gather to thegrim feast of vengeance to eat the flesh of horsemen and men of might! Then, also, shall the devil that deceived them be castinto the Lake of Fire and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever. Then, also, shall the shout be heard, "Hallelujah,hallelujah, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!" On the greatest possible scale, the greatness of the dragon's wrath is asure prophecy of the end of his reign!

Now, what is true on a great scale is true in the smaller one. Missionaries in any country will generally find that the lastonslaught of heathenism is the most ferocious. We shall find, whenever the Truth of God comes into contact with falsehood,that when error is driven to its last entrenchments, it fights for life, tooth and nail, with all its might! Its wrath isgreat because its time is short. In any village or town in England, or in any other country, whenever the opposition to theGospel reaches its most outrageous pitch and men seem as if they would murder the preacher of the Word, you may reckon thatthe power of the opposition is almost over. After the mad fit, active persecution will cease and there will come a time ofcalm and, perhaps, of general reception of the Gospel.

When once the bad passions of mankind shall have boiled up, they will cool down again. Has not the Lord promised to restrainit? As the burning heat of the noontide sun lasts not forever, but gradually abates when it has reached the hottest point,so is it with the wrath of man which the foul fiend so often uses for his base purposes. The same truth will apply to everyindividual man. When God begins His great work in a sinner's heart, to lead him to Christ, it is no bad sign if the man feelsmore hatred to God than ever; more dislike to good things than before. Nor need we despair if he is driven into greater sinthan ever. The ferocity of the temptation indicates the vigor with which Satan contends for any one of his black sheep.

Satan will not lose his subjects if he can help it and so he drives forth all his strength to keep them under his power. Andhe is especially vigilant and furious when the power of Grace is about to prevail for their salvation. I will not, however,dwell upon this point, because it is to be the subject of our discourse. The general fact is further illustrated in the casesof many Believers. There are times when, in the Believer's heart, the battle rages horribly; when he hardly knows whetherhe is a child of God at all and is ready to give up all hope. He is so distracted he cannot pray or praise. He cannot readthe Scriptures without horrible thoughts. It seems as if he must utterly perish-no space is given him in which to refreshhis heart-the attacks are constant and violent. But such dreadful excitements are often followed by years of peace, quietusefulness, holiness and communion with God!

Satan knows that God is about to set a limit to his vexations of the good man and so he rages extremely because his opportunityis short. It is very remarkable that some of the greatest of the saints have died in the midst of the most fearful conflictsfor the same reason-the dog howled at them because he knew that they would soon be out of his reach. You would not supposethat Martin Luther, a man so brave and strong that he could defy the Pope and the devil, should, on his dying bed, be woefullyput to it-and yet it was so-his worst struggle was the closing one. He was more than a conqueror, but the fight was severe,as if the devil, that old coward, waited until he had his antagonist down! Waited until he was weak and feeble and then leapedupon him to worry if he could not devour him. Truly Luther had worried the devil and we do not wonder at the malice of thefiend. Satan knew that Luther would soon be out of the reach of his fiery arrows forever and, therefore, he had to have alast shot at him.

It was precisely the case with John Knox who, being observed to sigh deeply, was asked the cause of it and replied, "I haveformerly, during my frail life, sustained many tests and many assaults of Satan. But at present he has assailed me most fearfullyand put forth all his strength to devour and make an end of me at once. Often before has he placed my sins before my eyes.Often he has tempted me to despair. He has often endeavored to ensnare me by the allurements of the world, but these weaponswere broken by the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. Now he has attacked me in another way-the cunning serpent has laboredto persuade me that I have merited Heaven and eternal blessedness by the faithful discharge of my ministry.

"But, blessed be God who has enabled me to beat down and quench this fiery dart by suggesting to me such passages of Scriptureas these-'What have you that you have not received?' 'By the Grace of God I am what I am: not I, but the Grace of God in me.'Upon this, as one vanquished, he left me. And I give thanks to my God through Jesus Christ, who has been pleased to give methe victory. And I am persuaded that the tempter shall not again attack me, but, within a short time, I shall, without anygreat pain of body or anguish of mind, exchange this mortal and miserable life for a blessed immortality through Jesus Christ."

Do you wonder that the devil was eager to have another knock at one who had given so many knocks to his dominion? Do not,therefore, be at all surprised if Satan rages against you! Do not marvel if you should seem to be given into his power, butrather rejoice in this, that his great wrath is the token of the shortness of his time! He wages war with us all the morecruelly because he knows that he will ultimately be defeated! His degraded mind delights in petty malice-if he cannot destroy,he will disturb-if he cannot kill, he will wound. Subtle as he is, he acts right foolishly in pursuing a hopeless object.In his war against any one of the Seed of the woman, he knows that he is doomed to defeat and yet he gnaws at the heel whichbreaks his head!

It is the doom of evil to persevere in its spite after it knows that it is all in vain-to be forever vanquished by the invincibleSeed of the living God-and yet forever to return to the fray! He is forever rolling upward, a huge stone which returns uponhim! This is a true picture of the devil vainly laboring to remove the Truth of God out of its place. His is, indeed, "laborin vain."

I thought this morning that I would call attention to one particular instance which is seen in the soul that is coming toChrist, in whom Satan often has great wrath knowing that his time is short. My objective is to comfort those who are awakenedand are seeking the Savior. If they are sorely beset, I long that they may find peace, rest and hope very speedily. When thepoor man who was possessed with an evil spirit was being brought to Christ, we read that, "as he was a coming, the devil threwhim down and tore him." That is the way with the great enemy-when he is about to be cast out, his energy is more displayedthan ever-that if possible he may destroy the soul before it has obtained peace with God. May the sacred Comforter help mewhile I try to speak encouragingly upon this subject.

I. Our first head shall be, How DOES SATAN KNOW WHEN HIS TIME IS SHORT IN A SOUL? He watches over

all souls that are under his power with incessant maliciousness. He goes about the camp like a sentinel, spying out everyman who is likely to be a deserter from his army. In some men's hearts he dwells at ease, like a monarch in his pavilion-their minds are his favorite mansions-he goes in and out whenever he pleases and he makes himself wonderfully much at home.He counts the man's nature to be his own inheritance and he works within him after his own evil pleasure.

Alas, the deceived man yields his members as instruments of unrighteousness and is willingly held in thralldom. In such acase all the man's faculties are so many chambers for Satan to dwell in and his emotions are so many fires and forges forSatan to work with. But, by-and-by, if Divine Grace interposes, there comes a change and Satan, who has lived there 20, 30,40, 50, 60 years, begins to think that he shall not be able to keep this residence of his much longer. He perceives that histime is short and, I suppose, he perceives it first by discovering that he is not quite so welcome as he used to be.

The man loved sin and found pleasure in it, but now sin is not so sweet as it was, its flavor is dull and insipid. The charmsof vice are fading and its pleasures are growing empty, vain and void-and this is a token of a great change. Once, whenevera pilgrim sin came that way, the soul kept open house to entertain it with all hospitality, but now it is not half so eager.Even the home-dwelling habitual lusts do not yield so much content as before and neither is so much provision made for them.The black prince and his court are out of favor and this is an intimation that he must soon be

gone. When sin loses its sweetness, Satan is losing his power. The adversary perceives that he must soon stretch his dragonwings when he sees that the heart is growing weary of him and is breaking away from his fascinations.

He grows surer of his speedy ejectment when he does not get the accommodation he used to have. The man was once eager forsin. He went in the pursuit of vice, hunted after it and put himself in the way of temptation. Satan reigned securely, then,but now he begins to forsake the haunts where sin walks openly and he abandons the cups of excitement which inflame the soul.You find him going to a place of worship, listening to a sermon, whereas before he frequented the theater and enjoyed a loosesong at a music hall. The devil does not like this change and takes it as a warning that he will soon have to give up thekey. The man does not drink as once he did, nor swear as once he did. Nor does he yield himself up with readiness to everytemptation. The fish is getting shy of the bait!

The awakened man has not decided for Christ, but he is no longer at ease in bondage, no longer the glad slave of iniquity.He is on the wrong road, but he does not run in it. On the contrary, he pauses, he heaves a sigh and wishes he could leavethe evil road. He wishes he knew how to leap a hedge and get into the narrow way. Satan marks all this and he says to himself,"There is not the preparation made for me that there used to be. There is little readiness to run on my errands and thereforeI perceive that my time is short."

He is still more convinced of the shortness of his possession of a man's heart when he hears a hand, whose power he has felt,knocking at that heart's door. He knows the kind of knock it is-a gentle, but an irresistible knocking upon the heart. Continual,perpetual, persevering-the knock of One who means to enter! The knock as of one that has a hole in his hand. He knocks notas one whose power lies in a blow, but as one whose tears and love are his battery of attack. He has an energy of compassion,an irresistibleness of gentle love and as Satan hears the knock and perceives that the tenant of the house hears it, too,and is half inclined to open the door, he is afraid. When the heart relents at the sound of the Gospel summons, he tremblesmore. If the knocking still continues, waking up the tenant in the dead of night, a sound heard amid the noise of trafficand above the laughter of fools, he says, "My time is short."

He knows the hand, which broke his head of old, and its knocking is ominous to him. He knows that in the gentleness of Jesusthere is an irresistible energy which must and will prevail and he, therefore, counts that his possession of the tenementis precarious when the Gospel is felt upon the heart. Between the knocks he hears a voice that says, "Open to Me! Open toMe, for My head is wet with dew and My locks with the drops of the night!" And Satan knows that this pleading Voice bodesthe downfall of his power.

Another indication to the enemy that his time is short is when he knows that the tenant of the house steals away, sometimes,to court and asks for a guarantee of ejectment against him. You know what I mean-when the man feels that he cannot, himself,get rid of sin and cannot, in his own strength, conquer Satan and, therefore, cries, "O God help me! O God, for Christ's sake,drive out the old dragon from my soul, I beseech You." This is asking for a guarantee of ejectment! This is going to the courtof Heaven and pleading with the great King to issue a summons and send His officer to throw out the intruder, that he mayno longer pollute the spirit.

"Ah," says the Evil One, "this is not the place for me much longer. Behold he prays!" More fierce than the flames of Hellto Satan are the prayers of convicted sinners! When they pray, he must be gone. He must cry "boot and saddle" when men soundthe trumpet of prayer! There is no tarrying in the camp any longer when the advance guard of prayer has come to take possession!One thing more always makes Satan know that his time is short and that is when the Holy Spirit's power is evidently at workwithin the mind. Light has come in and the sinner sees and knows what he was ignorant of before. Satan hates the light asmuch as he loves darkness and, like an owl in the daylight, he feels that he is out of place.

Life comes in, too, by the Holy Spirit. The man feels! He becomes sensitive! He becomes penitent! And Satan, who loves deathand always abides among the tombs, is bound to flee before spiritual life! The Holy Spirit is beginning to work upon the manvery graciously and Satan knows every throb of the Spirit's power, for it is the death of his power and so he says, "I willgo to the place from where I came out, for this house trembles as if it were shaken with earthquakes and affords me no rest."Joyful tidings for a heart long molested by this fierce fiend! Away, you enemy, your destruction shall soon come to a perpetualend!

II. This brings me, secondly, to notice that, inasmuch as the shortness of his tenure excites the rage of Satan, we must nextobserve HOW HE DISPLAYS HIS GREAT WRATH. His fury rages differently in different persons. On some he

displays his great wrath by stirring up outward persecution. The man is not a Christian yet. He is not actually convertedyet, but Satan is so afraid that he will be saved that he sets all his dogs upon him. The poor soul goes into the workshopand though he would give his eyes if he could say, "I am a Christian," he cannot quite say so-and yet his workmates beginto pounce upon him as much as if he were, in very deed, one of the hated followers of Jesus!

They scoff at him because he is serious and sober; because he is beginning to think and to be decent; because he begins tolisten to the Gospel and to care for the best things. Before the Man-Child was born, the dragon was longing to devour Him!Before the man gets to be a Christian, the Prince of the power of the air labors, if possible, to destroy him. The devil willlose nothing through being behind. He begins as soon as ever Grace begins!

Now, if the Grace of God is not in the awakened man and his reformation is only a spasm of remorse, it is very likely thathe will be driven back from all attendance upon the means of Grace by the ribald remarks of the ungodly. But if the Lord JesusChrist has really been knocking at his door and the Spirit of God has begun to work, this opposition will not answer its purpose.The Lord will find wings for this poor soul, that he may flee away from the trial which, as yet, he is not able to bear. Ihave sometimes known such opposition even tend to undo Satan's work and answer quite the opposite purpose.

I know one who was much troubled about the Truth of Scripture and about the doctrines of the Gospel although he was a sinceresearcher into the Truths of God. He commenced to attend this house of prayer and to listen to the Gospel, rather as an enquirerthan as a Believer. As yet he could not say that he was a Christian, though he half wished he could. Now, it came to passthat the opposition which he immediately received from the world strengthened his faith in the Bible and became a sort ofmissing link between him and the Truth of God. The sneers of his friends acted in this way. He said to himself, "Why shouldthey all attack me on the bare supposition of my being a Christian? If I had been a Muslim or a Jew, they would have regardedme with curiosity and left me alone. But inasmuch as they only suspect me of becoming a Christian, they are all down uponme with contempt and anger. Now (said he), why is this? Is not this a proof that I am right and that the Word of God is right,for did it not say that there should be enmity between the seed of the serpent and the Seed of the woman?"

The devil did not know what he was doing when he opposed that young man and made a Believer of him by that which was meantto drive him into unbelief! If the men of this world oppose the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ more fiercely than any other,surely it must be that there is something special in it! There must be something opposed to their sinful ways or to theirproud hopes-something which is of God! That was the inference which my young friend drew from the treatment he received andthat inference established him in the faith! Thus, you see, Satan often hopes to save his dominion when his time is shortby vehement persecution against the awakened sinner.

Much worse, however, is his other method of showing his wrath, namely, by vomiting floods out of his mouth to drown, if possible,our newborn hope. When the hopeful hearer as yet has not really found peace and rest, it will sometimes happen that Satanwill try him with doubts, blasphemies and temptations such as he never knew before. The tempted one has been amazed and hassaid to himself, "How is this? Can my desire after Christ be the work of God? I get worse and worse! I never felt so wickedas this till I began to seek a Savior." Yet this is no strange thing, fiery though the trial is. Satan will suggest all thedoubts he can upon the Inspiration of Scripture, the existence of God, the Deity of Christ and everything else that is revealedtill the poor heart that is earnestly longing for salvation will scarcely know whether there is anything true at all!

The man will be so tumbled up and down in his thoughts that he will hardly know whether he is on his head or his heels. "Theyreel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits' end." The more they read the Bible; the more theyattend the means of Grace, the more are they tempted to be skeptical and atheistic! Doubts they never knew, before, will tormentthem even while they strive to be devout. The evil tenant has notice to quit and he makes up his mind to do all the damagewithin his power while he is yet within the doors. See how he breaks up precious Truths of God and dashes down the richesthopes-and all with the detestable design of venting his spite upon the poor soul!

At such time, also, Satan will often arouse all the worst passions of our nature and drive them into unknown riot. The awakenedsinner will be astonished as he finds himself beset with temptations more base and foul than he has ever felt before! He willresist and strive against the assault, but it may be so violent as to stagger him. He can scarcely believe that the fleshis so utterly corrupt. The man who is anxiously seeking to go to Heaven seems, at such a time, as if he were

dragged down by seven strong demons to the eternal deeps of Hell! He feels as if he had never known sin before, nor been socompletely beneath its power! The Satanic troopers sleep as a quiet garrison while the man is under the spell of sin, butwhen once the heart is likely to be captured by Immanuel's love, the infernal soldiery put on their worst manner and trampledown all the thoughts and desires of the soul!

Satan may also attack the seeker in another form, with fierce accusations and judgments. He does not accuse some men, forhe is quite sure of them and they are his very good friends. But when a man is likely to be lost to him, he alters his toneand threatens and condemns. He cries, "What, you saved? It is impossible! You know what you used to be. Think of your pastlife!" Then he rakes up a very Hell before the man's eyes. "You!" he says, "why even since you have pretended to be a littlebetter and have begun to attend the means of Grace, you know you have looked back with a longing eye and hungered for yourold pleasures! It is quite out of the question that you should be a servant of Christ! He will not have such a scarecrow asyou in His house! The great Captain will never march at the head of a regiment which is disgraced by receiving such as you."

Bunyan describes Apollyon as standing across the road and swearing by his infernal den that the pilgrim should go no furtheror there he would spill his soul. Then he began to fling at him all manner of fiery darts and among them was this one, "Youdid faint at first setting out, when you were almost choked in the gulf of Despond. You were almost persuaded to go back atthe sight of the Lions. You have already been false to your new Lord!" Think for a moment of the devil chiding us for sin!Oh, that the poor burdened soul could laugh at this hypocritical accuser, for he hates to be despised and yet he right welldeserves it! Laugh at him, O virgin daughter of Zion, for this great wrath of his is because his time is short! Who is hethat he should bring an accusation against us? Let him mind himself-he has enough to answer for! When he turns an accuser,it is enough to make the child of God laugh him to scorn. Yet it is not easy to laugh when you are in this predicament, forthe heart is ready to break with anguish!

Once more. Satan at such times has been known to pour into the poor troubled mind floods of blasphemy. I do not remember,as a child, having heard blasphemy. Carefully brought up and kept out of harm's way, I think it could only have been onceor twice that I ever heard profane language. And yet, when I was seeking the Lord, I distinctly remember the spot where themost hideous blasphemies that ever passed the human mind rushed through my mind! I clapped my hands to my mouth for fear Ishould utter one of them! They were none of my inventing, neither had I revived them from my memory-they were the immediatesuggestions of Satan himself, who was determined, if possible, to drive me to despair!

Read the story of John Bunyan's five years of torture under this particular misery and you will see how Satan would say tohim, "Sell Christ! Sell Christ! Give up Christ," and as he went about his daily business, he would have it ringing in hisears, "Sell Christ! Sell Christ!" When at last, in a moment of worry, he thought he said, "Let Him go if He will," then camethe accusation, "Now it is all over with you! Jesus will have nothing to do with you! You have given Him up! You are a Judas,you have sold your Lord!" Then when the poor man sought the Lord with tears and found peace, again, some other dreadful insinuationwould dog his heels. John Bunyan was too precious a servant of the devil for him to lose him easily. And the enemy had, perhaps,some idea of what kind of servant of God the converted tinker would become- and what sort of dreams would charm the heartsof many generations-and so he would not let him go without summoning all the tribes of Hell to wreak their vengeance on himif they could not detain him in their service. Yet Bunyan escaped and so will others in like cases.

Oh, bond slave of the devil, may you have Grace to steal away to Jesus! Hasten away from Satan's power at once, for otherwisehe will, as long as he has any opportunity, manifest his great wrath towards you.

III. Thirdly and briefly, let us think HOW ARE WE TO MEET ALL THIS? How must Satan be dealt with while he

is showing his great wrath because his power is short? I should say, first, if he is putting himself in this rage, let usget him out all the more quickly. If he would remain quiet, even then we ought to be anxious to be rid of his foul company.But if he shows this great rage, let us out with him straight away. In God's name let the dragon be smitten if he must beraving! If there is any opportunity of getting him out, back door or front door, straight away do not let us loiter or lingereven for a single hour-a devil raging, making us blaspheme and then accusing us-tempting us and betraying us, is such a dangerousoccupant of a heart that he is not to be borne with! Out he must go and out at once. Better have a den of lions dwelling inour house than the devil within our heart.

Lord, turn him out at once by Your Grace. We decide, once and for all, to wage war with him! We will linger no longer. Wedare not! We will procrastinate no more, it is more than our lives are worth. No, not tomorrow, but today out must the tyrantgo! No, not after we leave this Tabernacle, but here, in this very pew, O Lord, drive the old dragon from his throne withall his hellish crew! That is the first advice I give you-let the enemy be cast out at once by Divine Grace. And the nextthing is, inasmuch as we cannot get him out by our own unaided efforts, let us cry to the Strong for strength, who can driveout this Prince of the power of the air. There is life in a look at Jesus Christ and as soon as that life comes, away goesthis Prince of Darkness as to his domination and reigning power!

Oh, Soul, there is nothing left for you but to look to Jesus Christ alone! Worried as you are and almost devoured, now isyour time to put your trust in Jesus who is mighty to save! You know the text which speaks of the shepherds taking out ofthe lion's mouth two legs and a piece of an ear? The sheep was almost devoured, but still the shepherd pulled out from betweenthe lion's jaws the last relics of his prey. And if you seem to be reduced to two legs and a piece of an ear, still our gloriousShepherd can pull you out from between the lion's teeth and make you whole again, for He will not lose His sheep even at itslast extremity!

What can you do against Satan? You would gladly be rid of him-what can you do? Do nothing but this-cry to his Master againsthim! Satan is mighty-set the Almighty One upon him! He accuses you-refer him to your Advocate! He brings your sin before you-throwthe blood of Atonement in his face! Here is a text that will drive him down to his den-"The blood of Jesus Christ His Soncleanses us from all sin." And, "This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Jesus Christ came into the worldto save sinners, of whom I am chief." Have done with battling with the wily foe! Do not answer the old deceiver! If he tellsyou, you are a blasphemer, admit it! If he says you are utterly lost, admit it-and then cast yourself at Jesus' feet and HEwill overcome your foe and set you free!

One more comfort for you and it is this-the more Satan rages, the more must your poor, troubled heart be encouraged to believethat he will soon be gone. I venture to say that nothing will make him go sooner than your full belief that he has to go.Courageous hope is a weapon which he dreads. Tell him he must soon be gone. He has been accusing you and pouring venom intoyour ears and making you believe that it is your own blasphemy, whereas it is not yours, but his. Say to him, "Ah, but youwill be gone soon. You may rage, but you will have to be gone."

"I have full possession of you," he says, "soul and body, and I triumph over you." Say to him, "And would you triumph overme as you do if you did not know that you will soon be driven out?" "Ah," says he, "you will be lost, you will be lost." Hehowls at you as if ready to devour. Say to him, "If I was sure to be lost, you would not tell me so, you would sing sweetsongs in my ears and lure me to destruction-you have to go, you know you have to." "Oh," says he, "it is impossible you shouldbe saved! You will be damned. You will have the hottest place in Hell." "Yes," reply to him, "but who sent you to tell methat? You never spoke the truth yet! You are a liar from the beginning and you are only saying this because you have to go!You know you have to go."

Tell him so and it is not long before he will depart. Say, "Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; though I fall, yet shall I riseagain." Tell him you know his Master. Tell him he may nibble at your heel, but you recollect one that broke his head. Pointto his broken head he always tries to hide if he can. Tell him his crown is battered to pieces and tell him where that deedwas done and by whose blessed hand! And as you tell him these things, he will shrink back and you shall find yourself alonewith Jesus! Then will Jesus say to you, "Where is your accuser?" You will look around and the enemy will be gone. And thenyour blessed Master will say, "Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more."

The Lord grant us to get such a riddance of our archenemy and to get it this very moment for Christ's dear sake. Amen.