Sermon 1453. Eternal Faithfulness Unaffected By Human Unbelief

(No. 1453)




"If we believe not, yet He abides faithful: He cannot deny Himself." 2 Timothy 2:13.

THIS is one of the five faithful sayings which the Apostle mentions. All those faithful sayings are weighty and important.I suppose that they may have come into the possession of the Church by having been uttered by some of those Prophets who wereraised up to cherish the infancy of the Church, such as Agabus and the daughters of Philip and others. These may have beensome of their more remarkable sayings which laid hold upon the minds of good men; were quoted by the preachers and teachersand so became current throughout the Church. Such golden sayings were minted into proverbs and passed from hand to hand, enrichingall who received them. To the saints they became "familiar in their mouths as household words" and were specially named faithfulor true sayings.

No doubt the Apostle Paul gave his endorsement to many of these holy proverbs, but five of them he has encased in the amberof Inspiration and handed down for our special note. Perhaps it may interest you to notice them as they occur. The first one,probably the best one, is in the First Epistle of Timothy, first chapter, and the 15th verse, "This is a faithful saying,and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief." I can suppose thatthe good news was frequently conveyed by humble-minded Christians to the outside world in that short and compact form-"JesusChrist came into the world to save sinners,''" so that it was commonly known to be a saying among Christians. It was the wayin which those who could not preach a sermon and, perhaps, could scarcely compose a sentence for themselves, learned the pithand marrow of the Gospel and had it in a concise and simple form for instructing others. Converts were in the habit of tellingthis to their heathen friends and acquaintances wherever they went, that they might know what Jesus Christ had come to doand might be led to believe on His name.

The next faithful or true saying is in the First Epistle of Timothy, the third chapter and the first verse. "This is a truesaying , If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desires a good work." Any man who desires to oversee the Church of Godand to be in the midst of the people as a shepherd, desires a good work. He will bring himself great anxiety, labor and travail,but the work is honorable and has so large a spiritual reward that a man is wise to choose it and to give his whole life toit. Another of these faithful sayings will be found in the First Epistle of Timothy, the fourth chapter, and the eighth verse,for so the words run, "For bodily exercise profits a little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise ofthe life that now is and of that which is to come. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation. For thereforewe both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, specially of those thatbelieve."

Godliness has the profit of this life and the next and, therefore, godly men are content to suffer, because they expect andreceive an abundant blessing as the result thereof at the hand of God. Such a proverb as this was greatly needed in persecutingtimes and it is still valuable in these greedy days when men find godliness a hindrance to their hasty snatching at wealthand, therefore, turn aside unto ways of dishonesty and falsehood. The next is the one which constitutes our text. We willnot, therefore, read it again till we come to handle it. But the fifth is in Titus, the third chapter, and the eighth verse-"Thisis a faithful saying, and these things I will that you affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be carefulto maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men." That those who believe in Jesus should manifest theholy character of their faith by their lives is another one of these faithful sayings which comes with all the greater forcefrom Paul because he, above all men, was free from any suspicion of legality, or the putting of human merit into the placeof the Grace of God which is received by faith.

And now, coming to the faithful saying before us, it may not strike you at first, but scholarly men have observed that the11th , 12th and 13th verses assume the form of a hymn. The Hebrew hymns were written in parallelisms, not, of course, in rhymes,and these three verses are thought to have been one of the oldest of Christian hymns-

"It is a faithful saying: For if we are dead with Him,

We shall also live with Him: If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him: If we deny Him, He also will deny us: If we believenot, yet He abides faithful: He cannot deny Himself."

This is a miniature Psalm-one of those Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with which the saints of God were known to edifyone another. I am sure this last part of this brief hymn is well worthy to be regarded as a faithful saying among ourselves.Brethren, we may often mention it. We may frequently quote it. We may roll it under our tongue as a sweet morsel. We may passit from one to another as a classic saying of Christian wisdom-"If we believe not, yet He abides faithful: He cannot denyHimself."

In handling it at this time I would divide it into two folded parts. The first double portion is, the sad possibility, withthe consoling assurance. "If we believe not"-sad possibility, "yet He abides faithful"-consoling assurance. The second partof our subject is the glorious impossibility and the sweet inference that we may draw from it. The glorious impossibilityis-"He cannot deny Himself and the inference we draw from it is the obverse or converse of our text-If we believe, He abidesfaithful: He cannot deny Himself.

I. To begin, then, with THE SAD POSSIBILITY AND THE CONSOLING ASSURANCE-If we believe not, yet He abides faithful." I musttake the sad possibility first-"if we believe not," and I shall read this expression as though, first of all, it concernedthe world in general, for I think it may so be fairly read. If we believe not-if mankind believes not, if the race believesnot, if the various classes of men believe not-yet He abides faithful. The rulers believe not and there are some that makethis a very great point. They said concerning Jesus, "Have any of the rulers believed on Him?"

If Lord So-and-So hears the preacher, there must be something in what he says. Englishmen are wonderfully impressed with thejudgment of a duke or an earl and even with that of titled folk of lower degree. If any of the rulers believe in Him, whoamong worshippers of rank would raise a question? Is it published under authority? Do the great ones subscribe to it? "Oh,then," says one, "it must be good and it must be true." Now, I venture to say that all history proves that the Truth of Godhas very seldom been accepted by the rulers of this world and, for the most part, the poorest of the poor have been more ableto perceive the Truth than the greatest of the great have ever been!

There would have been no Christianity in the world at the present moment if it had not found a shelter in workshops and incottages. It has flourished among the despised poor when it has been condemned by the great ones of the earth. Well, Sirs,if we believe not-that is, if our greatest men, if our senators and magistrates, princes and potentates, believe not-it doesnot affect the Truth of God in the smallest conceivable degree-"yet He abides faithful." Many, however, think it more importantto know on which side the leaders of thought are enlisted and there are certain persons who are not elected to that particularoffice by popular vote, who, nevertheless, take it upon themselves to consider that they are dictators in the republic ofopinion.

They are advanced men and far ahead of the old school of Divines. Some of us think that they are advancing in the directionof going backwards and that they are putting ignorant guess-work into the room of proved doctrine and solid, experimental,Scriptural teaching. Still, as in their own opinion they are our superiors and pioneer the way of progress, we will, for amoment, think of them as such. Now, in our Lord's day the advanced thinkers were not on His side at all- they were all againstHim-and after He had departed, the greatest peril of the Church of God arose from the advanced thought of the period. TheGnostics and other Grecian thinkers came forward and threw their philosophical mud into the pure stream of the Gospel tillthere was no plain statement which was not rendered mythical, mystical, confused, or clouded, so that only the initiated couldpossibly understand it.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ was meant to be the most plain Truth that ever shone upon the sons of men. It was meant to be legiblein its own light by the young, the unlearned and the simple. But the advanced thinkers took the Gospel and twisted it, coloredit, adorned it and bedaubed it till by the time it came through their various processes you would not have known it to bethe same thing at all! And, in fact, Paul said that it was not the same thing, for he called it, "another gospel," and thenhe corrected himself and said it was not another-"But there are some," he said, "that trouble you."

However, we need not care because of these wise men, for if they believe not, but becloud the Gospel, yet God abides


If over there in the groves where Socrates and Plato gathered disciples by their philosophy; if over there, I say, there shouldnot be found a single philosopher who believes in God, so much the worse for the philosophers! It does not affect the Gospelor our faith in it-if they believe not, He abides faithful! If Paul at the Areopagus gets no sympathy except from two or threeand, in fact, they have only asked him there to "hear what this babbler says" and though they all, as they go home, say thatPaul is beside himself and mad-and a setter forth of strange gods-yet Paul is right and the Lord abides faithful! Yes, andI venture to enlarge this thought a little more. If the rulers do not believe and if the philosophical minds do not believe-andif, in addition to this, public opinion, so called, rejects it-yet the Gospel is still the same eternal Truth of God.

Public opinion is not the test and gauge of the Truth of God, for public opinion has continually altered and it will continueto alter. The aggregate thinking of fallible men is less than nothing when set against the one solitary mind of God, who isInfallible, as He reveals it to us by the Holy Spirit in the Words of Truth in the Scriptures. But some think that the oldGospel cannot be right because, you see, everybody says that it is out of date and wrong. That is one reason for being themore sure that it is right, for the world lies in the Wicked One and its judgment is under his sway. What are multitudes whenthey are all under the influence of the Father of Lies?

The greatest majority in the world is a minority of one when that man is on God's side. Count heads, do you? Well, count bythe millions if you like, but I shall rather weigh, than count-and if I speak the Truth of God-I have more weight on my sidethan can be found in a million who believe not! I wish we all partook of the spirit of Athanasius when he said, defendingthe Deity of his great Master, "I, Athanasius, against the world." You must learn to stand alone! When you know that you havea grip on revealed Truth, you may not set all the judgments of men in comparison with the eternal and Infallible judgmentof the mighty God! No, though we believe not, that is, the mass of us and nations of us, "yet He abides faithful: He cannotdeny Himself."

I want to ask your thoughtful attention to one consideration here. Have you not often heard it said that ministers ought tobe abreast of the times; that theology should be always toned and varied so as to suit the advanced thought of the wonderfulperiod in which we live? And as this is a time when infidelity appears to be in the very air, we are told that we ought tosympathize with it very earnestly and heartily, for it is a form of struggling for the Light which we ought to encourage.Now, this is another sort of talk from what I hear from the Apostle Paul. He has no sympathy with it! He put his foot on it."Let God be true and every man a liar"-that is the style in which he speaks! As to going in to study the philosophies in orderto tune the Gospel to their note, he says, "I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and Him crucified."

When he finds that this style of doctrine does not please the Jew and that it is a stumbling block to him and that it doesnot please the Greek, but makes him sneer and call it foolishness, does the Apostle, therefore, say, "Come here, dear JewishFriend. I have a way of putting this which will show you that I do not quite mean what you thought I did. I used the word,"Cross," in a certain sense not at all objectionable to Judaism"? Does he gently whisper, "Come to me, my learned Greek Friendand I will show you that your philosophers and I mean the same thing"? Not a bit! No, he stands fast and firm to Christ crucifiedand salvation by His blood, as, by God's Grace, I trust we are resolved to do. Though we believe not-that is, though the wholeworld believe not-yet God's Gospel is not to be altered to suit human whims and fancies, but in all its forms, in all itsDivine authority, unpaved, uncut, worked out as a whole, it is still to be proclaimed, for, "He abides faithful: He cannotdeny Himself."

Now, having spoken of our text as referring to the world in general, it is, perhaps, a more sorrowful business to look atit as referring to the visible Church in particular. The Apostle says, "Though we believe not," and surely he must mean thevisible Church of God. And does the Church of God ever fall into such a state that we may say of it, "It believes not"? Yes,the visible Church has many and many a time fearfully turned aside. Go back for a type of it to the wilderness. The childrenof Israel were brought up out of Egypt with a high hand and an outstretched arm. They were fed in the wilderness with angels'food and made to drink of water from the Rock-but they were continually doubting their


"Now they believe His word

While rocks with rivers flow. But soon with sin they grieve the Lord, And judgments lay them low."

And what happened? Did God depart from His purpose to give the land that flowed with milk and honey to the seed of Abraham?Did He break up the Covenant and grow weary of it? No-Abraham's seed inherited the land and they dwelt therein, every manunder his own vine and fig tree. Though the visible people of God rejected Him full often, so that for their unbelief theydied in the wilderness, yet He remained faithful-He did not, He could not deny Himself. Well, now, it comes to pass, sometimes,according to this type, that the visible Church of God apostatizes from the Truth of God. The Doctrines of Grace, the Truthsof the Gospel are obscured, beclouded, scarcely preached-preached with gaudy words or hid behind ceremonies and rites andall sorts of things.

And what happens? Are the foundation Truths removed? Is the eternal verity reversed? Has God recalled His promises? Oh no!"He abides faithful: He cannot deny Himself." Alas, the Church of God seems to lose, sometimes, her faith in prayer! Her pleadingassemblies become scarce. Her prayer for men's conversion is scarcely raised. Few come together to supplicate the Lord andbesiege the Mercy Seat. But what then? Does God change? Does He forsake His cause? Oh, no: "He abides faithful: He cannotdeny Himself." At such times the Church almost loses her faith in the Holy Spirit and looks upon preaching as, perhaps, anecessary evil to be borne with-not as the vehicle by which the Holy Spirit saves men. They have small confidence in God'sWord that, "By the foolishness of preaching" He will "save them that believe."

They do not expect the kingdom of Christ to be predominant, but they say, "Since the fathers fell asleep what long ages havedragged along and what slow progress Christianity has made! It is a hopeless cause. Let us be content to let the heathen worldalone." At such time they lose all heart and all faith in God! Have we not seen large portions of the visible Church of Goddecline into such a state as this till we have been ready to ask with our Master, "When the Son of Man comes, shall He findfaith on the earth?" But, what then, my Brothers and Sisters? Suppose we should live to see a degenerate Church everywhere?Suppose it should become like Laodicea, till the Lord should seem to spew the visible Church out of His mouth because shehas become neither hot nor cold?

Suppose He should say of the professing Church of today as He did of Shiloh of old-"Go now to Shiloh where My place was atthe first and see if there is one stone left upon another that is not cast down"? He took the candlestick away from Rome andHe may take that candlestick away from other Churches, too. But would that prove that God was unfaithful, or that He had deniedHimself? No, Beloved, no! His faithfulness would then be seen in the judgment with which He would visit an unfaithful Church.Yes, and it is seen today. You shall see a Church which does not believe in the simple Gospel grow few and feeble. Accordingas the Churches cease to be evangelical, they are diminished and brought low. A Church that neglects prayer becomes disunited,scattered, lethargic, all but dead.

A Church that has no faith in the Holy Spirit may carry on her ordinances, but it will be with barren formality and withoutpower from on high-all of which proves the faithfulness of Him who said, "If you walk contrary to Me, I will walk contraryto you." If they cast away from them that which is their strength, it is but faithfulness on God's part that they should becomeweak. All the history of the Church, if you read it, from the days of Christ till now, will go to show that He deals withHis Church in such a way as to make her see that He is faithful, whatever she may be. He will help her when she turns to Him.He will bless her when she trusts Him. He will crown her when she exalts Him. But He will bring her low and chasten her whenshe turns, in any measure, aside from the simplicity of her faith. Thus does He prove that He is still faithful.

Once more, my Brethren, I will read the text in a somewhat narrower circle. "If we believe not"-that is to say, if the choicestteachers, preachers and writers believe not, yet He abides faithful. One of the most shocking trials to young Christians isthe fall of an eminent teacher. I have known some that have been almost ready to give up their faith when someone who appearedto be very earnest and faithful has suddenly apostatized. Such things have happened in our memory, to our intense grief andI want, therefore, to put it very, very plainly. If it should come to pass that anyone whom you revere as having been blestto your soul-whom because you have received from him the Word of Life-if such a one upon whom you may, perhaps, have learnedmuch, should, in the future, turn out not to be true and faithful and should not believe, do not follow his unbelief, for"if we believe not, yet He abides faithful: He cannot deny Himself."

Peter denies his Master-do not follow Peter when he is doing that, for he will have to come back weeping and you will hearhim preaching his Master again. Worse still, Judas sells his Master-do not follow Judas, for Judas will die a wretched deathand his destruction shall be a warning to others to cling more closely to the King. You may see the man who stood like a cedarin Lebanon fall by one stroke of the devil's axe, but do not, therefore, think that the trees of the Lord, which are fullof sap, will fall, too. He will keep His own, for He knows them that are His.

Pin not your faith to any man's sleeve. Let not your confidence rest on any arm of flesh, neither say, "I believe becauseof the testimony of such a one and I hold to the form of sound words because my minister has held it," for all such propsmay be pulled away and all of a sudden may fail you! Let me put this very, very plainly. If we believe not-if those that seemto be the choice teachers of the age, the most successful evangelists of the period-if those who seem to stand the highestin the esteem of God's people, should, in an evil hour, forsake the eternal verities and begin to preach to you some othergospel which is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I beseech you follow us not, whoever we may be or whatever we may be!

Suffer no teachers, however great they may be, to lead you to doubt, for God abides faithful! Keep to the revealed will andmind of God-for "He cannot deny Himself." Here, then, is the fearful possibility and side by side with it rims this most blessedlyconsoling assurance-"He abides faithful." Jesus Christ abides-there are no shifts and changes in Him. He is a rock and nota quicksand! He is the Savior whether the rulers and the philosophers believe in Him or refuse Him; whether the Church andher ministers are true to Him or desert Him. He is the same Savior, God-Man, sitting supreme upon the Truth of God. "Why dothe heathens rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel togetheragainst the Lord and against His anointed? He that sits in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.Yet," says He, "have I set My king upon My holy hill of Zion."

They cannot affect the imperial throne of our immortal Lord! He is still "the blessed and only Potentate" and so He must be,let them say what they will! And as Christ remains the same Savior, so we have the same Gospel. They have improved upon it,they tell us! Well, well, I feel so satisfied with the Gospel as I get it from Paul and the Inspired Apostles that I wouldrather not have this improved gospel if they will allow me to keep to the old original. But so it is, like babies pleasedwith new toys, they cry their "modern thought" and culture and advanced ideas! He that has once tasted the old wines doesnot desire the new, because he says, "The old is better."

Our Savior and His Gospel abide the same! The Gospel of Paul, the Gospel of Augustine, the Gospel of Calvin, the Gospel ofWhitefield, the Gospel of any succession offaithful men you like to mention suffices us. He abides faithful! And as the Gospelis the same, so does Christ remain faithful to His engagements to His Father. He has promised to keep those whom the Fathergave Him and He will keep them even to the end. And when the sheep shall pass again under the hands of Him that counts them,He will say, "Of all whom You gave me I have lost none." "He abides faithful." To sinners all over the world He says thatif they come to Him, He will not cast them out and He is faithful to that. He graciously promises that "whoever calls uponthe name of the Lord shall be saved." And He will be faithful to that.

He is also faithful to His saints. He has promised to preserve them to His eternal kingdom and Glory and He will preservethem. He says, "I give unto My sheep eternal life and they shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out of My hands"-andHe has held them in His loving grasp and He will hold them even to the end! And all this, though all the unbelief in the worldshould rise against Him! He will stand to every Word He has spoken and carry out every promise He has declared, though allshould distrust and deny. "Yes and amen in Christ Jesus" are all the promises, henceforth and forever-and we shall find itso.

II. And now we have but a little time to spend upon the second very important part of our text, which is A


Himself." Three things God cannot do. He cannot die. He cannot lie. And He cannot be deceived. These three impossibilitiesdo not limit His power, but they magnify His majesty, for these would be infirmities, and infirmity can have no place in theInfinite and Ever-Blessed God. Here is one of the things impossible with God-"He cannot deny Himself." What is meant by that?

It is meant, first, that the Lord Jesus Christ cannot change as to His Nature and Character towards us, the sons of men, forif He were to change He could only change from one state to another-from a better to a worse or from a worse to a better.If from a better to a worse, that were to deny Himself, indeed, by ceasing to be as good as He is by Nature.

And if from a worse to a better, that were to deny Himself by proving that He was not, before, so good as He might have been!In no one point can Jesus Christ be changed, for He is "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever." If in any pointHe changed, He would, in that point, deny Himself. But He cannot do this, for being God He changes not.

His Word cannot alter. I want you to notice this, because His Word is so conspicuously Himself. His name shall be called theWord of God. Yes, He is Himself the Logos, the Eternal Word, and that Word cannot change. "The grass withers, and the flowerfalls away, but the Word of the Lord endures forever and this is the Word which by the Gospel is preached unto you." O servantof the Lord, the assurance which Paul and Peter gave, you may give! That same Word of mercy which those first messengers ofHeaven went forth to declare, you may declare, for it still stands the same! He cannot deny His Word since that Word is Himselfand He cannot deny Himself. He cannot, beloved Friends, withdraw the salvation which He has presented to the sons of men,for that salvation is, indeed, Himself.

Jesus is the salvation of Israel. If a sinner wants to know where salvation lies, we point him to the Christ of God. He isnot only a Savior, but He is Salvation itself! And His salvation cannot be changed, for if it were changed He would be Himselfchanged or denied and He cannot deny Himself. There is still the same pardon for the chief of sinners; still the same renewingfor the hardest hearts; still the same generous response to those who have strayed most; still the same adoption into thefamily for aliens and foreigners. His salvation, as Peter preached it at Pentecost, is the salvation which we preach to sinnerstoday. "He cannot deny Himself." And then the Atonement is still the same, for that, too, is Himself-He has, by Himself, purgedour sins.

He Himself is the Sacrifice. Well did the poet say-

"Dear dying Lamb, Your precious blood Shall never lose its power."

Because it is His blood, it must be unchanged in efficacy. He cleanses away our sins by Himself. His blood is His life andHe always lives. And since He always lives, He is "able to save to the uttermost them that come unto God by Him." Blessedbe His name, the atoning Sacrifice has not, even in the smallest degree, lost its efficacy! It is just as mighty as when itwashed the dying thief from the foulness of Hell into the purity of Heaven and carried him from the gallows to a throne! Oh,how blessed must its power be to have cleansed so foul a wretch and to have placed him with the Master Himself in Paradisethe same day! The Atonement cannot change, for that would involve that Jesus had denied Himself.

And the Mercy Seat, the place of prayer, still remains, for if that were altered He would have denied Himself, for what wasthe Mercy Seat, or propitiatory, but that golden lid upon the Covenant Ark? What was it but Christ Himself, who is our Propitiatory,the true Mercy Seat? You may always pray, Brothers and Sisters, for if prayer were denied its efficacy, God would have deniedHimself! This is His memorial, "The God that hears prayer," and if He does not hear prayer He has denied Himself and ceasedto be what He was. Jehovah will never so deny Himself as to become like Baal, a deaf God-to imagine it would be blasphemy!

And here is another sweet thought-Christ's love to His Church and His purpose towards her cannot change, because He cannotdeny Himself and His Church is Himself. I mean not that visible Church of which I spoke just now, which is a mixed multitude,but I mean that invisible Church, that spiritual people, that bride of Christ which no man sees, for she is prepared in darknessand curiously worked in the lowest parts of the earth-and her Lord Himself will never actually see her till she is perfected,even as Adam never saw Eve, but slept until the great God had finished His bride and presented her in all her matchless beautyto be His sister and spouse. The day comes when the Lord Jesus Christ shall thus receive His perfected bride-and meanwhileHe cannot change towards her, but His espousals shall be confirmed. She was taken out of His side when He lay in deep sleepof death and she is fashioned to be like He, so that when in joy He shall behold her, His joy and her joy shall be full. No,He will never, never deny her, for He cannot deny Himself. His plan of love shall be carried out and all His thoughts of Gracefulfilled.

Nor will any of His offices towards His Church and people ever fail. The Prophet shall be Prophet forever-"He cannot denyHimself." The Priest shall be a Priest forever after the order of Melchisedec and will never refuse to offer our prayers andpraises and to cleanse our souls, for He cannot deny Himself. The King will never cease to reign, or doff His crown, or laydown His scepter, for He cannot deny Himself. The Shepherd will forever keep the flock. The Friend will

eternally stick closer than a brother. The Husband will still love His spouse. All that He is in relation to His people shallcontinue and abide, for He abides faithful. "He cannot deny Himself."

Now, my last word is about an inference. The text says, "If we believe, not, yet He abides faithful." It runs on that supposition.Now, Brethren, take the other supposition-suppose we do believe? Will He not be faithful in that case, too? And will it notbe true that He cannot deny Himself? I will suppose that a sinner is, at this moment, saying, "I believe that Christ can saveme. I will go and ask Him, I will go and trust Him." Ah, He will not deny Himself by rejecting your cry! I tell you, if Hewere to shut you out, dear Soul, whoever you may be, if you go to Him, He would deny Himself! He never did deny Himself yet.Whenever a sinner comes to Him, He becomes his Savior. Whenever He meets a sick soul, He acts as his physician.

Now, I have heard of persons who have been physicians who were ill, or weary and needed rest-an accident has happened andthey have felt inclined to get out of the way, if they could, because they were very hard-worked and worn out. They have toldtheir servant to say, "My master is not at home!" But my Master never denied Himself! He will never get out of the way ofa sinner! If you go to Him, you will find Him at home and on the look-out for you! He will be more glad to receive you thanyou will be to be received, for He "waits to be gracious." As Matthew sat at the receipt of custom, waiting for the peopleto pay their dues, so does Christ sit at the receipt of sinners waiting for them to mention their needs!

He is watching for you. I tell you again that He cannot reject you-that would be to alter His whole Character and "un-Christ"Himself! To spurn a coming sinner would un-Jesus Him and make Him to be somebody else, and not Himself any longer. "He cannotdeny Himself." Go and try Him! Go and try Him. I wish some trembling soul would, at this moment, go and cast Himself uponChrist and then report to us the result. Come, poor quivering Seekers, sing in your heart, unbelieving as you are, that hymnof ours-

"I can but perish if I go, I am resolved to try! For if I stay away, I know I must forever die."

Oh, but if you were to perish at His feet, you would be the first that ever did so out of all those who have ever come toHim! And that first man has never been seen yet! Go and try my Lord and see for yourselves.

Well now, you Christian people, I want you to come, also. If you believe your Lord, He will be faithful to you. Suppose itis a time of trouble with you? He will be faithful to you-go and cast your burden upon Him. Suppose at this time you are muchexercised with spiritual distress? Go to the Lord as you did at first, as poor, guilty, rebellious sinners-and cast yourselfupon Him and you will find Him faithful. "He cannot deny Himself." If my Lord were not kind to me tonight when I go to Himwith my burdens, I should think that I had knocked at the wrong door because the Lord has been so good and so faithful tome up to now that it would take my breath away if I found Him changed! Oh, how good, how exceedingly good is my Lord! Didnot we sing just now-

"He by my side has always stood: His loving kindness, oh, how good!"? I could sing that with all my heart and I hope manyof you could earnestly join with me. You have a dear mother, or a fond wife, or a choice friend and none of them has everspoken anything but kindness to you-if, therefore, in some dark hour you were to go to them and,, instead of showing sympathy,they gave you sharp words and you could evidently see that they did not love you, how surprised you would be! So should Ibe if I were to meet anything but love from my dear Lord after all these years of tenderness! There is no fear of it, for"He cannot deny Himself."

So I finish by saying that we shall find it so in connection with the things of His kingdom and the concerns of His Truth.There is a great uproar just now about the God of Providence and they call me, I know not by what names, for speaking theTruth for my Master. Well, what comes of it? Shall we, therefore, be afraid? No! If we believe, we shall find Him faithful-Hewill not deny Himself. Is the good old cause really in danger from skepticism and superstition? Speaking after the mannerof men, it may seem so, but it never really is so. Even if it were tottering, we must not put our hand upon the Ark of theLord to steady it.

God's cause is always safe! I do not know whether we may live to see it, but as surely as the Lord lives the Truth of Godwill be triumphant in England! They may tell us that Puritanism is thrust to the wall, but it will take the crown of the causewayyet. The old cause goes back a little to take a breath, but she will make such a leap in this land as shall utterly surprisethe soothsayers, for the Lord will make the Diviners mad and they that count the towers and say that Zion is utterly fallenshall not know where to hide their heads! The devil once flew all over Europe and said, "It is all mine. Here they are, sellingindulgences and the Pope and I are master of it all."

But there was a poor monk who had not, himself, seen the Light of God but for a short time, who nailed his theses on the doorof a Church and from that hour the Light of Christ began to spread all over Europe! And do you think the Lord is short ofLuthers? Do you imagine that He has no sword or spear left in His armory? I tell you He has as many instruments within reachas there are stars in the sky! When the influence of the Gospel appears to recede, it is like the tide when it is ebbing out.Steadily it goes back and if we did not know better, we should begin to think that the silver waves would all give place tomire and shingle-yet when the hour comes, at the very minute-the waters pause and remain at one point awhile.

Then up comes the first wave of the wash and another and another and another and another, rising, advancing, conquering theshore till the set has come to her fullness again! So must it be and so shall it be with the ocean of the Truth of God! Onlylet us have faith and we shall see the Gospel at the flood, again, and old England covered with it! Doubt what you like, Brothersand Sisters, but do not doubt Divine Truth or doubt God! Hold on to the side that is most disgraced and dishonored-that hasthe worst word from men-for Christ and His Church usually have the bleak side of the hill. Be content to breast the streamwith courage learned from your Redeemer and Lord, for the day comes when to have stood with the Truth and with the Son ofthe Highest will be the grandest honor that a creature can have worn. May that honor be ours, for Jesus' sake. Amen.



DEAR FRIENDS-After a long and severe illness I am now on my way to the South of France to seek rest and gather strength ina less trying climate. The Church has requested me to take three months' furlough and as this corresponds with the seriouscounsel of physicians and judicious friends, I shall probably accept the considerate advice. I have promised to correspondwith you and with my sermon readers, week by week, by a note appended to the sermon, or by a short discourse such as I havewritten during the last two weeks.

This, then, to commence with-I have reached Paris [Jan. 18, 1879] by easy stages and I am none the worse for the traveling,but all the better for the change. Snow is falling heavily and may detain us, but if not, we hope to be at Mentone next Wednesday.It would have been a far greater pleasure to me to have been able to occupy my pulpit, but as this must not be, I am rightglad to speak by the press. May the weekly sermon be used by the Lord in a greater degree, now that the preacher's voice ceasesfor a while to proclaim His Gospel. One great favor I have to ask of you all-will you unite in hearty prayer that there maybe a great revival at the Tabernacle during my absence?

You have united to celebrate the 25th year of my pastorate by noble testimonies which I have dedicated to the Lord's work.Now unite with even greater ardor in seeking a great, a surpassing, a crowning spiritual blessing! The Lord's own Word is,"Bring you all the tithes into the storehouse and prove Me now, herewith, if I will not open the windows of Heaven and pouryou out a blessing, that you shall not have room enough to receive it." You have fulfilled the precept, now enquire for thepromise!

The Lord has guaranteed heavenly blessing, a Divine blessing, an overwhelming blessing-do not be content without it, or itwill look as if you despised the promise of the Lord. We stand on vantage ground, now. Let us plead with double importunity,saying, "I will not let You go unless You bless me." Then will the windows open and the Divine hand pour out the benedictionof His Spirit-and salvation shall come to multitudes through Christ Jesus our Lord. My love be with you all. Yours for Jesus'sake, C H. SPURGEON