Sermon 1339. Idols Abolished

(No. 1339)




"Ephraim shallsay, Whathave I to do anymore with idols?" Hosea 14:8.

IDOLATRY was the great sin of the 10 tribes represented by Ephraim. Indeed, it is the sin of the entire human race! When wespeak of idolatry we need not think of blocks of wood and stone and men bowing down before them, for our native land swarmswith idolaters. Neither need you go into the streets to find them. Stay where you are and look into your own hearts-you willfind idols there. This is the one easily besetting sin of our nature-to turn aside from the living God and to make unto ourselvesidols in some fashion or another. The essence of idolatry is this-to love anything better than God, to trust anything morethan God, to wish to have a god other than we have, or to have some signs and wonders by which we may see Him, some outwardsymbol or manifestation that can be seen with the eyes or heard with the ears rather than to rest in an invisible God andbelieve the faithful promise of Him whom eye has not seen nor ear heard.

In some form or other this great sin is the main mischief in the heart of man. And even in saved men this is one of the developmentsof remaining corruption. We may very easily make an idol of anything and in many different ways. No doubt many mothers andfathers make idols of their children. And so many husbands and wives idolize each other and we may even make idols of ministers,even as there were idol shepherds of old. Equally is it certain that many a thoughtful man makes an idol of his intellect.Many another makes an idol of his gold, or even of that little home wherein he enjoys so much content. The ignorant papistholds up his crucifix and worships that-and that is one of his idols.

But men who are better instructed often take the Bible and read it and, failing to get through the letter into the spirit,they trust in the mere act of Scripture reading and make even the Word of God, itself, to become an idol to them through theirresting in a mere creed, or in Bible reading-not pressing through it to spiritual hearty worship of God, Himself. Anything,however holy, which comes between us and the personal dealing of our soul with God, as He is revealed in Christ Jesus by faithand love and hope, becomes an idol to us!

There are idols of all sorts, more or less intrinsically valuable. Just as in material substances one idol is made of wood,another of stone, another of silver and another of gold so that these idols differ in value and yet they are all idols, somay men, according to their different grades of mind, make an idol of this or of that or of the other, every man accordingto his own fancy. Many of these idols may, in themselves, be considered good enough-but when they are made into idols theyare none the better for that-a golden idol is just as obnoxious to God as a wooden one! And so the dearest and best thingon earth, if it is allowed to come between us and God, as an idol, becomes an abomination in the sight of the Most High.

O Brothers and Sisters, when you cannot trust the Providence of God, but feel as if you must have something of visible substanceto lean upon, you idolize your savings, or the money you covet! When you cannot take the bare promise of God and dare notrisk everything for God, but need something over and above the Word of God to rest in, you idolize your own selfishness! Whenyou must have marks and signs and evidences of the things which God has plainly declared- and will not believe God unlessyou have corroborative proof-you are playing the idolater's part! Yet human nature continually craves for more than God All-Sufficientbecause it is so carnal that it will not trust the Invisible One. It is, therefore, a supreme work of Grace when God bringsany man to say, "What have I to do any more with idols?" I ask your attention to four points.

I. And the first is this-I want you to notice THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THIS PREDICTION. "Ephraim shall say, What have I to do anymore with idols?" God speaks of Ephraim as if Ephraim would do and must do what He declared it should do. "Ephraim shall say,What have I to do any more with idols?" But who was this Ephraim? If we look at him as an individual, he represents the 10tribes of Israel at the time when they were wedded to strange gods. Ephraim is a man

and, therefore, he has a will of his own. He is a depraved man and, therefore, he has an obstinate will. And yet God speaksabout Ephraim as positively as if he had no will, and states that he shall say, "What have I to do any more with idols?"

It would be very difficult to say what the wind will do-very hard to say what the waves will do. But man's will is more changeableand uncontrollable than the winds and the waves! Yet God speaks as if Ephraim were absolutely in His hands and He tells uswhat Ephraim shall say, and, in fact, what Ephraim shall feel. It is wonderful-is it not?-that God, who knows the inconstancyand willfulness of humans, thus speaks about the mind of man and declares what he shall say and what he shall feel?

Now, in all this it is to be observed that there is no violation of the human will. Men are not blocks of wood, nor lumpsof unconscious clay! God has made man a creature that wills and determines and judges for himself and He deals with him assuch. There are persons who seem to fancy that whenever we speak of God as being Omnipotent in the realm of mind and speakof His declaring what men shall do and feel, that we, therefore, deny free agency. By no manner of means! We are never prepared,for the sake of one Truth of God, to deny another! And we do as heartily believe in free agency as we do in predestination!

It has never been our custom to murder one Truth of God in order to make room for another! There is room enough for two Truthsof God in the mind of the man who is willing to become as a little child. Yes, there is room in a teachable heart for 50 Truthsof God to live without contention! God treats men as men and as intelligent creatures. Having granted them power of judgmentand will, He treats them as such, and He does not use that force upon the soul which it would be legitimate to use upon apiece of metal if it had to be bored or to be melted! Nor does He even use such force as it is legitimate to use upon "anox and an ass which have no understanding, whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto you."

No, no! Under Heaven there is no man whose will God has ever violated! He has made the saved man's will all the freer by theconstraints which Grace has put upon it! Grace does not enchain the will, but frees the will! And when a man sincerely says,"What have I to do any more with idols?" though that speech is totally contrary to all the intent of his former life, yethe says it with the full consent of his heart! No, he never said anything more willingly than he says this, when God, by Divinepower has, "made him willing in the day of His power!" I wonder whether you are able to grasp, dear Brothers and Sisters,and lay hold of these two great Truths of God-first, that man is made a creature responsible for all his actions, and a freeagent so constituted that God, Himself, will not violate that free agency!

And yet this other Truth of God which we will maintain with all boldness-that God is as Omnipotent in the region of mind andfree agency as He is in the realm of mere matter! He looks upon the hills and they smoke. He touches the earth and it trembles.The sea obeys Him and pauses where He bids it stay. Yes, earthquake and tempest are entirely under His control! Nobody whobelieves in an Omnipotent God doubts these things. But it is equally true that God enlightens the dark understanding witha flash of His Spirit. It is true that God removes the iron sinew of the obstinate will. As to the affections-when the heartis like stone, cold, dead, heavy, immovable-He has a way of turning the stone to flesh. He can do what He wills with men andwhen His Spirit puts forth all His power, though men may resist, yet there is a point beyond which resistance absolutely ceasesand the soul is led in joyful captivity to the conquering Spirit of the blessed God!

Now, somebody will again say, "But how do you make this consistent? You now talk contrary to the statements you made before."No, my dear Brother, I do not. They are both true-man is free, yet God is a Sovereign in the world of free minds-working Hisown way and speaking, thus, positively, without if or but or an. Don't you know that He will have His will and man's willshall willingly bow to His will, for He alone is Lord? Let me read you God's wills, God's wonderful wills, as they stand inthis chapter, "I will heal their backsliding. I will love them freely for My anger is turned away from him. I will be as thedew unto Israel. He shall grow as the lily and cast forth his roots as Lebanon. His branches shall spread and his beauty shallbe as the olive tree, and his smell as Lebanon. Ephraim shall say, What have I to do any more with idols?"

God speaks about men as if they were absolutely puppets in His hands and yet, at the same time, in other places He puts themupon their personal responsibility-both the doctrines are true! It is not yours or mine to ask how they are to be reconciled,much less to cast either of the Truths of God away! But let us hold them both fast, for these two shall be a clue throughmany a mystery of intricate doctrine and lead us into the light of God on many a dark saying. I rejoice to

hear the almighty Lord speak thus divinely of what man shall do! And I adore the amazing wisdom and power which can rule overfree agents!

II. But now, secondly, in our text we see A MARVELLOUS CHANGE. "Ephraim shall say, What have I to do any more with idols?"Who is this Ephraim? Why, if you read the book of Hosea through you will find him turning up continually. Ephraim-Who washe? Who is this that says, "What have I to do any more with idols?" I will tell you. It is that same Ephraim of whom the Lordhad said, "Leave him alone: he is given unto idols." This is different talk, is it not? At one time he is "glued" to his idols,for that is the word used in the original-glued to them as if he was stuck to them and could not get away at all.

But here he is saying, "What have I to do any more with them?" What a change it is! Is that the same man? Yes, the same man.But mark what the Grace of God has done for him. See, also, how resolute he is. He speaks plainly and positively, "What haveI to do any more with idols?" Is this the same man that we read of in a former chapter, "Ephraim is a silly dove without heart"?Yes, he was "a silly dove without heart," but now, this same Ephraim, is saying, "What have I to do any more with idols?"He is speaking as if he had received a new, enlightened, bold and decided heart! This is a change, is it not?

The man who was glued to his idols and full of vacillation whenever better things came before him, is now clean separatedfrom his former trusts and made to hate them! He no longer vacillates and hesitates, but takes his stand and asks with gloriouspromptitude, "What have I to do any more with idols?" It is a great change! And it is such a great change as many of us haveundergone! And it is such a change as everybody here must undergo or else they shall never see the face of God with acceptance!Conversion, which is the first fruit of regeneration, makes such a difference in a man that it is as though he had been deadand buried and were now raised from the dead into newness of life! It is as much a change as if the man were destroyed andthen were made a new creature in Christ Jesus!

I wonder whether you have all felt such a change as this? I sometimes meet with persons who claim to be Christians and Believersand all that, but they have never experienced any change that they can remember from their babyhood. Well, dear Friend, theremust have been such a change if you are a Christian! I will not say that you ought to know the day and the hour, but, dependupon it, if you are now what you were when you were born, you are in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity!If there has not been a turning, you are going the wrong way! Every man must be turned from the way in which father Adam sethis face, for our face is towards sin and destruction, and we must be turned right round so as to have our faces towards holinessand everlasting life.

Where there is not such a turning, there is the most solemn cause for heart-searching, humiliation and for the seeking ofsalvation! Have you undergone a great transformation? The necessity for it is no fantasy of mine, remember. It is that mostsolemn word of the New Testament-"You must be born again." There must be a complete and total change in you, so that the thingsyou once loved you come to hate and the things you hated you are made to love-as great a change as there was in Ephraim whowas formerly glued to his idols and then came to abhor them!

I pray you all search and see whether such a difference has been made in your hearts by the Holy Spirit-for a mistake herewill be fatal. If you have never undergone such a renewing, let the prayer be breathed that the Holy Spirit may now renewyou in the spirit of your mind. And if you hope that such a change has taken place upon you, then may God grant it may bea real abiding conversion, so that you may remain in Grace and go from strength to strength till the idols are utterly abolishedand your whole nature shall become the temple of the living God! Thus, we have two remarks-a sovereign prediction and a marvelouschange.

III. Thirdly, there is in our text AN IMPLIED CONFESSION. "Ephraim shall say, What have I to do any more with idols?" "Anymore with idols?" Then, Ephraim, you have had a good deal to do with idols up till now? "Yes," he says, with tears in hiseyes, "that I have." Hypocrites mean less than their language expresses, but true penitents mean much more than their barewords can convey. The confession of the text is all the more hearty because it is tacit and, as it were, slips out unintentionally.Listen earnestly dear Hearers, for, perhaps, some of you may be worshipping idols now.

We will go into the temple of your heart and see whether we can find a false god there. I go into one heart and, as I lookup, I see a gigantic idol! It is gilded all over and clothed in shining robes! Its eyes seem to be jewels and its foreheadis "as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires." It is a very lovely idol to look upon. Come not too close, do not examine tooseverely, nor so much as dream of looking inside the hollow sham! Within it you will find all manner of rottenness and

filthiness, but the outside of the idol is adorned with the greatest art and skill-and you may even become enamored by itas you stand and gaze upon it! What is its name? Its name is self-righteousness!

Well do I remember when I used to worship this image which my own hands had made till one morning my god had his head brokenoff and, by-and-by, I found his hands were gone. And soon I found that the worm was devouring it and my god that I worshippedand trusted in turned out to be a heap of dross and dung-and I had thought it to be a mass of solid gold with eyes of diamonds!Alas, there are many men to whom no such revelation has been given. Their idol is still in first-rate condition. True, perhaps,at Christmas time it gets a little out of order and they feel that they did not quite behave as they ought when the bottlewent round so freely-but they have called in the goldsmith to overlay the idol with new gold and gild the chipped places afresh!

Have they not been to church since then? Did they not go on Christmas morning to a place of worship and make it all right?Have they not repeated extra prayers and given a little more away to charity? So they have furbished their god up again andhe looks very respectable! Ah, it is easy to tinker him up, my Brothers and Sisters, until the Ark of the Lord comes in! Andthen all the smiths in the world cannot keep this god erect! If the Gospel of Jesus Christ once enters into the soul, then,straightway, this wonderful god begins to bow himself and, like Dagon, who was broken before the Ark of the Lord, self-righteousnessis dashed to pieces!

But there are thousands all over this world who worship this god and I will tell you how they pray to it. They say, "God,I thank you that I am not as other men are," and so on-not exactly in the Pharisee's language, but after the same style. "Lord,I thank you that I pay everybody 20 shillings in the pound and have brought up my children respectably. God, I thank you thatI have been a regular church-going or chapel-going man all my life. God, I thank you that I am not a swearer, nor yet a drunk,nor anything of that kind. I am far better than most people and if I do not get to Heaven it will be very bad for my neighbors,for they are not half as good as I am!"

In this manner is this monstrous deity adored! I am not speaking of what is done in Hindustan, but of an idolatry very fashionablein England! The god of self-righteousness is lord paramount in millions of hearts! Oh, that every worshipper of that god maybe led to say, "What have I to do any more with this abominable idol?" Another sort of god I have seen in the human heartis the idol of darling sin. A person not long ago said-"Well, I suppose there is a good deal in religion, but, you see, Iam on the turf and I could not leave it. How could I? I could not, of course, become a Christian, and yet be known to be abetting man." Yes, the betting ring was his god. The running horse is as favorite a deity as were the calves of Bethel.

Another man says, "Yes, yes. I should be glad to be a Christian, but, you see, I love the bottle. I must occasionally enjoya drop too much. Not often, you know, but now and then at convivial meetings, holidays and bonfire nights. A man must be drunksometimes, must he not? And where's the harm? I could not give it up." They do not say so in actual words, but that is whatthey mean, thousands of them! They must still keep Bacchus for their god and offer him their sacrifices. And, ah, what sacrificesthey make! How they ruin health and destroy life, itself, beggar their children, make their wives wretched-and all to worshipthis dunghill god of drink!

Others have some other darling sin. I need not mention all. In fact I could not, for the cheek of modesty would tingle ifwe were to mention certain of the vices which men and women feel that they could not cease from. They would gladly be savedin their sins, but not from their sins. They would worship God after a fashion, but the first place must be given to thisdarling lust of theirs. O Sir, I care not what idol it is, but if there is anything in this world that you love better thanChrist, you can never see the face of God with joy! If there is any sin that you would persevere in, I beseech you changeyour mind about it and cut it off though it is a right hand! Pluck it out though it is a right eye! It were better for youto enter into life maimed and with one eye than having both hands and both eyes to be cast into Hell fire! Darling sins mustbe renounced if Christ is to be enjoyed!

Behold how idolaters disagree-one adores righteous self and another worships sinful self-but both idols must be utterly abolished!In some men's hearts I see the love of pleasure. That god is seated on the throne of many hearts. They are overcome, not somuch by the grosser sins, as by their natural levity and trifling. They cannot think. They do not want to think. They saythey are, "dull," if they have to be quiet for awhile. They like to be always amused, gratified, excited. Now, there is ameasure of recreation which is as good as medicine to both body and soul. And there are proper

recreations to be had. God has provided innocent pleasures and we shall do well to accept them with gratitude from our heavenlyFather.

But to be a lover of pleasure rather than a lover of God is to be dead while you live! To make your belly your god, to liveto eat and drink, to be just meat-digesters and wine-strainers, to be living here merely to enjoy yourself- butterflies flittingfrom flower to flower, gathering no honey, but merely seeking pleasure-this is evil! Sirs, this is a god that will not beworshipped by one who knows the love of the real God, for his god is his pleasure and pleasure is not his god. He casts aside,full often, things that he might otherwise have allowed himself to enjoy, that he may honor and glorify his Savior the more.

Many worship the golden calf. They indulge no vice and pursue no pleasure except their one vice and their one pleasure whichis their greed of gold. If you want to awaken all their energies, jingle a guinea near them! This they pursue as the houndspursue the fox, never resting. They fear they will be poor when they are old. They make themselves poor when they are young.And, lest they should be starved at last, they starve themselves to the last! We have known some to whom honor, love, uprightness,integrity, religion have all been nothing whatever, so long as gain could be had by sacrificing them. The great fabric oftheir fortune has rolled along, like the car of Juggernaut, crushing everything that has been in its way.

Widows might weep and orphans might lament. The groans of those whom they oppressed might go up to Heaven and the iniquitieswhich they have perpetrated might go before them unto judgment-but it was nothing to them. They were adding field to fieldand house to house and getting richer and richer-they lived for that and for that they seemed content to die. O God, convertthe man who worships gold! Milton, you know, describes the demon of greed as-

"Mammon the least erected spirit that fell

From Heaven, for even in Heaven

His looks and thoughts

Were always downward bent, admiring more

The riches of Heaven's pa vement, trodden gold,

Than anything Divine or holy else enjoyed

In vision Beatific."

This vice is very degrading and well does Milton place Mammon in Hell and say-

"Let none admire That riches grow in Hell. That soil may best Deserve the precious bane."

Now, when the Lord delivers a man from the power of the devil, he cries, "What have I to do any more with making wealth myidol?" He grows content, becomes the Lord's steward and uses his substance in the service of Jesus.

We must go round these temples as quickly as we can and not stop long in any one of them, for they are not very sweet-somein the temple of their hearts have set up unlawful attachments. They form connections which are forbidden by the Word of God.For instance, I have known some who profess to be Christians-God knows whether they ever were or not-who have put altogetherout of court the command of our Lord not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. They have followed the dictatesof the flesh by joining in marriage with the ungodly. It is a dreadful thing to be married to one from whom you know you mustbe soon separated forever-one who loves not God and, therefore, can never be your companion in Heaven!

If that is your case, already, your prayers should day and night go up to Heaven for the partner of your bosom, that he orshe may be brought to Christ. But for any young person willfully to form such a tie is to set up an idol in the place of God!Weeping and wailing will come of it before long! Any form of love which divides the heart from Jesus is idolatry and, alas,I fear the idols are as many as the trees of the field! Lord, remove them far from us! A great number of persons worship anidol called the praise of men. They speak after this fashion, "Oh, yes, you are right enough, but, you see, I could not doit." Well, why not? "Why, I do not know what my uncle would say about it, or I could not tell how my wife would like it. Iam not sure if my grandfather would be pleased with me."

The fear of relatives and the dread of public opinion hold many in mental and moral bondage-and the fear of men holds manymore. I pity those who dare not do what they believe to be right! It seems to me to be the grandest of all

liberties, the liberty wherewith Christ makes us free! The liberty to do and dare anything which conscience commands in Hisname. But numbers of people have to ask other people to allow them to breathe, to allow them to think, to allow them to believeanything! And there is nothing they are so frightened of as Mrs. Grundy. The little society in which they live is all in allto them. What will So-and-So think of it? The working man dares not go to a place of worship because the carpenters in theshop would be down upon him. The men that work with him would be saying to him, "Halloa! What? Are you one of those methodisticalfellows?"

Many men who are six feet high are cowards and are afraid of some little body half their height! They are afraid that someworthless fellow would make a joke at their expense-and to be joked at seems to be something dreadful! O poor souls! Poorsouls! All the jokes they are likely to get will be very lukewarm water compared with the scalding hot cauldron into whichsome of us have been plunged into year after year-when we could not speak a word without having it misinterpreted-and couldnot utter a sentence without being belied! Yet they shrink from their little persecutions as if they were a great martyr!

We are alive, after all the assaults which were made upon us, and not much the worse for them-and so will you be, too, dearFriends-if you have the heart and the courage to do and dare for the Lord Jesus Christ! This idol of the fear of man devoursthousands of souls! This is a bloodthirsty idol! It is as cruel as any of the idols of the Hindus-this "fear of man whichbrings a snare." Some of you know that you are altogether mean in spirit and dare not do what you know you ought to do forfear somebody or other should make a remark about how strange and how odd you are. God help you to have done with that idol!

Thus we have considered the implied confession that we have had most evil dealings with idols.

IV. The last point is to be THE RESOLUTE QUESTION, "What have I to do any more with idols?" Let us put it this way, "Whathave I to do any more with them? I have had enough to do with them. What have my sins done for me, already?" Brothers andSisters, look at what sin has done for us and all our race! It made that beautiful Eden, which was our garden of delight,to be a wilderness! It has made us to be the children of toil and sorrow! What has sin done for us? It has stripped us ofour beauty! It has put us away from God! It has set the flaming cherubim with the drawn sword to keep us back from comingnear to God as long as we live in sin.

Sin has wounded us, spoiled us, killed us, corrupted us! Sin has brought disease into the world and dug the grave and bredthe worm. O Sin, you are the mother of all the griefs and groans and sighs and tears that ever befell men and women in thisworld! O wretched Sin, what have we to do any more with you? We have had more than enough of you! And have not you and I,personally, had quite enough to do with our idols? I had enough to do with my self-righteousness, I do boldly say, for, oh,how I loathe to think that I should ever have been such a fool as to think that there was anything good in me-to think thatI could ever have dreamed of coming before God with a righteousness of my own!

Oh, how I abhor the thought! God forbid for one single moment that I should ever be other than ashamed of having boasted inanything that I could do, or feel, or be! Do you not feel yourselves humiliated at the remembrance of such pride and presumption?What have you to do any more with the idol of righteous self? Nothing! We can never bow down before that any more! With regardto other idols, have you not smarted enough about them? The convert who was once a drunk will say, "I have had enough to dowith the cup of intoxication. Who has woe? Who has redness of eyes? They that tarry long at the wine. The men of strengthto mingle strong drink." The winebibber has had enough to do with that. He has paid heavy smart money and now he has donewith rioting and excess forever.

The man who has plunged into vice will often have to say, "It has injured me in body, mind and estate. What more can I haveto do with it?" "Ah," said one to me the other day, "when I lived in sin it was so expensive that it will take me years torecover what I have wasted upon the devil and myself. I am not the man for the service of God that I could have been if ithad not been for that." Ah, we have all had enough of it-more than enough of it! There is no cup of sin, however sweet itwas in the day of our unregeneracy, but we feel that we want no more of it-not even with all its beaded bubbles sparklingon the brim when it moves itself right. We are sick of it-sick to the death and the very name of it causes nausea in our soul.What have I to do any more with idols when I consider what idols have done for me?

But there is another view of it. "What have I to do any more with idols?" Do you see? Can you bear to look upon that strangesight yonder-three crosses set upon a hill. And on the center one a wondrous Man, in fearful agony, nailed to the wood. Ifyou look at Him you will see that there is such a mixture of majesty in His misery that you discover Him,

at once, to be your Lord! Lo, it is the Bridegroom of your soul-your heart's best Beloved! And He is nailed up there likea felon hanged to die! Who nailed Him there? Who nailed Him there, I say? Where is the hammer? Where did the nails come from?Who nailed Him there?

And the answer is-Our idols nailed Him there! Our sins pierced His heart! Ah, then, what have I to do any more with them?If I had a favorite knife and with it a murderer had killed my wife, do you think I would use it at my table or carry it aboutwith me? Away with the accursed thing! How I should loathe the very sight of it! And sin has murdered Christ! Our idols haveput our Lord to death! Stand at the foot of the Cross and see His murdered, mangled body, bleeding with its five great woundsand you will say, "What have I to do any more with idols?" The vinegar and gall, the bloody sweat and death pangs have divorcedmy soul from all its ancient loves and wedded my heart forever to the Well-Beloved, even the King of kings! "What have I todo any more with idols?"

Nothing separates a man from sin like a sense of the love and the sufferings of Jesus! Redeeming Grace and dying love-thesering the death-knells of our lusts and idols-

"Soon as faith the Lord can see,

Bleeding on a Cross for me,

Quick my idols all depart,

Jesus gets and fills my heart!"

Now, you may remember, again, that we must have no more to do with idols, for the same sins which put our Lord to death willput us to death if they can. O child of God, you never sin without injuring yourself! The smallest sin that ever creeps intoyour heart is a robber seeking to kill and to destroy! You never profited by sin and never can. No, it is poison, deadly poisonto your spirit. Do not, therefore, tolerate it for an instant. What have you to do with it? You know it is to be evil, onlyevil, and that continually. You know that it injures your faith, destroys your enjoyment, withers up your peace, weakens youin prayer, prevents your example being beneficial to others-and for all these reasons what have you to do any more with idols?

Moreover, what have you to do any more with idols, now that you are a child of God-now that you are an heir of Heaven? A poorboy sits down and plays with bits of mud in the street and makes dirt pies with his little friends. One day there comes upa king's messenger who has discovered that this is a lost child from the palace! The child is taken home and washed. He isclothed in royal apparel and is told that he is a prince and that he is heir to a kingdom! Will he go back and play with thedirty boys in the street, again, and be a gutter-child, a street Arab? No, not he! He will be trained to something noblerand more befitting his position.

And though you and I once loved the sin that others love and found amusement where others find it, we have now, by faith,received power to become the sons of God! We are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ! What have we to do any morewith idols? What manner of people ought we to be whom the Lord has adopted into the royal family of Heaven? Within a few monthssome of us will be in Heaven-perhaps within a few weeks. What have we to do with idols? Even while we are here, the Lord hasraised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenlies in Christ. What have we to do any more with idols? This dayare we accepted in the Beloved, the elect of God, justified by faith-our names are engraved on the palms of Jesus' hands!What have we to do any more with idols? Truly, the question answers itself. We have nothing to do with them except to loathethem! And whenever they are set up in our hearts, even for a moment, we are to break them down by the power of the EternalSpirit.

Now Beloved, if God has worked a great work in you and changed your hearts so that the idols you once worshipped you now detest,I would ask you to keep away from the idols all you can. If you have nothing to do with them, do not go into the places wherethey are held in honor. "What have I to do any more with idols?" If I knew that a street was infected with small-pox, I shouldnot go out of my way to ride down it! I had rather go round about to avoid the plague. Let it be so with your once darlingsin! Get as far away from it as you can, even as you would keep clear of a leper! You have nothing more to do with idols,therefore do not enter their temples or make a league with their worshippers.

It is an old Rabbinical tradition with regard to the Nazarites that as they were not to drink wine so they were bid not eatthe grape, nor go through a vineyard. The old proverb was, "O Nazarite, go about, go about, but go not through a vineyardlest you be tempted to eat of the grape and afterwards to drink of the juice thereof." There is a great spiritual and morallesson here for us. Keep as far away from sin as ever you can! If you have learned to say, "What have I

to do any more with idols?" avoid the very appearance of evil and all those communications which corrupt good manners.

The ale house, the dancing saloon and the theater are not for you. I loathe to hear Christian people say, "What do you thinkof this-and-that foolish amusement? Do you think I might go as far as that?" Well, my dear Friend, if you enjoy anything thathas any filth in it, I question whether you know anything about the love of God at all! You remember Rowland Hill's observationto the person who said he liked to go the theater. The person said, "Well, you know, Mr. Hill, I am a member of the Church.And I do not go to the theater often. I only go once or twice a year, just for a treat."

"Ah," said Mr. Hill, "you are a great deal worse than I thought you were! Suppose it were reported commonly that Mr. Hillfed on carrion and was very fond of eating rotten meat. And suppose somebody came to me and said, 'I hear, Mr. Hill, thatyou are very fond of eating carrion.' 'Oh, no,' I say, 'Not at all. I do not regularly feed on it, I only eat a dish of itonce or twice a year for a treat!' Then everybody would say, 'You are fonder of it than we thought. For if poor creatureshave to eat it every day because they cannot get anything better, their taste is not so corrupt as yours who turn away fromwholesome food and find rottenness to be a dainty dish.'"

If you can find your pleasure and delight where sin of the worst kind is always very near at hand, where religion would beout of place and where Christ, your Master, would not be expected to come, you have not learned to say with Ephraim, "Whathave I to do any more with idols?" Run away from anything which has the least taint of sin and may God help you to do so evento the end! Is this in order that you may be saved? God forbid! I am only speaking to you who are saved already!

If you are not saved, the first thing is to have a renewed heart by faith in Jesus Christ! And after that we lay no bondageon you and exact no tax from you by way of duty-but it will be your joy, your delight, your privilege-to keep near to yourMaster and to say, "What have I to do any more with idols?" God bless you for Christ's sake! Amen.