Sermon 1292. The Soul-Winner

(No. 1292)




"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that wins souls is wise." Proverbs 11:30.

I HAD very great joy last night-many of you know why, but some do not. We held our annual meeting of the Church and it wasa very pleasant sight to see so many Brothers and Sisters knit together in the heartiest love, welded together as one massby common sympathies, and holding firmly to, "one Lord, one faith, and one baptism." Think of a Church with 4,900 members!Such a community has seldom been gathered in any age and in the present century it is without parallel. "O Lord, You havemultiplied the people and increased the joy. They joy before You as the joy of harvest."

It brings tears into one's eyes to look upon so many who declare themselves to be members of the body of Christ. The hopethat so many are plucked as brands from the burning and delivered from the wrath to come is, in itself, exceedingly consoling,and I felt the joy of it while communing with my Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus. On thinking it over afterwards, however,it seemed to me that there was a higher joy in looking at a body of Believers than that which arises from merely regardingthem as saved. Not but what there is a great joy in salvation, a joy worthy to stir the angelic harps! Think of the Savior'sagony in the ransom of every one of His redeemed! Think of the work of the Holy Spirit in every renewed heart! Think of thelove of the Father as resting upon every one of the regenerate!

I could not, if I took up my parable for a month, set forth all the mass of joy that is to be seen in a multitude of Believersif we only look at what God has done for them, promised to them and will fulfill in them. But there is yet a wider field ofthought and my mind has been thinking about it all day-the thought of the capacities of service contained in a numerous bandof Believers, the possibilities of blessing others which lie within the bosoms of regenerate persons! We must not think somuch of what we already are, as to forget what the Lord may accomplish by us for others! Here are the coals of fire, but whoshall describe the conflagration which they may cause?

We ought to regard the Christian Church not as a luxurious hostelry where Christian may, each one, dwell at his ease in hisown inn, but as a barracks in which soldiers are gathered together to be drilled and trained for war. We should regard theChristian Church not as an association for mutual admiration and comfort, but as an arm with banners, marching to the frayto achieve victories for Christ! To storm the strongholds of the foe and to add province after province to the Redeemer'skingdom!

We may view converted persons, when gathered into Church membership, as so much wheat in the granary. And we thank God thatit is there and that so far the harvest has rewarded the sower-but far more soul-inspiring is the view when we regard thoseBelievers as each one likely to be made a living center for the extension of the kingdom of Jesus! Then we see them sowingthe fertile valleys of our land and promising, before long, to bring forth some 30, some 40, some 50 and some a hundredfold!The capacities of life are enormous-one becomes a thousand in a marvelously brief space. Within a short time a few grainsof wheat would suffice to seed the whole world and a few true saints might suffice for the conversion of all nations!

Only take that which comes from one ear, store it well, sow it all-again store it next year and then sow it all again-andthe multiplication almost exceeds the power of computation! O that every Christian were thus, year by year, the Lord's seedcorn! If all the wheat in the world had perished except a single grain, it would not take many years to replenish all theearth and sow her fields and plains. But in a far shorter time, in the power of the Holy Spirit, one Paul or one Peter wouldhave evangelized all lands! View yourselves as grains of wheat predestinated to seed the world! That man lives grandly whois as earnest as if the very existence of Christianity depended upon himself and is determined that to all men within hisreach shall be made known the unsearchable riches of Christ! If we, whom Christ is pleased to

use as His seed corn, were only all scattered and sown as we ought to be, and were all to sprout and bring forth the greenblade and the corn in the ear, what a harvest there would be!

Again would it be fulfilled, "There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains"-a very bad positionfor it-"the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon: and they of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth." May Godgrant us to feel, tonight, some degree of the Holy Spirit's quickening power while we talk together, not so much about whatGod has done for us, as about what God may do by us and how far we may put ourselves into a right position to be used by Him.

There are two things in the text found laid out with much distinctness in its two sentences. The first is-the life of theBeliever is, or ought to be, full of soul-blessing-"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life." In the second place-thepursuit of the Believer ought always to be soul-winning. The second is much the same as the first, only the first head setsforth our unconscious influence, and the second our efforts which we put forth with the avowed object of winning souls forChrist.

I. Let us begin at the beginning, because the second cannot be carried out without the first. Without fullness of life withinthere cannot be an overflow of life to others. It is of no use for any of you to try to be soul-winners if you are not bearingfruit in your own lives. How can you serve the Lord with your lips if you do not serve Him with your lives? How can you preachwith your tongues, His Gospel, when with hands, feet and hearts you are preaching the devil's gospel and setting up Antichristby your practical unholiness? We must first have life and bear personal fruit to the Divine Glory and then out of our examplewill spring the conversion of others!

Let us go to the fountain head and see how the man's own life is essential to his being useful to others. THE LIFE OF THEBELIEVER IS FULL OF SOUL-BLESSING. This fact we shall consider by means of a few observations growing out of the text andfirst let us remark that the Believer's outward life comes as a matter of fruit from him. This is important to notice. Thefruit of the righteous-that is to say, his life-is not a thing fastened upon him-it grows out of him. It is not a garmentwhich he puts off and on, but it is inseparable from himself. The sincere man's religion is the man, himself, and not a cloakfor his concealment.

True godliness is the natural outgrowth of a renewed nature, not the forced growth of pious hothouse excitement. Is it notnatural for a vine to bear clusters of grapes? Is it not natural for a palm tree to bear dates? Certainly, as natural as itis for the apples of Sodom to be found on the trees of Sodom and for noxious plants to produce poisonous berries. When Godgives a new nature to His people, the lily which comes out of that new nature springs spontaneously from it! The man who hasa religion which is not part and parcel of himself will, by-and-by, discover that it is worse than useless to him.

The man who wears his piety like a mask at a carnival, so that when he gets home he changes from a saint to a savage, froman angel to a devil, from John to Judas, from a benefactor to a bully-such a man, I say, knows very well what formalism andhypocrisy can do for him and he has no vestige of true religion! Fig trees do not bear figs on certain days and thorns atother times-they are true to their nature at all seasons. Those who think that godliness is a matter of vestment and has anintimate relation with blue and scarlet and fine linen-are consistent if they keep their religion to the proper time for thewearing of their sacred pomposities. But he who has discovered what Christianity is, knows that it is much more a life thanan act, a form, or a profession!

Much as I love the creed of Christendom, I am ready to say that true Christianity is far more a life than a creed. It is acreed and it has its ceremonies, but it is mainly a life-it is a Divine spark of Heaven's own flame which falls into the humanbosom and burns within, consuming much that lies hidden in the soul and then, at last, as a heavenly life, flames forth soas to be seen and felt by those around. Under the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit a regenerate person becomes like thatbush in Horeb which was all aglow with Deity. The God within him makes him shine so that the place around him is holy groundand those who look at him feel the power of his hallowed life.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, we must take care that our religion is more and more a matter of outgrowth from our souls. Manyprofessors are hedged about with, "You must not do this, or that," and are driven onward with, "You must do this and you mustdo that." But there is a doctrine, too often perverted, which is, nevertheless, a blessed Truth of God and ought to dwellin your hearts. "You are not under the Law but under Grace." Therefore you do not obey the will of

God because you hope to earn Heaven, or dream of escaping from Divine wrath by your own works, but because there is a lifein you which seeks after that which is holy, pure, right and true-and cannot endure that which is evil.

You are careful to maintain good works, not from either legal hopes or legal fears, but because there is a holy thing withinyou, born of God, which seeks, according to its nature, to do that which is pleasing to God. Look to it more and more so thatyour religion is real, true, natural, vital-not artificial, constrained or superficial. We all need a religion which can liveeither in a wilderness or in a crowd. We need a religion which will show itself in every walk of life and in every company.Give me the godliness which is seen at home, especially around the fireside, for it is never more beautiful than there! Giveme the godliness that is seen in the battle and tussle of ordinary business among scoffers and gainsayers as well as amongChristian men. Show me the faith which can defy the lynx eyes of the world and walk fearlessly where all scowl with the fierceeyes of hate or where there are no observers to sympathize and no friends to judge leniently! May you be filled with the lifeof the Spirit and your whole conduct and conversation be the natural and blessed outgrowth of that Spirit's indwelling!

Note, next, that the fruit which comes from a Christian is fruit worthy of his character-"The fruit of the righteous is atree of life." Each tree bears its own fruit and is known by it. The righteous man bears righteous fruit-and do not let usbe at all deceived, Brothers and Sisters, or fall into any error about this-"he that does righteousness is righteous," and-"hethat does not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loves not his brother." We are prepared, I hope, to die for thedoctrine of Justification by Faith and to assert before all adversaries that salvation is not of works. But we also confessthat we are justified by a faith which produces works and if any man has a faith which does not produce good works, it isthe faith of devils!

Saving faith appropriates the finished work of the Lord Jesus and so saves by itself, alone, for we are justified by faithwithout works-but the faith which is without works cannot bring salvation to any man! We are saved by faith without works,but not by a faith that is without works, for the real faith that saves the soul works by love and purifies the character!If you can cheat across the counter, your hope of Heaven is a cheat, too! Though you can pray as prettily as anybody and practiceacts of outward piety as well as any other hypocrite, you are deceived if you expect to be right at last! If as an employeewho is lazy, lying and loitering. Or if, as an employer you are hard, tyrannical, and unchristian-like towards your men, yourfruit shows that you are a tree of Satan's own orchard and bear apples which will suit his tooth!

If you can practice tricks of the trade and if you can lie-and how many do lie every day about their neighbors or about theirgoods?-you may talk about being justified by faith all you like, but all liars will have their portion in the lake that burnswith fire and brimstone! And among the biggest liars you will be, for you are guilty of the lie of saying, "I am a Christian,"whereas you are not! A false profession is one of the worst of lies, since it brings the utmost dishonor upon Christ and Hispeople. The fruit of the righteous is righteousness-the fig tree will not bring forth thorns, neither shall we gather grapesfrom thistles. A tree is known by its fruit, but we cannot judge men's hearts and must not try to do so. We can judge theirlives and I pray God we may all be ready to judge our own lives and see if we are bringing forth righteous fruit, for if not,we are not righteous!

Let it, however, never be forgotten that the fruit of the righteous, though it comes from him naturally-for his newborn natureyields the sweet fruit of obedience-yet it is always the result of Grace which is the gift of God! There is no Truth of Godwhich ought to be remembered more than this, "In Me is your fruit found." We can bring forth no fruit except as we abide inChrist! The righteous shall flourish as a branch and only as a branch! How does a branch flourish? By its connection withthe stem and the consequent flowing in of the sap. And so, though the righteous man's righteous actions are his own, yet theyare always produced by the Grace which is imparted to him and he never dares to take any credit for them! He sings, "Not untous, but unto Your name give praise."

If he fails, he blames himself-if he succeeds, he glorifies God! Imitate the righteous man's example-lay every fault, everyweakness, every infirmity at your own door. And if you fall in any respect short of perfection-and I am sure you do-take allthat to yourself and do not excuse yourself. But if there is any virtue, any praise, any true desire, any real prayer-anythingthat is good-ascribe it all to the Spirit of God! Remember, the righteous man would not be righteous unless God had made himrighteous. And the fruit of righteousness would never come from him unless the Divine sap within him had produced that acceptablefruit. To God, alone, is all honor and glory!

The main lesson of the passage is that this outburst of life from the Christian, this consequence of life within him, thisfruit of his soul becomes a blessing to others. Like a tree, it yields shade and sustenance to all around. It is a tree oflife, an expression which I cannot fully work out tonight as I would wish, for there is a world of instruction compressedinto the illustration. That which to the Believer, himself, is fruit, becomes to others a tree! It is a singular metaphor,but by no means a lame one. From the child of God there falls the fruit of holy living, even as an acorn drops from the oak.This holy living becomes influential and produces the best results in others, even as the acorn becomes itself an oak andlends its shade to the birds of the air.

The Christian's holiness becomes a tree of life. I suppose it means a living tree, a tree calculated to give life and sustenanceto others. A fruit becomes a tree! A tree of life! Wonderful result this! Christ in the Christian produces a character whichbecomes a tree of life. The outward character is the fruit of the inner life-this outer life, itself, grows from a fruit intoa tree and as a tree it bears fruit in others to the praise and glory of God. Dear Brothers and Sisters, I know some of God'ssaints who live very near to Him and they are evidently a tree of life, for their very shadow is comforting, cooling and refreshingto many weary souls.

I have known the young, the tried, the downcast, go to them, sit beneath their shade and pour out their troubles and theyhave felt it a rich blessing to receive their sympathy, to be told of the faithfulness of the Lord and to be guided in theway of wisdom. There are a few good men in this world whom to know is to be rich. Such men are libraries of Gospel Truth butthey are better than books, for the Truth of God in them is written on living pages. Their character is a true and livingtree-it is not a mere post of the dead wood of doctrine, bearing an inscription and rotting at the same time, but it is avital, organized, fruit-producing thing-a plant of the Lord's right hand planting!

Not only do some saints give comfort to others, but they also yield them spiritual nourishment. Well-trained Christians becomenursing fathers and nursing mothers, strengthening the weak and binding up the wounds of the brokenhearted. So, too, the strong,bold, generous deeds of large-hearted Christians are of great service to their fellow Christians and tend to raise them toa higher level. You feel refreshed by observing how they act-their patience in suffering, their courage in danger, their holyfaith in God, their happy faces under trial-all these nerve you for your own conflicts. In a thousand ways the sanctifiedBeliever's example acts in a healing and comforting way to his Brothers and Sisters and assists in raising them above anxietyand unbelief.

Even as the leaves of the Tree of Life are for the healing of the people, so the words and deeds of saints are medicine fora thousand maladies. And then, what fruit instructed Believers bear! They are sweet to the taste of the godly. We can nevertrust in men as we trust in the Lord, but the Lord can cause the members to bless us in their measure, even as their Headis ever ready to do. Jesus, alone, is the Tree of Life, but He makes some of His servants to be, instrumentally to us, littletrees of life by whom He gives us fruit of the same sort that He bears Himself, for He puts it there and it is Himself inHis saints causing them to bring portly golden apples with which our souls are gladdened! May we, every one of us, be madelike our Lord and may His fruit be found upon our branches!

We have put into the tomb, during the last year, many of the saints who have fallen asleep. Among them there were some ofwhom I will not, at this moment, speak particularly-whose lives, as I look back upon them, are still a tree of life to me.I pray God that I may be like they! Many of you knew them and if you will only recall their holy, devoted lives, the influencethey have left behind will still be a tree of life to you. They, being dead, yet speak! Do you hear their eloquent exhortations?Even in their ashes live their accustomed fires-kindle your souls in their warmth. Their noble examples are the endowmentsof the Church! Her children are ennobled and enriched as they remember their walk of faith and labor of love.

Beloved, may we, every one of us, be true benedictions to the Churches in whose gardens we are planted. "Oh," says one, "Iam afraid I am not much like a tree, for I feel so weak and insignificant." If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed youhave the commencement of the tree beneath whose branches the birds of the air will yet find a lodging. The very birds thatwould have eaten the tiny seed come and find lodgment in the tree which grows out of it! And people who despise and mock you,now that you are a young beginner, will one of these days, if God blesses you, be glad to borrow comfort from your exampleand experience!

But one other thought on this point. Remember the completeness and development of the holy life will be seen above. Thereis a City of which it is written, "In the midst of the street, thereof, and on every side of the river was there the tree

of life." The tree of life is a heavenly plant and so the fruit of the Christian is a thing of Heaven! Though not transplantedto the Glory Land, it is getting fit for its final abode. What is holiness but Heaven on earth? What is living unto God butthe essence of Heaven? What are uprightness, integrity, Christ-likeness? Have not these even more to do with Heaven than harpsand palms and streets of purest gold? Holiness, purity, loveliness of character-these make a Heaven within a man's own bosom!And even if there were no place called Heaven, that heart would have a heavenly happiness which is set free from sin and madelike the Lord Jesus!

See, then, dear Brothers and Sisters, what an important thing it is for us to be, indeed, righteous before God, for then theoutcome of that righteousness shall be fruit which will be a tree of life to others and a tree of life in Heaven above, worldwithout end. O blessed Spirit, make it so and You shall have all the praise!

II. This brings us to our second head. THE PURSUIT OF THE BELIEVER SHOULD BE SOUL-WINNING. For

"he that wins souls is wise." The two things are put together-the life first, the effort next-what God has joined togetherlet no man put asunder. It is implied in our text that there are souls which need winning. Ah me, all souls of men are lostby nature! You might walk through the streets of London and say of the masses of men you meet upon those crowded pavementswith sighs and tears-"Lost, lost, lost!" Wherever Christ is not trusted-the Spirit has not created a new heart and the soulhas not come to the great Father-there is a lost soul.

But here is the mercy-these lost souls can be won! They are not hopelessly lost! Not yet has God determined that they shallforever abide as they are. It is not yet said, "He that is filthy, let him be filthy, still," but they are in the land ofhope where mercy may reach them-for they are spoken of as capable of being won! They may yet be delivered, but the phrasehints that it will need all our efforts. "He that wins souls." What do we mean by that word, win? We use it in courtship.We speak of the bridegroom who wins his bride and sometimes there is a large expanse of love, many a pleading word and muchwooing before the valued heart is all the suitor's own.

I use this explanation because, in some respects, it is the very best, for souls will have to be won for Christ in this fashionthat they may be married to Him. We must woo the sinner for Christ-that is how hearts are to be won for Him. Jesus is theBridegroom and we must speak for Him and tell of His beauty, as Abraham's servant, when he went to seek a wife for Isaac,acted as a wooer in his stead. Have you ever read the story? Then turn to it when you get home and see how he talked abouthis master, what possessions he had and how Isaac was to be head of it all, and so on. And then he finished his address byurging Rebecca to go with him.

The question was put to her, "Will you go with this man?" So the minister's business is to commend his Master and his Master'sriches and then to say to souls, "Will you be wedded to Christ?" He who can succeed in this very delicate business is a wiseman! We also use the term in a military fashion. We speak of winning a city, a castle, or a battle. We do not win victoriesby going to sleep. Believe me, castles are not captured by men who are only half awake! To win a battle requires the bestskills, the greatest endurance and the utmost courage. To storm fortresses which are regarded as almost impregnable, men needto burn the midnight oil and study well the arts of attack. And, when the time comes for the assault, not a soldier must bea laggard, but all force of artillery and manhood must be brought to bear on the point assailed.

To carry a man's heart by main force of Grace. To capture it. To break down the bars of brass and dash the gates of iron inpieces requires the exercise of a skill which only Christ can give! To bring up the big battering rams and shake every stonein the sinner's conscience. To make his heart rock and reel within him for fear of the wrath to come. In a word, to assaila soul with all the artillery of the Gospel needs a wise man and one awakened to his work! To hold up the white flag of mercyand, if that is despised, to use the battering ram of threats until a breach is made and then, with the sword of the Spiritin his hand, to capture the city, to tear down the black flag of sin and run up the banner of the Cross needs all the forcethe choicest preacher can command and a great deal more!

Those whose souls are as cold as the Arctic regions and whose energy is reduced to the vanishing point are not likely to takethe city of Mansoul for Prince Emanuel. If you think you are going to win souls, you must throw your soul into your work justas a warrior must throw his soul into a battle-or victory will not be yours. We use the words "to win" in reference to makinga fortune and we all know that the man who becomes a millionaire has to rise up early and sit up late and eat the bread ofcarefulness. We know it takes a deal of toiling and saving and I know not what, besides, to amass immense wealth.

We have to go in for winning souls with the same ardor and concentration of our faculties as old Astor of New York went into build up that fortune of so many millions which he has now left behind him. It is, indeed, a race, and you know that ina race nobody wins unless he strains every muscle and sinew. They that run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize-andthat one is generally he who had more strength than the rest. Certainly, whether he had more strength or not, he put out allhe had and we shall not win souls unless we imitate him in this. Solomon declares in the text that, "He that wins souls iswise," and such a declaration is all the more valuable as coming from so wise a man.

Let me show you why a true soul-winner is wise. First, he must be taught of God before he will attempt it. The man who doesnot know that he was once blind but now he sees, had better think of his own blindness before he attempts to lead his friendsin the right way. If not saved yourself, you cannot be the means of saving others! He that wins souls must be wise unto salvation,first, for himself. That being taken for granted, he is a wise man to select such a pursuit. Young man, are you choosing anobject worthy to be the great aim of your life? I do hope you will judge wisely and select a noble ambition. If God has givenyou great gifts, I hope they will not be wasted on any low, sordid, or selfish design.

Suppose I am now addressing one who has great talents and has an opportunity of being what he likes-of going into Parliamentand helping to pass wise measures-or of going into business and making himself a man of importance? I hope he will weigh theclaims of Jesus and immortal souls as well as other claims. Shall I addict myself to study? Shall I surrender myself to business?Shall I travel? Shall I spend my time in pleasure? Shall I become the principal fox hunter of the county? Shall I lay outmy time in promoting political and social reforms?

Think them all over, but if you are a Christian man, my dear Friend, nothing will equal in enjoyment, in usefulness, in honorand in lasting recompense the giving yourself up to the winning of souls! Oh, it is grand hunting, I can tell you, and beatsall the fox hunting in the world in excitement and exhilaration! Have I not sometimes gone with a cry over hedge and ditchafter some poor sinner and kept well up with him in every twist and turn he took till I have overtaken him, by God's Grace,and been in at the death and rejoiced exceedingly when I have seen him captured by my Master? Our Lord Jesus calls His ministers,fishermen, and no other fishermen have such labor, such sorrow and such delight as we have!

But what a happy thing it is that you may win souls for Jesus and may do this though you abide in your secular callings. Someof you would never win souls in pulpits-it would be a great pity if you tried-but you can win souls in the workshop, in thelaundry, in the nursery and in the drawing room. Our hunting grounds are everywhere-by the wayside, by the fireside, in thecorner and in the crowd. Among the common people Jesus is our theme and among the great ones we have no other. You will bewise, my Brothers, if for you the one absorbing desire is that you may turn the ungodly from the error of their ways. Foryou there will be a crown glittering with many stars which you shall cast at Jesus' feet in the day of His appearing!

Further, it is not only wise to make this your aim, but you will have to be very wise if you succeed in it, because the soulsto be won are so different in their constitutions, feelings and conditions-you will have to adapt yourselves to them all!The trappers of North America have to find out the habits of the animals they wish to catch-and so you will have to learnhow to deal with each class of sinners. Some are very depressed. You will have to comfort them. Perhaps you will comfort themtoo much and make them unbelieving! Therefore, possibly instead of comforting them, you will need, sometimes, to administera sharp word to cure the sulkiness into which they have fallen.

Another person may be frivolous. If you put on a serious face you will frighten your bird away-you will have to be cheerfuland drop a word of admonition as if by accident. Some people, again, will not let you speak to them, but will talk to you.You must know the art of putting a word in edgeways! You will have to be very wise and become all things to all men-but yoursuccess will prove your wisdom. Theories of dealing with souls may look very wise, but they often prove to be useless whenactually tried. He who, by God's Grace, accomplishes the work, is a wise man, though, perhaps, he knows no theory whatever.This work will need all your wit and far more-and you will have to cry to the great Winner of Souls above to give you of HisHoly Spirit.

He that wins souls is wise because he is engaged in a business which makes men wiser as they proceed with it. You will bungleat first and, very likely, drive sinners off from Christ by your attempts to draw them to Him. I have tried to move some souls,with all my might, with a certain passage of Scripture, but they have taken it in an opposite light to what it was intendedand have started off in the wrong direction. It is very difficult to know how to act with bewildered enquir-

ers. If you want some people to go forward you must pull them backwards. If you want them to go to the right you must insistupon their going to the left, but, by God's Grace, they go to the right directly. You must be ready for these follies of poorhuman nature!

I know a poor aged Christian woman who had been a child of God 50 years, but she was in a state of melancholy and distressfrom which nobody could awaken her. I called several times and endeavored to cheer her up, but generally, when I left shewas worse than before. So the next time I called to see her I did not say anything to her about Christ or religion. She soonintroduced those topics herself and then I remarked that I was not going to talk to her about such holy things, for she didnot know anything about them. I told her she was not a Believer in Christ and had been, no doubt, a hypocrite for many years.She could not stand that and asserted, in self-defense, that the Lord above knew her better than I did and He was her witnessthat she did love the Lord Jesus Christ! She scarcely forgave herself, afterwards, for that admission, but she could nevertalk to me quite so despairingly anymore!

True lovers of men's souls learn the art of dealing with them and the Holy Spirit makes them expert soul surgeons for Jesus.It is not because a man has more abilities, nor, altogether because he has more Grace, but the Lord makes him to love thesouls of men intensely-and this imparts a secret skill-since, for the most part, the way to get sinners to Christ is to lovethem to Christ. Beloved Brothers, I will say once more, he who really wins souls for Jesus, however he wins them, is a wiseman. Some of you are slow to admit this. You say-"Well, So-and-So, I dare say, has been very useful, but he is very rough."What does his roughness matter if he wins souls? "Ah," says another, "but I am not built up under him." Why do you go to hearhim? To get built up?

If the Lord has sent him to pull down, let him pull down! And you go elsewhere for edification, but do not grumble at a manwho does one work because he cannot do another! We are also too apt to pit one minister against another and say you shouldhear my minister. Perhaps we should, but it would be better for you to hear the man who edifies you and let others go wherethey, also, are instructed. "He that wins souls is wise." I do not ask you how he did it. He sang the Gospel and you did notlike it, but if he won souls he was wise! Soul-winners all have their own ways and if they do but win souls they are wise.

I will tell you what is not wise and will not be thought so at the last, namely, to go about the Churches doing nothing, yourself,and railing at all the Lord's useful servants. Here is a dear Brother on his dying bed. He has the sweet thought that theLord enabled him to bring many souls to Jesus and the expectation when he comes to the gates that many spirits will come tomeet him. They will throng the ascent to the New Jerusalem and welcome the man who brought them to Jesus! They are immortalmonuments to his labors. He is wise. Here is another who has spent all his time in interpreting the prophecies, so that everythinghe read of in the newspapers he could see in Daniel or Revelation.

He is wise, so some say, but I had rather spend my time in winning souls! I would sooner bring one sinner to Jesus Christthan unpick all the mysteries of the Divine Word, for salvation is the thing we are to live for! I would to God that I understoodall mysteries, yet chief of all would I proclaim the mystery of soul-saving by faith in the blood of the Lamb! It is comparativelya small matter for a minister to have been a staunch upholder of orthodoxy all his days and to have spent himself in keepingup the hedges of his Church. Soul-winning is the main concern! It is a very good thing to contend earnestly for the faithonce delivered to the saints, but I do not think I should like to say in my last account, "Lord, I have lived to fight theRomanists and the State Church and to put down the various erroneous sects, but I never led a sinner to the Cross." No, wewill fight the good fight of faith, but the winning of souls is the greater matter-he who attends to it is wise!

Another Brother has preached the Truth of God, but he did so polish up his sermons that the Gospel was hidden. Never a sermonwas fit to preach, he thought, until he had written it out a dozen times to see whether every sentence would be accordingto the canons of Cicero and Quintillian-and then he went and delivered the Gospel as a grand oration. Is that wise? Well,it takes a wise man to be a thorough orator, but it is better not to be an orator if fine speech prevents your being understood!Let eloquence be flung to the dogs rather than souls be lost! What we need is to win souls and they are not to be won by floweryspeeches! We must have the winning of souls at heart and be red hot with zeal for their salvation-then, however much we blunder,according to the critics-we shall be numbered among those whom the Lord calls wise!

Now, Christian men and women, I want you to take this matter up, practically, and to determine that you will try, this verynight, to win a soul. Try the one next to you in the pew if you cannot think of anybody else! Try on the way home. Try withyour own children. Have I not told you of what happened one Sunday six months ago? In my sermon I said, "Now, you mothers,have you ever prayed with each of your children, one by one, and urged them to lay hold on Christ? Perhaps dear Jane is nowin bed and you have never yet pleaded with her about eternal things. Go home tonight, wake her up and say, "Jane, I am sorryI have never personally told you about the Savior and prayed with you, but I mean to do it now." Wake her up and put yourarms round her neck and pour out your heart to God with her!

Well, there was a good Sister here who had a daughter named Jane. What do you think? She came on Monday to bring her daughterJane to see me in the vestry, for when she woke her up and began, "I have not spoken to you about Jesus," or something tothat effect, "Oh, dear Mother," said Jane, "I have loved the Savior these six months and wondered why you had not spoken tome about Him." And then there was such kissing and rejoicing! Perhaps you may find that to be the case with a dear child athome, and, if you do not, so much the more reason why you should begin at once to speak! Did you never win a soul for Jesus?You shall have a crown in Heaven, but no jewels it! You will go to Heaven childless! And you know how it was in the old times,how the women dreaded lest they should be childless!

Let it be so with Christian people! Let them dread being spiritually childless! We must hear the cries of those whom God hasgiven to be born unto Himself by our means. We must hear them, or else cry out in anguish, "Give me converts or I die!" Youngmen, old men and Sisters of all ages, if you love the Lord, get a passion for souls! Do you not see them? They are going downto Hell by the thousands! As often as the hand upon the dial completes its circuit, Hell devours multitudes! Some of themignorant of Christ and others willfully rejecting Him! The world lies in darkness-this great city still pines for the light!

Your own friends and kinsfolk may be dead before this week is over. Oh, if you have any humanity, let alone Christianity,if you have found the remedy, tell the diseased about it! If you have found life, proclaim it to the dead! If you have foundliberty, publish it to the captives! If you have found Christ, tell of Him to others! My Brothers in the college, let thisbe your choice work while studying, and let it be the one objective of your lives when you go forth from us. Do not be contentwhen you get a congregation, but labor to win souls and, as you do this, God will bless you. As for us, we hope during therest of our lives to follow Him who is The Soul-Winner and to put ourselves in His hands who makes us soul-winners, so thatour life may not be a long folly, but may be proven, by results, to have been directed by wisdom!

O you souls not won to Jesus, remember that faith in Christ saves you! Trust in Him! May you be led to trust in Him for Hisname's sake. Amen.