Sermon 1265. The Eternal Truth of God

(No. 1265)




"The truth endures to all generations." Psalm 100:5.

IT was very solemn work, this morning, to lay bare the sin of unbelief. [Sermon #1238, Beware of Unbelief] It was the burdenof the Lord to him who had to speak and it could have been but very small pleasure to those who had to listen. Nevertheless,I trust it was something better than pleasure to many and it drove their souls to pray to God for others. By His Grace sinnerswere moved, as we already know, to yield up their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ. After meditating upon the heinousness ofthis sin-the sin of making God a liar-after even thinking of it, horror took hold upon my soul and it seemed to me that weought to have a supplementary sermon, tonight, in honor of the Truth of God.

As we have, as it were, cleansed the temple and swept out the dreadful filthiness of giving the Lord the lie, it is now ourpart to offer a sweet smelling offering by declaring the faithfulness of the Lord. It is my earnest desire that each one ofus may join in the devout exercise and bear our witness that, as far as we have known the Lord, He has been a God of truthto us. We will also rehearse the Scriptural Testimony to this great and certain fact that God cannot lie-and meditate uponthe evidence that in Him and in all His actions, faithfulness shines in the highest possible perfection.

I desire in the courts of the Lord's House and in the midst of His people, to extol Him whose counsels of old are faithfulnessand truth. We will consider only two points, though those will subdivide into many others, and the first is, that, accordingto the text and according to fact, God is true. And, secondly, that God is true in all generations.

I. First, then, GOD IS TRUE. He is true in His very Nature. There is no deceit, falsehood, or error in the essential Natureof God. It could not be. We, from our very birth, have deceitful hearts, deceitful above all things. And in us, the old serpentwho deceived our first parents has fearfully perverted our judgement and turned aside our souls from their integrity. As aresult we often put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. And frequently we believe a lie and reject the truth. But God isnot a man that He should lie. His very name is, "The Lord God, abundant in goodness and truth." This is only a part of Hisholiness. The angels could not cry, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth," if God were not true. Admit for a single moment,untruthfulness on the part of God, and you have, at once, destroyed the wholeness, or holiness, of His ever blessed and adorableCharacter.

What makes men untruthful? Whatever it may be, it is clear that nothing of the kind can operate with God. When a man tellsa lie, it is often through fear-fear of the consequences of the truth. But the eternal Jehovah cannot dread consequences-Heis Omnipotent-all things are in His hands. When a man utters a lie, he frequently does so because he thinks there is no otherway of accomplishing his end. But the Infinite Wisdom of God is never short of resources-He knows how to accomplish His willand pleasure without adopting the mean devices and paltry schemes of poor pitiful man. Man sometimes promises what he cannotperform and then he is false to his promise. But that can never be the case with the Almighty who has but to speak and itis done-to command, and it stands fast.

Falsehood is the wickedness-I dare not call it the infirmity-the wickedness of little natures. But as for the Great Supreme,you cannot conceive Him acting in any manner that is otherwise than straightforward, upright and truthful. He is essentiallya God of truth and righteousness. He must be so. The Lord our God is not only true in His Nature, but He is true to His Nature.We are not always true to ourselves. I have known a generous man who, in a spot, has acted very ungenerously. I have knowna man universally admitted to be just and upright who, nevertheless, under pressure, has stooped to an action which he couldnot justify.

And we have read of persons exceedingly kind by nature who, nevertheless, have perpetrated cruel deeds in times of fear. Theywere not true to themselves. They did actions of which any candid person would say, "This is not like the man-we are astonishedthat he should do this. He seems to have stepped out of his ordinary path to do a something al-

together foreign to his better nature." But the Lord is always true to Himself. You never find Him doing anything that isnot godlike. Select the acts of His Creation. If He makes an aphid to creep upon a rosebud, you will find traces of infinitewisdom in it-you shall submit the insect to the microscope and discern a wisdom in it as glorious as that which shines inyonder rolling stars!

If in Providence some minor event comes under your notice, in that event you shall find no deviation from the constant ruleof right and love by which the Most High characterizes all His doings. There are no emergencies with God in which He couldbe driven to act an untruth. There are no pressures, no difficulties, no infirmities which could produce falsehood in Him."I am Jehovah: I change not," He says. Find Him where you will, He is what He was and what He ever shall be-the eternal andever glorious I AM, over whom circumstances can have no kind of influence-who, indeed, knows nothing of circumstances, forHe fills all places, and all times and all ages are present with Him! As for the creatures, they are as nothing in His sightand He is All in All. Ever true, ever true by Nature and His Nature is true is the Lord our God and adored be His thrice holyname! By Jesus Christ, we present to You, O Jehovah, our adoring praise!

Let us further notice that God is true in action. He has been true to the first transaction of which we are aware, namely,the making of the Eternal Covenant. What God has done in the eternity which we call the past, (but which to Him is as thepresent), we do not fully know. We have no reason to believe that we know much of what God has done. There may be as manyother worlds and sorts of beings existent as there are sands upon the sea shore, for all we know. And the Lord may have beenoccupied in ages past with thousands of glorious plans and economies as yet unrevealed to man.

We cannot tell what He does, or what He has done. We are creatures of a day and know nothing. We are like insects that areborn on a leaf and die amid our fellows at the setting of the sun-but He lives on forever. We talk of the "eternal hills,"but they are babes that were born yesterday, as far as He is concerned. "Before the mountains were brought forth, or everYou had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting You are God." We say, "Roll on, you ancient ocean!"but the ocean is not ancient-it is a drop that fell yesterday from the tip of the Creator's finger!

We cannot tell all that the Lord did in the past, but we are told in Scripture that He made a Covenant in the olden time withHis Son and with us, also, who are believers in His Son. And in that Covenant the chief point was that He would give His Sonto be a ransom for many-that Jesus Christ should lay down His life for His sheep and give Himself for His Church. That wasthe most astounding promise that was ever made! Indeed, all the promises made to men are couched in that. Did He keep it?Did He take the Darling of His bosom, the pure and holy Christ, and send Him down to earth to be made in the likeness of sinfulflesh?

Did He submit that His peer, His equal, the Son of the Highest, should wear the smock frock of a peasant and live among thesons of men as a carpenter's son? Did He fulfill that wondrous Word and allow that dear Son of His to be nailed to a Cross-todie on that gibbet like a common felon? Did He permit Him to slumber in the dust among the dead? He did! Let Bethlehem andCalvary say, "The Lord is true! He has kept His Covenant-

"True to His Word, He gave His Son To die for crimes which men ha ve done. Blest pledge! He never will revoke A single promiseHe has spoke." But it was a stipulation of that Covenant on the Lord's side that Jesus Christ should have a people who wouldbe His reward for His sufferings. The Father gave to Christ a chosen people-His sheep, His bride. These were to be His. "Heshall see of the travail of His soul and shall be satisfied."

Has the Divine Father kept that part of His Covenant? Beloved, He is keeping it every day! By the preaching of the Gospeland by other means in the hand of the Spirit, those for whom Jesus died are being called from among the mass of mankind! Theyare reconciled to God by the death of Jesus and they are saved! And whenever these present themselves before the Throne ofGod, He looks upon them as forgiven, regards them as one with His beloved Son and members of the body of Christ-and thereforeHe accepts them in the Beloved! For Christ's sake He preserves them. For Christ's sake He sanctifies them. For Christ's sakeHe will, by-and-by, glorify them! The Covenant of Grace has many promises in it, but not one of them has failed. As on Christ'sside, the Covenant was kept by His death, so on the Father's side, the Covenant has been kept by the salvation of those whomJesus redeemed from among men whom He gave himself a ransom for many.

Oh, Beloved, if it could be proven that the Covenant of Grace had failed. If there had been the smallest faltering in thefulfillment of this Divine Treaty, then might we speak with bated breath concerning the truthfulness of God, and the sinnerwould not be so guilty when he makes God a liar! But because in this grand Covenant transaction God has not swerved by somuch as one jot or tittle from His promise, let His name be blessed! Praise Him, all you saints in Heaven! Praise Him, yousaints on earth, for, "His truth endures to all generations." God being thus true in His Nature and true to His Nature-andtrue to His Covenant-He has been true to all His purposes. Whatever God resolved to do, He has done. Whatever He decreed hascome to pass!

There has been no change in the purpose of God at any time. Straight forward He goes and none can hinder Him. The oppositionof men and the opposition of devils are as nothing-these can no more change His plans than an infant's breath could alterthe course of the sun. "Has He said and shall He not do it?" Who are you that hopes to thwart the designs of God? What Heresolves to do, who shall dare to censure, much less to oppose? Who is he that shall say unto the Lord, "Your arm is short.You are not able to accomplish Your work"? Behold, His will is Omnipotence and He does as He pleases among the angels of Heavenand among the inhabitants of this lower world. From the time He planned the whole scheme of Providence and Grace, nothinghas ever made Him alter so much as one single line of it. There it stands, and He is true to it and true He will be, till,like a vesture, He shall fold up Creation as a worn-out mantle which has answered its wearer's purpose.

This leads us to remark that God is true to His promises. There is not a promise which God has made, but what either He haskept it, or else, being dated for the future, He will keep it when the time appointed comes. Whatever He has said to the sonsof men He has meant. How sadly common it is for men to make engagements in public while, in the long run, they never intendto do anything of the sort. How many promises are made to please the ear and cheat the heart? Blessed be the Lord, it is notso with Him! I love that passage in which it is written, "I have not spoken in secret, in the dark places of the earth. Isaid not unto the seed of Jacob, seek you My face in vain." There are no mental reservations and Jesuitical equivocationswith God-there is nothing in His secret purpose which will contradict the promise which He has given.

When He says to the wicked, "You shall surely die," He means it. But when He says, "Though your sins are as scarlet, theyshall be as wool," He means it. And when He says, "I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquitieswill I remember no more," it is not mere talk. It is reality. He means it. He is "the Lord God, merciful and gracious, forgivinginiquity and transgression and sin." There is truth in what He says, and He fulfils it. Oh, how many of us there are herewho can tell of the pardoning mercy of God! We have been forgiven! We have been saved! We sought the Lord and He heard us!We cried unto Him and He answered us! We came before Him with no plea except the blood of Jesus and He said, "Son, be of goodcheer; your sins, which are many, are forgiven you." Blessed be His name! His promises are true!

Now, child of God, I want you to note this upon the tablets of your heart. Be sure of it! For on your assurance of God's truthfulnessvery much depends. You cannot call out to God and be accepted if you have any suspicion of the Divine veracity, for, "withoutfaith it is impossible to please Him." Do not play with God's promises! Do not say, "I hope they are true." You have no businessto hope about it. They are true! Do not go with a promise on your lips and say, "Lord, I sometimes hope that this will befulfilled." No, but say, "Lord, I know You cannot lie. You have said it and You will do it. As the pitcher hangs on the nail,so do I hang upon Your truth." God deserves to be treated with unbounded confidence. Sooner shall Heaven and earth pass awaythan one promise of our God shall fall to the ground!-

"He will not His great Self deny;

A God all truth can never lie;

As well might be His being quit

As break His oath or word forget." Now, as He is thus true to His secret purposes and true to His promises, I may add thatHe is true to all His published Word which He has made known to us in Holy Scripture. The Bible, having in it testimoniesfrom God, is not a book for yesterday, nor shall it be merely a book for today, but for all time! It stands and must standfast forever. Did the Law condemn sin? It condemns it still! Did the Gospel provide pardon 1,800 years ago? It does so still!Is there a promise that believers shall be saved? They are saved still! Is there a declaration that unbelievers shall be damned?Damned they must be, for that Word can never alter! Of every gracious declaration of the Most High we may sing-

"Engraved as in eternal brass The mighty promise shines, Nor can the po wers of darkness erase Those everlasting lines."

Every Word of God is true and stands fast like the pillars of Heaven! Neither can it ever be changed-rest assured of this.

Further, let me assure you, tonight, that God is true in every relation that He sustains. Is He a King? The kingcraft of Godis not like that of many princes who think that their ambassadors ought to be sent abroad to tell lies for the good of theircountrymen at home. No, there are no deceits, tricks or plots with the court of Heaven! Nothing of what is called finesseand intrigue enter into the government of God! It is all straightforward with Him and so plain and clear that it baffles villainy,countermines the mining of deceit and makes the diviners mad! O blessed King upon Your throne, Your courtiers are men of cleanhands who love the Truths of God in their hearts! They dwell with You, but as for liars and deceivers, You have said thatthey shall be cast into the Lake of Fire.

The Lord will be true as a Judge. When you and I come to be tried before Him there will be no bribes taken. There will beno inducing of witnesses to commit perjury, no twisting of the law. In righteousness shall He judge the world and His peoplewith equity, for He is just and true in all His ways and will, by no means, clear the guilty. He will only clear those whomHe has made righteous through the righteousness of His Son. Blessed be His name, He is true as a Father. Many fathers arebad fathers-hard, forgetful, selfish-we pity the children who have such parents. They are not fathers at all, in the truesense of the word. But God is a true father, pitying and compassionate, helping and loving and providing for His children.

And He is a true friend. There are friends in the world of a sad sort. Friends? Perhaps we have a dozen of them- friends whilewe have a shilling-but they leave us when our purse is empty, or we are under a cloud. "A friend in need is a friend, indeed,"says our proverb, and such a friend is God, for, oh, how He helps the helpless! How the widow and the fatherless, and thosethat have no helper, look up to Him! And how in our despair, when we are sorely pressed and crushed under a burden of trouble,we have turned to Him and He has helped us, truly helped us, for He is a practical Friend. But I should tire you if I wentthrough all the relationships in which God sustains us-only I sum up all by saying that He is true and thorough in them all.

There is no pretence or mockery with Him. And I will close this head by saying that God is true to every man, to every womanin the world. When you get to the end of life you will find that everything that God said is true. You may have doubted it,but experience will prove it. You may call Him a liar, as we proved that unbelievers do, this morning, but you will find Himtrue-true to your regret if you die rejecting Him, but assuredly true in all respects. Some dare to charge God with favoritismand I do not know what they will not say. Such things have I heard said about the living God that I will not defile my lipsby repeating them. But, Sinner, you will find Him to be impartial. Your judgement before God will be so just that you, yourself,will agree with it!

Though it sends you down to Hell, you will be obliged, by your speechless confusion, to confess that God has kept His Wordwith you and has dealt out impartial justice. You will not at any time be able to turn round upon Him and say, "This is notwhat was written in Your Bible. This is not what Your ministers told me. This is not what my conscience tells me should be."No, no, but as it is written, so shall you find it! Do not risk the Lord's driving you forever from His Presence, for if youdie in unbelief He will do so. If you reject Him, He will reject you. And if you despise His Son, He will despise you. Ifyou will live and die impenitent and unbelieving, you shall be driven from His Presence into outer darkness, where there shallbe weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth-and He has told you so!

I sometimes pity persons who are brought up before the magistrates for breaking some of our new laws which the magistrates,themselves, cannot administer and which nobody can understand. The magistrate says, "It is clear you have broken a law," andthe man replies, "I did not know it." I pity a man in that case! But you do know the Law of the Lord! God's Laws have beenpublished, fastened up in your conscience and printed in the Bible which is in all your houses! And so if you sin againstHis commands, you sin against light and knowledge. And you will be utterly without excuse when He calls you to His bar.

There I leave this great Truth of God, having illustrated it in a considerable number of ways. God is true.

II. The second head was to be that GOD IS TRUE IN ALL GENERATIONS. This fact breaks up into three heads-

in the past, in the present and in the future. I should have to detain you here for a long time if I were to go into thatfirst

head at any length. God has been true in the past. The whole of history, sacred and profane, goes to prove that. Take thebeginning of our race. God warned Adam and Eve that if they ate of the forbidden fruit they should surely die. He indicatedto them, therein, a spiritual death which signifies separation from God. In the day they ate thereof they did die- die asto all spiritual life and Adam, instead of welcoming God, went to hide himself among the trees of the garden and felt thathe was naked.

God then told him that in the sweat of his face he should eat bread and that his wife should bring forth her children withbitter pangs. Has it not been so? Every man's labor and every woman's travail prove that God is true. But then the Lord camein with a voice of mercy and He said, "The Seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head," and Jesus came, the woman'spromised Seed, and He has bruised the head of Satan and proclaimed to us salvation through the Man, the Mediator, who is alsoGod over all, blessed forever. The first promise has been kept. Years rolled on and God destroyed the world with a flood.You know the story. God said He would and He did it. He told Noah to go into the ark and He would save him. Noah went in andGod saved him.

But when he came out, perhaps Noah was half afraid the world would be destroyed again and, when a shower began to fall, hedid not know but what the sluices of Heaven had been pulled up again and that once more the floods might come. Presently hesaw in the skies that wonderful sight which I think none of us can look upon without delight-a rainbow, a bow of many colors,not a bloodstained bow, but a bow of joy, many-colored, like streamers of delight-a bow not turned downwards to shoot at us,but upwards, as if we might shoot our prayers up to God upon it. A bow without an arrow, to show that God has not come outto war with men.

And what did God say? "I, behold, even I, do set My bow in the cloud, for behold I make a covenant with the world that seedtimeand harvest, summer and winter, cold and heat, shall never fail. And I will no more destroy the earth with a flood." Has Henot kept it? Have you not felt winter's cold going through your bones? Did you not sweat with the heat of summer? Did He notsay that He would give you the harvest time and the heat? He has kept His Covenant! Every time you see the rainbow in Heaven,no, every time you walk upon the earth and find that it is not transformed into one dreary, dreadful, all-devouring sea, youmay say to yourself, "God is true."

The world went on and there came an Abraham into the world. And God said, "Get you hence, from your kindred, and from yourfather's house, to a land that I will show you. I will give it to you and to your seed after you." Abraham believed God andwent into a land that he knew nothing of. He found it full of inhabitants and he dwelt among them in tents, wandering up anddown. It did not look likely that God would give him that land, nor to his seed after him, for he had no children and he wasmore than a hundred years old. And his wife was well stricken in years. He had to wait a long time, but Isaac came, at last,and made glad that household.

Four hundred and fifty years went on. Abraham had been gathered to his fathers and yet there was not an Israelite in all Canaan!Not a foot of that land belonged to them except the cave of Machpelah in which the dead Patriarch still lay. But the timecame for Israel to come up into the promised land and they did come. God sent down Moses and told Pharaoh to let His peoplego, for the time was come and they must go up to their own land. Pharaoh said, "Who is the Lord, that I should obey His voice?I will not obey His voice, neither will I let Israel go." But he had to change his tune and bow before the stammering manwho spoke for God!

God chastened and plagued Egypt till, at last, they let Israel go-and they did go, though the Red Sea rolled before them-andPharaoh's host pursued them! They did go, and though the wilderness yielded them no meat, the heavens dropped with manna!They went through the great howling wilderness and failed not for drought, for the rocks gushed with rivers! They did go tillthey came to Canaan and there they were called to fight with Anakim and giants. And they threw down the battlements of theircities! And they smote the Canaanites with great slaughter, took possession of the land and dwelt therein-every man underhis vine and under his fig tree-for the Lord had said it, and the Lord fulfilled it.

He gave the land to them and they possessed it in due time. Thus, you see, I might keep on with history as long as you pleased,but it all goes to show that if God says it, He does it. He said that Edom should become a desolation and the traveler canhardly pass through Petra at this present day. He said that Tyre should become a place for the mending of nets and it is stillso in its desolateness. He said that Egypt should be the meanest of all the nations and who that knows

Egypt, where the stick is used on almost every man, does not know that no people yield so meanly to a despot's will as theEgyptian race? Everything has happened that the Lord has spoken up to this moment.

Now, instead of taking you back to ancient or modern history, I would like to take you to the history of your mother or ofyour grandmother. I think of my dear old grandfather and of what he used to say to me. If he were here tonight-I am glad heis not, because he is in Heaven, and that is a much better place for him-but if he could come from Heaven and could talk ashe used to do when he was here on earth, he would say, "Ah, my boy, I did find Him a faithful God." He had a large familyand a very small income, but he loved his Lord and he would not have given up his preaching of the Gospel for anything, noteven for an imperial crown!

He had told me often how the Lord provided for him. He had a little farm to get his living upon it and he had a cow whichused to give milk for his many children. And one day when he came up to the cow it fell back with the staggers and died. Grandmothersaid, "James, how will God provide for the dear children now? What shall we do for milk?" "Mother," he said, "God said Hewould provide, and I believe that He could send us 50 cows if He pleased." It so happened that on that day a number of gentlemenwere meeting in London. Persons whom Grandfather did not know were sitting as a committee for the distribution of money topoor ministers, and they had given it to all who had asked for it.

My grandfather had never asked for any. He liked to earn his own money. He did not send in any petition or appeal. Well, afterthe gentlemen had distributed to all who had asked, there was five pounds over and they were considering what they shoulddo with this balance. "Well," said one, "there is a Mr. Spurgeon down at Stambourne, in Essex, a poor minister. He standsin need of five pounds." "Oh," said another, "don't send him five pounds. I will add five to it. I know him. He is a worthyman." "No," said another, "don't send him 10 pounds. I will give another five pounds if somebody else will put a fourth fiveto it."

The next morning came a letter to Grandfather with nine pence postage due! Grandmother did not like to pay out nine pencefor a letter, but there was 20 pounds in it, and as my grandfather opened it he said, "Now, can't you trust God about an oldcow?" These things I tell you, and you smile, and well you may, but, oh my soul laughs, and my face laughs on both sides,when I think how faithful God has been to me! I can tell you about my grandfather, but I will not tell you about myself, forthat would be almost as long as the history I spoke of. From the day that I left my father's house to this day, if there isno other man in the world that can speak of the faithfulness of God, I can. I must, I will and none shall stop me of thisglorying.

He has never lied unto me, or failed me, or forsaken me, but has kept His Word to the moment in every respect. No, I sometimesthink He has gone beyond His Word and done for me exceedingly abundantly above what I understood Him to promise. He has exceededmy expectations even when my expectations have been at full tide. If I were to invite the Brothers round us, one by one, toget up and were to say "Brother, has God kept His Word to you in the past? Speak as you have found Him," they would all testilyto the Lord's truth! And, oh, it is not merely the Brothers, but there are many aged woman here-there are many widows here-thereare many poor tried Believers here, and as I look round I know the stories of some of you and I know what you would say. Itwould be, "Blessed be His holy name, not one good thing has failed of all that the Lord God has promised." There is the testimonyof history, ancient and modern. There is the testimony of the biographies of our ancestors and the testimony of our autobiographiesas well. God is true, glory be to His name!

Now, Brothers and Sisters, I was to have said next, that God is still true. Not only was He true, but He is true-He is truetonight. He is true tonight! If you want to know that, go down many of our streets in London tonight. Go to the casual wardof the workhouse, if you like, and just pick out the vagrants-those that are in rags and poverty. What do you find? In ninecases out of 10, how did they get there? What brought them to poverty? Drink and laziness! And what did God say? "The drunkardand the sluggard shall come to poverty." God said they would and they do. He says, "The sluggard shall clothe himself withrags." Every time I see a sluggard in rags, I say to myself, "God is true. He said it would come to that." He tells us thatsin will bring sorrow, and do you not see it everywhere? Most of the misery in the world can be traced to some sin or other-somedirect breach of the Divine commands. God is true.

On the other hand, look, tonight, on many a happy face. If I were to question the man who owns that happy face- What makesyou so happy?-he would say, "Because my sins are forgiven me." "How came that about?" "I believed in the Lord Jesus Christand I had the promise that my sins should be forgiven me, and they have been." "You had a burden

once, had you not?" "Yes." "And you have got rid of it? Did you go to Jesus Christ's Cross with that burden?" "Yes, and Igot rid of it just as He said I would." "Did you do anything more than that?" "No, I simply trusted Jesus. He said I shouldhave peace and I have it." "Well, but how about your daily troubles? Do you have any?" "Oh, yes. I do." "I ask you that questionbecause Jesus said, 'In the world you shall have tribulation.' Do you find it so?" "That I do," says one.

But then He said, "In Me you shall have peace." Do you find it so, Brothers and Sisters? How was it with you last week whenyou had all those troubles? Did you enjoy peace, even then? Did you hear Him say, "Let not your hearts be troubled. You believein God: believe, also, in Me"? And did you believe in Him and find at once that you could cast your burden upon God? Oh, yes,the saints will testify unanimously that whenever they trust God it is well with their souls! And tonight, as well as in thepast, we have a faithful God!

Have we present tonight any friend in great distress? You have forgotten it, I suppose, during the service, but now you rememberthat the brunt of the storm will be upon you tomorrow. Does this alarm you? You are a child of God and do you think that yourFather will leave you in the time of need? No, I will not ask you whether you think so, because it would be a crying shameif you did your Lord such an injustice. If we never doubt our God till we have a cause for it, it will be a long while first."But it is a new trouble, Sir." Yes, but He who was your God of old will help you through the new trial. Go to Him again."Ah, but I dread the loss of a very dear and precious one." Yes, but as His will is, so should your will be. God makes allthings work together for good. Do you not believe it? All things are moving according to the decree of goodness and wisdom-andyou must not doubt it. Like Jacob, you sometimes say, "All these things are against me," but they are not, they are all foryou. God is ordering all for the best.

Now, last of all, God will be true. I do not know how far we have to go before we shall reach our journey's end, but thisI do know, the whole of the road that we have to travel is paved with love and faithfulness, and we need not be afraid. Weshall soon lie down upon our beds and fall asleep in death. I bless God for that. I said to a Brother the other day, "So-and-Sohas gone Home," and the Brother replied, "Well, where else should He go?" Where should a child go, when the day is over, buthome? It is very sweet to think that the Lord's own children shall all go Home, by-and-by. He has promised that we shall bewith Him where He is, and we shall find it so! Only, like the Queen of Sheba, we shall be astonished when we get there andwe shall say, "The half has not been told us."

We shall leave these poor bodies behind in the grave for a while, but they will not be lost. They are old companions of ourson the journey of life and, though the worms devour them, yet in our flesh we shall see God! The trumpet shall sound and thedead shall be raised incorruptible and, body and soul, one perfect man shall "behold the King in His beauty, and the landthat is very far off." God has said so, and it will be so! We shall leave the Church behind us, but God will take care ofHis Church. We need not fret about that-He will not fail her nor forsake her. We shall leave the world behind us and the worldis very wicked, but it will not prevail against the Truth of God, for the Lord has said the gates of Hell shall not prevailagainst His Church, nor shall they.

We need not be worrying about what will happen when Mr. So-and-So dies. People are always putting the question, "What willthey do when their minister is gone?" Do? Trust in God as they did before! God is alive! Martin Luther once said to his friend,when he was fretting and worrying, "When will you leave off trying to govern the world?" And we may say the same to one anotherwhen we are anxious and fretful. God does not need any of us. We think ourselves mightily important but we really are no moreimportant to God's plans than the caterpillar in the kitchen garden is to a Napoleon when he is marching his armies acrossa continent! We are nothings and nobodies, except when God pleases to use us-and He can do better without us than with usmany times, for we get in His way.

Oh, Brothers and Sisters, matters are all right, for they are in God's hands! The everlasting God lives and He will work Hispurposes, for He is the true God! The heathen will be converted to Christ, for the Lord has said, "Ask of Me, and I will giveyou the heathen for your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession." "As I live," says the Lord,"surely all flesh shall see the salvation of God." It shall be done! It must be done. Rest sure of it! "The kingdoms of thisworld shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ." Antichrist on yonder seven hills must be thrown down-the crescentof Mahomet must wane-the gods of the heathen must be utterly abolished. Must, I say, for is it not written, "He must reigntill His enemies are made His footstool"?

I am no prophet, nor the son of a prophet and, therefore, I do not dare set up a theory of futurity, but this one thing Iknow-"The Lord reigns"-and the Lord will accomplish His purposes and preserve His Church in the world. The

Truth of God shall never die and Christ's Throne shall never shake, for the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand.Thus have we tried to declare the truthfulness of God. How short of the mighty theme have we fallen! These two words and wehave done. Since God is true, you children of God, why do you mistrust Him? Since God is true, you sinners, why do you belieHim by your unbelief? Echo answers, "Why?" And so we leave it. And unto Father, Son and Holy Spirit be glory, forever andever! Amen.



THE PILGRIM FATHERS-This is actually a reprint of Brown's work, published in commemoration of the 350th anniversary of thelanding of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock. It would be good for every American (assuming that he would read with an open mind) to read this account of the noble band so indelibly tied in with the origins of our nation. It is interesting to read quotationssuch as this-"For that the propagation of the Gospel is a thing we do profess above all to be our aim in settling this plantation,we have been careful to make plentiful provision of godly ministers, by whose faithful preaching, godly conversation and exemplarylife we trust not only those of our own nation will be built up in the knowledge of God, but also the Indians may, in God'sappointed time, be reduced to the obedience of the Gospel of Christ." Would that such a purpose would be characteristic ofour nation as a whole today!