Sermon 1264. The Man of One Subject
(No. 1264)
"For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." 1 Corinthians 2:2.
Paul was a very determined man and whatever he undertook he carried out with all his heart. Once let him say, "I determined,"and you might be sure of a vigorous course of action! "This one thing I do" was always his motto. The unity of his soul andits mighty resoluteness were the main features of his character. He had once been a great opposer of Christ and His Crossand had shown his opposition by furious persecutions. It was not so very much to be wondered at that when he became a discipleof this same Jesus, whom he had persecuted, he should become a very ardent one and bring all his faculties to bear upon thepreaching of Christ crucified.
His conversion was so marked, so complete, so thorough, that you expect to see him as energetic for the Truth of God as oncehe had been violent against it. A man so whole-hearted as Paul, so thoroughly capable of concentrating all his forces as theApostle was-and so entirely won over to the faith of Jesus-was likely to enter into his cause with all his heart and soul.And thus he was determined to know nothing else but his crucified Lord. Yet do not think that the Apostle was a man easilyabsorbed in one thought. He was, above the most of men, a reasoner, calm, judicious, candid and prudent.
He looked at things in their bearings and relations and was not a stickler for minor matters. Perhaps even more than mightperfectly be justified, he made himself all things to all men that he might by all means win some and, therefore, any determinationwhich he came to was only arrived at after taking counsel with wisdom. He was not a zealot of that class which may be likenedto a bull which shuts its eyes and runs straight forward, seeing nothing which may lie to the right or to the left-he lookedall round him, calmly, quietly and though he did, in the end, push forward in a direct line at his one objective, yet it waswith his eyes wide open, knowing perfectly what he was doing and believing that he was doing the best and wisest thing forthe cause which he desired to promote.
If, for instance, to have opened his ministry at Corinth by proclaiming the unity of the Godhead, or by philosophically workingout the possibilities of God's becoming Incarnate-if these had been the wisest plans for spreading the Redeemer's kingdom-Paulwould have adopted them. But he looked at them all and having examined them with all care, he could not see that anythingwas to be gained by indirect preaching, or by keeping back a part of the Truth. Therefore he determined to go straight forwardand promote the Gospel by proclaiming the Gospel! Whether men would hear or whether they would forbear, he resolved to cometo the point at once and preach the Cross in its naked simplicity.
Instead of knowing a great many things which might have led up to the main subject, he would not know anything in Corinthsave Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Paul might have said, "I had better beat about the bush and educate the people up toa certain point before I come to my main point. To lay bare my ultimate intent at the first might be to spread the net inthe sight of the birds and frighten them away. I will be cautious and reticent and will take them with guile, enticing themon in pursuit of the Truths of God." But Paul did not do that! Looking at the matter all round as a prudent man should, hecomes to this resolve, that he will know nothing among them save Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
I would to God that the "culture" we hear of in these days, and all this boasted "modern thought" would come to the same conclusion!This most renowned and scholarly Divine, after reading, marking, learning and inwardly digesting everything as few men coulddo, yet came to this as to the issue of it all-"I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified."May God grant that the critical skill of our contemporaries and their laborious consideration may land them on the same shoreby the blessing of the Holy Spirit!
I. Our first consideration, this morning, will be, WHAT WAS THIS SUBJECT TO WHICH PAUL DETERMINED TO SHUT HIMSELF UP WHILEPREACHING TO THE CHURCH AT CORINTH? That subject was one, though it may also be divided into two-it was the Person and thework of our Lord Jesus Christ-laying special stress upon that part of His work which is always the most objected to, namely,His substitutionary Sacrifice, His redeeming death. Paul preached Christ in all His positions, but he especially dwelt uponHim as the Crucified One.
The Apostle first preached his great Master's Person-Jesus Christ. There was no equivocation about Paul when he spoke of Jesusof Nazareth. He held Him up as a real Man, no phantom, but one who was crucified, dead and buried- and rose again from thedead in actual bodily existence. There was no hesitation about His Godhead, either. Paul preached Jesus as the Son of theHighest, as the wisdom and the power of God, as One, "in whom dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." You never doubtedwhen you heard Paul, but that he believed in the Divinity and the Humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ-and worshipped and adoredHim as very God of very God. He preached His Person with all clearness of language and warmth of love. The Christ of God wasAll in All to Paul.
The Apostle spoke equally clearly upon the Redeemer's work, especially laying stress upon His death. "Horrible!" said theJew, "How can you boast in a Man who died a felon's death and was cursed because He was hanged on a tree?" "Ah," said theGreek, "tell us no more about your God that died! Babble no longer about resurrection. We never shall believe such unmitigatedfoolishness." But Paul did not, therefore, put these things into the background and say, "Gentlemen, I will begin with tellingyou of the life of Christ and of the excellency of His example-and by these means I shall hope to tempt you onward to theconclusion that there was something Divine in Him and then, afterwards, to the further conclusion that He made an atonementfor sin."
No, he began with His blessed Person and distinctly described Him as he had been taught by the Holy Spirit! And as to Hiscrucifixion, he put it in the front and made it the main point. He did not say, "Well, we will leave the matter of His deathfor a time," or, "We will consider it under the aspect of a martyrdom by which He completed His testimony." No! Paul gloriedin the crucified Redeemer, the dead and buried Christ, the sin-bearing Christ, the Christ made a curse for us, as it is written,"Cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree." This was the subject to which he confined himself at Corinth-beyond this he wouldnot stir an inch. He does not merely determine to keep his preaching to that point, but he resolves not even to know any othersubject! He would keep his mind fast closed among them to any thought but Jesus Christ and Him crucified!
Very unwise this must have seemed. Call in a council of worldly wise men and they will condemn such a rash course, for, inthe first place, such preaching would drive away all the Jews. Holding, as the Jews did, the Old Testament Scriptures andreceiving, therefore, a great deal of teaching about the Messiah and holding very firmly to the unity of the Godhead, theJews had gone a long way towards the light-and if Paul had kept back the objectionable points a little while, might he nothave drawn them a little further-and so by degrees have landed them at the Cross? Wise men would have remarked upon the hopefulnessof the Israelites, if handled with discretion, and their advice would have been, "We do not say, renounce your sentiments,Paul, but disguise them for a little while! Do not say what is untrue, but at the same time be a little reticent about whatis true, or else you will drive away these hopeful Jews."
The Apostle yielded to no such policy! He would not win either Jew or Gentile by keeping back the Truth of God, for he knewthat such converts are worthless. If the man who is near the kingdom will be driven right away from the Gospel by hearingthe unvarnished Truth, that is no guide as to Paul's duty. He knows that the Gospel must be a "savor of death unto death"to some as well as, of "life unto life" unto others and, therefore, whichever may occur he must deliver his own soul. Consequencesare not for Paul, but for the Lord! It is ours to speak the Truth boldly and in every case we shall be a sweet savor untoGod. But to compromise, in the hope of making converts, is to do evil that good may come-and this is never to be thought offor an instant!
Another would say, "But, Paul, if you do this, you cause opposition. Do you not know that Christ crucified is a byword anda reproach to all thinking men? Why, at Corinth there are a number of philosophers and, I tell you, it will create unboundedridicule if you so much as open your mouth about the Crucified One and His Resurrection. Do not you remember on Mars' Hillhow they mocked you when you spoke upon that theme? Do not provoke their contempt! Argue with their Gnosticism and show themthat you, too, are a philosopher! Be all things to all men. Be learned among the
learned and rhetorical among the orators. By these means you will make many friends and, by degrees, your conciliatory conductwill bring them to accept the Gospel."
The Apostle shakes his head, puts down his foot and with firm voice utters his decision, "I have determined," he says, "Ihave already made up my mind. Your counsels and advice are lost upon me. I have determined to know nothing among the Corinthians-howeverlearned the Gentile portion of them may be, or however fond of rhetoric-save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." He stands tothat. It is further worthy of note that the Apostle had resolved that his subject should so engross the attention of his hearersthat he would not even speak it with excellency of speech or garnish it with man's wisdom!
You have heard, perhaps, of the famous painter who drew the likeness of James I. He represented him sitting in a bower withall the flowers of the season blooming around him-and nobody ever took the smallest notice of the king's visage for all eyeswere charmed by the excellency of the flowers! Paul resolved that he would have no flowers at all! The portrait which he sketchedwould be Christ crucified, the bare facts and doctrine of the Cross without so much as a single flower from the poets or thephilosophers! Some of us need not be very loud in our resolution to avoid fine speech, for we may have but slender gifts inthat direction. But the Apostle was a man of fine natural powers and of vast attainments-a man whom the Corinthian criticscould not have despised-and yet he threw away all ornaments to let the unadorned beauty of the Cross win its own way!
As he would not add flowers, so he would not darken the Cross with smoke, for there is a way of preaching the Gospel amida smother of mystification and doubt so that men cannot receive it. A numerous band of men are always boiling and stirringup a huge philosophic caldron which steams with dense vapor, beclouding the Cross of Christ most horribly. Alas for that wisdomwhich conceals the Wisdom of God! It is the most guilty form of folly. Some people preach Christ as I have seen representationsof a man-of-war in battle. The painter painted nothing but the smoke and you have said, "Where is the ship?" Well, if youlooked long you might discern a fragment of the top of one of the masts and, perhaps, a portion of the boom. The ship wasthere, no doubt, but the smoke concealed it! So there may be Christ in some men's preaching, but there is such a cloud ofthinking, such a dense pall of profundity, such a horrid smoke of philosophy that you cannot see the Lord!
Paul painted beneath a clear sky. He would have no learned obscurity. He determined not to know how to speak after the mannerof the orators, not to know how to think deeply according to the mode of the philosophers, but only to know Jesus Christ andHim crucified-and just to set Him forth in His own natural beauties. He dispensed with those accessories which are so aptto attract the eyes of the mind from the central point-Christ crucified. "A rash experiment," says one. Ah, Brethren, it isthe experiment of faith and faith is justified of all her children! If we rely upon the power of mere persuasion, we relyupon that which is born of the flesh! If we depend upon the power of logical argument, we, again, rely upon that which isborn of men's reason! If we trust to poetic expressions and attractive turns of speech, we look to carnal means.
But if we rest upon the naked Omnipotence of a crucified Savior, upon the innate power of the wondrous deed of love whichwas consummated upon Calvary-and if we believe that the Spirit of God will make this the instrument for the conversion ofmen, the experiment cannot possibly end in failure! But oh, my Brothers and Sisters, what a task this must have been for Paul!He was not like many of us who are neither familiar with philosophy, nor capable of oratory. He was so great a master of boththat he must have found it necessary to keep himself constantly in check. I think I can see him, every now and then-when adeeply intellectual thought has come across his mind and a beautiful mode of utterance has suggested itself-reining himselfup and saying to his mind, "I will leave these deep thoughts for the letter to the Romans.
"I will give them all this in the eighth chapter. But as for these Corinthians, they shall have nothing but Christ crucified,for they are so carnal, so grossly slavish before men that they will run away with the idea that my excellent way of puttingthe Truth of God was the power of it. They shall have Christ only-and only Christ. They are children, and I must speak tothem as such. They are mere babes in Christ and have need of milk-and milk, alone, must I give them. They claim to be cleverand learned but they are conceited, high-minded, full of divisions and controversies. I will give then nothing but 'the old,old story of Jesus and His love,' and I will tell them that story simply as to a little child."
Boundless love to their souls thus made him concentrate his testimony upon the one central point of Jesus crucified! And thusI have shown you what his subject was.
II. Now, secondly, ALTHOUGH PAUL THUS CONCENTRATED HIS ENERGIES UPON ONE POINT OF TESTIMONY, IT WAS QUITE SUFFICIENT FOR HISPURPOSE. If the Apostle had aimed at pleasing an intelligent audience, Christ and Him crucified would not have done at all.If, again, he had designed to set himself up as a profound teacher, he would naturally have looked out for something new,something a little more dazzling than the Person and work of the Redeemer. And if Paul had desired, as I am afraid some ofmy Brothers do, to collect together a class of highly independent minds which is, I believe, the euphemism for free-thinkers-todraw together a select Church of the "men of culture and intellect," which generally means a club of men who despise the Gospel-hecertainly would not have kept to preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
This order of men would deny him all hope of success with such a theme. They would assure him that such preaching would onlyattract the poorer sort and the less educated-the servant maids and the old women. But Paul would not have been discouragedby such observations, for he loved the poorest and feeblest souls and, besides, he knew that what had exercised power overhis own educated mind was likely to have power over other intelligent people, and so he kept to the doctrine of the Cross,believing that he had, therein, an instrument which would effectually accomplish his one desire with all classes of men.
Brethren, what did Paul wish to do? Paul desired, first of all, to awaken sinners to a sense of sin-and what has ever accomplishedthis so perfectly as the doctrine that sin was laid upon Christ and caused His death? The sinner, enlightened by the HolySpirit, sees at once that sin is not a trifle, that it is not to be forgiven without an Atonement, but must be followed bypenalty, borne by someone or other. When the guilty one has seen the Son of God bleeding to death in pangs unutterable inconsequence of his sin, he has learned that sin is an enormous and crushing burden! If even the Son of God cries out beneathit! If His death agony rends the heavens and shakes earth, what an awful evil sin must be! What must it involve upon my soulif in my own person I shall be doomed to bear its consequences? Thus the sinner rightly argues and thus is he aroused to asense of guilt.
But Paul wanted, also, to awaken in the minds of the guilty that humble hope which is the great instrument of leading mento Jesus. He desired to make them hope that forgiveness might be given consistently with justice. Oh, Brethren, Christ crucifiedis the one ray of light that can penetrate the thick darkness of despair and make a penitent heart hope for pardon from therighteous Judge! Need a sinner ever doubt when he has once seen Jesus crucified? When he understands that there is pardonfor every transgression through the bleeding wounds of Jesus, is not the best form of hope at once kindled in his bosom andis he not led to say, "I will arise and go unto my Father, and will say unto him, Father, I have
Paul longed, yet further, to lead men to actual faith in Jesus Christ. Now, faith in Jesus Christ can only come by preachingJesus Christ. Faith comes by hearing, but the hearing must be upon the subject concerning which the faith is to deal. Wouldyou make believers in Christ, preach Christ! The things of Christ, applied by the Spirit, lead men to put their reliance uponChrist. Nor was that all. Paul wanted men to forsake their sins and what should lead them to hate evil as much as seeing thesufferings of Jesus on account of it? You and I know the power of a bleeding Savior to make us take revenge upon sin. Whatindignation, what searching of heart, what stern resolve, what bitterness of regret, what deep repentance have we felt whenwe have seen that our sins became the nails, the hammer, the spear, yes, the executioners of the Well-Beloved?
And Paul longed to train up in Corinth a Church of consecrated men, full of love, full of self-denial, a holy people, zealousfor good works. And let me ask you, what is more necessary to preach to any man to promote his sanctification and his consecrationthan Jesus Christ who has redeemed us and so made us forever His servants? What argument is stronger than the fact that weare not our own, for we are bought with a price? I say that Paul had, in Christ crucified, a subject equal to his objective!He had a Subject that would meet the case of every man, however degraded or however cultured, and a subject which would beuseful to men in the first hours of the new birth and equally useful when they were made meet to be partakers of the inheritanceof the saints in light. He had a subject for today and tomorrow, and a subject for next year, for Jesus Christ is the sameyesterday, today and forever!
He had in the crucified Jesus a subject for the prince's palace and a subject for the peasant's hut, a subject for the marketplace and a subject for the academy, for the heathen temple and for the synagogue! Wherever he might go, Christ would be bothto Jew and Gentile, to bond and free, the wisdom of God and the power of God-and that not to one form of beneficial influence,alone-but unto full salvation to everyone that believes.
III. But I must pass on to a third remark, that THE APOSTLE'S CONFINING HIMSELF TO THIS SUBJECT COULD NOT POSSIBLY DO HARM.You know, Brothers and Sisters, that when men dwell exclusively upon one thing they get pretty strong, there, but they generallybecome very weak in other points. Hence a man of one thought, only, is generally described as riding a hobby. Well, this wasPaul's hobby, but it was a sort of hobby which a man may ride without any injury to himself or his neighbor! He will be, nonethe less, a complete man if he surrenders himself wholly and only to this one theme.
But let me remark that Christ crucified is the only subject of which this can be said. Let me show you that it is so. Youknow a class of ministers who preach doctrine-and doctrine only. Their mode of preaching resembles the counting of your fingers-"one,two, three, four, five," and for a variety, "five, four, three, two, one"-always a certain set of great Truths of God andno others. What is the effect of this ministry? Well, generally to breed a generation of men who think they know everything,but really do not know much-very decided and so far, so good-but very narrow, very exclusive, very bigoted and, so far, sobad! You cannot preach doctrine, alone, without contracting your own mind and that of your hearers.
There are others who preach experience only. They are very good people. I am not condemning either them or their doctrinalfriends, but they, also, fall into mischief. Some of them take the lower scale of experience and they tell us that nobodycan be a child of God unless he feels the horrible character of his inbred sin and groans daily. We used to hear a good dealof that some years ago, there is less of it now. Am I wrong in saying that this teaching trains up a race of men who showtheir humility by sitting in judgement upon all who cannot groan down to as deep a note as they can? Another class has latelyarisen who preach experience, but theirs is always upon the high key.
They soar aloft, as I think, a little in the balloon line. They own only the bright side of experience. They have nothingto do with its darkness and death. For them there are no nights and they sing through perpetual summer days. They have conqueredsin and they have ignored themselves. So they say, but we should not have thought so if they had not told us so! On the contrary,we might have fancied that they had a very vivid idea of themselves and their own attainments. I hope I am mistaken, but ithas appeared to some of us poor fallible beings that in some beloved Brethren, self has grown marvelously big of late! Certainlytheir conversations and preaching largely consist of very wonderful declarations of their own admirable condition.
I should be pleased to learn of their progress in Grace if it is real. But I had sooner have made the discovery myself, orhave heard it from somebody besides themselves, for there is an Inspired Proverb which says, "Let another praise you, andnot your own lips," and, for my part, if any other man thought it right to praise me, I would rather that he held his tongue,for man-magnifying is a poor business. Let the Lord, alone, be magnified! I think it is clear that grave faults arise fromexclusively preaching an inner life instead of preaching Christ, who is Life itself!
Another class of ministers have preached the precepts and little else. We need these men as we need the others-they are alluseful and act as antidotes to each other-but their ministries are not complete. If you hear preaching about duty and command,it is very proper. But if it is the only theme, the teaching becomes very legal in the long run. And after a while the trueGospel, which has the power to make us keep the precepts gets flung into the background-and the precepts are not kept, afterall! Do, do, do, generally ends in nothing being done! If a Brother were to undertake to preach the ordinances only, likethose who are always extolling what they are pleased to call the holy sacraments-well, you know where that teaching goes-ithas a tendency towards the southeast-and its chosen line runs across the city of Rome.
Moreover, beloved Brother, even if you preach Jesus Christ, you must not keep to any other phase of Him but that which Paultook, namely, "Him crucified," for under no other aspect may you exclusively regard Him. For instance, the preaching of theSecond Advent, which, in its place and proportion, is admirable, has been, by some, taken out of its place, and made the end-alland be-all of their ministry. That, you see, is not what Paul had selected and it is not a safe selection. In many cases sheerfanaticism has been the result of exclusively dwelling upon prophecy and probably more
men have gone mad on that subject than on any other religious question! Whether any man could ever become fanatical aboutChrist crucified I cannot say, I have never heard of such an instance. Whether a man ever went insane with love to the crucifiedRedeemer I do not know, but I have never met such a case.
If I should ever go crazy, I should like it to be in that direction, and I should like to incite a great many more, for whata blessed subject it would be for one to be carried away with-to become unreasonably absorbed in Christ crucified-to havegone out of your senses with faith in Jesus! The fact is, it never can injure the mind, it is a doctrine which may be heardforever and will be always fresh, new and suitable to the whole of our manhood. I say that the keeping to this doctrine cannotdo hurt and the reason is this-it contains all that is vital within itself. Keep within the limits of Christ, and Him crucified,and you have brought before men all the essentials for this life and for the life to come! You have given them the root outof which may grow both branch and flower and fruit of holy thought, word and deed.
Let a man know Christ crucified, and he knows Him who to know is Life Eternal! This is a subject which does not awaken onepart of the man and send the other part to sleep. It does not kindle his imagination and leave his judgement uninstructed,nor feed his intellect and starve his heart. There is not a faculty of our nature but what Christ crucified affects for good!The perfect Manhood of Christ crucified affects mind, heart, memory, imagination, thought, everything! As in milk there areall the ingredients necessary for sustaining life, so in Christ crucified there is everything that is needed to nurture thesoul. Even as the hand of David's chief minstrel touched every chord of his ten-stringed harp, so Jesus brings sweet musicout of our entire manhood.
There is also this to be said about preaching Christ exclusively, that it will never produce animosities. It will not impregnatemen's minds with questions and contentions as those nice points do which some are so fond of dealing with. When certain questionsare settled by my judgement and by your judgement, and by a third and a fourth man's judgement, a contest is sure to ensue.But he who stands at Christ's Cross and stays there. He stands where he may embrace the whole brotherhood of true Christians,for we are perfectly joined together in one mind and judgement there! There is no vaunting of man's judgement at the Cross."I am of Paul, I am of Apollos, I am of Christ," comes from not keeping to Jesus crucified! But if we keep to the Cross asguilty sinners needing cleansing through the precious blood and finding all our salvation there, we shall not have time toset ourselves up as religious leaders and to cause divisions in the Church of Christ.
Was there ever, yet, a sect created in Christendom by the preaching of Christ crucified? No, my Brothers and Sisters, sectsare created by the preaching of something over and above this, but this is the soul and marrow of Christianity and, consequently,the perfect bond of love which holds Christians together!
IV. I shall not say more, but pass on to my last reflection, which is this-Because, then, Paul made this his one sole subjectamong the Corinthians and he did no hurt by doing so, which cannot be said of any other subject, I COMMEND
TO YOU THAT WE SHOULD, ALL OF US, MAKE THIS THE MAIN SUBJECT OF OUR THOUGHTS, PREACHING AND EFFORTS. Unconverted men and women,to you I speak first. To you I have nothing else to preach but Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
Paul knew there were great sinners at Corinth, for it was common all over the then world to call a licentious man a Corinthian.They were a people who pushed laxity and lasciviousness of manners to the greatest possible excess, yet among them Paul knewnothing but Christ and Him crucified, because all that the greatest sinner can possibly need is to be found there! You havenothing in yourself, Sinner, and you need not wish for anything to carry to Jesus. You tell me you know nothing about theprofound doctrines of the Gospel-you need not know them when coming to Christ. The one thing you need to know is this-JesusChrist, the Son of God, came into the world to save sinners and whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlastinglife!
I shall be glad for you to be further instructed in the faith and to know the heights and depths of that love which passesknowledge, but just now the one thing you need to know is Jesus Christ crucified! If you never get beyond that. If your mindshould be of so feeble a cast that anything deeper than this you would never be able to grasp, I, for one, shall feel no distresswhatever-for you will have found that which will deliver you from the power of sin and from the punishment of it-and thatwhich will take you up to Heaven to dwell where that same Jesus who was crucified sits enthroned at the right band of God!Oh, dear broken Heart, if you will ever find healing, it is in those wounds! If you ever find rest, you must have it fromthose pierced hands! If you ever hear absolution, it must be spoken from those same lips which said
so sweetly, "It is finished." God forbid that we should know anything among sinners except Christ and Him crucified! Lookto Him and Him only, and you shall find rest unto your souls!
As for you, my Brothers and Sisters who know Christ, I have this to say to you-keep this to the front and nothing else butthis, for it is against this that the enemy rages. That part of the line of battle which is most fiercely assailed by theenemy is sure to be that which he knows to be most important to carry. Men hate those they fear. The antagonism of the enemiesof the Gospel is mainly against the Cross. From the very first it was so. They cried, "Let Him come down from the Cross andwe will believe in Him." They will write us pretty lines of Christ and tell us what an excellent man He was, and do our Lordsuch homage as their Judas' lips can afford Him. They will also take His Sermon on the Mount and say what a wonderful insightHe had into the human heart, and what a splendid code of morals He taught, and so on. "We will be Christians" they say, "butthe dogma of Atonement we utterly reject."
Our answer is, we do not care one farthing what they have to say about our Master if they deny His substitutionary sacrifice!Whether they give Him wine or vinegar is a small question so long as they reject the claims of the Crucified. The praisesof unbelievers are sickening! Who needs to hear polluted lips lauding Him? Such sugared words are very like those which cameout of the mouth of the devil when he said, "You Son of the Highest," and Jesus rebuked him and said "Hold your peace andcome out of him." Even thus would we say to unbelievers who extol Christ's life-"Hold your peace! We know your enmity, disguiseit as you may! Jesus is the Savior of men or He is nothing. If you will not have Christ crucified you cannot have Him at all."
My Brothers and Sisters in Jesus, let us glory in the blood of Jesus! Let it be conspicuous as though it were sprinkled uponthe lintel and the two side posts of our doors! And let the world know that redemption by blood is written upon the innermosttablets of our hearts! Brethren, this is the test point of every teacher. When a fish goes bad they say it first stinks atthe head and, certainly when a preacher becomes heretical it is always about Christ. If he is not clear about Jesus crucifiedand you hear one sermon from him-that is your misfortune. But if you go and hear him again, and hear another like the first,it will be your fault. Go a third time, and it will be your crime! If any man is doubtful about Christ crucified, recollectHart's couplet, for it is a truth-
"You cannot be right in the rest. Unless you think rightly of Him."
I do not need to examine men upon all the doctrines of the Westminster Assembly's Confession. I begin here, "What do you thinkof Christ?" If you cannot answer that question, go and publish your own views where you like, but you and I are wide as thepoles asunder! Neither do I wish to have fellowship with you. We must have plain speaking here. It is "Christ crucified" whichGod blesses to conversion. God blessed William Huntingdon to the conversion of souls-I am sure of that, though I am no Huntingdonian.He blessed John Wesley to the conversion of souls. I am quite as clear about that, though I am not a Wesleyan. The point uponwhich the Lord blessed them, both, was that in which they bore testimony to Christ-and you shall find that in proportion asJesus Christ's Atonement is in a sermon, it is the lifeblood of that sermon-and is that which God sanctifies to the conversionof the souls of men. Therefore keep it always prominent!
And I ask you now, my Brethren, one thing more. Is not Christ and Him crucified the thing to live on and the thing to dieon? Worldlings can live upon their flimsies. They can delight themselves under their Jonah's gourds while they last. But whena man is depressed in spirit and tortured in body, where does he look? If he is a Christian, where does he fly? Where, indeed,but to Jesus crucified? How often have I been glad to creep into the temple and stand in the poor publican's shoes and say,"God be merciful to me a sinner," looking only to that Mercy Seat which Jesus sprinkled with His precious blood? This willdo to die with! I do not believe we shall die seeking consolation from our peculiar Church organizations. Nor shall we diegrasping with a dying clutch either ordinance or doctrine by itself. Our soul must live and die on Jesus crucified!
Notice all the saints, when they die, whether they do not get back to Calvary's great Sacrifice. They believed a great manythings. Some of them had many crotchets and whims and oddities, but the main point comes uppermost in death. "Jesus died forme, Jesus died for me"-they all come to that! Well, where they get at last, do you not think it would be well to go at first?And if that is the bottom of it all and it certainly is, would it not be as well for us to keep to that? While some are gloryingin this and some in that, some have this form of worship and some that, let us say, "God forbid
that I should glory save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified to me and I unto the world."
Brethren, I commend to you more and more the bringing of the Cross of Christ into prominence, because it is this which willweld us more and more closely to one another and will keep us in blessed unity. We cannot all understand those peculiar Truthswhich depend, very much, upon nice points and shades of meaning in the Greek which only critics can bring out. If you aregoing in for these pretty things, Brother, you must leave behind many of us poor fools, for we cannot go in for these things-theypuzzle us. I know you have got that dainty point very beautifully in your own mind and you think a great deal of it, and Ido not wonder, for it has cost you a good deal of thinking and it shows your powerful discernment. At the same time, do younot think you ought to condescend to some of us who never will, as long as ever we live, take up with these knotty points?
Some of our brains are of an ordinary sort. We have to earn our bread and we mingle with ordinary people. We know that twotimes two will make four, but we are not acquainted with all the ambiguous principles which lie concealed in the lofty philosophyto which you have climbed. I do not know much about it. I do not climb to such elevations, myself, and I shall never get upthere along with you-might it not be better for the unity of the faith that you would kindly leave some of these things alone,agree better with your friends at home, show more love to your fellow Christians and attend a little more to commonplace duties?I do not know but what it might do you good, and bring a little of your humility to the front, if you get down there withJesus Christ and Him crucified.
Personally I might know a host of things-I specially might, for everybody tries to teach me something! I get advice by thewagonload-one pulls this ear and one pulls that. Well, I might know a great deal, but I find I should have to leave some ofyou behind if I went off to these things-and I love you too well for that. I am determined to know nothing among you but JesusChrist and Him crucified. If any man will keep to that, I will say, "Give me your hand, my Brother! Jesus washed it with Hisblood as He did mine. Come, Brother, let us look up together at the same Cross. What do you make of it?"
There are tears in your eyes and in mine, but yet there is a flush of joy upon both our faces because of the dear love thatnailed Jesus there. "What shall we do in the sight of this Cross?" My Brother says, "I will go and win souls," and I say,"So will I." He says, "I have one way of speaking," and I reply, "I have another, for our gifts differ, but we will neverclash, for we are serving one Lord and one Master and we will not be divided, either in this world or in that which is tocome." Let Apollos say what he likes, or Paul or Peter-we will learn from them all and be very glad to do so-but still, fromthe Cross we will not move, but stand fast there-for Jesus is the first and the last, the Alpha and the Omega. Amen.