Sermon 1060. Behold The Lamb!

(No. 1060)




"Behold the Lamb of God!" John 1:36.

IT IS the preacher's principal business-I think I might say, his only business-to cry, "Behold the Lamb of God!" For thisreason was John born and sent into the world, and such were the prophecies which went before concerning him. If he had beenthe most eloquent preacher of repentance. If he had been the most earnest declaimer against the sins of the times, he would,nevertheless, have missed his lifework if he had forgotten to say, "Behold the Lamb of God." He did well when he baptizedthe repenting crowd. He spoke nobly when he faced the Pharisees and was a true hero when he rebuked Herod. But above all hischief errand was to herald the Messiah, to bear witness to the Son of God!

What we have said of John we may say of every God-sent minister-he is sent to bear witness to the Christ of God and whateverelse he may do, if he does not this continually, habitually, earnestly-he is not fulfilling the errand for which his Mastersent him, but has turned aside to baser ends. When any one of us who are called ministers shall die and come before the Lordto give our account, it will be a sorry thing for us if we can only say, "Lord, I have preached the dogmas of the Church towhich I belonged," unless we can also add that we have directed men to the living Savior.

Vain will it be to have argued with accurate logic and persuaded with lofty rhetoric unless we have uplifted Christ amongthe people. It will be idle to say, "I have preached against the skepticism of the times. I have rebuked the sins which ragedaround me and have proclaimed what I knew of the glory of God in Nature and in Providence," for our chief and distinguishingwork is to declare the name of the Lord Jesus and the power of His precious blood. As the stars called "the Pointers" alwayspoint to the Pole star, so must we always point to the Redeemer.

I think the minister who has failed to cry, "Behold the Lamb of God," may expect at the last to be cut in pieces and to havehis portion with the tormentors. I can scarcely conceive a doom too terrible for the man who dazzled his hearers with oratoricalfireworks when he ought to have lifted up the Cross, or mocked immortal souls with the carved stone of his elocution whenthey were starving for the Bread of Heaven. Sermons without Christ condemn the preacher and delude the hearer. Sermons whichdo not point to Christ in them will be as hard to answer for as blasphemy or murder when the Judge is on His great white throne.It is cruel to amuse with trifles those whose souls are in jeopardy of eternal fire! Playing with men's souls is murderouswork and truly, if the Lamb of God is not preached, the ministry is playing with souls, if not worse.

John, however, most thoroughly discharged his lifework, for he was ever saying, "Behold the Lamb of God." Notice in the textthe attitude of the preacher, for it is very instructive. "Looking upon Jesus as He walked," John said, "Behold the Lamb ofGod!" The preacher's eyes should be upon his Master while he points to his Master. They preach Christ best who see Him best.John had his own eyes fastened upon Jesus and therefore he did, by his own example as well as by his words, say, "Behold theLamb of God."

If you will take your place in a crowded street and stand for a few minutes looking at a certain object in the heavens, orgaze upward as if something were there to be seen, you will soon find that without asking others to do the same, a companywill gather round you and begin to look in the same direction. Indeed, a vast crowd might be collected by no other actionthan by your gazing intently into the air! So John, in addition to his saying, "Behold the Lamb of God," was doing the bestthing to attract others to behold Him-when he fixed his own eyes on Jesus-with a fixed wondering, admiring, adoring gaze.

John had no eyes for anyone but "the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world," and therefore his words had pointand power in them. And note that John's eyes were upon Christ not only when Christ was coming to him, but as He walked byhim! Well may the preacher have his Master before him when his Master is cheering him with His

fellowship and honoring him with His Presence. But on this occasion Jesus was walking alone, as though in meditation, withHis eyes probably bent upon the ground. It was not meet that He should always be coming to John-He had done that once andso had put an honor upon His servant.

But this time He came not to him lest men should think that He had a dependence upon John-He walked in quiet musing as thoughHis thoughts were otherwise occupied. Nevertheless the Baptist had not forgotten his Lord, but again pointed Him out. If theLord denies to the preacher His comfortable Presence; if no light of fellowship shines forth from the brow of the Crucified,it is still ours whenever and wherever we preach to let the eye of faith realize Christ as present and still to cry to otherswith a heart that palpitates in union with our words, "Behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world."

Even when I preach in chains I would labor to honor Jesus, looking to Him as the End and Object of every word I utter! Itis mine to preach a Savior in whom I believe, whom having not seen, I love. I am looking to Him now for everything, even asI would have you do. I see in Him superlative beauties which I wish you to see and I worship a Divinity in Him which I desireyou to worship. I preach not to you an unknown God or an untried Savior! There is something notable in our text as to thehearers. This was a brief but weighty sermon, worthy to be preached a thousand times. Nobody needs a new sermon when, "Beholdthe Lamb of God," is the old one!

John had delivered this same discourse before an assembled crowd, but now he had only two hearers and those two were not unconvertedpersons-they were his own disciples-and they were at least very near to the kingdom if not already in it. Yet to the solitarytwo and those already discipled he had only the same message to deliver, "Behold the Lamb of God." He was a man of rich mindand ready utterance yet he kept to this one point in all companies. It is thought that if we go into the theater to preachto the mob, we must be sure to preach Christ-let me ask you what subject would be fitter for an assembly of saints? I prayyou tell me!

It has been said that he who preaches in the street ought to confine himself to the simple Gospel-my Brothers, in what placewould that subject be inappropriate or unprofitable? Paul knew nothing among the Corinthians save Jesus Christ and Him crucified-theresolve is a safe one for all companies. In this respect some preachers know too much and the sooner they join the holy know-nothingsthe better. Christ is appropriate as a subject for two disciples as well as for a thousand scoffers, for while He is the Resurrectionto those who are dead, He is also the Life of those who have been already quickened.

No subject is more sweet, more refreshing, more inspiriting, more sanctifying to the saint than the Cross of our dying Lord!The sinner needs it if he would be saved, but the saint requires it that he may persevere, advance, conquer and attain perfection.Give me that harp and let my fingers never leave its strings-the harp whose strings resound the love of Christ alone! To harpupon the name of Jesus is the blessed monotony of a true ministry-a monotony more full of variety than all other subjectsbesides. When Jesus is the first, the midst, and the last, yes, All in All, then do we make full proof of our ministry. Wedo well when we are able to say, "of the things which we have spoken, this is the sum, we have such an High Priest who isset on the right hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the heavens." May Christ be "All in All" in all our ministries, forso shall we prove that God has called us to testify concerning His Son Jesus!

This may serve as an introduction to our subject. Now let us take the text itself. John says, "Behold the Lamb of God." Andfirst let us behold Jesus and know Him to be the Lamb of God. It will be well to be fully assured upon that point and heartilyto accept the witness of God concerning His Son. When we have done so, let us secondly behold Him-that is contemplate Himand humbly and attentively view Him as the great Propitiation, the true Sacrifice for sin. Then thirdly, beholding Him again,let us gather instruction from the Redeemer's appearance as the Lamb of God. And fourthly, let us behold Him, that is, reverentlyadore Him in His blessed capacity as the Lamb slain.

I. First, then, let us behold our Lord and LEARN THAT HE IS THE LAMB OF GOD. What does the term, "the

Lamb of God," mean? The Hebrews are accustomed that a thing is "of God" when they mean that it is the greatest, the noblest,the chief of the kind. For instance, they call the cedars, "trees of God," and the thunder is the "voice of God." Thereforewe may understand, in the first place, by the expression, "the Lamb of God," that Jesus is the chief of all sacrifices, thefirst of all offerings by which atonement is made to God for sin.

And truly He is so. He stands above all others because He contains all others. All other sacrifices of God's ordaining werebut pictures, representations, symbols and shadows of Himself. There is only one Sacrifice for sin-there never was

another and there never can be. All those offerings under the Aaronic priesthood which were presented because of sin wereonly representations of the one Sacrifice-they were that and nothing more. Jesus far excels them all. Beloved, if you needto see the Lamb that Abel offered on the altar, the lamb because of which God accepted his faith and had respect unto him,you must see Jesus Christ, for we are accepted only in the Beloved.

God has respect unto any man who brings this Sacrifice-but unto any who bring a bloodless sacrifice, such as the priests ofRome foolishly do when they offer the unbloody sacrifice of the mass, unto them God has no respect and never can have. Theblood of Jesus once presented has forever put away sin and no further sin-offering can be brought. Whoever rests in Jesusas the true and only Sacrifice is accepted in his faith. If you desire to see the Lamb which Noah offered when he came outof the ark, together with other sacrifices of which it is said that, "The Lord smelled a sweet savor of rest," you must lookto Jesus Christ-for the bullocks, rams and lambs of Noah all pointed to the one sweet savor offering of Christ Jesus offeredupon the Cross, where God and the souls of all Believers meet in blessed union and find sweetest rest.

This, Beloved, is the Lamb of which Abraham spoke when he said to Isaac, "My son, God will provide Himself a Lamb." And todayif you would understand the paschal supper, first of all, spread on that dread night when the destroying angel went throughEgypt and smote the first born of all her land-if you would know who it is whose blood is the true Passover when it is sprinkledupon the conscience and whose flesh is meat, indeed, when it is fed upon by the children of God-you must look to Jesus, forHe is the Lamb of God's Passover.

And if, pursuing your studies, your thoughts should turn into the tabernacle of old, or into Solomon's Temple and you shouldsee each morning a lamb slaughtered and its blood poured out, and each evening the same sacrifice repeated-if you desire toknow what was intended by the morning and evening lambs you will find that they were but lambs of men, lambs presented bymen, but they pointed to the Lamb of God in whom their teaching is all summed up. He is the Substance of that of which theywere but the shadow. Jesus is the Lamb of the morning slain from before the foundation of the world and He is the Lamb ofthe evening offered up in these last days for His people.

Thus might we speak of all other sacrifices and show that in Jesus they are all fulfilled. Atonement for sin is truly andin very deed to be found in the Son of God. In Him, alone, is there remission, for in His blood, alone, is there efficacyto satisfy the Law of God. Stern as the Truth of God is, we ought never to flinch from repeating it-that sin cannot be putaway under the moral government of God without punishment. This is a rule from which there is no variation and there shouldbe none, for ifjustice is left unsatisfied, the foundations of society are out of course.

Infinite Wisdom has found for us a door of escape by the way of a vicarious Sacrifice, but that way does not violate justice.Seeing that we originally fell by the sin of another, namely, our representative Adam, God has seen fit that we should risethrough the righteousness and sufferings of another, namely, Jesus, the second Adam. Because Jesus was one with His people,and their federal Head, it was just to allow Him to suffer in their place and He has so done. Apart from this, every man mustbear his own burden of sin and punishment. The only possible way by which a man can be forgiven his sin is by that sin beingpunished in his legal Representative-the Lord Jesus.

Jesus has borne, Himself, what every believing sinner ought to have borne, or an equivalent for it, sufficient to recompensethe injury done to eternal justice. No other person could be a Substitute for our sin, for no other is our Head and Representativebefore God, and yet Himself innocent. There is none other name given under Heaven by which we may be saved. The Lord Jesusis of God appointed and provided to be the one vicarious Sufferer, the true bearer away of the sin of the world by enduringits penalty in His own Person so that whoever believes in Him is redeemed from the punishment of sin. That is the Gospel!

I would sooner state it in the most simple language than have the power to deliver an impromptu poem, though it should excelthe productions of Homer or Milton. There is more of precious truth and priceless learning in that faithful saying that, "JesusChrist came into the world to save sinners" than in the most profound discourse, or the most stately epic. Be thankful thatyou have heard it! Be thankful that there is forgiveness with God because Jesus Christ has become the Savior of men. O fellowSinner, you may approach your God without being plunged into suffering yourself, or needing to bring a victim with you, forJesus Christ has been brought as a lamb to the slaughter and His soul has been made an offering for sin! Tremble not, butreceive the reconciliation effected by the Lamb of God! Come boldly, for the way is open and man is invited to approach hisGod.

Moreover, our Savior is called the Lamb of God, not only, par excellence, because He is, beyond all others such, but, secondly,because He is the Lamb of God's appointing. God from all eternity appointed the Lord Jesus! He was chosen and ordained tobe the great Sacrifice for Sin. So was it decreed and written of Him in the volume of the Book, that oldest of books, "I delightto do Your will O God." In the fullness of time Jesus came to do the Father's will and therefore it is plain that there wassuch a will to do, such a decree to fulfill. Jesus is elect, precious!

Peter tells us that the Lord Jesus is "a Lamb without blemish and without spot, who verily was foreordained from before thefoundation of the world." Jesus is the choice of the Father. Our hearts rejoice that it is so, for when we rely upon JesusChrist to save us, we trust in One whom God has appointed to save His people. If, as a poor guilty sinner, I leave my sinupon Christ, the Lamb of God, I leave it where God has bid me cast it, namely, on the appointed Scapegoat. I rest in a Sacrificewhich God, Himself, ordained of old to be the Sacrifice for sin. O Soul, there can be no question that if you come to theFather in the way in which He, Himself, appoints, you come acceptably!

For if you were not accepted, you might well say, "O God, You have set forth Christ as a Savior and yet You do not save menthrough Him. You have bid Him say, 'Him that comes to Me I will in no wise cast out,' yet I have come and You have cast meout! This is far from You, Lord." Such an event shall never happen. No human lips shall utter such a complaint. God's appointmentis the guarantee of the acceptance of everyone that believes in Jesus.

Thirdly, Christ is called the "Lamb of God" because He is of God's providing. The Father not only appointed His Son to bethe Sacrifice for sin, but He gave Him freely to be such. Out of the bosom of God came Jesus Christ as love's richest blessing.He is the Father's only begotten, God's dear Son, and to us, "His unspeakable gift." "He spared not His own Son, but freelydelivered Him up for us all." "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the Propitiationof our sins."

Men were bid to provide the sacrifice under the Law, but the one Sacrifice of the Gospel is the gift of God. "This is therecord that God has given to us, eternal life, and that life is in His Son." It endears Jesus to us to know that He is thedearest pledge of Jehovah's love to His chosen. And then, fourthly, He is not only of God's appointing and God's giving, butHe is of God's offering. Let us never forget that Jesus Christ was not presented to God by a human priest-there might, then,have been some mistake in the sacrifice. It was not left to the sons of Aaron to offer up this true sacrifice to God. We maybe quite sure that the Offering was presented in fit order and in an acceptable way-it is written, "It pleased the Fatherto bruise Him, He has put Him to grief. The Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all."

God Himself had a hand in the sufferings of His Son! What does that cry mean, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"but that God, Himself, had turned away from Him and so had brought His soul into the extremity of woe? What do the Scripturessay? Is it not the Father's voice which says, "Awake, O sword, against My Shepherd, and against the Man that is My Fellow"?Oh, Beloved, when I think of this, that God chose His Son to be the Atonement, that He gave His Son-and then, Himself, did,as it were, like another Abraham, offer up His own Isaac-I feel that the Sacrifice must be acceptable and all sufficient,so that he who rests in it need not have a shadow of a doubt but that his soul is saved!

One other reflection here-this Sacrifice is also of God's setting forth to the sons of men. Remember the text, "Whom God hasset forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, to declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that arepast, through the forbearance of God." When we, as God's ambassadors, tell you of Jesus Christ, we do not so in our name butwe do our Lord's bidding and God Himself, by us, is setting Christ forth, showing Him, revealing Him, exhibiting Him and biddingyou come to Him. "Behold," says God "I have given Him for a Covenant to the people, a Leader and Commander to the people."

This is God's will, that Christ should be made known to the ends of the earth! Everywhere Jesus is to be preached, whethermen will bow before Him or not. We are quite sure we are doing God's will when we are setting forth Christ, for we are bidto go into all the world and preach Him to every creature. Assuredly, what the Lord thus sets forth He intends to give tothose who seek it. There are no mockeries with God! He does not exhibit bread and refuse it to the hungry, or set garmentsbefore the naked and refuse it to them. Happy are the men who see Jesus set forth manifestly crucified among them, for theyhave good ground to hope in Him!

Now then, Sinner, look at this. You want to be rid of your sin. You are conscious of it this morning, and you do confess itwith shame. Well then, God's way of pardoning you is that your sin be laid on Jesus. As far as you are

concerned, you can obtain all the merit of the great Atonement of Calvary by a simple act of faith. As of old the Jew laidhis hands upon the victim and then the victim was his substitute, so if you do but lay your trembling hands upon Christ, Hesuffered for you! He was an Atonement for you, and what a blessed Atonement! Let us rehearse that point again-He is the Chiefof all sacrifices, the Sacrifice of God's ordaining, of God's bestowing, of God's presenting, and now of God's setting forthto you!

What more would you have? In order that all things might be of God in this matter, from first to last, Jesus is the Lamb ofGod-is not this well? Jesus is God's own chosen Savior-what can be better? On what surer ground would you wish to rest? Othat you were led to receive Him now to be yours forever! Jesus is my All, and I am a man as you are! Why should He not beyour All, also? I feel as if I could tarry here just a minute and pass round among all this audience this one solemn questionfor each one to answer-will you accept Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, to be unto your soul the Lamb of God which takesaway your sin? Come, what do you say?

It is ours to point to Him and to bear our witness-will you accept our testimony? Truly He is a great God and a Savior! Wehave trusted in Him and we are not confused. Oh, if the Spirit of God sweetly leads you, now, to say from your heart-

"My faith does lay her hand On that dear head of Yours While like a penitent I stand, And there confess my sin"-

it is indeed well with you both for time and eternity . Be of good cheer-your sins, which are many, are forgiven you! Go yourway, you are accepted in the Beloved! Your iniquities are blotted out like a cloud-not one of them shall be mentioned againstyou any more forever! O blessed Spirit of God, out of Your great mercy grant that many and many a heart may lay hold uponthe Lord Jesus at this hour!

II. But now we most pass on to a second point. "Behold the Lamb of God," that is, let us CONTEMPLATE JESUS UNDER THAT CHARACTER.Let us meditate upon Him for a few minutes and then let us constantly fix our thoughts upon Him. Jesus Christ, as the atoningSacrifice, ought to be the principal Object of every Believer's thoughts. There are other subjects in the world which we mustthink of, for we are yet in the body-but this one Subject ought to engross our souls, and, as the birds fly to their nestsso ought we, whenever our minds are let loose-to fly back to Jesus Christ.

He should be the main Topic of each day's consideration and of each night's reflection. We might, with truthfulness, transferthe words of the first Psalm, and say, "Blessed is the man whose delight is in the Christ of God and who meditates in Himboth day and night; for he shall be as a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season; hisleaf also shall not wither, and whatever he does shall prosper."

To meditate much upon the Lamb of God is to occupy your minds with the grandest Subject of thought in the universe! All othersare flat compared with Him! What are the sciences but human ignorance set forth in order? What are the classics but the choicestof Babel's jargon when compared with His teachings? What are the poets but dreamers, and philosophers but fools in His Presence?Jesus alone is wisdom, beauty, eloquence and power! No theme for contemplation can at all equal this noblest of all topics-Godallied to human nature! Just think-God the Infinite-Incarnate among sons of men! Marvel at God in union with humanity takinghuman sin--out of stupendous love condescending to be numbered with the transgressors and to suffer for sin that was not hisown!

O Wonder and Romance, if men desire you, they may find you here! O Love, if men seek you, here alone, they may behold you!O Wisdom, if men dig for you, here shall they discover your purest ore! O Happiness, if men pine for you, you dwell with theChrist of God and they enjoy you who live in Him. O Lord Jesus, You are all we need!-

"Such as find You find such sweetness Deep, mysterious and unknown; Far above all worldly pleasures, If they were to meetin one."

You may search the heavens above and the earth beneath. You may penetrate the secret mysteries to find out the callow principlesand the beginnings of things, but you shall find more in the Man of Nazareth, the equal with God, than in all else besides!

He is the Sum and Substance of all truth, the Essence of all creation, the Soul of life! He is the Light of light, the Heavenof heavens, and yet He is greater, far, than all this, or all else that I could utter! There is no subject in the world sovast, so sublime, so pure, so elevating, so Divine! Give me to behold the Lord Jesus and my eyes see every precious thing!Brothers and Sisters, no subject so well balances the soul as Jesus, the Lamb of God! Other themes disturb the mental equilibriumand overload one faculty at the expense of others.

I have noticed in theology that certain Brethren meditate almost exclusively upon doctrine, and I think it is not severelycritical to say that they have a tendency to become hard, rigid, and far too militant. It is to be feared that some doctrinalistsmiss the spirit of Christ in fighting for the words of Christ. God forbid I should speak against earnestly contending forthe true faith, but still, without fellowship with the living Savior we may, through controversy, become ill-developed andone-sided.

I think I have noticed that Brethren who give all their thoughts to experience are also somewhat out of square. Some of themdwell upon the experience of human corruption until they acquire a melancholy temperament and are at the same time apt tocensure those who enjoy the liberty of the children. Other Brethren turn all their attention to the brighter side of experienceand these are not always free from the spirit of carnal security which leads them to look down upon trembling and anxioushearts as though they could not possess true faith in God. I think, also, that I have noticed that those who pay all theirhomage at the shrine of practical theology have a tendency to become legal and to exchange the privileges of Believers forthe bondage of servants. This also is a grievous fault.

But when a man takes Christ Jesus crucified to be his mind's main thought he has all things in one-doctrine, experience andpractice combined! As Canaan contained Carmel, and Sharon, and Eshcol, and Hermon, so Jesus comprehends all good things. If"the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world" is the object of our thoughts we have wine and milk, butter and honey,the fat of the kidneys, wheat and oil out of the rock, all in one. "A bundle of myrrh is my beloved unto me," "a cluster ofcamphor in the vineyards of Engedi."-

"All human beauties, all Divine In my Beloved meet and shine." Beloved, this, indeed, is the most necessary Subject of contemplationthat can be brought before you! You may forget many other things without serious damage, and even upon important matters youmay somewhat err and yet be safe- but you must live upon Christ, your souls must meditate on Him-or else you have left thebread from the feast and missed the water from the well! The crucified Savior is as necessary for our meditation as the airis for our breathing. The blood of Jesus is the life-blood of true religion-a bloodless faith is a lifeless faith.

I stood yesterday by the little open grave of one of our orphans and it said far more to me than I could say to those whomourned around it, for it reminded me that there is nothing worth living for beneath the sky, since all things are as a dream.Then I thought within myself, as I looked on the poor orphan lads around me-yes, there is something to live for-to help thepoor and train the young, and to make men holier and happier. But then I remembered that they, too, like myself, were dyingcreatures and therefore even the benefit received by them would also pass away. To live, then, for men is, as far as eternityis concerned, an unsatisfactory thing unless there is some higher light in which to view it.

But when the heart lives for Jesus it is not less philanthropic, for it loves men for His sake, but its object melts intothe Divine, for we love God when we love Jesus since He is very God of very God. Beloved, this leads me to the very marrowof the matter-to believe in Jesus as Divine is essential to real Christianity-and one of the distinguishing subjects of faithwhich separate Christians from other men. Individuals are to be found who possess great admiration for the Prophet of Nazarethbut they know Him not as the Son of God, or as the Lamb of God. They deny His Divinity and reject His Atonement.

With fair words and oily speeches they compliment His Character and bedaub His name with their worthless praises. Yet theyare not Christians and the name is dishonored when they wear it! Of late we have heard deniers of our Lord's Divinity spokenof as Christian Brethren. Now my common sense does not enable me to see how a man can be called a Christian who rejects Christ!Charity by all manner of means, but not falsehood! Union certainly, but not union in deadly error! Confederacy with thosewho do not believe Jesus Christ to be God and deny His atoning Sacrifice? It is treason to the Lord of Glory!

Such persons may be excellent Muslims, or Jews, or pure Theists, but they are not Christians! And if they wrongly assume thattitle we ought not to concede it to them. In this matter he that is not with our Lord is against Him, and he that gathersnot with Him scatters abroad. Without a distinct and hearty recognition of our Lord's Deity and Atonement, how can a man bea partaker of Christ at all? True Christians have no questions about these Truths of God-Jesus is to them the Lamb of Godthat takes away the sin of the world, and the Son of God whom the world shall yet adore!

III. Now let us pass on to a third run of thought, but indulge in it very briefly. Let us behold the Lamb of God, that is,GATHER INSTRUCTION FROM JESUS UNDER THAT ASPECT. I beg you to gather some doctrinal instruction. If the Sacrifice providedby God for human sin must be none other than the Son of God Himself, then sin is a gigantic evil, and necessarily the punishmentof sin is stupendous, too.

I observe with pain the attempt that is made to lower the meaning of Scripture upon the subject of the penalty due to sin.It has been usually believed to be everlasting, but this is now denied-denied in the teeth of express Scriptures! Now themoment we begin to mitigate our thought of Hell's terrors, we also lower our idea of sin's evil-and with it we also decreaseour estimate of the Savior. All things in the temple of Truth are to scale. If you take the inch scale which now seems tobe getting popular you diminish the dimensions throughout! A little Hell involves a little Atonement. But, to be consistent,grant a Divine Savior an infinite Sacrifice and you grant the infinite demerit of sin and then the eternity of future punishmentis seen to be consistent.

All these Truths in Scripture lean the one upon the other and your judgment upon every other will be affected by your opinionof any one. Do not err, I pray you. Uplift the Christ of God and believe in the Lamb of God as none other than "very God ofvery God" and have Him in high reverence whatever that reverence may involve. What though your inmost soul is awed with thedeepest dread and made to tremble at the fate of those who reject the Savior and perish in their sins, yet seek not to saveyour feelings at your Savior's cost.

Moreover, what a conception of the love of God the gift of the Lord Jesus for our salvation gives us. Despite the terriblewrath of God against sin, He loved the sinner so much that He gave His only son to die for his redemption! Here is love! Letus infer from that gift His willingness to answer prayer. "He that spared not His own Son but freely delivered Him up forus all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things." Let us also see here sure proof of the security of thesaints, for if Christ is the Lamb of God and no less than Divine, how shall they perish for whom such a Sacrifice was offered?If it is the blood of the Son of God which has bought us, we must be most effectually redeemed beyond all fear of perishing.So far you get doctrinal Truth from beholding the Lamb of God.

Now, if you desire experimental aid look to the Lamb of God, also. Is there a heart here troubled with sin? Do not meditateupon your sin hoping to find comfort from any consideration connected with it-as well look for Heaven in Hell! Do not lookto your own resources for consolation-as well search the Arctic ocean for tropical heat! "Behold the Lamb of God!" Sin vanisheswhen the Savior appears. Are you tormented with the power of sin? Beloved, if you long to conquer sin within you, behold theLamb of God! Crucified, your sin shall be upon that Cross where Jesus died. Contemplations of the Savior are the death ofsin-no other weapon will destroy them.

If you suffer today from personal affliction and need fresh strength to bear it, "Behold the Lamb of God!" His way was muchrougher and darker than yours-pluck up courage, He will bear you through it! He is familiar with all your griefs, His pityingeyes behold your sorrows. And oh, if you are getting weary in the battle of life and tired of serving God, "Behold the Lambof God!" wrestling unto blood, and your courage will return! Reaper in the summer's heat, see Him as He grasps with that piercedhand the sickle! What strides He makes! How untiringly He labors till His bloody sweat falls on the ground. Up and do yourreaping, too, working at His side!

Builder in the House of God, if you don't see the temple rising as you desire, do not lay down your trowel or the mallet,but see the Master-Builder standing there with indefatigable perseverance following out His glorious design! Let not self-denialor self-sacrifice be difficult when the Lamb of God is before you. Let not perseverance be difficult, or shame, or scorn behard to endure-or defeat, or death itself be impossible to triumph in-when the Lamb of God is before them! He conquered uponGolgotha, perhaps you will conquer there. Only keep your eye upon the Lamb of God and this will make you strong to do andto endure!

I might thus continue urging children of God to their profit to look to the Lamb of God, but I shall only add this, that ifat any time we grow discouraged about God's work and are afraid that it will not succeed and so on, the very best encouragementfor us is to Behold the Lamb of God! You are afraid that sin will conquer in your soul-how can it, when Jesus died for you?Sin seemed to win the day when Christ was dead, but He rose again and so shall you rise, and you shall be more than a conqueror!

And in this world is it not a very weary business to be a minister of Christ today? If I might have my choice I would soonerfollow any avocation, so far as the comfort of it is concerned, than this of ministering to the sons of men! For we beat theair and this deaf generation will not hear us! What is this perverse generation the better for after years and years and yearsof preaching? This land is going back to the foul doctrines which its fathers would not bear-those who know better are inconcert and continue in fellowship with the priests of Rome! The world is not worth preaching to-we have piped unto it andit has not danced! We have mourned unto it, but it has not lamented! It needs an Elijah, a man of fire and thunder to dealwith such an age as this!

But for all that, there is no room for discouragement, for the Truth of God will win the day! It is in the hands of One whocannot fail or falter. He shall not fail or be discouraged till He has set judgment in the earth and the isles wait for HisLaw. The fight may seem to hang in the scales today, but the conquest is sure to come unto Him whose right it is. He shallgather all the scepters of kings beneath His arm in one mighty sheaf and take their diadems from off their brows, and be Himselfcrowned with many crowns, for God has said it, and Heaven and earth shall pass away but every promise of His must and shallbe fulfilled!

Push on, then, through hosts of enemies, you warriors of the Cross! Fight up the hill, you soldiers of Christ, through thesmoke and through the dust! You may not see your banner just now, neither do you hear the trumpet that rings out the noteof victory, but the mist shall clear away and you shall gain the summit of the hill-and your foes shall fly before you, andthe King Himself shall come and you shall be rewarded who have continued steadfast in His service.

IV. Now the last thought was to be this. Behold the Lamb of God WITH REVERENCE. I will not dwell upon it for I have not time.Lift up your eyes and worship Him now. He exists, He is as truly there in Heaven as He was here on earth. Behold Him! WorshipHim! Trust Him! Love Him, for be this remembered, He will come before long and that which we shall have to dread if we areunbelievers will be the wrath of the Lamb!

Read through the book of Revelation and you shall find there, I think, more than 20 times the Lord described as a Lamb. Thesong is the "song of Moses and of the Lamb." Worship is given "unto the Lamb, for He is worthy." He it is that takes the bookand looses the seven seals, and it is the Lamb that shall come "to judge the quick and the dead." "Therefore kiss the Sonlest He be angry and you perish from the way while His wrath is kindled but a little." Worship Him at this hour for He comesbefore long! As the Lord lives before whom I stand, He will summon every one of you to His bar. Take heed that He is not anobject of terror to you as He will be if you continue in unbelief, but turn unto Him that He may be your joy and gladnessin the day of His appearing! Amen.