Sermon 766. Believing To See No.

A sermon

(No. 766)

Delivered by


At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington

" I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."- Psalm 27:13.

I HAVE taken the whole verse for my text, but I am not sure that I shall keep to it. The words in it at which I catch arethese, "Unless I had believed to see." Most people see to believe, but in David's case the process was reversed and put intoGospel order-he believed to see and this is the keynote of our discourse. The prayer of my heart is that some may be led tobelieve to see, and that those who have been trying to see in order to believe may now come and trust in Jesus and believeand see the Grace of God. Here we have in the words I select for the text, a doctrine stated, many difficulties removed, andsome directions afforded for the Christian life.

I. We have here before us a fundamental truth and DOCTRINE of our faith that the great act by which a man is saved, so faras he is concerned, is the act of faith. That is to say he gives up all other righteousness and casts himself upon the workof the Lord Jesus Christ. The moment he does that he is saved-his past sins are forgiven him-his future is secure. That onesimple act of confidence in Jesus, insignificant as it may appear to be, is the dawn of spiritual life, the evidence of security,the token of eternal salvation!

And here is the reason for this, namely, that faith is God's appointed mark which He sets upon His favored ones, and by thismay a man know whether he is saved or not, whether he is ordained unto eternal life or not-by his answer to this one question-"Doyou believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?" Or, in other words, "Do you trust in the Son of God?" The case is ordered in this wise-wehave sinned, we have broken God's Law-God's Law must be honored. Sin cannot be committed without a penalty being inflicted.

The Lord Jesus Christ determined and stipulated in the Covenant of Grace that He would take upon Himself the form of Man andthat He would suffer for the chosen many, even for His people, what they had deserved to suffer themselves on account of theirsins, or a punishment that would be equivalent to that suffering. In due time the Lord Jesus Christ appeared. True to Hisword of promise He went up to Calvary-there He received, at God's hands, that which was due from His people to the great offendedJudge. There He paid their debts.

There, once and for all, He took the handwriting of ordinances that was against them and put it away, nailing it to His Cross.Now, virtually, all for whom Christ died were then saved. Their debts were then paid. Their punishment was then discharged.The debt due to the Sovereign Justice of God was then altogether borne, and Jesus Christ, then and there, "finished transgression,made an end of sin, and brought in an everlasting righteousness" for His people. This Man, by His one offering, has perfectedforever them that were set apart!

Once yielding His soul unto death and giving Himself up a sacrifice for men, He then and there saved His people as beforethe bar of God. These saved ones are known by their being brought to trust in Him as their once dead but now ever-living Lord.Without faith in Christ, my Hearer, you have no share in His blood. You have no interest in His righteousness. What He didupon the tree will have nothing to do in saving you. All His griefs, and groans, and pangs you will have no share in. Yourdebts remain unpaid. Your punishment has not been borne for you. You will have to endure the wrath of God forever!

In the prison you will be forever bound in chains of fire. Inasmuch as you have not believed, you have no share in the Atonementof Jesus Christ. But if you have come and trusted yourself with Christ. If, fully convinced that there is salvation nowhereelse, you believe in Him, then your debts are paid! The punishment of your sin has been endured. You can never suffer, forGod cannot punish two for one offense. You can never be summoned to God's bar to be tried for your life. You are clear. ThroughJesus' blood you are ransomed. You are justified, accepted, adopted, saved. Who shall lay anything to your charge, seeingthat Christ has died for you and made a propitiation for your sin?

Now, the whole of this hinges upon a man's believing. If he believes then the great Gospel truth is that he is saved. Throughoutall the Bible this is the one ray of light that comes out of the darkness to poor troubled man-"He that believes on Him isnot condemned." "He that believes on Him has everlasting life." "He that believes and is baptized shall be saved." These assertionsoccur over and over and over again so that I may safely say that this is the Gospel-that he that believes is saved, and thatthe faith by which he lays hold of Christ is to him proof positive that he is saved. He has God's Word for it that he is redeemedin Christ.

II. We have now briefly stated the doctrine, but the main part of my subject will be to try and remove those many DIFFICULTIESwhich people newly awakened and quickened are sure to raise. The doctrine is that he that believes is saved. But men ask athousand questions about it and see as many more difficulties-let us, therefore, try to meet and answer some of them.

1. And, first, how often do we hear it said, "I cannot think that I am saved. I do not trust in Jesus Christ-I am sure ofit, and fear I am not saved because I feel no worthiness in me." This is a difficulty which we can slay at once. If you didfeel any worthiness in yourself, then you might rest assured that you were not saved because nothing is more clear in God'sWord than the fact that salvation is not by merit but by Divine Grace.

The Apostle Paul is very clear upon this point. He says, "It is not by works, but of grace." And if any say it may be partlyof each, he says, "No, if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it is of works,then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work." Salvation is altogether, from first to last, a gratuitous act ofGRACE-hence you do not need to look for any merit in yourself.

The case is parallel with this-It is sometimes the custom, when a new king attains to the throne, for a general amnesty tobe proclaimed, and for all the prison doors to be opened. This is done, of course, not on account of the merit of the prisoners,but to do honor to the great mercy of the king. Now I think I see you, troubled one, sitting as a prisoner in a cell and thedoor is opened to you. You are told that you are free because the king would honor the day of his coronation.

But you reply, "I cannot believe that I am free, for I do not feel that I deserve it. The sentence which was passed upon mewas one which I richly merited, and according to justice I cannot, therefore, walk out of that prison door because I knowthat I have done nothing to merit my discharge." But, Man, if the ground of your discharge is not in any degree your merit,but only to the honor of the king, how simple-minded you are to sit on that stone slab any longer! Up with you, Man! Walkabroad! Take your liberty and do honor to the king's bounty! O Sinner, you have no merit, that is true, but God forgives youto the praise and glory of His Grace, to the honor of His dear Son, to give Him a coronation! Come, then, walk out at liberty!

Or it is as though this should happen-Someone who is in a consumption has applied for admission to enter, say, into BramptonHospital. By-and-by this person obtains the order, but no sooner does she get it than she is afraid to use it. She does notdare go to the hospital. and why? "Because," she says, "I am not in good health." Now, we answer at once, "But if you werein good health, you would have no need of an hospital. It is, in fact, your sickness and your bad health which give you anysort of congruity in entering there."

So, when you tell me that you have no merit, my reply is, but if you had any, you would not want a Savior! Your demerit rendersyours a suitable case to be met with by the merit of the Savior. It is your sinnership which, if there is any fitness, isyour fitness. Not your righteousness, Sinner, but your guilt must be your plea when you wish to be pardoned. If money is tobe given away, men do not urge their being possessed of riches as a reason why they should receive the charity, but one cries,"I am exceedingly poor," and another says, "I am poorer still." It is their poverty, not their substance, which is their pleawith the generous heart.

And so it is between God and you. Not your fullness, but your emptiness! Not your goodness, but your badness! Not your merit,but your demerit! These you must plead before God, seeing that salvation is by Grace. Now, then, what do you say, Sinner?God tells you that if you believe in Christ you are saved. Is God a liar or not? I must push that with you. Does God speaktruth or not? As for this trumpery objection of yours, that you have no merit, I have shown you that it is without a foundation-forif you had any merit, then why should you come to God for mercy?

But, meritless, worthless, altogether without any goodness, still the text says, "Blessed is he that works not, but believesin Him that justifies the ungodly." What do you say-will you take God at His word, and believe what He says to be true?

2. But I hear another objection, one which is very frequently made, indeed. Someone says, "But I want to see in myself theevidences of salvation. I know that when a man is saved there very soon appears in his character certain signs and tokenswhich mark the work of the Holy Spirit. And I cannot believe that I am saved on the mere Word of God. I want to see the evidencesof it." I will tell you a story then.

When the Emperor Napoleon the First was one day reviewing his troops on what is now called the Place de la Concorde, sittingon his horse and thinking of other things, he let go of the bridle and in a moment his high spirited charger galloped awaywith him. A private in the ranks saw the danger, rushed from his place, seized the bridle, and saved the life of the emperor,who said to him, "Thank you, Captain," and went on. "Of what regiment, Sire?" asked the soldier. "Of my guards," was the reply.

Now it was a strange thing that the emperor should in a moment make him a captain for so small an act as that, and strangerstill that the man should so simply and fully believe him as not to doubt for a minute, but ask at once of what regiment hewas to be the captain! Now, what do you suppose the soldier did? Going back to his regiment he put down his gun, and said,"Whoever likes may take care of that," and walking across the review ground up to the staff, he joined with them.

A general looking round at him said, "What does that fellow want?" "That fellow is a captain of the guard," said the man,and gave the military salute. "You are mad, Friend!" "I am not mad. I am a captain of the guard." "Who said so?" "He saidso," pointing to the emperor riding along. "I beg your pardon," replied the general, and recognized him at once in his newoffice. The man took the emperor at his word. He wore no shoulder ornaments. He was not adorned with any gold lace. He hadnot received any of a captain's pay. He had passed through no formal ceremony, but the emperor had simply called him "captain,"and that was enough for him.

Now I want to know whether the Lord Jesus Christ's word is not as well worth taking as the word of the Emperor Napoleon. Whenhe says to you, "Believe. He that believes has everlasting life," the proper way for you to act is to feel and say, "Thatis true! I have everlasting life, although, as yet, I have not a jot of evidence of any other kind-yet if He has said it,that is enough for me! Though I may have come in here an ungodly, unconverted sinner, yet, since I have learned to trust theSavior this night, and do trust him, then I am saved! I will try to get these evidences by-and-by."

I have no doubt that that soldier I told you of very soon began to look after his regimentals. He would not like to continuedressed as a private after that, but would want an officer's uniform, and to appear in the army as a captain should appear.And so will it be with you by-and-by-but at first, my dear Friends, your faith must be grounded on the word of Jesus Christ,and on nothing else. Perhaps the devil will say to you, "What is that fellow doing here?" Tell the devil and all his angels,"HE said it who died on the Cross! HE said it who reigns in Heaven, that 'Whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but haveeverlasting life.''

Stand to it that if He said it, that is enough. You have the King's Word for it! The imperial Word, the Word of the blessedand only Potentate who cannot lie. So, then, it is sufficient evidence to the believing heart that it has God's Word to relyupon. Let me point you to the 36th verse of the third chapter of John: "He that believes on the Son has everlasting life."And to the 18th verse of the same chapter, "He that believes on Him is not condemned." Are not these words quite sufficient,though as yet no other evidence can be seen?

But sometimes I have heard persons saying, "Well, but we must have evidences. We cannot trust Christ without them." And consequentlythey try to manufacture signs of Divine Grace, whereas, be it never forgotten, that evidences are the product of faith, andnot the cause of faith. You go into a room at winter time, and you say to yourself, "There is not heat enough in this room.I must try to make more heat." And you set to work, by some plan or other, to do this. You say there is no evidence of therebeing a fire because there is no heat. True, but you will never make the heat produce the fire. Would it not be much betterto go and look to the fire at once? And then you would get the heat which is the result of a fire.

So you say, "I am not so earnest, so reverent, so prayerful, so penitent as I should be, therefore I cannot believe." Now,would it not be better to say, "If I believed more, I should have more of these evidences. Therefore let me go to my

faith, which is the cause of the evidences, and not go to my evidences to get faith out of them"? It is as though you hada piece of ground and you said to yourself, "Well, now, here are these trees. They produce very little fruit-if I could securea large crop, that would be evidence that the soil is good. I must put fresh fruit on the trees, and then that will provethat the ground is fertile."

Not at all so. Make the soil good, and then the fruit will come naturally. So with your faith. Faith is the soil in whichthe fruits of faith must grow. Do not be thinking about the evidences. Think about the faith that will grow the evidences!Seek to go to Christ and trust in Him, and you will get the signs of Divine Grace soon enough. Your main business is withJesus, not with evidences. Rest in Him-His finished work and ascension power-and if you depend there, without evidences, youwill soon have plenty of them! But, if you look to external or other signs in order to get faith, you look, as I have alreadytold you, in the wrong quarter, and reverse the order of Divine Grace.

To use an old proverb you "put the cart before the horse." You do not go logically and properly to work. Trust in Christ forevidences, and you will have plenty of them in due time.

3. Commonly enough we hear people say, "I want to have a deeper repentance and then I could believe that I am saved." Christsays, "He that believes is saved." You say, "Well, that is what Christ says, but I am not satisfied with that." Oh, atrociousthing! To make Christ a liar and suspect His Word! Still, you say you want a deeper repentance. Now, you are very like a manwho is in a high fever, and delirious, and he cries out, "I want to feel that I am in this fever! I want to know the top andthe bottom of this typhus! I want to know when it goes, and how it will go."

But the doctor says, "Never mind, my dear Friend. Never mind the typhus. Just trust to me. Take the medicine." He calms theman's mind by reminding him that if he had not the typhus, he would not want the doctor. But now that the fever is there,it is not for him to know the disease so much as to trust the remedy. And when he gets well, he will understand about it better.So, poor Sinner, till you have come to Christ, your repentance is not worth a penny.

If you had a ton weight of it, your repentance would be of no value till you trusted Jesus. We must get you well first andthen you shall know about the disease. Trust Jesus and believe His Word, and do not, in your delirium, be looking for thosedark experiences which would not comfort you, though you think they would.

There is a man who has written a very offensive letter to a very kind friend who has often obliged him. This friend, whenhe received the letter, said, "Well, it was very wrong of you to write this letter, but I freely forgive you." But the othersaid, "I do not think my friend has forgiven me, because I do not feel regretful enough. If I felt more repentant then I shouldthink that he had forgiven me." As if his friend's forgiveness were not quite well enough assured to him by his friend's word!

But now, supposing that man should bring himself to believe that his friend had forgiven him? Why, then he would find it aneasy matter to repent, because he would say to himself, "Has my friend been kind enough to overlook so great a fault? Thenhow wrong it was of me to have written so against him! How grieved, how shocked I am to think that I should have fallen intosuch an offense against so generous a friend!"

My dear Hearers, you cannot get repentance by refusing to believe Christ's Word. Trust Him! Trust Him and believe that youare saved, and then the sluices will be drawn up and you will repent! You will see Jesus Christ dying that you might liveand you will say, "Did I slaughter that blessed Savior? Did I wound Him? Did I scourge Him and put Him to death? Then, youmonstrous sins, away with you! Away with you!" You must first believe, and then repentance will come-not look to REPENTANCEas being the evidence, but look to Jesus, and to Jesus only, and, looking to Him, repentance will follow as a matter of course.

4. Then, running to the other extreme, we have heard many troubled ones say, "I cannot think that I am saved because I donot feel great joy. If I had greater joy then I should know that I was forgiven." Somebody has left you a large estate, andyou say to yourself, "Well, I have just read the letter in which the lawyer tells me that I am left a large estate, but, somehowor other I do not believe it, for if it were true, I should feel greater joy about it." Why, you talk like a fool, Sir! Ifyou believed it you would feel joy. It is because you do not believe it that you do not have joy.

You turn the thing upside down and want your joy to help your faith, whereas your joy must flow from your faith, and cannotpossibly contribute to it. So, Man, if you will come and trust my Lord's Word, and believe that you are saved because youtrust Him, then you will have joy. You cannot be without joy. If you believed tonight that your sins were pardoned, wouldyou not be glad? Certainly you would. Well, then, believe it! If you are trusting Christ, if you are rest-

ing wholly upon Jesus, He tells you that you are saved. Do not begin to say, "I have not the bliss I hoped to have." You shallhave that joy when you have looked for it, and have looked alone to Christ.

5. Then, I have known others who have said, "I could believe that I am saved if I had more sanctification." That also is thewrong way to go to work. In a sweet little book which I have read lately, the writer well remarks, "Suppose you were in Braziland you were in some of those brooks where diamonds are occasionally picked up and you found a large one unpolished. No matterhow rough it might be, if you knew it to be a diamond, you would get it polished. But if you had any suspicion about it, youwould not be likely to incur the expense and trouble of polishing it. It is your assurance of its being a diamond that wouldset you to work to take it to the lapidary to have it put upon a seal, and set."

So we find salvation, and when we get it, it is a rough, uncouth thing. We want to have it, as we say, sanctified. Now, ifwe believe it is a diamond, if we believe that it is really and truly salvation, we shall then be in earnest to get that salvationperfected-to have the diamond's facets all made to glitter in the light of Heaven. But so long as we have any doubts aboutthe matter, we shall not think, nor be troubled, about perfecting our salvation.

The fact is that strong faith is the great sanctifying agent through the power of the Holy Spirit and the application of theprecious blood of Jesus. You will never overcome your sins by doubting Christ! You will never get sanctification by puttingyour holiness into the place of Christ's righteousness. It is no faith to believe that I am saved being sanctified. But itis faith to believe that I, being sanctified, and with all my sins about me, am still saved through the precious blood ofJesus! O Sinner, do not look to sanctification to back up the testimony of God's Word. God's Word is enough!

O take it! Rest upon it! Remember, you dishonor God when you want any other evidence except His naked Word. What would you,dear Friends, think of this in your own case? You promise your child a present and he wants evidences! You tell him that youlove him and he wants you to call to him somebody else to bear witness to it. Shame on your naughty child, or else there mustbe something ill about yourself.

Now, as we cannot lay the blame on our heavenly Father, who is too wise to err, too good to be unkind-shame on us that weshould be saying we want something else to make us believe God's Word. O Beloved, let us believe Him when we cannot see it.And if we do not feel that we are saved, let us believe the Word which says we are, seeing it is the Word of Christ. I likethat in Martin Luther. He says the devil said to him once, "Martin, do you feel that you are saved?" "No, I do not," he said,"but I am quite as sure of it as if I did. Get you behind me, Satan!"

And that is the true way. Do you feel that you are saved? No, I do not expect to feel it-it is a matter of belief. I trustmy Lord and Master. It is very sweet to get feelings, but Mr. Liveby-Feeling, as you well remember, according to John Bunyan,was a Diabolian, and got hung! I wish he had been hung to better purpose, for he still lives about these parts. If you liveby feeling, it is miserable living. It is poverty sometimes, and riches at others. But if you live by faith upon the Son ofGod who loved you, and gave Himself for you, that is blessed living!

O for Divine Grace to do this, not to see to believe, but to believe to see! Put believing first-and repentance, sancti-fication-evidencesand all else-will come afterwards!

6. I shall not weary you, I hope, if I mention that there are some who say they cannot trust Christ, cannot believe His affirmationthat they are saved because they do not feel more love for Him. They are like a child who should say, "I do not believe myfather's word because I do not feel so much love for him as I ought to do." Oh, but, my Child, if you believed your father'sword, a true and good love would come as the consequence!

And, Sinner, while you are saying, "I cannot believe because I cannot love," you are putting things altogether out of gear.That is neither God's method nor the way of wisdom at all. Go and believe your Father and then you shall feel a flame of lovewithin your heart which you have never known before.

7. But another one says, "I could believe that I were saved if I had more of likeness to Christ about me." Here again, yousee, Christ has said, "He that believes has everlasting life," and you say, "No, Lord, I do not agree with that. I believethat he that is like You has everlasting life, and I cannot see that I am like You, though I once hoped I would be, and thereforeI cannot think that I am saved."

That is to say Christ and you differ in opinion, and you set your, "No," up against Christ's, "Yes." Oh, down, down, downwith your proud, "No," and just take this sweet assurance, that "He that believes on Him is not condemned." Now, here is aman who has been cutting a seal and making your crest, but when you come to stamp your letters with it, you find that theimpression is very bad, that it is not your crest at all. You cannot make out what it is!

It may be a crest, but it is not at all like one. Well, what will you do? Will you try to polish up your wax, and so makethe impression like what you wanted it to be? Would it not be a great deal wiser if you were to get the seal altered? Wouldnot that set it all right directly? If you were to send the seal back to the man who cut the die, and get him to make theseal properly, would not the stamp then be right? Now, how do we get likeness to Christ?

Why it is faith which puts the stamp there, and instead of saying, "The impression upon my character is not like Christ, thereforeI must try to alter it," my dear Friend, think about your faith! Go to Christ and through Him get your faith altered. Andwhen the stamp is set right, then the impression will be perfect. There is no holiness, no true holiness apart from faith!It is not by doubting that we come to be holy. I never could overcome a sin by saying, "I am afraid I am not a child of God."The devil knows this and consequently, whenever he can get us alone, he always begins with this, "If you are the son of God."

He did this with our Lord, and if he could have led our Lord to doubt whether He was God's Son, we know not what might havecome of it, for certainly when he gets us to doubt whether we are children of God then we very soon glide into other sins.But when we can say to him, "Now, Satan, I am not ignorant of your devices. I know you are about to tell me of my unfaithfulnessand of my great sin. I know all that, but the blood of Jesus Christ, God's dear Son, cleanses me from all sin. You may paintme as filthy as yourself, and filthier, too, if it so pleases you, and I will acknowledge that it is true. But then I willremind you that Christ has said, 'I have blotted out your sins like a cloud, and like a thick cloud your transgressions.'"

Why, you are more than a match for the devil then! O Brothers and Sisters, let us take Christ's Word as we find it! I bringyou back to the story I told you about the emperor and the soldier. And seeing He has said that we are saved, let us believewe are! If we have nothing else to prove it, let us stand to it before angels and devils, the assembled courts of Heaven andof Hell, all joined together, and say, "I have God's Word for it, and I would put God's Word even before an angel's word.If Christ has said I am saved, then I am saved! If He has declared that the Believer has eternal life, I do believe! I dotrust in Jesus, and therefore I have eternal life, and I cannot perish-neither can anyone pluck me out of Christ's hands."

Now, that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I would to God you had Grace to receive it! I pray that every one of us may be broughtto depend upon the veracity of God and the merit of Jesus, and then, believing to see, instead of seeing to believe, we shallbe sustained, and comforted, and greatly blessed.

III. And now I have a FEW DIRECTIONS TO GIVE TO MORE ADVANCED BELIEVERS upon the same subject. Beloved in the Lord, the wholecourse of the Christian's life must be believing to see. We walk by faith, and not by sight. I hope the day may soon comewhen the noble example which has been set by our esteemed Brother, Mr. Muller, of Bristol, will be more constantly followedin all the Lord's work.

Rest assured that if we will but believe to see, we shall see great things! I cannot forbear mentioning to you tonight whatGod has enabled us to see of late as a Church. We met together one Monday night, as you will remember, for prayer concerningthe Orphanage and it was not a little remarkable that, on the Saturday of that week God should have moved some friend whoknew nothing of our prayers to give 500 pounds to that cause!

It astonished some of you that, on the following Monday, God should have moved another to give 600 pounds! When I told youof that at the next Prayer Meeting, you did not think, perhaps, that God had something else in store, and the following Tuesdayanother friend came with 500 pounds! It was just the same in the building of this House. We were a few and poor people whenwe commenced, but still we moved on by faith, and never went into debt. We trusted in God, and the Tabernacle was built, tothe eternal honor of the God who hears and answers prayer.

And, mark you, it will be so in the erection of this Orphan House. We shall see greater things than these if only our faithwill precede our sight. But if we go upon the old custom of our general societies and first look out for regular income, andget our subscribers, and send round our collectors, and pay our percentages-that is, do not trust God, but trust our subscribers-ifwe go on that rule, we shall see very little, and have no room for believing.

But if we shall just trust God and believe that God never did leave a work that He put us upon, and never sets us to do athing without meaning to help us through with it, we shall soon see that the God of Israel lives and that His arm is not shortenedthat He cannot save, neither is His ear heavy that He cannot hear! Brethren, let us remember Israel when they came to theRed Sea. There it was, a roaring, billowy sea-and they were bid to march through it! And they did

march! And though the waters roared before them fiercely, yet so soon as the priests' feet touched the flood, the depths stoodupright on a heap and the waters were congealed in the heart of the sea!

And so shall it be with you, Brothers and Sisters, and with your faith. Believe in God and face your difficulties and theyshall flee before you. Then, remember the Egyptians. They decided to do the same thing. They thought, "Oh, that is all right.We will do as these have done before us." But notice, they said this because all their difficulties had been cleared away.There was the Red Sea all dry before them. Any fool could march through there! But, unfortunately, while faith can march througha sea dry-shod, unbelief only begins to march when it is all-dry-and presently, unbelief gets drowned.

Unbelief wants to see and God strikes it blind. Faith does not want to see, and God opens its eyes, and it sees God, everpresent to help and deliver it. Now, you who are working for Christ, and you who are troubled in your business, you who arein any way exercised-remember the life of faith. Remember that you are not called to walk by sight, but by faith! Like David,believe to see, and great shall be your joy.

Now, beloved Christian Brothers and Sisters, the same thing must happen in our inward conflicts. If we want to grow in DivineGrace, we shall not do so by humbling ourselves, as we call it. The way to make advances in Divine life is to believe thatyou can only grow in Grace by God's Spirit. To believe that since Jesus Christ is yours, all things are yours. My Brother,have you a bad temper? You will never overcome that temper by saying, "I cannot overcome it." But if, by faith, you are ableto say, "I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me," you will overcome it yet.

No sin is ever slain by your saying, "Oh, it is my disposition. It is natural to me." I know it is, and all manner of wickednessis natural to us. You have to rest upon a supernatural arm-you are a twice-born man. You are a new creature and you must notsit down in peace in any form of sin, but believe that you can overcome it by the power of your faith and of the Holy Spiritthat is in you! Believe in order to see yourselves growing in Grace! Believe to see yourselves conquering sin in the nameof Christ, and you shall do so!

And again, with regard to our perplexities in doctrines and matters of faith you must apply the same rule. Believe first andthen you will see the Truth as it is in Jesus. How often the Christian comes across a passage of Scripture which seems tobe dark and mysterious. He cannot, for a time, understand its preciousness, nor behold its beauty. But though he cannot seethe golden ore, he knows that it is there, and, like one that searches for gold amidst the nuggets of quartz where it is embedded,in due time he will be enriched. It will not do to cast it away because nothing at present is seen- for before long the fullvalue of it shall be known.

The Christian drinks water from a well which is deep, and by nothing but Faith's long arm can he reach down so as to drawthe living water. It is no surface supply which will do for us. Down deep in the depths of God's spiritual Truths where nohand of reason can reach, we can let down our faith and the clear, fresh water will be drawn up to refresh our thirsty souls.If ever you are in a difficulty, bring faith to bear upon the Truth of God first, and you will understand and see afterwards.It depends upon which end of the telescope you use first and put to your eye how much you will see of the landscape-and thelengths and breadths of the Truth of God are only discovered when faith is first of all brought into exercise.

Remember, moreover, my beloved Brethren, that our only safeguard in times of prosperity is to exercise faith beforehand. Ourtext says, "I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." Expect greatthings from God-work for them-and believe that God intends to do good to you. David was not taken by surprise when he sawGod's goodness. He had always believed in it-and when the full tide of Divine beneficence met his view he was not overcome,for he always, by faith, comprehended it.

You, my Brothers and Sisters, now high up in the mount, still let your faith lead your eye upwards, and you will not growgiddy and fall. Walk by faith and you will find yourself safe alike in trouble and in joy. In the night of adversity it willbe as a pillar of fire to give you light, and in the daytime it will refresh you with its sheltering shade all through thewilderness. Believe, and you shall see without fainting, "the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."

And once more, Beloved, we are on our journey to the skies. We are on our way to Heaven and if we want to have a foretasteof it, how shall we get it? We must not believe in Heaven only because we have had enjoyments on the road-we must believethat there is a Heaven because God has promised it, and we must go after it because the Word declares there

is a great reward. And there, if we believe to see, we shall, even in this life, soon see something of that which we havebelieved.

Brothers and Sisters, we are tonight like Columbus in search of the New World. Eye has not seen it, ear has not heard it-butwe believe in it and in our frail vessels we have launched, leaving the world behind us. Unbelief sometimes tells us thatthere is no goodly country, no land of life-unending, no city of the blessed, no haven of peace, no "Jerusalem the golden."We have never seen it, but we believe in it. God has said it in His Word-"There remains, therefore a rest for the people ofGod."

Therefore, up with all sail! Steersman, hold to the wheel! We are bound for another and a better land! We have no abidingcity on that shore which we have left. If we were mindful of it, we might return to it. But we have left it once and for all,and we are now steering for the land which eye has not seen. And you know what happened to Columbus! It is happening to somehere-to some of my gray-headed Brothers and Sisters. Ah, and young as I am, I, also, know something of that which I am aboutto describe.

When Columbus was drawing near to the shores of America, though he could not see the land, yet he marked the land birds flyinground and round the masts, and lighting upon the cordage of the vessels, and he pointed up and said, "That is a bird thatis not seen far out at sea. There is land somewhere!" His companions had been ready to throw him overboard and make back forSpain. But they thought better of it now. And by-and-by there came floating along weeds and branches of land produce, andthey said, "Ah, after all, the old-fashioned navigator is right. We shall come to the land of gold!"

Now, sometimes God gives us blessed foretastes, happy earnests, delightful tokens that there is a better land till some ofus, having believed to see, are almost come to see! I envy some of my dear friends who have been long in the Divine life,and are getting gray because I know that the angels often bring them bundles from the hills of myrrh and make glad their spiritswith tastes of the wines on the lees well refined which are reserved for the feasts of the immortals when they sit down inthe banqueting halls of the Eternal, and see the King in His beauty, and bask in the vision of His glory!

Oh, let us go on, we who are younger, who have scarcely begun the voyage, knowing that all is well! Storms may toss us about.Waves may dash against our hull. The billows may seem as if about to swallow us up. But our fathers have gained the beach.Their ships, like those of Columbus, are drawn up on yonder shore. They are safe and blessed. Hark! We can almost hear theirsong. Their, "Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!" might almost be heard even here, werenot this earth so full of noise-were not the whirl of the wheels of business so incessant. Let us, then, O let us believeto see, and we shall soon see it and glorify Him who taught us so to believe!

May God bless you, dear Friends, very richly in this believing to see, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.