Sermon 733. Unstaggering Faith

A sermon

(No. 733)

Delivered on Lord's-day Morning, FEBRUARY 3 1867, by


At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington

"And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yetthe deadness of Sarah's womb. He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving gloryto God, and being fully persuaded that what He had promised, He was able also to perform."- Romans 4:19-21.

IT was God's purpose that Abraham should be a surpassingly excellent example of the power of faith. He was to be "the fatherof the faithful," the mirror, pattern and paragon of faith. He was ordained to be the supreme Believer of the patriarchalage, the serene and venerable leader of the noble army of Believers in Jehovah, the faithful and true God. In order to produceso eminent a character it was necessary that Abraham's faith should be exercised in a special and unequalled manner. The powerof his faith could not be known except by putting it to the severest tests. To this end, among other trials of his faith,God gave him a promise that in his seed should all the nations of the earth be blessed, and yet for many a year he remainedwithout an heir.

The promise, when originally given, startled Abraham, but he did not doubt it. We read that he laughed-laughed with holy joyat the thought of so great and unexpected a blessing! It startled also his wife Sarah. She did, however, doubt it-when shelaughed it was the laugh of incredulity. The fulfillment of the promise was long delayed. Abraham waited with patience, sojourningas a stranger in a strange land, having respect unto the covenant which the Lord had made with him and with his unborn seed.

Not a shadow of doubt crossed the mind of the holy Patriarch. He staggered not at the promise through unbelief and thoughhe came to be 100 years old, and his wife Sarah was almost equally as advanced in years, he did not listen to the voice ofcarnal reason but maintained his confidence in God. Doubtless he had well weighed the natural impossibilities which laid inthe way, but he overlooked the whole and being fully persuaded that if God had promised him a son the son would certainlybe born, he entertained a holy confidence and left the matter of time in the hands of the Sovereign Ruler.

His faith triumphed in all its conflicts. Had it not been that Sarah and Abraham were both at such an advanced age there wouldhave been no credit to them in believing the promise of God. But the more difficult, the more impossible the fulfillment ofthe promise seemed to be, the more wonderful was Abraham's faith and he still held to it that what God had promised He wasable to perform! If I may so say, there was in Abraham's case a double death to stand in the way of the promise-not one difficultyin itself insuperable, but two-two absolute impossibilities.

And yet, though one impossibility might have been enough to stagger any man, the two together could not cause his faith towaver! He considered not the natural impediments. He allowed them no space in the account-they seemed to be less than nothingin the presence of the truth and power of the Almighty God. The Most High God had given a promise, and that fact overrode10,000 adverse arguments! His was that noble confidence of which we sing-

"Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees, And looks to that alone. Laughs at impossibilities And cries, 'It shall be done!'"

By such unquestioning confidence Abraham brought glory to God. It glorifies God greatly for His servants to trust Him-theythen become witnesses to His faithfulness-just as His works in creation are witnesses of His power and wisdom. Abraham wasa noble instance of the power which the truthfulness of God exerts over the human mind. When under all discouragements hestill "believed God." His heart said of the living God, "He cannot lie. He will perform His promise." While glorifying God,Abraham reaped a present consolation to himself and in the end he had the joy of receiving

the promise. His early laugh of joy was remembered and commemorated in his son Isaac, that child of promise, whose name was"laughter."

The Patriarch himself became one of the most honored of men, for it is written, "Him that honors Me I will honor." Brothersand Sisters, this is the point to which I want to bring you-that if God intends to make you or me, any one of us, or all ofus together to be distinguishing exhibitors of the Divine Grace of faith-we must expect to be passed through very much thesame trials as Abraham. With regard to the object upon which our faith is exercised, it is most probable that we shall bemade to feel our own weakness and even our personal death. We shall be brought very low, even into an utter self-despair.

We shall be made to see that the mercy we are seeking of God is a thing impossible with man. It is very probable that difficultieswill rise before us till they are enough to overwhelm us! Not only one range of mountainous impossibilities, but another willbe seen towering up behind the first till we are pressed beyond measure and led to an utter despair of the matter as consideredin ourselves. At such a crisis, if God the Holy Spirit is working with mighty power in us, we shall still believe that theDivine promise will be fulfilled. We shall not entertain a doubt concerning the promise! We shall remember that it remainswith God to find ways and means-and not with ourselves. We shall cast the burden of fulfilling the promise upon Him with whomit naturally rests.

Go on, then, in steady, holy, confident joy, looking for the end of our faith and patiently pleading until we reach it. TheLord will honor and comfort us in so doing, and in the end He will grant us the desire of our hearts, for none that trustin Him shall ever be confounded, world without end.

Let us, this morning, firmly lay hold upon this general principle, that God will empty us of self completely before He willaccomplish any great thing by us, thus removing from us every pretext for claiming the glory for ourselves. At such seasonsof humiliation it is our privilege to exercise unabated faith, for the fulfillment of the promise is not imperiled, but rathermay be looked upon as drawing near. May the Holy Spirit guide us while we endeavor to apply the general principle to distinctcases.

First, we shall view it in application to the individual worker for Christ. Then, secondly, we shall take it in connectionwith the Church associated or Christian service. Thirdly, we shall apply it briefly to the case of a pleader wrestling withGod in prayer. And, fourthly, we shall show its bearing upon the case of a seeker, showing that he, also, will have to feelhis own natural death and utter helplessness, and then faith will find all needful Grace stored up in the promise-giving God.

I. To THE INDIVIDUAL WORKER we have a message. I trust I address many Brothers and Sisters who have wholly consecrated themselvesto the service of God and have been for months or years perseveringly toiling in the Redeemer's cause. Now, it is probable,very probable, indeed, that you are more than ever conscious of your own spiritual weakness. "Oh," you say, "if God intendsto bless souls, I cannot see how they can be blessed through me. If sinners are to be converted, I feel myself to be the mostunfit and unworthy instrument to be used by God in the whole world. If He shall be pleased to smile upon the endeavors ofsuch an evangelist, or such a pastor, or such a zealous Christian, I shall be very grateful and not at all surprised. Butif He should ever bless me it will be a most astonishing thing! I shall scarcely be able to believe my own eyes."

Such a lowly sense of our own unfitness is common even at the beginning of real Christian labor and arises from the unexpectedand novel difficulties with which we are surrounded. We are then unused to Christian labor, and whether we have to speak inpublic or to plead with individual sinners we do not feel at home with the work at first, and are oppressed with a sense ofweakness. We have not gone this way before, and being quite new at the work, Satan whispers, "You are a poor creature to pretendto serve God. Go back to your retirement, and leave this service to better men."

Dear Friends who are thus tempted, take comfort from the Word of God this morning! It is necessary to any great blessing thatyou should feel your weakness, and see death written upon all carnal strength. This is a part of your preparation for greatusefulness! You must be made to feel early in the work, if you are to have an early blessing, that all the glory must be ofGod. Your fancied excellence must fade away and you, yourself, must become in your own esteem as feeble as a little child.

I think, however, that a sense of weakness grows on the Christian worker. To continue in harness year after year is not withoutits wear and tear. Our spirit truly is willing, but the flesh is weak, and faintness in pursuing reveals to us that

our own strength is perfect weakness. Personally, I feel my own spiritual inability much more strongly than I did when I beganto preach the Gospel. There was a novelty and an excitement, then, about the exercise which gave a degree of spurious facilityin it. But now it comes almost every day in the week twice each day. This constant utterance-the proclamation of the sameGospel-finds out the weak joints in our armor!

One is not weary of it, thank God, but still there is a languor which creeps over us and the old novelty and flash which apparentlyhelped us is now gone. And we feel much more vividly than at first that without the energy of the Holy Spirit we can do nothing,absolutely nothing. You experienced Sunday school teachers, and you parents seeking the conversion of your children are, Idoubt not, much more conscious now that all your strength must come from above than you once were. You held as a sort of orthodoxcreed that you were nothing, but now you feel that you are less than nothing!

The more earnest your labors for the Lord, the more clear will be your sense of your own nothingness. There are times whena lack of success or a withering of our cherished hopes will help to make us feel most keenly how barren and unfruitful weare until the Lord endows us with His Spirit. Those whom we thought to be converted turn out to be merely the subjects oftransient excitement. Those who stood long, and for years appeared to honor the Cross of Christ, turn aside and pierce usthrough with many sorrows, and then we cry out, "Woe is me! How shall I speak any more in the name of the Lord?"

Like Moses, we would have the Lord send by whomever He would send, but not by us. Or like Elijah we hide ourselves for fear,and say "Let me die, I am no better than my fathers." I suppose there is no successful worker who is quite free from timesof deep depression, times when his fears make him say, "Surely I took up this work myself through presumption. I ran withoutbeing called. I have willfully thrust myself into a position where I am subject to great danger and great toil, without havingthe strength which is required for the place." At such moments it only needs another push from Satan, a little withdrawingof God's hand to make us, like Jonah, go down to Joppa and see if we can find a ship to take us away to Tarshish that we mayno longer bear the burden of the Lord.

My Brother, my Sister, I am not sorry if you are passing through this fiery ordeal. If your strength is dried up like a potsherd.If your strength is shriveled like a skin-bottle that has been hanging up in the smoke. If you feel as though your personalpower was altogether paralyzed, I do not regret it! For know you not that it is in your weakness God will show His own strength,and when there is an end of you there will be a beginning of Him? When you are brought to feel, "Neither have I any strength,nor know I what to do," then will you lift up your eyes to the Strong One, from whom comes all your true help-and then willHis mighty arm be made bare.

In laying down the general principle drawn from the text we observed that there existed a double difficulty, and that eventhis did not abate Abraham's confidence. It may be that a sense of our own unworthiness is not our only discouragement, butthat our sphere of Christian effort is remarkably unpromising. You did not know, my dear Friend, when you commenced your evangelisticefforts, how hard the human heart was. You were like young Melanchthon-you thought you could easily conquer the human heart.But you now discover that old Adam is too strong for young Mel-anchthon!

You had heard of other Brethren who preached or taught without success, and you said to yourselves, "There must be somethingvery wrong in them or in their doctrines. I will not fall into their errors. I, at least, will be wise and discreet. My methodsshall be more Christ-like, more suitable, more effective. I shall surely win souls." But now you find that hearts with youare as hard as hearts with other men. In that little Sunday school class of yours the boys are still obstinate, the girlsstill frivolous. You had not reckoned upon this. You accepted it as matter of doctrine that they were depraved, but you supposedthat under your treatment that depravity would soon disappear.

You are disappointed, for the children seem even worse than others. The more you try to influence their hearts the less yousucceed. And the more earnest your endeavors to bring them to Jesus the more, it seems, the sin that dwells in them is provoked.It is possible that you are called to labor where the prejudices of the people are against the Gospel, where the temptationsand habits and ways of thought are all dead against the chance of success. We constantly meet with Brethren who say, "I couldprosper anywhere else, but I cannot succeed where I now am." Perhaps they complain, "It is a population of working men," andthis they look upon as a dreadful evil, whereas I believe that no class will better reward the labors of the earnest preacherof the Gospel.

Or else they say, "They are all rich people, and I cannot get at them," whereas where there is a will there is a way. Or theneighborhood is subject to the influence of some established Church, or all taken up with other congregations. There is sureto be found difficulty, and Christian work never does succeed to any great extent until the worker perceives the difficultiesand rates them at their proper rate. The fact is, to save a soul is the work of Deity! To turn the human will towards holinessis the work of Omnipotence! And unless you and I have made up our minds to that, we had better go back to retirement and meditation,for we are not ready for labor!

You tell me your particular sphere is one in which you can do nothing. I am glad to hear it! Such is mine! Such is the trueposition of every Christian worker-he is called by God to do impossibilities-he is but a worm, and yet he is to thresh themountains and beat them small. Will he do it? Yes, that he will, if his faith is equal to the work. If God but enables himto call in Divine strength, the absence of human strength will be gain to him! And the difficulties and impossibilities willonly be as a platform upon which God shall be uplifted and God's strength the better displayed.

Settle it in your heart, my dear Friend, that there is great labor to be accomplished if souls are to be won! And in thatclass, or that tract distributing, that hamlet, that preaching station, there is a work quite out of your reach. And if youdo not enlist the power of a heavenly arm, you will come back and say, "I have labored in vain and spent my strength for nothing."It is well for you to know it. Here are you without power, and the work cannot help you, will not help you. It will bringevery obstacle to impede you. You without strength and the work more than human! See your position and be prepared for it.

Yet the godly worker has that which sustains him, for he has a promise from God! Abraham had received a promise. "In you andin your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed." Grasping this with unrelaxing hold, he knew the difficultiesand weighed them. But having done so, he put them away as not worth considering. God had said it, and that was enough forhim! To him the promise of God was as good as the fulfillment! Just as in trade you often consider some men's bills to beas good as cash, so in this case God's promise was as good to Abraham as the fulfillment itself.

Now, Brother, if you and I are to be successful in our work for God, we, too, must get hold of a promise. I think I hear yousay, "If I heard a heavenly voice saying to me, 'Go and labor, and I will give you success,' I should doubt no more. If Icould have a special revelation, just as Abraham had to him, personally, that would alter the case. But I have not receivedsuch a special promise, and am therefore full of fear." Now, observe-God gives His promises in many ways! Sometimes He givesthem to individuals, at other times to classes of character-and which is the better of the two? I think you should preferthe second.

Suppose God had given to you, personally, a promise, your unbelief would say, "Ah, it is all fancy. It was not the Lord, itwas only a dream." But now God has been pleased to give the Revelation, in your case, to character. Shall I quote it? Hereit is: "He that goes forth and weeps, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaveswith him." Now is not that yourself? Your name is not there, but your character is, for you have gone forth, you have wept,and you have carried forth precious seed. The Lord declares that such an one shall doubtless come again rejoicing!

Now, although your name is not in the Book absolutely, it is there virtually, and the promise is just as sure to you. If anyman of honor were to issue a promise that all persons appearing at his door at such an hour should receive relief, if he didnot give relief to all who appeared, he would be quite as guilty of breach of promise as though he had picked out all thepersons by name and given them the promise. The promise is not affected by the absence of the name if the character is theredescribed.

I will give you another promise: "My Word shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please. It shallprosper in the thing where I sent it." Have you delivered God's Word, my dear Friend? There is the question! If you have,then God declares it shall not return unto Him void! It shall prosper in the thing where He sent it. And that promise is quiteas good as though your particular initials had been affixed to it, or it had been spoken to you by the voice of an angel inthe visions of the night! A promise, however given, is equally binding upon a man of honor. And a promise from God, no matterhow delivered, is sure of fulfillment!

All you have to do is to lay hold upon it! I have gone forth weeping, and I have sown precious seed, therefore God says Ishall come again rejoicing, bringing my sheaves with me! I cannot create the sheaves, and the sheaves as yet do not appearin the field, but I shall have them, for what God has promised He is able also to perform. The thing is to get a

promise distinctly and clearly before your mind's eye and then to defy all discouragements! Oh my Brethren, may you be soweak that you may be as dead, and yet at the same time may you be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might becauseyour faith has made the Omnipotence of God to be at your command!

Abraham, having his full conviction that God would fulfill His own promise, was happy about it. He was cheerful, rejoicing,comforted, feeling as content to wait as he would have been to receive the blessing at once. He was always full of sacredjoy and thus always glorified God. Those who saw the holy Patriarch's serenity of mind naturally enquired who was his God,and when they heard of the Most High they glorified the God of Abraham. In due season the promise came, and the patriarchaltent was glad with a gladness which never left it. Abraham spoke well of his God, and his God dealt well with him. I wantyou, Christian workers, to seek as before God to tread in the steps of Abraham. While fully aware that you are powerless inyourselves, rest upon the promise of God-go to your work counting no risks, making no calculations-but believing that whereGod's promise is concerned, the bare suspicion of failure is not to be endured.

Perhaps next to Abraham there was not, in the olden times, a man of more childlike faith than Samson. One weeps over his manyinfirmities, but one admires the marvelous simplicity of his dependence upon God. When a thousand foes are in array againsthim he never calculates. He is all alone, unarmed and bound with cords. He snaps his bonds, and seizing the jawbone of anass, he flies at the hosts of the armed men as if he had a thousand helpers-and they but an equal match for him-and heapsupon heaps he dashes them down till he cries, "With the jawbone of an ass, heaps upon heaps, with the jawbone of an ass haveI slain a thousand men."

He was a man who, if God had said, "Shoulder the world like Atlas," would have carried it as readily as he did the gates ofGaza. He had no thought but of God's power, and he was reckless of danger when he felt that God was with him. See him in thatmemorable death deed! See him taking hold of the pillars after he had been left of God, blind, and shut up in prison all thosedreary months! He has even now enough confidence in God to believe that He will help him at the last! Depend upon it, Brethren,it is great faith that can believe in God after times of desertion.

But look! He puts his hands upon those ponderous pillars! He prays, and then he tugs and strains! Down, down they come, andIsrael's God is avenged upon Israel's foe! That is the kind of spirit I should like to get into my own soul-a spirit consciousthat it can do nothing alone. Conscious that the work is beyond human possibility, but equally clear that it can do everything!That through God there is nothing beyond the range of its capacity.

II. Dear Friends, members of this Church, I want your earnest attention while I try to show the bearing of this upon

THIS CHURCH AND EVERY CHURCH IN A SIMILAR CONDITION. We have set our hearts upon a thorough revival of religion in our midst.Some of my Brethren associated with me in the Deaconship and Eldership have made this a matter of constant prayer to God-thatwe may see, this year, greater things than we have ever seen! And there are many in the membership of the same mind who havebesieged the Throne of God with constant applications.

It will be, as a preparation for the work which God will work among us, a very blessed thing for us as a Church to feel howutterly powerless we are in this matter. God has blessed us these thirteen years! We have enjoyed continued prosperity. Wehave scarcely known what to do with the blessing God has given us! Truly in our case He has fulfilled the promise, "I willpour out My blessing upon you so that you shall not have room to receive it." But I fear that our temptation is to lean uponan arm offlesh-to suppose there is some power in the ministry, or in our organization, or in the zeal which has characterizedus.

Brethren, let us divest ourselves of all that pride-that detestable, abominable, soul-weakening vice-which is as evil andas hurtful to us as it is abominable to God! We can no more save a soul than make a world, and as to causing a genuine revivalby our own efforts, we might as well talk of whirling the stars from their sphere! Poor helpless worms we are in this matter.If God helps us we can pray, but without His aid our prayer will be mockery! If God helps us we can preach, but apart fromHim our preaching is but a weary tale told without power or energy. You must, each of you, ask the Lord to take you down intothe depths of your own nothingness and reveal to you your utter unworthiness to be used in His work! Try to get a deeply humiliatingsense of your own weakness.

As a Church we want to be kept low before the Lord. Why, what are we as a Church? There are some sad sinners among us whoare such clever hypocrites that we cannot find them out! And there are others who walk so ill that we fear they are taresamong the wheat. The best of us are far from being as good as we should be! We have all grave accusations to bring againstourselves. If the Lord Jesus were to write on the ground here and say, "He that is without fault among

you, let him throw the first stone at lukewarm Christians," I do not know who is the oldest and whether he would try to goout first, but I should follow very closely at his heels! We are all verily guilty before the Lord! We have not done as weought, nor as we might-we are unworthy that He should use us! And if He should write, "Ichabod," in letters of fire over thisTabernacle, and leave this House to be desolate as Shiloh was of old, He might well do it and none could blame Him. Let usall confess this.

Next, there is not only difficulty in ourselves but difficulty in the work. We want to see all these people converted to God,and truly some of our hearers are hopeless enough, for I have been preaching to them for ten or twelve years and they arenot a whit the better but the worse for it-they have grown Gospel-hardened! My voice used to startle you once, and the honestTruth of God made you feel-but it is not so now. You are as used to my voice as the miller to the click of his mill. You aremade ready for the uttermost wrath of God-for there is no place that can prepare a man for Hell so readily as the place ofrejected invitations and neglected admonitions.

Yet, dear Hearers, we desire to see you converted, and by the Grace of God we hope to see it! But what can we do? The preachercan do nothing, for he has done his best to bring you to Christ and has failed. And all that any of our most earnest friendscan suggest will fail, also. The work is impossible with us, but do we therefore give up the attempt? No, for is it not written,"I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek you My face in vain"? We cannot seek God's face in vain, and if this Church continuesto pray as it has done, an answer of peace must be given us! We do not know how the promise is to be fulfilled, but we believeit will be fulfilled, and we leave it with our God.

There is another promise, "He shall see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied." Christ must see of His soul's travail.He must see of it in this place, too! We expect to see men converted in this place, and to hear multitudes of sinners crying,"What must I do to be saved?" We have God's promise for it! We cannot do it, but He can. What shall we do? Why, just in joyousconfidence continue steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord! Go again to our knees in prayer feelingthat the result is not haphazard! Jesus pleads His wounds and cannot be denied. The Lord cannot draw back from His Word. Hemust do according to His people's desires when He Himself writes those desires upon their hearts!

And when they have grown into earnest striving, and wrestling, and mounted into believing expectations they must be fulfilled!If we can only get a dozen men and women among you really humbled before God to feel your own emptiness, and yet to believethe promise, I expect to see within the next few months a blessing of such an extent as we have never received before. Godsend this, and His be the glory!

III. For a minute-if there had been time, I should have liked to apply this principle TO EVERY PLEADING SOUL that is wrestlingwith God in prayer, but as I have not the time I will dismiss it in these words. Dear Friends, if your heart has been setupon any special object in prayer. If you have an express promise for it (and mark, that is indispensable), you must not bestaggered if the object of your desire seems farther off now than when you first began to pray. If even after months of supplicationthe thing should seem more difficult now of attainment than ever it was, wait at the Mercy Seat in the full persuasion thatalthough God may take His time, and that time may not be your time, yet He must and will redeem His promise when the fullnessof time has come.

If you have prayed for the salvation of your child, or husband, or friend, and that person has grown worse instead of better,do not cease praying! If that dear little one has become more obstinate and that husband even more profane, still God mustbe held to His Word! And if you have the faith to challenge His attributes of faithfulness and power, assuredly He never didand never will let your prayers fall fruitless to the ground! And I repeat the word that you may be sure to carry that awaywith you-let not the fact that the answer seems farther off than ever be any discouragement to you. Remember that to trustGod in the light is nothing-but to trust Him in the dark-that is faith!

To rest upon God when everything witnesses with God is nothing, but to believe God when everything gives Him the lie-thatis faith! To believe that all shall go well when outward Providences blow softly is any fool's play, but to believe that itmust and shall be well when storms and tempests are round about you, and you are blown farther and farther from the harborof your desire-this is a work of Divine Grace! By this shall you know whether you are a child of God or not-by seeing whetheryou can exercise faith in the power ofprayer when all things forbid you to hope.

IV. I desire to spend the last five minutes in addressing THE SEEKER'S UNSTAGGERING FAITH. Surely among this throng theremust be some of you who long to be saved! If so, it is likely that since you have begun to seek salvation,

instead of being more happy, you are far more miserable. You imagined at one time that you could believe in Jesus wheneveryou liked-that you could become a Christian at your own will at any moment! And now you wake up to find that the will is presentwith you, but how to perform that which you desire, you find not!

You desire to break the chains of sin, but those sins were far easier to bind than to loose. You want to come to Jesus witha broken heart, but your heart refuses to break. You long to trust Jesus, but your unbelief is so mighty that you cannot seeHis Cross-you cannot look with the look which makes a sinner live! Will you think me cruel if I say I am glad to find youin this poverty-stricken state? I believe that in your case you must know your own powerlessness, you must be brought to feelthat as far as salvation is concerned you are dead, utterly dead.

Every sinner must learn that he is by nature dead in trespasses and sins, and that the work of salvation is a work impossibleto him-it is high above-out of his reach. I want you to know that more and more, and if it should drive you to a thoroughself-despair, none will be more thankful than I shall be, for despair is the nearest way to faith in our philosophy. Self-despairthrows a man upon his God. He feels that he can do nothing and he turns to One who can do all things. Now, Friend, if youare as I have said, convinced of your nothingness, the next thing is, can you find a promise?

There is one I pray the Lord to give you this morning: "Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Have youcalled upon the name of the Lord? That is to say, have you cried to Him, "God be merciful to me a sinner"? Well, if you havenot, I pray you do it now. If you so call you must be saved. True, you cannot save yourself! I am glad you know that. Butwhat you cannot do, in that you are weak through the flesh, God will do, for there is His promise, "Whoever comes to Me Iwill in no wise cast out."

Now, will you come? If so, you cannot be cast out! "Whoever believes on Him is not condemned." Do you believe on the LordJesus? Do you take Him now to be your Savior? If you do, your personal lack of power shall be no hindrance. You have no powerwhatever, but there is none needed in you! When Christ raised the dead he did not rake among the ashes to find a lingeringspark of vitality, but He said, "Live!" And if you are as dead as Lazarus of whom Martha said, "Lord, by this time he stinks,"the voice of mercy can yet make you live! Can you believe this? If you can believe in Jesus you shall be saved!

If you can believe that Jehovah Jesus, the Son of God, can save you, and if you can rest upon His merits-though in you thereis no grain of merit, though in you there is no vestige of power or spiritual strength-this shall not stand in your way! Andthough your sins are as damnable as those of Satan, and your iniquity of heart as deep as Hell itself, yet if you can trustin Jesus to save you, difficulty vanishes before the merit of His blood! I know you say, "If I felt happy I could trust Christ.If I felt tender, if I felt holy." No, Friend, you would not be trusting Christ, you would be trusting your feelings, andyour tenderness would be your confidence!

But now you have no feeling of tenderness or holiness that can recommend you to God. Come, then, as you are- wretched, undone,self-condemned, and self-abhorred-come and cast yourself upon the mercy of God as He reveals Himself in the bleeding Bodyof His dear Son! And if you can do this you will glorify God. "Oh," you say, "how could such a poor soul as I am ever bringglory to God?" Sinner, I say it is in your power, if God enables you, to bring more glory to God in a certain sense than theliving saint can, for the living saint only believes that God can keep him alive, but for you, under a pressing sense of guiltstill to believe that Jesus can give you perfect liberty and save you-oh, this glorifies Him!

There is not an angel before the Throne of God who can believe such great things of God as you can! An angel has no sin. Hecannot, therefore, believe that Jesus can put away his sin, but you can. "If you believe in Jesus, though your sins are asscarlet they shall be as wool. Though they are red like crimson they shall be whiter than snow." If you do God the honor tobelieve that He can do what He has said-if you rest in Jesus-you shall have the comfort, He shall have the glory, and yoursoul shall have the salvation! Emptied of self you have no life, no strength, no goodness! In fact you have nothing to recommendyou, but come as you are and the Lord will bless you and give you the desire of your heart, and unto Him be the glory! Amen.