Sermon 417. Scourge For Slumbering Souls




"Woe to them that are at ease in Zion." Amos 6:1. IN itself considered it is no ill thing to be at ease. No, it is a great blessing to be at ease in Zion in the healthy senseand meaning of that word. Is it not one of the invitations of Christ-"Come unto Me all you that labor and are heavy ladenand I will give you rest?" Is not this one of the promises made to the believer-"His soul shall dwell at ease and his seedshall inherit the earth"? (Psa. 25:13). Is not this the privilege which is accorded to the Church of God, in the words of Isaiah-"Your eyes shall see Jerusalema quiet habitation"? (Isa. 33:20). And still more in the prophecy of Jeremiah 46:27-"Jacob shall return and be in rest and at ease and none shall make him afraid!"

To have perfect quietness in Christ is indeed a privilege which only belongs to those who have entered into that which iswithin the veil! Oh to enter into our rest! For "they that have believed do enter into rest." They have found in the finishedwork of Christ enough for their soul's repose. Theysee in the faithfulness and power of God enough support for the future whatever troubles it may bring. They see in the preciousblood of Christ sufficient atonement for the past whatever its sins may have been. And in communion and fellowship with theFather and with His Son, JesusChrist, abundant joy for the present whatever may be its trials, its difficulties its straits, or its fears.

It is a blessed thing then, understanding the word "ease" in its good sense, to be at ease in Zion. So good a thing that itis denied to the wicked, for "the wicked are like the troubled sea which cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt."And of the wicked it may be said, "And among thesenations shall you find no ease, neither shall the sole of your foot have rest. But the Lord shall give you there a tremblingheart and failing of eyes and sorrow of mind" (Deut. 28:65). Oh beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is a thing worth praying for and worth striving after, thatour spirit may have perfect rest.

The kingdom of God is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Jesus is King of Salem and Prince of Peace, "and the work of righteousnessshall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever" (Isa. 32:17). Peace, peace to you, you troubled one. In the world you shall havetribulation, but in Christ you shall have peace.

But it seems there is also another sense in which the word "ease" may be used, for the text says, "Woe to them that are atease in Zion." This is a carnal ease, a fleshly security. It is not the confidence of a man who is pardoned but the ease ofa hardened wretch who has learned to despise thegallows. It is not the assurance of one who is on the rock, but the ease of a senseless drunkard whose house is totteringfrom its sandy foundations and yet he riots at full speed. It is not the calm of a soul at peace with God but the ease ofa madman, who, because he has hiddenhis sin from his own eyes, thinks he has concealed it from God.

It is the ease and peace of one who has grown callous, hardened, brutalized, stupid, sullen and careless. One who has beguna sleep which God grant may soon be broken or else it will surely bring him where he shall make his bed in Hell.

As I know there are many in this congregation who are at ease in Zion-I shall not draw the bow at a venture this morning,but in the name of God shall aim straight at the heart. I shall first of all-laboring all the morning long as God's servantto wake up those that are at ease in Zion-tryto wake them by calling out their names-for that is said to be an admirable method of waking sleeping men.

Secondly, by shedding a light upon their eyes, for there are many who can sleep in the night who will not sleep so comfortablyin the day. And then, thirdly, by sounding the trumpet in their ears. Yes and such a trumpet that if God the Holy Spirit ishere, it shall sound like the blast of thearchangel and make them quiver with fright even if they turn not unto God. But all these things will fail unless the HolySpirit who quickens those that are dead in trespasses and sins, shall be present to wake and to save these sleepers.

1. First, in order to the arousing of the many that are at ease in Zion, we will CALL OUT THEIR NAMES-which are to be foundin the chapter before us.

The name of the first sleeper in Zion is Presumptuous. His character is described in the first verse-"They trust in the mountainof Samaria, which are named chief of the nations, to whom the house of Israel came." Alas, proud Heart, you come to this houseand you go from it quite content and easybecause you say to yourself, "I am rich and increased in goods and have need of nothing." "Let the drunkard tremble," yousay, "/have always been moral. Let the dishonest bow their heads, I have always walked in integrity before men."

And so you wrap yourselves in your good works and hope thus to stand complete before God. So you trust in your mountain ofSamaria and say, "My mountain stands firm. I shall never be moved." I can hardly understand your being at ease in self-righteousness-ifyou occupy these seats often-forthere are none against whom we hurl such thunderbolts as those workmongers, those merit-trusters who boast of themselvesthat they are righteous and deceive both themselves and others. Against no man do we utter sterner anathemas than againsthim who, going about to establish hisown righteousness, has not submitted himself to the righteousness of Christ.

Why, Man, your purest works are only dross and dung in the sight of God. Your best performances are defiled with the marksof your sin-black hands. They cannot even bear the twilight of an awakened conscience. How, then, will they bear the sevenfoldsunlight of God's great Judgment Day-when Heshall bring all things before Him and everything shall be naked and open? He that trusts in his own works leans upon a brokenreed. As well attempt to cross the storm-tossed ocean upon a child's paper boat, or mount to the Heaven of God in the philosopher'sballoon. As well attemptto put out the fire of a blazing prairie by carrying in your hand a little water scooped from the neighboring stream, ashope by any means to get rid of your own iniquities by doing better, or of your past sins by future holiness.

I tell you, Man, your prayers, your alms-giving, your fasting, your repenting, your church-going, your chapel-going are allas nothing in the eye of Him who demands perfect obedience and will never accept anything short of perfect righteousness fromman. Away, away, away with these gaudy rags! Theywill be unraveled before long. You may toil at the loom night and day but your work shall be rent in pieces and not a shredshall be left-you are spinning nothing but a spider's web which Justice shall tear in pieces and like Adam, whose fig leavescould never cover him, you shallcry before God, "I knew that I was naked and I hid myself." Woe, then, to those that are at ease in Zion, whose name isPresumptuous.

But the great mass of you escape while I speak thus. "No," you say, "We do not belong to that class, we know the Gospel betterthan that. We are orthodox Protestants and stand fast with good Martin Luther and believe that a man is justified by faithand not by the works of the Law." Remember, youmay believe that and yet not be justified yourself. You may hold the doctrine plainly enough-but it is one thing to believein the justification of the ungodly-and quite another thing for an ungodly man to be justified.

2. A second name is put before us in the roll and that is Not-now, or Procrastination. Surely there are hundreds of you whowill recognize your own surname. See how you are described in the third verse-"You that put far away the evil day." Yes, youare only young apprentices at present and whenyour time is out you think it will be early enough to attend to matters of soul-interest. Or you are only journeymen atpresent and when you have earned sufficient money to set you up in business, then will be the time to think of God. Or youare little masters and have just begunbusiness-you have a growing family and are struggling hard and this is your pretense for procrastination.

You promise that when you have a nest egg and can quietly retire to a snug little villa in the country and your children havegrown up-then you will repent of the past and seek God's grace for the future. All these are such delusions of the grossestkind. For you will do no such thing. What youare today you will probably be tomorrow and what you are tomorrow you will probably be the next day. And unless a miracleshall happen, that is to say, unless the supernatural grace of God shall make a new man of you, you will be at your last daywhat you now are-without God,without hope-and a stranger to the commonwealth of Israel.

Procrastination is the greatest of Satan's nets. In this he catches more unwary souls than in any other. "Not now. Not now.Not now. Time enough. Time enough. Time enough," says Satan. "Taste the world's pleasure first. Come, take your swing, goto the end of your tether and then pull up of asudden and repent." Well knows he that then he will have the same cry for them-"Not now. Not now, until they come into thejaws of death and then he will turn round and hiss into their ears the awful words-"Too late! Too late! Too late!" Thoughhe will be as much a liar then ashe is now, for it is never too late if the Lord make bare His arm.

Now might I not look around these galleries and down upon these pews below and remember many of you who for these seven oreight years have been hearers of the Gospel from my lips? There have been many times when you have trembled and been alarmed.You felt like Felix, but like he you cried-"Goyour way for this time. When I have a more convenient season I will send for you." Ah, that convenient season has not comeyet and I fear it never will. Bless the Lord, there have been many hundreds of you whose own season never came-but the Lordmade you come at His convenientseason and not at yours.

May it be so with others of you! But alas, alas, how large a proportion of those who come into this house of prayer stillsay, "Not now, not now," and put off the day and will not come. They think they are to live forever, imagining that the JudgmentDay will never approach, that they shall neverhave to give an account before God. And so they go on in their sins till the chapter shall end and the finis shall be writtenin black letters-for, "Depart you cursed!" shall be their sentence.

3. The third name is Evil-doer or Sin-lover. "They cause the seat of violence to come near." Into the house of God there aremany who still persevere in their sins, though not so comfortably as they would have done if they had neglected the meansof grace. Many I know have come here, who at lastsaid, "Well, this will not do. I cannot hear the Gospel and have the shop open on Sunday. I cannot act as I have done inmy business and yet be a seat-holder there-one of the two must be given up."

And God has given them grace to serve Jehovah and renounce Baal. But ah, there is a large proportion who are undecided. Wherewere you last night? Here you sit and who would know but that you are the greatest saints out of Heaven? But, perhaps, sometime or other last week you sat where none wouldknow that you were the basest sinners out of Hell. Many attend the synagogue of Satan as well as the synagogue of God. Somecan give the right hand to religion, while the left hand clasps their iniquity. Oh, those sweet sins, those darling sins thatmen hug and press to them. Theymight as well put a viper in their bosom and hug it there, while all the while it infused its venom into their veins.

How many must indulge their sins! They would have Christ, but they must have their cups, too. They would follow the Savior,but they must have their chambering and wantonness They would be Christians, but oh, it is a hard road and a narrow one andthey cannot give up their sweet lusts. O Soul, am Inot calling out your name now? Do I not now describe your character to the very life? Lover of sin the day shall come whenyou will hate your sin because of the punishment it shall bring you-for he that woos sin, woos punishment. He that loves iniquitydrinks a cup which is sweetat the brim-but the dregs! The dregs! The dregs!-which must be drained! How direful shall be that burning draught! Oh, thedraining of those dregs will last throughout eternity, an eternity of Hell.

4. The next name is Love-self. "They lie upon beds of ivory and stretch themselves upon their couches and eat the lambs outof the flocks and the calves out of the midst of the stall." This was not wrong, if they had a bed of ivory there was no moreobjection to their lying upon that than to theirlying upon a common couch. There can be no reason why persons blest with rank in life where they can use these things shouldnot use them, for every creature of God is good and nothing to be despised, but to be received with thankfulness.

Their fault was this-they lived only for self-indulgence. They come under the category of those described by the Apostle-"WhoseGod is their belly." They lived only to eat and to drink, to be merry and to make merry with their friends. You know I amno ascetic, my humor is far too warm andgenial for me to claim association with John the Baptist, whose meat was locusts and wild honey. My sympathies run withthe Master, of whom it is said, "The Son of Man came eating and drinking." But still I must, even as He did, protest againstthose who live only for the flesh, whoare simply strainers for meat and drink, whose life-work is to provide food and raiment, who are satisfied so long as theyhave the richest dainties and the choicest wines.

I must protest against those who even come up to the house of God because they love to have their ears regaled with sweetsound and even God's Prophet is to them as one that plays a goodly turn upon a pleasant instrument. Self-indulgence! Oh, thisis the God of many! They live not for Christ-whatdo they do for Him? They live not for His Church-What care they for that? They live for self and for self only. And mark-thereare such among the poor as well as among the rich-all classes have this evil leaven. Self-honor, self-seeking, these be yourgods, O Israel andmultitudes dance and sing in honor of the beloved deities.

Fullness of bread often brings on emptiness of heart and there are many who are like the Israelites in the wilderness. Whiletheir meat is yet in their mouth the wrath of God comes upon them-because their meat is the offering which they offer at theshrine of their god-and that god is theirbelly. Do I not speak to some such here this morning? Probably those to whom this most applies will say, "Well I do notthink that is for me." Probably it is for you, then, for this is a charge to which no man would like to plead guilty.

Among all the sins that are confessed nobody ever confessed covetousness. No, he only exercises a proper discretion in takingcare of himself. He thinks that the excellent of the earth ought to be provided for. He puts himself down among them and thereforetakes care that he should have not onlyhis bread and his water given him, but whatever else he may desire besides. O self-lover, remember there are no pamperedtables and office confectioneries in Hell. Awake, then, from your dreams!

5. It seems that among those who were at ease in Zion, was one called Careless, an individual who belongs to a very largefamily-we may give him another name, giddy, light-hearted. He is described in the fifth and sixth verses, "That chant to thesound of the viol and invent to themselvesinstruments of music, like David. That drink wine in bowls and anoint themselves with the chief ointments." You know howmany we have, even among those who frequent our sanctuaries, who say, "Begone, dull care." They never sit down for half anhour and turn over the Word of God tosee whether these things are so. "No," they say, "let well enough alone." They are happy. They are comfortable for the present.

And like butterflies, while it is a bright summer's day, they think the winter is far off. Their whole life is spent in levity.We may call them the froth of society. There is nothing solid in them. They are not solid enough even to be desperately wicked.Even their religion is carelessness. Theysing a hymn as though it were a song. When prayer is offered-and they will sometimes go to prayer meetings-they are criticizingthe terms which are used before the mighty God. Sometimes they venture to make a profession of religion. But you might hopeto build a palace withpillars of smoke or adorn a queen's brow with dewdrops sooner than find any Truth in their godliness.

Their convictions are always superficial-a sort of scratching of the soil as with the old plows, but there is no subsoil plowing-noturning up and breaking the clods-no tearing up of the vitals of their consciences, no revelation of themselves to themselves.Like stony-ground hearers, theyreceive the Word with gladness but they have no depth of earth and after a little while, when the seed springs up, it withersaway. Not here and there do we find such, but there are very many careless souls who never will give themselves the healthyexercise of thought. Woe untoyou, woe unto you, if thus you are at ease in Zion!

6. And now to call out the last name in the list, there is one called Crossless. He is described in the sixth verse, "Andthey are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph." It is an awful thing to live in this world without a cross! I have heardof one who, being told of another that he had neverany trials, said he should not like to live in the same town, for he was sure something terrible would happen to him. Iwas once preaching in a country village where there was an estimable pastor who seemed to have a very quiet and nourishinglittle Church. I said to him, "Now,yours is the course of life I should prefer, to be quiet and secluded and not to have an excess of labor. You," I said,"seem to have no trials."

Ah, it was not long after, he had the most crushing of trials that could happen to man and his brain reeled beneath it. Andso, no doubt, if a child of God should be a little while without a trial, it is only because there is another one coming andhe is having a little respite because a very heavyblow is about to fall upon him. As John Bunyan says in his doggerel rhyme-

"A Christian man is seldom long at ease, When one trouble's gone another does him seize." It is written of the ungodly-"Moabhas been at ease from his youth, he has not been emptied from vessel to vessel." There are such in this congregation. Younever had a great trouble in your lives. Somelittle things that you have elevated into trials by sentimentalism have fallen upon you. But you have never had any greatracking of mind, no great temptations, or trials, or losses, or crosses. And you are comfortably saying-"I am favored becauseI have none of these." Methinks Imay add that you are highly abhorred-for only they escape the rod whom God disowns!

Just as a man dare not chasten another man's child, but is sure to chastise his own, if he loves him, you have escaped crosslesstill now. Take care, your being at ease in Zion on this account is very dangerous. Oh, may God arouse you as I thus describeyour ease and call out your name!

II. And now, having thus passed through their names we come to SHED SOME LIGHT UPON THESE SLEEPERS' EYES.

Ah, Brethren, this time we have a hopeless errand! It is of no use shedding any light upon these people's eyes. That willnot wake them, for, to tell the truth, they are sleeping with the sun of Heaven shining upon their eyelids, for the text saysthey are "at ease in Zion." They were not at easein Ethiopia where they have never heard the Gospel. They were not at ease in Sheba, or the ends of the earth where no warningProphets had been sent.

They were at ease in Zion where Wisdom cried aloud in the streets, where her oracles were in every house and where her servitorsstand at every door. What is the use of bringing light to these people? We shall not waken them so but perhaps we may do itby reminding them of this light. And oh,!while I do this, my dear Hearer, if there is any value in your soul and if it is worth while to be saved, I pray you hearfor yourself. "He that has ears to ear, let him hear," while I do in God's name, perform the sorrowful task of endeavoringto wake you out of your sleep.

In the first place you are asleep, but you know not your danger. Ah, how many of you foster the sins which you know will destroyyour souls. You put your hands into the fire knowing it will burn you, yes, and you have the festering blisters still uponyou where you were burnt before. You leap intothe furnace knowing that you must be consumed, while you can hear the cries of those who, as your companions, have alreadyfelt the heat. Oh, I beseech you to remember that to sin in the light is to sin with vengeance. To sin against knowledge isto sin seven times over. He thatsins in Sidon or in Tyre is but a petty offender compared with sinners in Chorazin or Bethsaida.

According to the degree of privilege is the degree of sin. He that leaps over hedge and bar and post to destroy himself, isa self-destroyer indeed. He that starves with bread in his hand deserves to starve. He that cries of sickness when the physicianlives next door and he refuses to call him in,deserves to die. He that perishes when Christ's Cross is lifted up, when the brazen serpent is held up before his eyes andhe is bidden to look to it deserves that the fiery serpent should bite him and that the poison should rankle in his veins.Oh, sin not, I pray you. For youcannot sin so cheaply as others. Strange paradox-to die in the light is to die in the thickest darkness.

But again-you frequently have arousings. Oh, I pray God I may never be found among the list of those sleepy preachers whowill let their congregations continue peacefully in their sins. I appeal to you-what man's smile have I ever courted-or whatman's frown among you have I feared? Have Ialways been harping upon some sweet doctrine, saying, "Peace, peace, where there is no peace"? Have I not told you whatsin will bring upon you? Have not these eyes wept over you, while I have cried, "Oh, that you knew your end, that you wouldconsider these things"? Has not thisthroat been hoarse when I have called out after you in God's name as you were going along the downward path?

I have heard of a preacher, who in order to be spiritual, gave up his ministry because he said it was written, "In the sweatof your brow shall you eat bread." Little was he fit for a minister, for he would soon have known that ministry is the hardestof toil. He who does not know how to combinethe two things, to minister and yet to eat his bread with the sweat of his brow, is not a minister of God. If I have preachedin such a way that I have found my ministry a light labor. If the preaching of a sermon has been to me but a trifle to beplayed with-then God be mercifulto me for this great evil!

But be assured it is not so. I have come forth some Sunday mornings with the burden of the Lord upon my heart till I havebeen bowed down with the weight. And there is not a Sunday night and has not been for many a day, when I do not come on thisplatform in such a state both of body and soul thatI pity a dog who has to suffer what I have, under the terror and the weight of the awful responsibility of having to preachto such a crowd as this. If you perish, any one of you, it is not because I have not warned you. It is not because I havenot shunned to use plain language, orhave selected courtly phrases to make you think me eloquent.

I have come down upon your consciences as with a sledge hammer. I have sought to dash at your hearts that you might turn untothe Lord my God. Woe, then, to those that are at ease under a faithful, laborious and earnest ministry! God have mercy onsuch! They need it. O Lord, we pray You lay notthis to their charge!

But more than this. Have you ever thought of it-you that are unsaved in this congregation and yet are so continually here-thateverything in this place cries out against you? As often as the pool beneath me is opened and the ordinance of baptism isadministered-every candidate descending intothe pool bears witness against you. As they say-"I am on the Lord's side," they leave you behind and you have this reflection-ohthat you would let it work in you-that you dare not confess Christ. And tonight, when that table shall be spread with theblessed emblems of Hisbody and of His blood, they will cry out against you.

The bread will say to you-"You have never eaten the flesh of Christ." The blood will cry to you-"You have never been ableto drink of His blood." The whole communion as it sets forth the dying of the Lord will say to you-"You have no interest inCalvary-you have no part or lot in thismatter. You are still in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity." And as each shall partake of that ordinance,you will see the hoary-head receive it and he will speak to you hoary-headed sinners, old in sin but not yet babes in grace,groveling, like sere-wood, onlythe more ready for the fire.

And as the young come and take it, they will say to you-"I am young and I know the Savior. You are twice my age and yet youare strangers to Him." You go quickly onwards, but not staying to think of Him who shed His blood for men. But perhaps yousay that there are hypocrites among them. Then thevery hypocrites warn you and silently testify, watch yourself that you be not a hypocrite. Why, look at this morning's service.If you are still at ease in Zion every part of it has been accusing you. We sung this morning-"Welcome sweet day of rest."Is it the day of rest for you?That is to say, in a spiritual sense can you rest yourself in Christ?

Do you feel any comfort in the rising of the Lord from the tomb? Could you join in the last verse-

"Sit and sing myself away, To everlasting bliss?"

Why, was it not a lie upon your lips, unless you are a believer in Christ? And then came the reading of the Word. Was notevery verse a thunderclap against those that are at ease in Zion? And then came the prayer and while we prayed for God's peopleand your heart wandered, was not the prayer anaccusation before Almighty Heaven against you? And now comes the sermon and oh, if that, too, should be slighted and despised,do you think God shall despise it and slight it? No, "We are unto God a sweet savor of Christ, in them that are saved andin them that perish-to the onewe are the savor of death unto death and to the other the savor of life onto life." And do you not see, my dear Hearers,that this very house of prayer, if you are at ease in Zion, accuses you?

When last Sabbath evening I saw the crowds outside-the many hundreds-I might say the thousands who stood waiting there andnever gained an entrance though they were willing to tug and strive and have their garments rent from their backs in the struggle-ifthey might but enter and hear theWord-I thought of some of you who come so comfortably into your seats and yet grow none the better by it. Oh, it were betterfor you that you had never been born, if you thus sit and hear the Word and hear it ringing in your very soul and yet go awayand despise it!

Many of those outside will rise up in judgment against you. "That man," say they, "had a seat I might have had. That man keptme out. And I hearing the Word-who can tell!-I might have received it, but I could not hear and he heard it and despised it."He that has the child's bread and treads itunder foot deserves to starve. He that has the river of the water of life and will not drink it, but muddies it with hisfoot, deserves to die of thirst. And what shall we say of many here present? Do they despise their privileges? Look at thevery seat you are sitting in. Why, itcries out against you. How many times have you sat upon it and how many times have you gone away unblessed?

On the week-night when you were absent, there has been a sinner sat there and was saved. You have occupied that place-well,not so very many times, for we have not been in this house long-but add up the times when you occupied your seat in Park Streetand at the Surrey Music Hall, or ExeterHall. How many sermons have been wasted on you? How many invitations to dead ears, warnings to stony hearts? How many criesof God to ears that would not hear, the weeping of an earnest ministry over that were as flints and the earnest exhortationand admonition of a tender heart tohearts as that were as adamant and would not feel?

Ah, to be at ease in Zion is to be damnably at ease. To be at ease under a faithful ministry is to be at ease in the jawsof Hell. To be at ease when the House and the Gospel and the Sabbath are all crying out against us is to be at ease whileGod is making ready His sword against us. But I cannotstay longer, nor do I wish to do so! Oh that my heart had language and could speak without my lips! Oh that I might flingmyself at your feet and say to you-"Why will you die, O house of Israel, why will you die?"

I call you to witness that in putting the things of God far from you, you are guilty of willful and aggravated wicked-ness-foryou have been warned not once nor twice, nor twenty times, but so many times as there are Sabbaths in the year! But this isnot enough for me merely to say that I amclear from your blood. Oh that you may be clear of it yourselves! Oh, sovereign grace, renew the heart! Oh, Jesus, Conqueror,lead them captive at the chariot-wheels of Your love and make them bow! No human power can do it, but You can do it, Lord,do it for Your glory's sake!

III. And now I come to my last point. God give me strength to urge it and may the Holy Spirit send it home. The last pointis this-TO SOUND THE TRUMPET IN THE EARS OF THE SLEEPERS.

My trumpet has no great variety of sound. It has but one note. Not one which I give to it, but one which is ordained of Godin the text. It sounds-"Woe! Woe! Woe!" There is not a man living among us that knows the full meaning of that word-"Woe."No, there is not a damned spirit in Hell who hasgot to the bottom of that word-for there is an eternity of damnation. -to as we are in an infinity of misery. "Woe, woeto them that are at ease in Zion." I shall bring out but the gentler parts of the note and first I say-woe to you, woe toyou, for how is it at all likelythat you ever will be saved?

When a man has not attended the house of God and is suddenly brought in, we say, "Well, I am glad to see that man come in,who can tell?-the ministry may be blessed." I have noticed that in the innumerable cases of conversion which we have had inthis place, the majority have been persons who hadnot heard the Word long. There have been some few persons who have for five, or six, or ten years, been regular attendants,but these are not many. The majority of cases are those out of the streets and the world who had lived in the habitual neglectof the Word of God. They came inand the Word was with power to their souls. / am not to account for that! I have only noticed it and I state it as the resultof a pretty wide observation.

Now how are you to expect to be blessed? I know God can do all things. We are not to limit the Holy One of Israel- but whatare the means to be used with you? "Sickness," you say, "perhaps will bless me." But you have been sick, you have had a fever,perhaps the cholera and you thought yourepented, but you did not. Why should you be smitten any more? You will revolt more and more. Perhaps you say-"If I hadanother ministry it might be blessed to me." Oh, I pray you to go and find another. I pray you for your souls' sake find anotherif you think so.

But if it is that you have heard a faithful and earnest ministry already, then remember God's great means has been used, Hisgreatest means-the preaching of the Word. How then can you hope to be saved at all? And then another thought comes in. Yousay you have been twenty years a hearer and youare not saved-now is there any probability that you ever will be? God is Sovereign, He can save you. We are only speakingnow of probabilities. Does it not seem very probable that if when the Gospel was very new to you and you took a lovely interestin it and still it was notblessed to you, that now when your ears have got accustomed to our voice till you can go to sleep under it-does it not seemprobable that you will never have a blessing under it at all?

Does it not seem probable that the next twenty years, if you live so long, will be as profitless as the twenty that are passedand so you will go unsaved to your graves? I think it was Christmas Evans who used the simile of the blacksmith's dog, whichwhen his master first set up in trade was verymuch frightened with the sparks. But at last he got to be so used to them that he went to sleep under the anvil. "And so,"said the good preacher, "there are many that go to sleep under the Gospel, with the sparks of damnation flying about theirnostrils." And certainly there aresuch here.

I am told that when they are making the great boilers at Bankside, when a man has to go inside for the first time and holdthe hammer the noise is so frightful that his head aches and his ears seem to have lost all power of hearing for a long timeafterwards. But I am also told that after a week ortwo a person can go to sleep in the midst of these boilers while the workmen are hammering outside and he would sleep nonethe less for the noise. So I know there is such a thing as going to sleep under the most thundering ministry.

I know that men get used to these things-used to being invited, used to being warned, used to being thundered at. They havebeen pleaded with until they sleep under it. Yes, I doubt not they would sleep even if the world were blazing, if the sunwere turned into darkness and the moon into blood.And I think that even the trumpet of the archangel would not suffice to wake them from their lethargy, if they heard itlong enough to be accustomed to it. Oh, then, shall we give you up as hopeless? I think we almost may. If you have heard solong and been unblest there is no greatlikelihood that you ever will be blessed. But you will go on as you have been going, till at last you perish.

But, remember-for I must sound this trumpet one moment longer-that being at ease in Zion you are at ease where God will comefirst. Judgment must begin at the house of God. His fan is in His hand and He will thoroughly purge His floor. He begins withHis own floor. He shall purify the sons ofLevi. He will begin with them that are in His house so that judgment will have to begin with you. What a place to be asleepin! Not asleep in the far ends of that country where the invasion can only come after due and proper notice-but asleep onthe coast-when Justice is onboard its vessel and is ready to land on the shore. This is to sleep, indeed.

Remember, too, you are asleep where God is most severe. Certain it is, according to Scripture, that it shall be more tolerablefor Sodom and Gomorrah at the day of judgment than for Capernaum, where Christ was preached. Why, you are asleep where Justicedeals its heaviest blow-asleep where itssword is keenest, where its battle is hottest and its doom is the most dreadful. Well, if you are sleeping here, methinksyou will sleep anywhere and if the thundering of God's great woe cannot suffice to wake you up what can? O God Almighty! Whatcan? You can do it Yourself. O thatYou would do it! But it shall be a miracle indeed and a wonder of grace if these sleepers shall be made to wake.

And now I send you not home with the word "woe" in your ears alone. Do you feel the force of what has been said? O my Hearers!Do you feel that it is a solemn thing to have been at ease so long? Do you tremble? Are you saying, "O that I might be saved!O that God would have mercy upon me!" He willdo it. HE WILL! The Gospel is free to you still as it always has been and lo, we preach it to you. All He asks of you isto believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. He has not asked an impossible thing-a hard thing-that which takesweeks to do. It is done in aninstant and when His Spirit is present, it is done at once and completely.

"But what is to believe in Christ?" you say. It is to trust Him-trust Him with your soul-trust Him with your soul just asit is. Trust Him with it now. I do not say to you, "Go home and pray," though I hope you will-that is not my errand. I haveto say, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ."That is the way to salvation and you have no need to go home to do that. If the Spirit of God has shown you your need ofChrist, that can be done where you are-in the pew. O may the Spirit enable you in your soul thus to cry to God-"I am guiltyof all that has been said. I amguilty. I acknowledge it with sorrow. I feel I cannot save myself and that the means of grace cannot save me, for they havebeen tried and they have failed.

"Lord, I have such a stony heart that nothing can break it but Yourself. I am such a careless, good-for-nothing sinner thatthe most earnest ministry is lost upon me. I have been pleaded with long, but I have not turned. I confess that all this hasaggravated my guilt. I acknowledge it. And now, ifYou destroy me, Lord, You would be just. But, O save me! Save me!-not for any good thing I have, for, 'All unholy and unclean,I am nothing else but sin.' But Father, Jesus died. I believe that He is able and that He is willing to save to the uttermostthem that come unto You byHim. Just as I am, I put my case into His hands, I am guilty. Lord, I feel it. Oh that I could feel it more, but Lord, Itrust in Him."

Are you touching the hem of His garment and putting your trust in what He did and what He is? Then your sins which are manyare all forgiven you. Go in peace. "There is therefore, now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus." You are savedthe moment you believe in Christ. You are saved.His finished work is yours. It needs not a stitch to be added to it. His complete atonement is yours. It needs no bloodof bullocks, no tears of man to complete it. It is done. You are saved by His grace. Clap your hands and go in peace.