Sermon 371. Opening Services

Tuesday Evening, March 26, 1861


On Tuesday evening, March 26th, the first of the Public Meetings in connection with the opening of the Tabernacle took place.It was limited exclusively to the Contributors to the Building Fund, of whom more than 3,000 were present. Up to the momentSir HENRY HAVELOCK took the Chair, the platformbelow the pulpit presented a busy scene, as it was here the collecting cards had to be turned in. Some half-dozen gentlemenofficiating as clerks were for about an hour unceasingly engaged in receiving and recording the contributions handed in bysome hundreds of volunteercollectors, the respective amounts varying from a few pence up to many pounds. Rich and poor vied with each other, and itwould be hard to say which excelled. The whole matter seemed to awaken a personal interest in each individual.

When the period arrived for commencing the business of the meeting, Mr. SPURGEON gave out the third hymn, which had been composedexpressly for the occasion -

"Sing to the Lord with heart and voice, You children of His Sovereign voice; The work achieved, the temple raised, Now be our God devoutly praised. For all the treasure freely brought- For all the toil in gladness worked- For warmth of zeal and purpose strong- Wake we today the thankful song. Lord of the temple! Once disowned, But now in worlds of light enthroned- Your Glory let Your servants see Who dedicate this house to Thee! What if the world still disallows- Our corner and our top-stone You! Your shame and death and risen joy, Shall here our ceaseless thought employ. Be Your dear name like ointment shed O'er every soul, on every head. Make glorious, oh our Savior King, The place where thus Your chosen sing. More grand the temple and the strain More sweet, when we Your Heaven shall gain; And bid, for realms where angels dwell, Our Tabernacles here, farewell!"

After offering up a few words of prayer and reading portions of the 35th and 36th of Exodus, descriptive of the offeringsbrought to the Tabernacle by the Jews in the wilderness, he briefly introduced Sir Henry Havelock, the Chairman for the evening.

The CHAIRMAN said he hoped he would be excused if he were at a loss how to address such a meeting as this, because he supposedthat a similar assembly in a building like this had never been addressed before in England. The kind way in which they hadgreeted him gave him encouragement, and wassufficient to enable him to give utterance to thoughts, which, but for their hearty welcome, he would hardly have powerto express. He had been expressing a doubt to a friend near him, that he would not be able to get through the duties whichdevolved upon him satisfactorily, buthis friend remarked to him that this was not an occasion when speaking was required, for the occasion spoke for itself.He thought it did speak for itself. They could not look around that magnificent building without feeling that it was entirelyof God's doing. The progress whichhad been made in that work of God was the most extraordinary thing in modern Church history! It began two and a half yearsago with fear and trembling; but from the first they had been triumphantly advancing, and they had seen the work grow largerand larger, until now they saw itcompleted. It was impossible to come to any other conclusion but that God had worked mightily with His people. Then letthem look at their pastor, and at the different phases through which he had passed, and they would agree with him that Godhad been with him in each of them. Atone time it was said the work would break down in a month, but it did not come to pass; it was also said that it was a passingexcitement, and would soon come to an end, but he thought their appearance there did not look like passing excitement! Whatexcitement there might be beforethe end of the meeting, he could not foretell; but if they were really mad, as some people said, there was certainly a greatdeal of "method in their madness." He was no orator, and they should not expect a long address from him, but he thought theyought to thank God for theblessings which He had showered upon that building at each stage of its erection. There had been nothing like it accomplishedbefore! Let them hope it was but the beginning of many such undertakings destined to be carried to a similarly successfulend. Their pastor, in speaking tohim of the building, pointed out some deficiencies in the inner room. He said that everything was not as yet quite comfortable,and remarked that it was like a newly married couple coming to a new house. Now, he (the Chairman) hoped the simile wouldbe carried a little further, andthat the church would not only be like the newly married couple in a new house, but like the noble matron who had becomethe mother of many children! They had heard that the small sum of £3,000 was required for the complete payment of every liabilityconnected with pastexpenditure, and from what he saw there that night, he felt convinced that all would be speedily given. And when no moreshould be needed, that need not prevent them from displaying their generosity in the cause which they had at heart. They hadjust had a precedent in Scripturebrought before them where the people of old were told they need not bring any more to the Tabernacle; but they had not beentold so there! He therefore hoped they would still contribute to the work until they had accomplished everything which theydesired. It was intended that afterthe building itself had been paid for, the remainder of the money which might be raised would be devoted to the educationof young men intended for the ministry; in addition to that, there was accommodation beneath the church for about 2,000 scholars;and he was sure that was apurpose for which their contributions would still be given, even though the money might not be needed for the mere bricksand mortar of the structure. He trusted they would excuse him saying more; but he could not conclude without thanking themkindly for so patiently listening tothe remarks he had made.

The REV. C. H. SPURGEON said they were all aware that there was a happy contest between himself and his congregation. It wasa very bad thing certainly for a newly married couple to fall out, especially in the scarcely furnished home, but it so happenedthat the contest in their case was as towhich should bring the better dowry to stock the house with. The minister should in every case do his share of the work,or how could he with any conscience appeal to his flock? Now, he had undertaken that he would bring in £1,000 between themonth of January and the opening of thebuilding. He had fulfilled his pledge; in fact, he had gone somewhat beyond it. They might remember, that on the last occasionthey left off with a drawn battle. Having two or three bankers behind him, who generously came to his aid, he had outstrippedthe congregation by some 30shillings. However, he considered it an undecided battle, and if they could beat him tonight, he would be very glad. Hethen read over a list of the various contributions he had received, amounting to £1,170 14s. There was still, he said, a shotor two in the locker to win thevictory with, even should their industry and zeal excel in their results what he had accomplished. They might say the amountwas £1,200 and it was matter of wonder and thankfulness that the bazaar had realized a clear £1,200. He ought to state, andhe should not be saying morethan should be said, that there were many ladies in the congregation who had been working very, very hard, and had alwaysbeen at the side of his beloved wife whenever there had been a meeting for work; still, the main anxiety and arrangement hadrested upon her, and had it not beenfor those ladies, who, like the women of Israel, brought the labor of their hands, the work could never have been so singulara success. Of old it was written (Exo 35:25, 26)-"And all the women who were wise-hearted did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun,both of blue and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine linen. And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spungoats' hair." So now they did the same. Thus had the willing-hearted people of God, each in their own way, brought an offeringunto the Lord of gold, andsilver, and copper, and blue, and purple, and scarlet so that the house of the Lord might be completed. So large a sum ashad been realized spoke well, both with respect to individual co-operation, and to the sympathy of the Christian public. Theresult which they had attained wasexceedingly satisfactory, because almost every farthing which they required had been raised. He would not say the wholeof it; but they would, no doubt, have the amount in a few minutes. The top-stone would soon be brought forth with shouts ofpraise! How had such a result beenattained? The reply was, that there had been three main elements in it. The first was faith in God. At the beginning ofthe year, they needed £4,000 and an entry to this effect would be found in the Church book, signed by himself and the deacons-"ThisChurch needs rather morethan £4,000 to enable it to open the New Tabernacle, free of all debt; it humbly asks this temporal mercy of God, and believesthat for Jesus' sake, the prayer will be heard and the gift bestowed, as witness our hands." As for himself, he never hada doubt about the opening of thatplace free from debt since he attached his name to that entry. The work in which they had been engaged had been a work offaith from the beginning to the end; the Lord has fulfilled His promise to the letter-for according to our faith has it beendone to us. Why not have faith inGod for temporals? Will He ever allow His own cause to lag for lack of means? In this case, as the need grew, the supplyincreased; as the proportions of the project were enlarged, the liberality of the Christian public increased; and even duringthe last three or four weeks, he hadbeen amazed at the contributions which he had received. Contributions had come by post varying in amount from pounds toa few shillings; they had come from America, from Australia, and from almost every country in the world, from men of all ranks,and persons of every denomination!Universal sympathy had been shown, and most of the donations from readers of the weekly sermons were accompanied by lettersso affectionate and encouraging, that it was a happy thing that such an opportunity had been given for the utterance of upto now unknown Christian love! Faithin God had done much of that which had been accomplished, and unto a faithful God be Glory. But "faith without works isdead"-very dead indeed in chapel building! One must work there, and he could say he had toiled as hard as any man could toaccomplish his purpose.

The house had been built for God, and his sole objective with regard to its future income was that it might be applied tothe tuition and training of young men as ministers, that thus the Church in the Tabernacle might be a helper to many of theChurches of Christ. But besides individual energythere had been a third thing, combination of numberslaboring with one aim. Many poor persons had brought offerings whichthey could ill afford to spare, and no one could ever know how many of them had received back, indirectly from himself, theamount they had given, but which theywould have been grieved if he had refused. He publicly thanked all his generous friends throughout the world for their cooperation,and he would thank them all, individually, if it were possible to do so. Before the Chairman sat down, Mr. Spurgeon paid awarm tribute to the memoryof General Havelock, the Chairman's father. They might not, he said, be aware that there were only two dissenting lords,and those two were Baptists; there were only two dissenting baronets, and those two were Baptists also. Both of them had earnedtheir titles fairly-those wereSir Samuel Morton Peto, and Sir Henry Havelock; the one the king of spades, and the other the savior of our empire in India.He was sure the country would for many years remember the name of Havelock. As a Christian minister, he was no apologist forwar, but it was a righteous causein which Havelock was engaged; it was rather to save than to subdue; to rescue women and children than to slaughter men;but he was sure that when his fame as a warrior should cease to be heard, his name as a Christian would live. He was gladto see Sir Henry Havelock with hisfather's people in a Baptist Tabernacle; he hoped they would see him for years to come, and that the blessing of the Godof his father might richly rest upon him.

Mr. MUIR said there was no one who attended the last meeting held two months ago but must have felt a desire to do all theycould to show their zeal in raising that building, and he was very glad the wish had now been accomplished. At the time towhich he referred, it was his intention to take ajourney to the north, and he thought he would do what he could to further the work. He accordingly took a number of cardswith him in order to collect contributions. Some of his friends gave very liberally, although he must confess that he hadmore difficulty in obtainingcontributions from others. He then read his list of contributions, which amounted to £123 14s.

The REV. F. TUCKER of Camden Road Chapel, said he could echo every word that had fallen from Mr. Spurgeon with regard to thegentleman who occupied the chair that evening. Long, long indeed would it be before to any Baptist, or to any Christian, orto any Englishman, the name of Havelock would be acommon or indifferent word. He had himself come there that evening partly from sympathy, for he knew what it was to haveto do with a chapel debt; and although the debt upon his chapel was only about one-tenth part of that which rested upon theirs,he only hoped it would cost himone-tenth part of the trouble! One of the most difficult things in the world to deal with was the tail of a debt. They mightbury the body of the animal, but if the tail still was above ground-it was like the tail of the rattlesnake-it made a greatand formidable, and alarmingnoise although the body had been safely interred. Now, that night, he understood they intended to bury the rattlesnake,tail and all, and over that grave no one might write "Resurgam." He had come, however, personally to congratulate them. Itwas not the first time that he had stoodwithin these walls. He was at the first public meeting held in that place some few months ago. It was then in its deshabilleandyet he looked around the place with admiration and he felt, as he told his Brother Spurgeon, as he supposed the captain ofsome ordinary seafaring steamermust have felt when he first stood in the hold of the Great Eastern. The Great Eastern was now on the Gridiron in Milfordharbor. They intended tonight to float their magnificent vessel off the Gridiron, and might God grant her a long and prosperousvoyage. He congratulated them notmerely on the size of the great building, but also on its beauty.

He did not think it was anything too large. His own chapel would seat about 1,100 persons, and it was large enough for him.But if John Bunyan were on the earth, should they like to confine him to a little company of 1,100 persons? If George Whitfieldwere on the earth, should they like to limithim to a little company of eleven hundred? Now they had got Charles Spurgeon on earth-should they shut him up in a littlecompany of eleven hundred? As to the beauty of the building, no words he could use could adequately describe it. He did, fromhis heart, congratulate them onthe size and beauty of the edifice. But he had also to congratulate them upon another matter-upon the Doctrines that wouldbe preached in that grand building! He was not there to give account of every word that his Brother Spurgeon had ever uttered,nor of every aspect of everyDoctrine which he had presented; but as an older man than his Brother, he was sure he would not be thought impertinent ifhe said that he, with many of his Brethren throughout the country, had watched Mr. Spurgeon's course with intense and prayerfulinterest. They could see hisgrowth and development towards a liberality and a symmetry of creed which had filled all their hearts with gratitude andjoy! Just as dear Jonathan George-dear sainted Brother-just as he had at the meeting to which he (the speaker) had referred,there were some people who wantedto keep the eagle in a very small cage; but he said it was no use doing that-the eagle would either break his wings or breakthe cage. Well, they rejoiced that night that it was not the wings of the eagle which had been broken, but the cage; and theynow saw the noble birdcareening through the firmament in the shining light of the Sun of Righteousness!

He looked upon his Brother Spurgeon as one who upheld the Sovereignty of God and who, on the other hand, declared the responsibilityof man. He preached that never could the sinner repent without the aid of the Holy Spirit, and yet he called upon every sinnerto repent and believe the Gospel.Especially did his Brother make prominent the grand Doctrine of the atoning Sacrifice of Christ, and the kindred Doctrineof Justification by Faith in the Righteousness of the Lord and Savior. He took it that the central object which would be exhibitedby his Brother in that placewould be the Cross and nothing but the Cross. The central object would not be the roll of the eternal decrees, not the tablesof the moral Law, not the laver of Baptism, not the throne of judgment-the central object would be the Cross of the Redeemer!Right and left they wouldfind the roll of the eternal decrees, the tables of the Law of God, the laver of Baptism, and the judgment throne, but theCROSS of Jesus would stand in the midst, shedding its pure and harmonizing light over all besides. There was many a buildingin the Established Church of thisland where they might enter, and they would hear as clear an exposition of Gospel Truth as they would from Mr. Spurgeon,but in many another building of the Established Church, all was priestly power, and sacramental efficacy. In many another,all that was preached was reason,intuition, the wisdom of man and not of God. And yet all those men had subscribed to the same articles; all those men belongedto the same Church. Come within this building, whenever they might, he believed they would hear nothing of sacramental efficacyon the one side, or of man'sreason or intuition on the other; but their dear Brother would say that he had determined not to know anything among thembut Christ, and Him Crucified.

One word more and he had done. They were living in the days of "Essays and Reviews"-living in the days of a Nationalism, which,for his own part, he considered far more unscriptural than any Romanism. He wished to explain himself; he meant to say forhimself that he would rather be a poorhumble-minded member of the Church of Rome, believing too much, than he would be one of those modern philosophers, too wiseto believe anything at all. With this modern philosophy he had no patience! The Bible, according to those men, was an old-fashionedbook which had its value2,000 years ago, but now its value was diminished by all the length of those 2,000 years. They had now outshot the Bible,said these men-they had got ahead of the Bible! They were now more intelligent and wiser than the Bible. Well, let them takeit as those men said, and then he(the speaker) would add, let the venerable Book have fair play after all. If by it those men were so much wiser than theywould have been, then, he said, it was only fair that they should strip themselves of all they had learned from the Bible-withregard to the attributes of God,the origin of the universe, the standard of morals, the destiny of spirits beyond the grave-and if they did that, he couldfancy he saw them peeling off coat after coat, like an onion, and getting "small by degrees" but not "beautifully less," andhe did not know what would remainof them. Why, in ancient Greece there were intellects as subtle, and spirits as profound as any in modern times. He believedthat on some lines of philosophical inquiry, none had been able to surpass them; but when those men entered on the Doctrinesof theology, how far did theyget? Why, just as far as this, "the world by wisdom knew not God." That was as far as they got! The youngest Sunday schoolchild, he was going to say, knew more about God, than Socrates and Plato, and if these men knew more about God than Socratesand Plato, where did they get theirknowledge, except where the little Sunday scholar got his, from the Scriptures! It was easy to stand on the Mount of Revelation,and then to spurn the ground upon which they stood; but let them cut that ground from under them, and down they would go intothe pit of Hell! There was,he continued, in ancient Athens an old cynic who went into the marketplace with his lantern kindled in the full blaze ofday, and said, in the Market of Athens, "I am come to look for an honest man." And all Athens smiled at the satire. But supposehe had said, "I have come here atnoon with my lantern to light up the scenery, to bring to view those grand hills, and this glorious city, and that bluesky?" Would not the cry have rung through Athens, "Diogenes is mad"? What, then, is the insanity of the men who, in the fullnoon-day of the Gospel illumination,bring forward the little lamp of their own intuition and say, while turning their back upon the Sun of Righteousness shiningin His strength, "See what our little lantern can show? See what a vast circumference it illuminates?" But oh, let that Sunbut withdraw His shining, and thepall of night come down upon the scenery, and what a very twinkle would their lantern be in that abyss of darkness!

The REV. J. BIGWOOD said he could not fail to express his deep gratitude to God that He had permitted such a building as thepresent to be erected in which the glorious Gospel in all its purity and simplicity would be preached. He had been wonderingwhy it should be called a tabernacle-a tent-aplace that was to pass away. Surely if there was a mansion in London, this was the one which would remain when all othershad passed away! Was it not rather a temple than a tabernacle? Regarded in an ecclesiastical point of view, it was a marvelthat such a building should be builtand opened free from debt. What was the secret? If was the faith which the pastor and Church had exhibited in the mightypower and goodness of God. The minister was not alone; God was with him, and he with God; He walked with God, and relied uponHis power, and God had granted himthe desire of his heart. He congratulated them with his whole heart upon what they had accomplished, and he hoped that God'sblessing would rest upon them, and that thousands might there be born-again to God.

The REV. J. RUSSELL congratulated Mr. Spurgeon and his friends on the completion of the Metropolitan Tabernacle at Newington.Its being erected so near the Borough made him feel a deep interest in it, for he was born in the Borough, and knew the wholeneighborhood well. Close by, in former days,there stood the Fishmongers' Almshouses with their pretty gardens, and there his beloved father used to go and speak tosome of the aged inmates of the love of Christ. And he hoped the members of this Church would visit the poor all around, andmake known to them the glad tidings ofmercy through Christ. It was called a Tabernacle, which curiously enough in its derivation meant a little wooden house-taberna,a wooden house, tabernaculum, its diminutive-but the general sense is an habitation, and its sense in Scripture, the habitationof God. They haderected a large and magnificent house, but its size, its splendor, its elegance, its beautiful columns, would avail nothingif it were not the habitation of God. But he believed it would be, and that would be its glory. He rejoiced that a place ofthat size had been erected. Therewere large theatres, large Roman Catholic chapels, why should there not be large chapels where great numbers of people mightbe brought together to hear the Gospel? He hoped there would be others like this. They had showed great zeal and generosity;it was a coincidence ratheramazing that the poll-tax computed on the children of Israel, for the erection of the Tabernacle in the wilderness, amountedto about £35,000 and the cost of their tabernacle was not much less! It was entitled to the name of Metropolitan, for it drewits hearers from all quarters,and the results of this great effort will affect not only the metropolis, but the world. The numerous Sunday school childrenthere instructed would grow up and carry with them to many distant parts, the good Seed of the Kingdom of God. He thankedGod for what Mr. Spurgeon and hisfriends had been enabled to accomplish, and he trusted they would have the continual and abundant outpouring of the HolySpirit.

Mr. SPURGEON said they might get their hymn books ready; but he would first give them a statement of the liabilities thathad been sent up to him. They needed for the builder, £3,000; for the architect, £200; for gas, £160; for the gates and boundaries,£300; for the treasurer, £100, matting,carpets, etc., £350, for fittings, furniture, etc., about £100; which made £4,200, or thereabouts. These calculations weremade so that they would meet all demands; but the pledge he made to the public was that they should enter that place freeof debt and that would beaccomplished when rather more than £3,000 had been paid in, for the other matters could wait awhile, and would not be undertakenuntil the funds were in hand to warrant their being done. He read additional lists of contributions received from varioussources, and gave the followingabstract of the whole-he had brought in over £1,500; his wife and her lady friends, £1,200;the people that night, about£771. Clear proceeds of the lecture by Mr. Layard, £100. The collection on the previous day amounted to rather more than £120,making a total of £3,700.Mr. Spurgeon then called upon the whole assembly to sing the Doxology; the congregation immediately rose and sang with greatfervor those words of praise to the God of Heaven, and repeated them with enthusiasm at the request of the rejoicing pastor.

The REV. C. STOVEL was then called upon. They had maintained, he said their operations with a constant living zeal, and hewished them to receive the affectionate assurance of his joy in their success. Yet he could not join in any flattery thatcould lead them from the point where zeal, care anddiscretion would be required. Not a little would it require of personal effort, and of wisdom to maintain the institutionsin this place in due order and in effective operation; not a little would be required of patient reliance upon God beforethe agencies committed to their trustshould have been brought out for use. They must become learners at the feet of Jesus, and while they kept the Cross in thecenter, as Mr. Tucker had reminded them, and promised in their behalf, they were to remember that above that Cross-the Crossnever to be forgotten-therewould be a living Savior before whom they must all bow. Reference had been made to some of the features of there own time.He wished not himself to enter the Establishment and define its various features. He had read the book, or nearly the wholeof it, to which reference had beenmade. He besought them not to turn to that book to awaken a theological odium about it; but to study practically in thetesting house of daily life, the points which it threw out into public light. His impression was, that there was more to bedealt with than at first sight might besuspected, and they might be assured, that in the present time they stood in a position where the docility of a learnerwas much required to bring the Truth of Heaven home to the direction of our present affairs. If they would take his advice-hepresented it only for what it wasworth-it was that they should entangle themselves as little as possible with the theories of the past, or with the speculationsof the present-but to keep themselves in thought, in heart, and in action, free to follow the commandments of Him who livedand ruled forever. For hispart he could not help thinking that the personality of our Christianity was precisely the point on which their thoughtsshould always rest. The reverend gentleman enlarged upon this topic, and concluded by assuring the meeting that they had themost tender and sincerest desires ofhis heart for their spiritual welfare.

Mr. SPURGEON then stated that while the last speaker had been addressing them, Sir Henry Havelock had been compelled by hiscamp duties to retire, and Mr. Moore of the eminent firm of Copestake and Moore had occupied the chair at his request. Heshould, by the chairman's leave, depart from theordinary rules of public meetings, by putting two or three motions to them. The first was that their hearty and sincerethanks should be tendered to Sir Henry Have-lock for presiding over them, coupled with their kindest wishes, and earnest prayersfor his esteemed mother, LadyHave-lock, and the whole family. The motion was carried by acclamation.

Mr. SPURGEON then proposed a vote of thanks to the architect, and the builder for their joint skill and generosity. The builder,he was happy to tell them, had become a deacon of the church; and in referring to the architect, he remarked that the chapelwould be a model for others, whether large orsmall. The motion was carried in the midst of loud applause.

Mr. POCOCK, the architect, and Mr. HIGGS, the builder, both returned thanks and were warmly applauded.

Mr. SPURGEON said he wished them to signify their hearty recognition of the splendid Christian generosity of which they hadbeen partakers by proposing a vote of thanks to the contributors to that magnificent building. The motion was carried by acclamation.

Mr. SPURGEON: Now, my Friends, I would ask you tonight to offer one more prayer for me than you have offered before. Whatam I to do with such a work as this upon me? It is not the getting up of this building; it is not the launching of the vessel-itis keeping her afloat! Who is sufficient forthese things? How shall I, a young man, a feeble child, go in and out before this people? Blessed be God, there is a gloriousanswer to this question! "Mystrength is sufficient for you; Mystrength shall be made perfect in your weakness." That arm whichhas upheld us up to now, showsno sign of palsy! Those eyes which has smiled upon us until now, have not grown dim. The promise has not failed! We havehad this day another pledge of His faithfulness, and another foretaste of His future goodness. In the name of the Lord wouldI set up my banner tonight. He hasbeen Jehovah-Jireh here; now, tonight we would call this place Jehovah-Nissi-for here has the Lord's banner been displayed!But, Brothers and Sisters, as to the future we must ask for the blessing, or we shall not have it. If you ever prayed forme before, pray for me tonight! Oh,my dear Brothers and Sisters, upon whose hearts I have been borne so long-you who have listened to me so patiently, andhave sometimes had your souls comforted, do not forget me! Of all men the most pitiable if you take away your prayers, andif, in consequences, God take away HisSpirit-of all men the most happyif you will bear me in your arms; if the Lord shall still be my Strength and my Shield!More than I have done to advance His Gospel, I cannot promise to do, for God knows I have preached beyond my strength, andworked and toiled as much as one framecould do. But I hope that in answer to your prayers I may become more prayerful, more faithful, and have more power to wrestlewith God for man, and more energy to wrestle with man for God. I pray you, as though I asked it of you for my very life, dothis night commend me to God! Ifyou have ever been edified, encouraged, or comforted through me, I beseech you carry me before God. And especially you whoare my spiritual sons and daughters, begotten of me by the power of the Holy Spirit-you who have been reclaimed from sin;you who were wanderers in the wildwaste until Jesus met with you in the Music Hall, in Exeter Hall, or in Park Street-you, above all-you mustpray for me!Oh, God, we pray You, let multitudes of the vilest of the vile here be saved! I had rather die this night, on this spot, andend my career than lose yourprayers. You aged members, deacons and Elders, will you not be more earnest than ever? My younger Brothers and Sisters,my co-equals in age, comrades in battle, you, young men, and women, who are strong to overcome the Wicked One, stand up withme, shoulder to shoulder, and give meyour help! Let no strife and no division creep in among us! Let no vainglory mar our deeds! Let nothing be done which coulddrive away the sacred dove, and rob us of the Presence of the Holy Spirit! Brothers and Sisters, pray for us, in the nameof all the ministry, I say, prayBrethren, pray for us! I think the ministers here would rise as one man, and say with me, standing as I do in the most perilousof positions, "Brethren pray for me." For oh, if I fall, what dishonor to the Holy Church at large? If your pastor sins, whatshame! If this Church becomesa failure, what dishonor! Great God, we lay hold upon Your promise tonight! We prayed last Sabbath evening, "If Your spiritgo not with us, carry us not up hence." And now we grasp the promise, and by faith would we believe in its fulfillment-"MyPresence shall go with you, and Iwill give you rest."

Mr. SPURGEON concluded by proposing a vote of thanks to Mr. Moore, who occupied the chair; and it was also carried by acclamation.

Mr. MOORE, in returning thanks, said, he had never seen a sight so thoroughly charming as the one before him. Speaking insober earnest, and as a Churchman, he must say that this was a magnificent sight. Mr. Spurgeon had done the Church of Englandmore good than any clergyman in it, in his opinion.He had watched his career ever since he came to London, when he was supposed to be not quite as sane as he was now. He hadlistened to his sermons, and he had considered his success a miracle. He believed that Mr. Spurgeon was a miracle raised upby Almighty God to advance HisKingdom. He had had something to do with selling that plot of land, as he was one of the Fishmongers' Company, and he mustsay that he had been astonished how they had raised the money. It would have taken Churchmen 10 years! It was a thing almostunexampled in the Christian Church!There was no one who sympathized with them more than he did, and he believed that that Church would be instrumental in bringingmany to Christ. He would just say one thing further in reference to the miraculous influence which the preaching of Mr. Spurgeonhad had on the Christianworld. He had said a hundred times, that they would never have had St. Paul's, nor Westminster Abbey, nor the Theatres openedfor Sunday preaching if it had not been for such influence. He hoped Mr. Spurgeon's appeal for their prayers would be listenedto, and he prayed God,himself, that their minister might never be left to disgrace the position in which he was placed.

Mr. SPURGEON then pronounced the benediction, and the proceeding closed with the Doxology.