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Daily Devotional for Thursday March 6, 2025
Two words to describe Trump’s speech to the nation! and, When God allows doors to shut in your life!
(Ecclesiastes 3:1-14)
**DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, help me to draw near to You this day. I want to feel Your presence in my life and Your loving arms. I acknowledge that I need You every moment of every day oh Lord, and whatever I can do to enjoy that close, intimate relationship with You, let me do it! In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!
***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: There are two words to describe last night’s speech to a joint session of Congress and the American people by President Trump. One word was hope, the other word was disgusting. There really isn’t much more to say other than the word hope is what President’s speech Tuesday night was. The puppet Biden Administration did incredible damage to every aspect of our nation over the past 4 yrs. Opening the borders to 20 million un-vetted illegals from all over the world. Insane government spending that caused record inflation inflicting financial pain on hundreds of millions of people. Rampant crime throughout the country that favors the criminals over their victims. Killing the oil/gas industries in favor of the insane green energy scam that has no ability to supply even 10% of our necessary energy needs at 20x the costs of oil and gas. Sadly the damage didn’t stop here at home. Biden inherited worldwide peace when he took office after the stolen 2020 election. Early in the Biden Administration he led the greatest military debacle in the history of our nation with the failed withdraw from Afghanistan that cost the lives of 13 of our brave troops. When he left office, we were over 3 years into the war between Ukraine and Russia that has taken apx. 2 million lives with no end in sight. Due to the Biden Administration policy on Iran, he also left office with a war between Israel and Iran proxies Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. Additionally he left with Syria unstable after the long time President Bashar al-Assad was deposed and the country is now being run by a terror leader. THIS IS WHAT PRESIDENT TRUMP INHERITED WHEN HE TOOK OFFICE 44 DAYS AGO! Last night President Trump made it clear his administration has been working since the minute they took office to clean up the disaster our country is in after 4 years of the puppet Biden Administration. Hope for the country we have loved and known for 249 years is at an all-time high since the November 5th election, and has only escalated since President Trump took office on January 20th!
The other word from last night is disgusting. That is the best word to describe the Democrats last night. Overnight polling clearly shows whatever the Democrats tried to accomplish last night, it didn’t work. 76% of those polled after the speech were positive about Trump’s progress in a few short weeks and what the future holds for our country. Less than ¼ of those polled felt differently. Getting 76% of the country to agree on anything in today’s political climate is rare. It really isn’t worth my time to detail all of the pathetic actions by Democrats last night. Mentally ill Congressman from Texas Al Green was standing up and yelling like a madman until he was removed from the floor. Many Democrats walked out mid-speech. Others had paddles used in auctions with different words written on them that they flashed at the President throughout the speech. Democrat women wore pink supposedly to be in unity with women, yet they continually side with mentally ill men who THINK they are women over actual biological women. No doubt the worse was when President Trump told the stories of a 13-year-old boy who survived brain cancer and was made an honorary member of the Secret Service, a young man whose law enforcement officer father was killed in the line of duty receiving his dream of being accepted into West Point, honoring the mothers of Laken Riley and Jocelyn Nungaray whose daughters were brutally murdered by illegals, a young woman who was the victim of revenge porn, and a high school girl who suffered a major head injury in a volleyball match after having the ball spiked in her face by a mentally ill biological male playing on a girls team. AFTER EACH ONE OF THESE TOUCHING MOMENTS, HIGHLIGHTING VERY SYMPATHETIC PEOPLE, THE DEMOCRATS SAT ON THEIR HANDS, SCOWLED, AND EVEN LAUGHED IN A MOCKING MANNER. These are pathetic people with no heart or conscience who have allowed their hatred of Donald Trump to turn them into craven politicians that can only be described as...DISGUSTING!
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**MARCH FINANCIAL UPDATE: We ended February still requiring the final $10,000 of our January shortfall and the $55,000 we required for our February ministry operations. That is $65,000 to have our budget covered as we enter into March. I am praying we can cover that $65,000 shortfall in the first week of March so we can begin working on the $55,000 we will require for our March operations. OUR GOD IS ABLE!!!
The Bible teaches us to “give according to our ability to give.” For some that may be $10 or $20. For others it may be $50 or $100. Still others it may be $200, $500, $1,000, $10,000 or more. GOD WILL BLESS YOUR GIFT NO MATTER WHAT THE AMOUNT!!!
ALSO, DON'T FORGET A GIFT OF $1,800 COVERS ONE DAY OF MINISTRY AT LIVEPRAYER!!! I received this email recently, “Pastor Bill, My wife and I have just sold our last rental and God told us to tithe $1,800.00 to pay for a day of your ministry. Not looking for accolades, just that you know when you receive the check. Rest assured that we will still be making our regular weekly tithes."
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When God allows doors to shut in your life. Even with a good economy, every day we deal with people who have lost their job and those facing great financial hardships. We always receive emails for prayer every day from people who need employment, people who need financial needs met.
Many of these people we deal with each day had their own businesses that had been successful for many years. However, due to their circumstances they have had to close their business, or have been operating at a loss for many months now with no idea how they will be able to hold on much longer. Many of these business owners are dealing with the frustration of having to let their employees go, feeling as if they have let them down. If this is not you today, it may be you tomorrow, so please let God speak to your heart through these words today.
Today, I have a very practical word for you for those who are out of work, those who are struggling financially, those who are business owners and have either had to shut down or are just barely hanging on. First of all, never forget that the Lord loves you and He knows your pain and He knows your needs. He is with you each step of the way, even though you may feel like He has abandoned you in your darkest hour. That is a lie from the pits of hell. Jesus promised to never leave you nor forsake you. He will see you through these difficult days.
Life is made up of seasons. The older you get, the easier it is to look back on your life and see those clearly defined seasons. You can see them begin and end. Nothing happens in our life that God doesn't allow to happen. That is often hard to swallow, especially when we are facing hard times. It is interesting that very few people question why God allows the good things to happen to us along our journey through this life, but will always question God when we are faced with difficult circumstances.
Obviously, every person's situation and circumstances are unique. However, let me give you some counsel today that may help you, especially if you are out of work, dealing with economic hardships, possibly have a business that has closed or is just barely getting by. We get comfortable with our life. We get comfortable with our job. We get comfortable in making the money we need to live. We get comfortable with how our life operates. We get used to the way we live. When something changes, we lose that comfort level. Most people don't like change.
So when we lose our job, or when we can't pay our bills, or when our business is failing, it turns our life upside down. People instinctively seek the Lord in prayer for their job, for their finances, for their business. That is natural. They pray for God to basically put things back the way they were. This is really critical, so please don't miss this. When we are faced with major changes in our life, we pray and seek the Lord to fix the problem and want things to be the way they were because nobody really likes change. People pray and try to hang on to things as they used to be.
I want you to know today that often things happen in our life because God is allowing one season to end and a new season to begin. Never forget, He loves you and cares about you. He loves to bless His children and only wants the best for you. He often is allowing one season to end and a new season to begin so He can bless you more than you have ever known. Sadly, most people would rather keep things the way they are since that is what they are comfortable with, when God is trying to change things so He can bless you in a greater way!
When we lose our job, when we are having financial difficulties, when we have a failing business, most people need outside counsel. It is their life and because they are so invested in things the way they are, they can't see anything else. Often it takes an outside pair of eyes from someone who knows the Lord to give you wise counsel and to help you see other paths that you may not be even thinking about. We are so focused on how we want things done and how we want God to move, we often don't even see or consider other paths. Having wise counsel from the outside can often help us see that there are options we never even considered, ways to get things done we simply haven't thought of.
In many cases, it is as simple as God closing the door on a season in your life in order to move you into a new and better season. He may allow you to lose your job so He can give you a better job. He may allow you to suffer financial hardships to help you reorganize the financial side of your life so that you can move forward and as He blesses you, make you a better and wiser steward of what He entrust into your care. He may allow a business it fail so that you can start an even better business or possibly so that God can move you in a totally new direction that in the past was impossible because of your commitment to your business.
I love you and care about you so much. Every day we see people out of work get new jobs. Often they are in different fields. Sometimes they are not as good as their old job in the beginning, but as time goes on, they may offer great opportunities and blessings. Daily we see people struggling financially. God gives them favor and wisdom to make it through their struggles, and as time goes on, they are blessed and become wise stewards over their finances. I am dealing daily with business people who lost one business, but started a better one.
I am also dealing with business people who God has moved into other endeavors, some into full time ministry. What I want you to understand today is that no matter what your situation may be, what your struggle may be, God is there with you every step of the way and is guiding you. He will often allow doors to close so that He can open new and better doors. So my word for you is to fear not, and while change is never comfortable, embrace it. Be excited by it. Life is exciting. It is also very brief. You should experience as much of life as you can, and new challenges, new opportunities, only makes your life that much more complete.
Please know that I will be praying for you today. I will be praying for those who need jobs, for those who have financial needs met, for those business owners to be blessed with new business. I will also be praying for those who are in these situations to seek wise counsel and to be open that God may be closing some doors in your life to open new and better ones. Also, be praying, since God may be allowing things to happen in your life to give you the opportunity to answer His call to full-time service.
As these last days unfold, now more than ever we need men and women who love the Lord to serve Him. God may be allowing things to happen in your life so that you can serve Him full time. Know that as you seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, He will insure that your day to day needs are met. Open your heart to the Lord, to HIS will, to HIS plan, to what HE may want to do with your life. As you do, God will not only meet your every need, but bless you above and beyond all you could ever ask or think.
He may not allow your life to be "comfortable," but I assure you He will always meet your needs and make your life exciting!!!
In His love and service,
Your friend and co-laborer in His work,
Bill Keller