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Daily Devotional for Wednesday February 12, 2025
What to watch for in the coming days regarding Trump leading our nation! and, Praying with your family!
(Acts 1:14)
***PERSONAL MESSAGE FOR YOU FROM BILL KELLER: Take a stand for Christ today, simply in how you live your life. Let your light shine bright, don't hide it under a bushel!
***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, help me to be open to using my life and the blessings You have bestowed upon me to bless others. I appreciate all You have done for me Lord, and the greatest way I can show my appreciation is in my service to others. Guide me through the Holy Spirit and show me how to use my life to impact the lives of others for You and Your Kingdom, in the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!
***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: With so much happening each day, it is easy to get lost and even confused. While each night on the TV program I break down and simplify the events happening here and around the world (If you missed the Tuesday 2/11/25 TV program go watch it on the Liveprayer Facebook page at: ), today I want to help you zero in on the most important issues happening right now. The same corrupt attorneys who have hammered President Trump in his first administration to try and stop his ability to get things done, the same corrupt attorneys who pushed the 2 bogus impeachment cases, the same corrupt attorneys who were behind 4 years of lawfare targeting Trump, are at it again. Every Executive Order Trump has issued in his first 3 weeks to get our country back on the right track is being challenged, judge shopping these legal challenges where they are guaranteed to have friendly Trump hating Federal judges. Obviously Trump’s DOJ is fighting these legal challenges and in due time will be victorious either at the appellate level or the Supreme Court, though that could take many months. Trump could just ignore these garbage rulings since the judicial branch can’t tell the executive branch how to operate within its Constitutional authority, so keep an eye how these various legal challenges play out in the coming days. Trump may simply bypass the district court and appellate court and go straight to the Supreme Court, tho it is still up the SCOTUS to decide to hear the cases. My guess is they will since this is a legal battle between two co-equal branches of the government. Winning these cases is critical to Trump’s ability to cut unnecessary spending by the government while at the same time dramatically cutting the federal workforce. The other issue to watch is getting the rest of his cabinet approved thru the Senate so they can get to work. Critical is to get Tulsi on board as the Director of National Security which should happen this week. Also happening this week will be getting Robert Kennedy Jr. approved as the Secretary of Health and Human Services. A big one is getting Kash Patel in as the Director of the FBI. The Democrats and globalists are doing everything in their power to stop Patel since he will clean house and release tons of documents from the last 10 yrs bringing to the light of day all of the criminal activity the FBI has been involved in. So watch for these legal challenges to Trump’s authority and for these 3 key cabinet members to be approved so they can get to work.
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**FEBRUARY FINANCIAL UPDATE: After covering the balance of our 2024 shortfall in the first week of January, we ended January with a shortfall of $35,000. As of today that shortfall is now down to the final $25,000. I am praying that we can clear up the balance of January in the next week so we can begin work on the $55,000 we require for our February ministry operation. That is $80,000 to end February with everything current. OUR GOD IS ABLE!!!
The Bible teaches us to “give according to our ability to give.” For some that may be $10 or $20. For others it may be $50 or $100. Still others it may be $200, $500, $1,000, $10,000 or more. GOD WILL BLESS YOUR GIFT NO MATTER WHAT THE AMOUNT!!!
ALSO, DON'T FORGET A GIFT OF $1,800 COVERS ONE DAY OF MINISTRY AT LIVEPRAYER!!! I received this email recently, “Pastor Bill, My wife and I have just sold our last rental and God told us to tithe $1,800.00 to pay for a day of your ministry. Not looking for accolades, just that you know when you receive the check. Rest assured that we will still be making our regular weekly tithes."
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Praying with your family. This may seem elementary to a Christian, but you would be shocked how many families don’t even follow this basic activity in their home. If you and your family do this each day, excellent. Keep reading and be encouraged. If you don’t do this as a daily part of your life together, let it be a tap on your shoulder from God Himself!!!
Each day I try to do my best to encourage you and give you practical guidance to help translate your faith into your everyday life. Today is one of those core areas that is critical to the spiritual life of a family. Men, you are REQUIRED to take the spiritual headship of your home and make prayer part of the daily life at your house. You should pray with your spouse EVERY day alone, and the two of you should be praying with your kids EVERY day.
Does this insure you have no problems in your marriage, or with your children. NO. But it must be part of our everyday life to commit the issues we are facing to the Lord in prayer, to be thankful for all God does for us each day, to openly express our dependence on Him. For those single moms, during this season you are in, you need to be the spiritual leader in your home and it is up to you to make time each day to pray with your kids. There is nothing greater you can do for your marriage and in the life of your family than that daily time of prayer together.
This is not a matter to debate. The Bible clearly tells us to pray one for another. How much more should we pray together as husband and wife, as a family unit? It becomes like everything else in our life, a matter of priorities. It is amazing how much we can accomplish when it is something we want to do. However, there always seems to be reasons why we can't do the things necessary to maintain our focus on the things of God. I am not talking about 5 hour long prayer meetings, though there may be times when that is greatly needed. Even 15 minutes, praying about the issues you are currently facing.
There is no better lesson for your kids than to see God answering prayers in their life, and not answering in some cases. It helps prepare them for the real world they are living in and helps them to learn to be dependent upon God each day. For a husband and wife, you share the most intimate things possible physically, yet for some reason, you can't share in the most intimate thing spiritually. That never has made sense to me.
Trust me, I realize that this is a big step for many. Let me leave you with this challenge. Take the next 4 weeks. Make 5 minutes each day to pray with your spouse alone, and another 5 to pray with the children. With your spouse, each of you take a few minutes to share your needs, then the husband, or wife, lead in prayer for those needs. Before you end, each of you just take a minute to pray for your spouse, that God will bless them richly that day.
Same with your kids. Take a few minutes to have each of your children share the needs pressing, then either dad or mom lead in prayer, than both the mom and dad should pray over each child for God's protection and blessings. A side note, keeping a prayer journal is a great way to look back after 6 months and see God's faithfulness. Simply write down the request and date...and then the answer when it comes and the date.
MAKE THIS A PRIORITY TO DO EACH DAY FOR THE NEXT 4 WEEKS. Trust me when I tell you that it will change your relationship with your spouse and children. For those who have a spouse that isn't saved and isn't going to go for this, here is the plan. Spend a few minutes either at night or in the morning when your spouse is sleeping to lay your hands on them and pray for them.
I love you and care about you. Praying with your spouse each day, praying with your kids each day, doesn't make your home immune from the trials and tribulations of this world. It will however keep your home focused each day on the Lord, and who is in control. The journey of faith we are on is a 24/7 experience. Not one hour on Sunday, or every now and then. Can you see how much harder it becomes to be involved in sin when you are focusing on the Lord each day personally, and then with your spouse, and then with your kids? God will honor those who honor Him.
It is time that we quit being so lazy, quit waiting until we are in the midst of crisis to call out to the Lord. The reason we are so weak and ineffective in our Christian lives is because we are lazy and do nothing to strengthen ourselves for the storms of life. When they come, we are lost and have no idea how to fight. A good soldier is always in training so that when it is time for battle they are prepared.
The Bible tells us that our enemy is not of flesh and is a spiritual battle we are in. Subsequently, it is critical that we are training daily to fight those spiritual battles, both in our personal life, and in the lives of those God has given us in this life.
I will be praying today that you hear this word and act upon it. It could be the difference between seeing victory or defeat in your marriage and the lives of your children. God is placing the weapons you need to fight with in your hands...use them. PRAYING WITH YOUR SPOUSE AND FAMILY IS ONE OF THE GREATEST WEAPONS OF ALL!!!
In His love and service,
Your friend and co-laborer in His work,
Bill Keller