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Daily Devotional for Saturday February 8, 2025
I have a shocking announcement that you want to read!!! and, Focus on THE man, not A man!!!
(John 13:12-17, Hebrews 12:2, 1 Peter 2:21)
***PERSONAL MESSAGE FOR YOU FROM BILL KELLER: Being part of a local fellowship of Believers is something every follower of Christ should seek out. In the right church with the right pastor, there are many benefits including helping you grow in your faith.
***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, help me to always be prepared to serve You in any way that I can. My life belongs to You. I am ready, willing, and able to answer Your call as I go through my life each day. Use me for Your glory. I am Yours! In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!
***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: What a shock! As I have helped educate people over the last 4 years of Biden/Mayorkas purposely ignoring our immigration laws and literally opening our borders for an invasion by apx. 20 million people from all over the world, the critical players in the Immigration Industrial Complex were NGOs, or Non-Government Organizations. In essence, NGOs are private organizations, most are non-profits, who actually do the day to day grunt work to facilitate illegal immigration. They have a presence in Mexico and Central America to help facilitate moving massive numbers of illegals to the US border and help them to enter our country illegally. Once in our country, they are responsible for flying illegals to settle into various cities and towns, get them housing, clothing, food, healthcare, enroll their children into schools, and find jobs for those who want to work even tho they aren’t legally allowed to. Needless to say these NGOs coordinate much of their activity with the Mexican Cartels who literally control the border and are paid a fee to get the illegals into the country. They flood the US with deadly fentanyl and run the world’s largest human trafficking operation including the sex trafficking of children. Nice business partners! Many of these immigration NGOs are tied to churches. The largest by far is Catholic Charities which is an arm of the Catholic Church. Another big player is Lutheran Services, an arm of the Lutheran Church. There are also NGOs affiliated with the United Methodist Church as well as many ties to the Jewish faith. THESE NGOs ARE PAID BILLIONS OF DOLLARS FOR THEIR ‘SERVICES’ BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, MEANING YOU THE TAXPAYER!
Do you remember the day after he was inaugurated President Trump and his family, VP JD Vance and his family, and many who would serve in Trump’s cabinet went to the traditional prayer service at Washington’s National Cathedral. The National Cathedral is operated by the heretical Episcopal Church that I declared “anathema” over 2 decades ago for their rebellion to God and His Word. In the pulpit was a fake bishop named Mariann Budde. As a woman, the Bible clearly teaches she is NOT QUALIFIED to be a pastor, with a bishop being just an exalted pastor. Budde created controversy during what was supposed to be a traditional service to pray for the new President and his administration by lecturing President Trump to embrace the 20 million people who broke our laws by illegally entering our country. Budde went on to proclaim people who choose to engage in perverted sex and those who are mentally ill and don’t know what gender they are, are afraid of President Trump because his administration will not embrace and use the government to advocate for their sinful and mentally ill choices. It was a despicable show of blatant disrespect of the Presidency by this fake bishop.
Now for the big shock. In uncovering the abuse of billions of taxpayer dollars thru the rogue agency USAID, United States Agency of International Development, we find out that billions were funneled from this agency to immigration NGOs. ONE OF THOSE NGOs WAS THE EPISCOPAL MIGRATION MINISTRY, AN ARM OF THE HERETICAL EPISCOPAL CHURCH THAT IS THE CHURCH OF FAKE BISHOP MARIANN BUDDE!!! IN 2023 THE EPISCOPAL MIGRATION MINISTRY RAKED IN $53 MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS!!! Can you say massive conflict of interest? Budde’s lecture to President Trump about immigration and supporting the LGBTQ movement was not based on any moral foundation, it was based on the fact the Episcopal Church was about to have their immigration gravy train US taxpayers were funding come to a screeching halt, along with the funding to all of the immigration NGOs! Obviously I was being facetious about being shocked. This falls right in line with a heretical church like the Episcopal church. That morning fake bishop Budde was nothing but a theological hit woman who is a stench in the nostrils of God, and all of these NGOs connected to a church are simply fake charities making tens, hundreds of millions of dollars to facilitate breaking the laws of our nation that God’s Word commands us to follow!
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**FEBRUARY FINANCIAL UPDATE: After covering the balance of our 2024 shortfall in the first week of January, we ended January with a shortfall of $35,000. As of today that shortfall is now down to the final $30,000. I am praying that we can clear up the balance of January in the next week so we can begin work on the $55,000 we require for our February ministry operation. That is $85,000 to end February with everything current. OUR GOD IS ABLE!!!
The Bible teaches us to “give according to our ability to give.” For some that may be $10 or $20. For others it may be $50 or $100. Still others it may be $200, $500, $1,000, $10,000 or more. GOD WILL BLESS YOUR GIFT NO MATTER WHAT THE AMOUNT!!!
ALSO, DON'T FORGET A GIFT OF $1,800 COVERS ONE DAY OF MINISTRY AT LIVEPRAYER!!! I received this email recently, “Pastor Bill, My wife and I have just sold our last rental and God told us to tithe $1,800.00 to pay for a day of your ministry. Not looking for accolades, just that you know when you receive the check. Rest assured that we will still be making our regular weekly tithes."
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Keep focused on THE man, and never A man. One of the major complaints of non-believers is that Christians are hypocrites. Those who don't even know the great stories of the Bible, can tell you in great detail the stories from decades ago about Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, and the preacher down the street who ran off with his secretary. It is one of the most common objections of someone who has rejected Christ and the truth of God's Word.
They say that they would be a Christian, but those who claim to be a Christian don't act like a Christian should act. I am sure there were many in the first days of the church who said, "I would be a Christian, but look at what Peter did. This man who claimed to be a follower of Jesus denied him, not once, but THREE times!!"
They make a valid point. The fact is however, a Christian is nothing more than a sinner who is saved by grace. Even though we are saved, we are still frail, prone-to-sin creatures living in a sin-filled environment. That in no way excuses our sin, but it is the reality of who we are.
By the way, a note for those non-believers that love to use this excuse for rejecting Christ in their life. God is not going to be interested that you rejected Jesus because of what someone else did. We are each going to be held accountable for our free will choice to accept or reject Christ in our hearts and lives.
One of the quickest way to fall away from your faith, is to put too much emphasis on a man or woman of God. God uses human instruments to plant the seeds of salvation. He uses human instruments to disciple us in our new found faith. He uses human instruments to impact our spiritual lives. In a society that is prone to idolize others, such as entertainers, athletes, and successful people, we take that into our Christian lives as well. We place our spiritual leaders on pedestals.
Let me stop for a moment and say something important. God does not share His glory with ANYONE. I realize that in the drive to amass numbers, in the drive to generate dollars, many people fall into the trap of ALLOWING people to idolize or worship them. Some actually encourage this. God does not share His glory with ANYONE!!!
It is the responsibility of those in Christian leadership to always keep the focus on Christ, and never allow the people to worship them, but remind them they are only to worship Christ. The true Christian leader comes to SERVE, NOT BE SERVED!!!
We normally only see those God has called into spiritual leadership when they are "on," when they are doing what God has called them to do. Because of that, we almost tend to forget they are human. Men and women who walk in the same frail clay bodies as everyone else. Prone to the same weaknesses that every person is.
Since we rarely see these spiritual leaders other than the times they are doing the Lord's work, we lose sight that those moments are only a part of their life. They have lives outside of their work for the Lord. THEY ARE ONLY AS CLOSE TO GOD AS THEIR OWN PERSONAL DAILY WALK WITH THE LORD!!!
Because they are in the spotlight, when they fail, when they sin, it is often made known to the public. Our first reaction is, "how can that be possible?" Nobody is immune to sin. No matter who you are, your life flows from your personal relationship with Christ. A minister, a priest, a spiritual leader is only as close to God as his or her daily walk. Like anyone, if they neglect their daily time with the Lord, they get farther away from God.
It is only possible to minister to others from your own personal walk with Christ. As you neglect that daily time with the Lord, you start to be disconnected. You may have some spiritual gasoline left in your tank, but eventually you will use that up. Those spiritual leaders who fail, fail because they have neglected to invest time with God one on one.
Someone who is in the Lord's work, cannot afford to neglect their daily time with Christ. There is a very real enemy who is out to kill, steal, and destroy. The enemy is very wise in the art of warfare. Why waste time working on taking out people one by one, when if you can take out a leader, you can wipe out many people at once. The enemy knows that if he can take down the pastor of a local church, he can take out many people at one time.
The key point I want you to understand today is that you must keep focused on THE man, and not A man. Christ was the only one who did it perfect. My personal philosophy is to take the spiritual wisdom from other men and women of God, but never idolize them, never expect them to be more than the man or woman of flesh and blood they are, but realize that God has touched them in a special way and given them something that can benefit my spiritual life. I have always called it my spiritual filter.
Being in full-time ministry for the last 31 years, having preached in over 500 churches of every type of denomination, having spoken at hundreds of conventions, being involved for many years in the Christian TV world, I have had the unique opportunity to meet and know an incredible number of the Christian leaders of our day.
However, no matter who the person is, I always do two things. I always line up what they said with the Word of God. That is number one. I don't care who it is. If it is not in line with the Word of God, it is not something I want!!!
Second, I always look at the man or woman of God as an instrument God was using. I never expected them to be supernatural, or anything other than a vessel God was using to bring spiritual truths into my life. The only person I ever idolized, or tried to pattern my life after was Christ. I have always taken what I can from men and women of God, and tried to use that to help me in my quest to be more like Christ each and every day.
I love you, and care about you so much. Today's word is an important reminder to never get so focused on a man or woman of flesh and blood, that you let it get in the way of your own personal walk with Christ. God has placed men and women of God in our lives to help teach us, show us the truths of His Word. However, no matter how close to the Lord they may be, the only one we should ever try to pattern our lives after is Jesus Christ, because He is the only one who lived this life without sin. He is our example and the one each one of us should strive to be like.
Take time today to pray for those God has placed in spiritual leadership over you, your pastor or priest. Pray for those that God brings into your life to share the truths of His Word and to help you grow spiritually. But never lose sight that they are mere mortals. Men and women of flesh and blood like you.
Never let your eyes focus so much on a man, that you lose sight of THE man. After all, no man could die for your sins. No man did die for your sins. It was THE man who loved you so much, that He willingly bled and died so that you might have everlasting life. Keep your eyes focused on HIM.
In His love and service,
Your friend and co-laborer in His work,
Bill Keller