Daily Devotional for Thursday September 5, 2024
Here they go with RUSSSSIIIIIAAAA! and, Being a Godly citizen!
(Titus 3:1)
***PERSONAL MESSAGE FOR YOU FROM BILL KELLER: God calls us to be Godly citizens. That includes participating in who we elect to rule over us. Register to vote, pray, and vote for those who will most represent your faith values!
***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, help me to be open to using my life and the blessings You have bestowed upon me to bless others. I appreciate all You have done for me Lord, and the greatest way I can show my appreciation is in my service to others. Guide me through the Holy Spirit and show me how to use my life to impact the lives of others for You and Your Kingdom, in the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!
***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: Here we go again! Like a clock heading into the final weeks of a Presidential election you have the evil and CRIMINAL Democratic attorney Marc Elias trying to rig state election laws just like her did in 2020. Elias you will remember was the Democratic attorney who was paid to push into the public domain the fake “Steele Dossier” in 2016 that was the foundation for the Clinton campaign LIE Trump was a Russian asset. Even more important, you have the Biden Administration with their breathless claim that RUSSSSSSIAAAA is once again poised to influence the 2024 elections for President. This is buttressing the 8 year old LIE that Russia loves Trump and has him in their back pocket. For the Liveprayer TV audience, you will know that for the last year our word has been PROJECTION. Projection is claiming your opponent is doing what you are actually doing! The FACT IS, RUSSIA HATES DONALD TRUMP AND IF OUR FAKE NEWS MEDIA TOLD THE TRUTH, EVERYONE WOULD KNOW THAT! Here is the truth. In 2016, unlike the lie we were told that Trump was Putin’s choice to be POTUS, just the opposite was true! In the months leading up to the election former President Bill Clinton gave a 30 minute speech in Russia and was paid $500,000! Russian oligarchs also contributed tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Global Initiative, their fake charity that was their personal piggy bank! Wonder why NY AG Big Tish James never investigated them? We know why! The reality is Russia wanted Clinton to be POTUS since they OWNED the Clintons and Trump was a wild card. Foreign governments don’t like uncertainty! Fast forward to 2020. We got the same putrid lie that Russia wanted Trump to win, not Biden. That was laughable! Putin knew Biden was corrupt and also knew every dollar he sucked out of Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and every other country he took money from in exchange for influence! After 4 years of Trump, now a known quantity, Trump was the last person Russia wanted back in office! Now we head into 2024. Again, it is laughable Putin wants Trump back in the WH. The reality is he will do everything he can to help Harris win. WHO WOULD HE RATHER SIT ACROSS THE TABLE FROM, TRUMP OR HARRIS??? Anyone with a sane mind knows the answer. So as the propagandists in the corporate media start spinning the LIE the Russia is going to interfere in the 2024 election (just like we interfere in every election that takes place around the world), understand that the person Putin and Russia want in the Oval Office on January 20, 2025 is NOT Donald Trump, but Kamala Harris!!!
*“We are in a NY City “pub” at the time of the Revolution. This is where the patriots met to plot their freedom from King George. WELCOME TO THE LIVEPRAYER “PUB” OF 2023 AS THOSE WHO LOVE JESUS MEET DAILY TO TAKE DOWN sATAN AND HIS MINIONS!!! FIGHT ON MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST!!!” (Liveprayer.com Tuesday June 13, 2023)
*Don't miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm
***SEPTEMBER FINANCIAL UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who prayed and those able to help me as we wound down the month of August. By God’s grace we cut down our July shortfall to the final $20,000. In the first few days of September that shortfall is now down to $10,000! AMEN! Obviously it is critical that we clear that final $10,000 from July immediately so we can focus on the $55,000 we required for our August operations. That is a total of $65,000 to clear up our total shortfall so we can focus on the $55,000 we require for September’s ministry operations.
$120,000 by the end of September allows us to enter the final 3 months of 2024 totally current. OUR GOD IS ABLE!!!
*I NEED YOUR HELP to insure that final $10,000 to clear up the balance of July and the $55,000 to take care of August. Everyone can pray, and for those able please help me with the most generous gift you can. NOTHING CAN STOP GOD’S WORK HERE AT LIVEPRAYER, CERTAINLY NOT $120,000 WHICH IN THE SCHEME OF THE WORLD’S ECONOMY IS NOTHING. SADLY, YOU HAVE MINISTRIES WHO SPEND 4-5X THAT AMOUNT JUST ON FUEL FOR THEIR PRIVATE JET OR BASIC UPKEEP ON THEIR MULTIPLE MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR MANSIONS!
WE JUST CELEBRATED 25 YEARS OF LIVEPRAYER, A QUARTER OF A CENTURY OF FAITHFUL SERVICE! People who are part of the Liveprayer family know this is “good soil” to sow your seed! Please pray about a special gift of $25 or $1 for every year, $250 or $10 for every year, $2,500 or $100 for every year, $25,000 or $1,000 for every year!
The Bible teaches us to “give according to our ability to give.” For some that may be $10 or $20. For others it may be $50 or $100. Still others it may be $200, $500, $1,000, $10,000 or more. GOD WILL BLESS YOUR GIFT NO MATTER WHAT THE AMOUNT!!!
ALSO, DON'T FORGET A GIFT OF $1,800 COVERS ONE DAY OF MINISTRY AT LIVEPRAYER!!! I received this email recently, “Pastor Bill, My wife and I have just sold our last rental and God told us to tithe $1,800.00 to pay for a day of your ministry. Not looking for accolades, just that you know when you receive the check. Rest assured that we will still be making our regular weekly tithes."
TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card at: http://liveprayer.com/donate.cfm or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St. Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible!
*STOCKS! A great way to help Liveprayer is by donating stock. The transfer can be made in a way you get the full credit for your donation without having to pay any of the taxes you normally would on gains your stocks may have enjoyed. Contact me for information about this incredible way to help God's work here at Liveprayer: bkeller@liveprayer.com
*LIVE ON AFTER YOU ARE IN HEAVEN!!! By remembering God's work here at Liveprayer in your will/estate planning, you can still help me share His Truth with the masses, be here for people in their time of greatest need, and help lead the lost to faith in Jesus even after God has called you home!!! God has led many of our friends in the Liveprayer family to remember His work here in their will. Please pray about this opportunity to continue and partner with me in the Lord's work at Liveprayer, even after you are enjoying your fewards and the eternal peace of Heaven! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me at: bkeller@liveprayer.com
***Liveprayer TV on YouTube! Every Monday-Friday after the program ends at Midnight EDT, you will be able to watch the Liveprayer TV program ON-DEMAND! You can go to YouTube and search: Liveprayer TV with Bill Keller, or go to: www.youtube.com/@williamkeller6335
***Here are the social media sites where you can find Liveprayer and what is posted there: Facebook (1, 2, 3), Twitter (1, 2, 3), GAB ( 2, 3), Parler (2, 3), Clouthub (1, 2, 3), Rumble (2), TPN (2, 3), Gettr (2, 3), Telegram (2, 3), ROKU (1, 2). WE ARE ALSO NOW ON Sovren Media (2, 3), Mr. Pillow Mike Lindell's Frankspeech (2), Truth Social (2,3), and Frank Social (2,3). *Content posted: 1) Liveprayer TV “LIVE" Mon-Fri 11p-Mid EDT 2) Recent Liveprayer TV programs for “On Demand” viewing 3) Liveprayer Daily Devotional
***THE AUDIO OF THE TV PROGRAM IS NOW AVAILABLE ON MAJOR PODCASTING PLATFORMS!!! SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/75xloMRrL3azW89aKpR3h0 APPLE/I-TUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/liveprayer-with-bill-keller/id1696186297 KICK at: https://kick.com/liveprayer
***ALEXA! You can now listen to the audio of the TV program on your ALEXA. The first time you need to tell ALEXA to "enable Liveprayer." After that, simply say, "Play Liveprayer"
***Please watch and share the exciting new Bill Keller Docudrama at: https://www.liveprayer.com/bill.cfm
***How you can help Liveprayer! 1) Pray for Bill and the ministry team each day. 2) Encourage people you know to sign-up for the Daily Devotional at: https://www.liveprayer.com/signup.cfm 3) Share the TV program with people you know: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm Here are the social media sites where you can find Liveprayer TV ‘live”, Liveprayer Facebook, Liveprayer Twitter, and the Liveprayer Church ROKU channel. For ON-DEMAND viewing, Liveprayer GAB, Liveprayer Rumble, Liveprayer TPN, Liveprayer Gettr, Liveprayer Telegram, Liveprayer Sovren Media, and Liveprayer on Mr. Pillow Mike Lindell's Frankspeech and Frank Social and Liveprayer on Trump's Truth Social. 4) Pray about helping Liveprayer with a gift at: http://liveprayer.com/donate.cfm
***REVIVAL TOOL!!! Do your part in helping to bring revival to our nation each day in less than 15 minutes and without costing you one penny! Join others by making this part of your daily routine! Visit the Liveprayer Revival Tool and share it with others at: www.liveprayer.com/revival.cfm *ALSO, THE DAILY REVIVAL TOOL IS MY WAY OF DISCIPLING YOU TO HELP YOU GROW IN YOUR FAITH. SO IT SERVES A DUAL PURPOSE! HERE IS A SPECIAL LINK THAT GIVES YOU THE PAST 30 DAYS OF THE REVIVAL TOOL VERSE FOR THE DAY, DAILY TASK, AND PRAYER: https://liveprayer.com/bill/revivalcheck.cfm
Even though most who read this Devotional are in the United States, the country you live in doesn't matter. One of our responsibilities as a child of God is to be a Godly citizen of the country we live in. This is accomplished primarily by obeying the laws and honoring those God has placed in leadership. Here are many scripture references that support this: Ecclesiastes 8:2; Matthew 17:27; Matthew 22:21; Romans 13:1; 1 Peter 2:13; 1 Peter 2:14; 1 Peter 2:17; Ezra 7:26; Exodus 22:38; Ecclesiastes 10:20; Acts 23:5; Proverbs 14:34.
For those of us fortunate enough to live in the United States or in other democratic countries, we also have the ability to have our voice heard through our vote. Let me just say this. Voting is an incredible right we have and it should not be taken lightly. It is one way we can make our voice heard and at the same time be the Godly citizen God calls us to be. If you are not registered to vote, get registered today! IN 2024, APX. 40% OF SELF-PROFESSED EVANGELICALS DID NOT VOTE!!!
One of our most powerful ways to be a Godly citizen is through prayer. Pray for your country. Pray for your leaders. Pray for God to bless your country. Also, pray about those things that need to be changed. In the U.S. for instance, we have an incredible problem with abortions, divorce, and how incredibly easy it is to access any sin you can name. As you know, my philosophy on social change is one heart at a time. There is a certain amount that can be done politically, but real change can only come from God.
A great example was the Prohibition era. Making it unlawful to drink didn't even slow it down. A great modern day example is the illegal drug crisis we are in. The fact that they are illegal is little deterrent to those who want to use these illegal substances. Again, real change comes one heart at a time. The prayers of God's people work!
Another way that you can be a Godly citizen is through getting involved in the political process. A democracy like we have in the United States invites people to participate. It gives those who are led the opportunity to give of themselves to help their fellow citizens. Like everything else in this world, sin has perverted the true meaning of public service. In its purest form, it is an act of serving others.
Unfortunately, for many it has deteriorated into a way to get rich, acquire power, and fulfill self-serving interests at the expense of the people they are supposed to be serving. However, being involved with pure motives can be an incredible way in which to not only serve your fellow citizens, but God as well. Not just for those who holds public office, but also for those many, many dedicated people it takes in support positions.
I love you and care about you very much. You will be in my prayers. As you go throughout your daily lives, never forget the responsibilities we have to be Godly citizens. Again, the best way we can fulfill that responsibility is by obeying the laws, respecting our leaders, and praying for our leaders and nation.
I sense in my spirit that our great land is on the verge of losing much of the blessings God has bestowed upon us these past 248 years due to our sin and rebellion. We can read clear examples in the Bible of how God dealt with the children of Israel when they disobeyed. Even though they were God's chosen people, He took the hand of blessing from them for their disobedience.
I hear the trumpet sounding its warning my friends. Let us turn from our sin before it is too late. Being a Godly citizen is one way we can make that happen.
In His love and service,
Your friend and co-laborer in His work,
Bill Keller