Daily Devotional for Wednesday September 13, 2023

Information from the Liveprayer TV program! and, Accomplish more than you thought you could for the Lord!


(Mark 10:43; Deuteronomy 10:12; Hebrews 12:28; Matthew 5:16)

***PERSONAL MESSAGE FOR YOU FROM BILL KELLER: Take your stand for Christ each day in how you live your life! YOU are the only Bible many people will ever read! YOU are His ambassador! YOU are His representative!

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Lord, even though we have no right to ask, please continue to watch over this nation. Thank You for showing us the clear signs of destruction our sin and rebellion have heaped upon our land. I pray today that as a nation we will turn back to You and Your Truth. Give me strength as days of persecution are upon us, and let me stand proud and strong for You and Your Kingdom. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN! *Salvation message from Ground Zero: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqZ9oaqJNJg

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: Some important information for you to know about from the Liveprayer TV program! The FDA ignores the problems with the previous COVID vaccines and boosters and authorizes NEW updated boosters for the fall. Once again these are being made available to the public on “emergency use authorization” meaning the Big Pharma companies have legal indemnification and they have bypassed the normal trials necessary for full FDA approval. 19 year old American tennis player Coco Gauff won the women’s US Open tennis championship in New York City this past weekend. A woman not ashamed of her faith, after the match Gauff got on her knees at her chair and prayed a prayer of thanksgiving. ESPN who was covering the match was confused and didn’t know what Gauff was doing. A true man of God, Hall of Fame football coach Tony Dungy took to Twitter to explain to ESPN the young lady was PRAYING! Homeland Security admitted they have ZERO way of keeping track of the millions of illegals they have allowed to enter our country. Mayorkas needs to be impeached for his blatant refusal to enforce our immigration laws! California is hitting gun and ammo purchases with an 11% tax. Biden has cancelled all existing leases to drill for oil and gas in Alaska, while stopping the transportation of liquid natural gas by train, at the same time the world’s largest trucking company Yellow Freight goes bankrupt, making it that much more difficult to get oil and gas to market which of course will raise energy prices. Finally, the House is beginning an impeachment inquiry against “avatar” Biden for corruption. This is the beginning of the end for the Biden Presidency. He will NOT be able to run in 2024. My guess is in return for his dropping out of 2024, they will NOT impeach him and his final act of disgrace as he leaves office will be to pardon himself, his incestuous reprobate son Hunter, and all of rest of his corrupt family members. History will record the name Biden in the same breath as traitor Benedict Arnold. 14 months to save our nation! God WILL help us if we show ourselves worthy of His help!!! AMEN!!!

*“We are in a NY City “pub” at the time of the Revolution. This is where the patriots met to plot their freedom from King George. WELCOME TO THE LIVEPRAYER “PUB” OF 2023 AS THOSE WHO LOVE JESUS MEET DAILY TO TAKE DOWN sATAN AND HIS MINIONS!!! FIGHT ON MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST!!!” (Liveprayer.com Tuesday June 13, 2023)

*A top Christian artist, Natasha Owens, put out a song regarding the 2020 election. It is called, “Trump Won and You Know It!” Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxVxoSNHjKk

*Don't miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.com

***SEPTEMBER FINANCIAL UPDATE: PRAISE GOD!!! Thanks to the prayers and sacrifice of many of our friends the final weeks of our anniversary month of August, we cleared up the balance of our July shortfall!!! AMEN!!! OUR GOD IS GREAT!!!

We ended August with a shortfall of $50,000. So far we have received $10,000 of that shortfall leaving the final $40,000. I am praying that we can cover that shortfall in the next days so we can begin to work on the $55,000 we require for our September ministry operations.

That is a total of $95,000 to end September with all of our ministry operations current heading into the final 3 months of 2023. WITH YOUR PRAYERS AND GENEROUS SACRIFICE OUR GOD IS ABLE!!!

The Bible teaches us to “give according to our ability to give.” For some that may be $10 or $20. For others it may be $50 or $100. Still others it may be $200, $500, $1,000, $10,000 or more. GOD WILL BLESS YOUR GIFT NO MATTER WHAT THE AMOUNT!!!

*After 24 years of faithful service, people who are part of the Liveprayer family know this is “good soil” to sow your seed! Pray about a special gift of $24 or $1 for every year, $240 or $10 for every year, $2,400 or $100 for every year, $24,000 or $1,000 for every year!

ALSO, DON'T FORGET A GIFT OF $1,800 COVERS ONE DAY OF MINISTRY AT LIVEPRAYER!!! I received this email recently, “Pastor Bill, My wife and I have just sold our last rental and God told us to tithe $1,800.00 to pay for a day of your ministry. Not looking for accolades, just that you know when you receive the check. Rest assured that we will still be making our regular weekly tithes."

*TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card at: http://liveprayer.com/donate.cfm or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St. Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible!

*STOCKS! A great way to help Liveprayer is by donating stock. The transfer can be made in a way you get the full credit for your donation without having to pay any of the taxes you normally would on gains your stocks may have enjoyed. Contact me for information about this incredible way to help God's work here at Liveprayer: bkeller@liveprayer.com

*LIVE ON AFTER YOU ARE IN HEAVEN!!! By remembering God's work here at Liveprayer in your will/estate planning, you can still help me share His Truth with the masses, be here for people in their time of greatest need, and help lead the lost to faith in Jesus even after God has called you home!!! God has led many of our friends in the Liveprayer family to remember His work here in their will. Please pray about this opportunity to continue and partner with me in the Lord's work at Liveprayer, even after you are enjoying your rewards and the eternal peace of Heaven! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me at: bkeller@liveprayer.com


***Here are the social media sites where you can find Liveprayer and what is posted there: Facebook (1, 2, 3), Twitter (1, 2, 3), GAB ( 2, 3), Parler (2, 3), Clouthub (1, 2, 3), Rumble (2), TPN (2, 3), Gettr (2, 3), Telegram (2, 3), ROKU (1, 2). WE ARE ALSO NOW ON Sovren Media (2, 3), Mr. Pillow Mike Lindell's Frankspeech (2), Truth Social (2,3), and Frank Social (2,3) *Content posted: 1) Liveprayer TV “LIVE" Mon-Fri 11p-Mid EDT 2) Recent Liveprayer TV programs for “On Demand” viewing 3) Liveprayer Daily Devotional

***THE AUDIO OF THE TV PROGRAM IS NOW AVAILABLE ON MAJOR PODCASTING PLATFORMS!!! SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/75xloMRrL3azW89aKpR3h0 APPLE/I-TUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/liveprayer-with-bill-keller/id1696186297 PODCHASERS: https://www.podchaser.com/LivePrayer

***Liveprayer is now posting the Daily Devotional and TV program on Meta's THREADS @ https://www.threads.net/@liveprayerdotcom

***ALEXA! You can now listen to the audio of the TV program on your ALEXA. The first time you need to tell ALEXA to "enable Liveprayer." After that, simply say, "Play Liveprayer"

***Please watch and share the exciting new Bill Keller Docudrama at: https://www.liveprayer.com/bill.cfm

***How you can help Liveprayer! 1) Pray for Bill and the ministry team each day. 2) Encourage people you know to sign-up for the Daily Devotional at: https://www.liveprayer.com/signup.cfm 3) Share the TV program with people you know: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm Here are the social media sites where you can find Liveprayer TV ‘live”, Liveprayer Facebook, Liveprayer Twitter, and the Liveprayer Church ROKU channel. For ON-DEMAND viewing, Liveprayer GAB, Liveprayer Rumble, Liveprayer TPN, Liveprayer Gettr, Liveprayer Telegram, Liveprayer Sovren Media, and Liveprayer on Mr. Pillow Mike Lindell's Frankspeech and Frank Social and Liveprayer on Trump's Truth Social. 4) Pray about helping Liveprayer with a gift at: http://liveprayer.com/donate.cfm

***REVIVAL TOOL!!! Do your part in helping to bring revival to our nation each day in less than 15 minutes and without costing you one penny! Join others by making this part of your daily routine! Visit the Liveprayer Revival Tool and share it with others at: www.liveprayer.com/revival.cfm *ALSO, THE DAILY REVIVAL TOOL IS MY WAY OF DISCIPLING YOU TO HELP YOU GROW IN YOUR FAITH. SO IT SERVES A DUAL PURPOSE! HERE IS A SPECIAL LINK THAT GIVES YOU THE PAST 30 DAYS OF THE REVIVAL TOOL VERSE FOR THE DAY, DAILY TASK, AND PRAYER: https://liveprayer.com/bill/revivalcheck.cfm

Today is one of those messages that companies spend $100,000 on to bring in the hot motivational guru of the day to deliver to their employees. The worst part is, they throw that money down the toilet, since these false-hope merchants deliver nothing but hype and a New Age philosophy that makes people believe THEY can do it, when the truth is nothing is possible without God.

Today, I want to share with you how to be all God has called you to be in your life, while encouraging you and challenging you to accomplish more than you ever thought you could for the Lord, as you find that balance between operating in God's power while doing what you are responsible for doing to seize the moment.

The first and most important fact to understand is that there is no failure when you are serving God. When two basketball teams play, one wins and one loses. In a golf tournament there is only one winner and the rest lose. We have been conditioned by our culture that you either win or lose. The fact is, when you are serving God, you can't lose. Let me say that once again, since this is very critical that you understand this . . . when you serve God, you can't lose!

Let me give you an example. The world judges success by numbers and dollars. The world would say a church with 5 members and no property or money in the bank is a failure. I am here today to tell you that if the heart of that pastor is to serve God, if he is preaching the uncompromised Truth of God's Word, if he is equipping his members to grow in their faith and serve the Lord with their lives, he and this church are a HUGE success in God's eyes regardless what the world says.

You see, God sees our heart. God knows our motives. When you have a heart that is pure and tender and you seek to serve and glorify God with your life, you can't fail. God will use your sacrifice for His glory, even though you may never see the results of your faithfulness.

I remember many days and nights when I first started in the ministry over 30 yrs ago. I preached many times to 3 and 4 people. As I type these words today, I can honestly say I preached as hard and gave everything I had to those 3 and 4, as I have when there were thousands, or when millions read and hear what God is speaking through me each day now.


Having established that fact, we are left with the question of how do we serve God? What can I do to serve the Lord? God calls each of us to serve in different areas in different ways. Each child of God has a specific calling upon their life. The first step is to realize that as a Believer you have been called by God and be willing to serve Him. That may not seem difficult, but I assure you that it is.

You see, to serve God, you have got to be willing to give your life to Him. You have got to be willing to lay aside YOUR will for HIS will. You have got to be willing to lay aside YOUR desires for HIS desires. You have got to be willing to unconditionally give your life and all that you have completely to the Lord.

Believe it or not, this is the place most Christians get stuck. They want to serve God, they want their life to count for Christ, but the fact is, they really aren't willing to give up their lives for Him. Everyone wants to be blessed, but few are willing to pay the price to be blessed. Better say that again. Everyone wants to be blessed, but few are willing to pay the price to be blessed. The price I am talking about is obedience. God blesses our obedience, not our rebellion. We all want God's blessings in our life, but sadly, most aren't willing to pay the price . . . obedience . . . to receive those blessings.

The same is true with our service to the Lord. I believe most Christians want to serve God, but sadly, most aren't willing to pay the price to serve Him. Very few will be called to sell everything and move to some jungle in Africa, or called to quit your job and go work in some ministry, or spend your free time ministering to AIDS patients. God COULD call you to do any of those things, but the chances are He won't. Most people end up serving God right where they are at.

God put you in the neighborhood you live in, in the job you have, in the school you go to, meeting the people you do, in the course of your life . . . TO SERVE HIM! Your most basic form of service is simply being His light and His ambassador to the people you meet and interact with in the course of your day-to-day life. The most basic form of service that most FAIL to perform, is simply being His witness to the people who God brings into your life each day.

Remember I told you that you can't fail when you serve God? The only way you can fail is to NOT serve God!!!

After that basic level of service, each Believer is called to a more focused and specialized form of serving the Lord. This usually lines up with how God has wired an individual, what their passions and gifts are. The key is to get involved in some form in serving Him. Over time, God will guide you and open and close doors to have you right where He wants you to be, doing exactly what He wants you to do. Because He has given you the gifts, you will be able to do it; and because He has given you the passion, you will want to do it.

This next level of service will become part of your life. You will still have your job or go to school, you will still have your family responsibilities, you will still have your own personal relationship with the Lord, you will still have your hobbies and interests, but serving the Lord will also become part of your daily life and who you are as a follower of Jesus Christ. This seems pretty basic but the reality is, most Believers don't serve God in ANY capacity, which is why Jesus said that "the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few."

I love you and care about you so much. I can't even begin to talk to you about "seizing the moment", until I get you to understand that service is not an option, but a requirement for the child of God. Nobody ever threw a touchdown pass, or sank a basket, or made a putt from the stands. You have to be on the field, in the game. As we live in these last days of human history, with the return of our Lord imminent, God needs ALL of His children serving Him with all they have each day.

Jesus shared many parables, especially near the end of his life, about the servant being faithful to the master, about being a good steward of what we have been given, about being prepared for the master to return. There was this emphasis by our Lord to teach the people, to encourage the people, to challenge the people to seize the moment. The men and women we read about in God's Word, the men and women throughout the history of the church whose names are forever etched in history, are all people who were first and foremost servants of God, but second of all, men and women who SEIZED THE MOMENT!

God is speaking to you today about giving up your very life to serve Him. He is calling you today to unconditionally surrender to Him so that He can use your life to fulfill His plan and purpose. Before you can seize the moment, you have to be on the battlefield serving Him with your very life.

As you make that sacrifice, God will guide you, use you, and bring opportunities your way to use your life to bring honor and glory to Him. In the course of your service, there will come those sentinel moments when God raises you up, calls you forth, and gives you the opportunity to make your life count in a significant way for all eternity.


I am praying for you today. Praying that you will receive this word today and take some time to read it over and over and mediate on it. I pray that you will step up and answer God's call to serve Him. Serve Him in your daily life by being His witness to others you meet along your journey, serve Him by finding avenues of service that God will open up for you, and then be faithful as your life becomes a living sacrifice.

In the course of serving the Lord, there will come those precious moments when God will allow you to use your life to make an impact for all eternity. Never forget, there is no failure when you serve God. SEIZE THE MOMENT!!!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller