Daily Devotional for Thursday March 16, 2023

Russians shoot down our drone! and, How committed are you to Jesus?


(John 15:19-21; John 16:2-3; 1 John 5:19; Matthew 24:9; Acts 20:24)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Lord, even though we have no right to ask, please continue to watch over this nation. Thank You for showing us the clear signs of destruction our sin and rebellion have heaped upon our land. I pray today that as a nation we will turn back to You and Your Truth. Give me strength as days of persecution are upon us, and let me stand proud and strong for You and Your Kingdom. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN! *Salvation message from Ground Zero: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqZ9oaqJNJg

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: Russia fighter jets engage US unmanned drone and take it out! One of our Reaper Drones that is 11 meters long with a wingspan of 22 meters and costs apx. $30 million dollars, was in international air space OVER THE BLACK SEA just off Crimea when it was intercepted by the Russian jets, disabled, and sent to the bottom of the Black Sea. What was the purpose of this US drone just off the coast of Crimea? We have had drones in that airspace for a year now. This is how we are supplying the Ukrainian military with critical intelligence in their war with Russia. Normally such an offensive action would be met with an aggressive response by both the Pentagon and the President. However we heard NOTHING from Biden, not a shock, and the Pentagon’s response was muted and measured. Why so passive? Again, we have been using these drones to gather intel for the Ukrainians for the past year. I am actually shocked it took this long before Russia acted proactively since our intel is helping kill Russian troops. Also, don’t forget we recently sabotaged the Russian pipeline supplying gas to Germany and other European countries. Despite our denials, there is no other country or entity that could have accomplished such a sophisticated mission. Not only did we hurt our ally Germany, but we cost Putin a huge amount of money. BLOWING UP THAT PIPELINE WAS LITERALLY AN ACT OF WAR AGAINST BOTH GERMANY AND RUSSIA!!! So my guess is our response to having our drone shot out of the sky was due to the fact it was playing a role in the war and Russia was sending a strong message. It is a single act like this that could launch WW3, a nuclear WW3! Pray for peace and that this conflict ends soon. Last week Chairman Xi brokered a truce between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Next week he will be in Moscow to meet with his new buddy Putin (a consequence of our feckless foreign policy) and after that a video call with Zelenskyy. Who knows, Xi may end up brokering and end to this conflict between Ukraine and Russia WITHOUT ANY HELP FROM US!!! How pathetic do we look, but more important...how pathetic are we!!!

Here is a link to the song/video “Justice for All” Please watch it, say a prayer for the J6 political prisoners and their families, and share this song/video with everyone you know: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsJebC7pgaM

*Don't miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm

***MARCH FINANCIAL UPDATE: We ended the month of February with a shortfall of $37,000. So far we have covered $27,000 of that leaving the final $10,000. I am praying for one of our friends who God has blessed to send a special one-time gift of $10,000 to clear-up February's shortfall. PLEASE PRAY ABOUT THIS NEED!

Clearing up the last $10,000 from February's balance allows us to begin to work on the $55,000 we require for our March ministry operations. That is a total of $65,000 by the end of March. OUR GOD IS ABLE!!!

The Bible teaches us to “give according to our ability to give.” For some that may be $10 or $20. For others it may be $50 or $100. Still others it may be $200, $500, $1,000, $10,000 or more. GOD WILL BLESS YOUR GIFT NO MATTER WHAT THE AMOUNT!!!

ALSO, DON'T FORGET A GIFT OF $1,800 COVERS ONE DAY OF MINISTRY AT LIVEPRAYER!!! I received this email recently, “Pastor Bill, My wife and I have just sold our last rental and God told us to tithe $1,800.00 to pay for a day of your ministry. Not looking for accolades, just that you know when you receive the check. Rest assured that we will still be making our regular weekly tithe.”

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card at: http://liveprayer.com/donate.cfm or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St. Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible!

*STOCKS! A great way to help Liveprayer is by donating stock. The transfer can be made in a way you get the full credit for your donation without having to pay any of the taxes you normally would on gains your stocks may have enjoyed. Contact me for information about this incredible way to help God's work here at Liveprayer: bkeller@liveprayer.com

*LIVE ON AFTER YOU ARE IN HEAVEN!!! By remembering God's work here at Liveprayer in your will/estate planning, you can still help me share His Truth with the masses, be here for people in their time of greatest need, and help lead the lost to faith in Jesus even after God has called you home!!! God has led many of our friends in the Liveprayer family to remember His work here in their will. Please pray about this opportunity to continue and partner with me in the Lord's work at Liveprayer, even after you are enjoying your rewards and the eternal peace of Heaven! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me at: bkeller@liveprayer.com

***ANNOUNCEMENT ON LIVEPRAYER'S SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE!!! Here are the social media sites where you can find Liveprayer and what is posted there: Facebook (1, 2, 3), Twitter (1, 2, 3), GAB ( 2, 3), Parler (2, 3), Clouthub (1, 2, 3), Rumble (2), TPN (2, 3), Gettr (2, 3), Telegram (2, 3), ROKU (1, 2). WE ARE ALSO NOW ON Sovren Media (2, 3), Mr. Pillow Mike Lindell's Frankspeech (2), Truth Social (2,3), and Frank Social (2,3). *Content posted: 1) Liveprayer TV “LIVE" Mon-Fri 11p-Mid EDT 2) Recent Liveprayer TV programs for “On Demand” viewing 3) Liveprayer Daily Devotional

***Our techs are currently setting up the audio of each night's TV program on major Podcasting platforms. Our first is I-Tunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/liveprayers-daily-podcast-by-bill-keller/id1437210653

***ALEXA! You can now listen to the audio of the TV program on your ALEXA. The first time you need to tell ALEXA to "enable Liveprayer." After that, simply say, "Play Liveprayer!"

***Please watch and share the exciting new Bill Keller Docudrama at: https://www.liveprayer.com/bill.cfm

***How you can help Liveprayer! 1) Pray for Bill and the ministry team each day. 2) Encourage people you know to sign-up for the Daily Devotional at: https://www.liveprayer.com/signup.cfm 3) Share the TV program with people you know: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm Here are the social media sites where you can find Liveprayer TV ‘live”, Liveprayer Facebook, Liveprayer Twitter, and the Liveprayer Church ROKU channel. For ON-DEMAND viewing, Liveprayer GAB, Liveprayer Rumble, Liveprayer TPN, Liveprayer Gettr, Liveprayer Telegram, Liveprayer Sovren Media, and Liveprayer on Mr. Pillow Mike Lindell's Frankspeech and Frank Social and Liveprayer on Trump's Truth Social. 4) Pray about helping Liveprayer with a gift at: http://liveprayer.com/donate.cfm

***REVIVAL TOOL!!! Do your part in helping to bring revival to our nation each day in less than 15 minutes and without costing you one penny! Join others by making this part of your daily routine! Visit the Liveprayer Revival Tool and share it with others at: www.liveprayer.com/revival.cfm *ALSO, THE DAILY REVIVAL TOOL IS MY WAY OF DISCIPLING YOU TO HELP YOU GROW IN YOUR FAITH. SO IT SERVES A DUAL PURPOSE! HERE IS A SPECIAL LINK THAT GIVES YOU THE PAST 30 DAYS OF THE REVIVAL TOOL VERSE FOR THE DAY, DAILY TASK, AND PRAYER: https://liveprayer.com/bill/revivalcheck.cfm

I think that is a fair question to ask since if you are saved, when you made that commitment to Christ, you literally gave Him your life. The Bible says that we have been bought with a price and that it is no longer our life. So I ask you again, how committed are you to Jesus? I would never ask you a question like that if I wasn't willing to ask myself that same question. The fact is, each morning when I wake up, I go through the process of surrendering my life afresh to the Lord. Even so, I have to check myself at times during the day by asking myself how committed I really am to the Lord?

I remember the death of Liberty University founder Dr. Jerry Falwell where I received my theological degrees over 30 years ago. I remember the tributes about that great man of God whose life literally impacted millions of people around the world. I also watched his detractors, those who hated him, those who hated his message, those who couldn't stand that he was bold enough to proclaim God's Truth in the public square. I remember them calling Dr. Falwell a hate monger, insensitive, intolerant, and an endless array of other demeaning names.

It only reinforced that those who have rejected God, rejected the Truth of the Bible, and rejected His free gift of everlasting life through faith in Jesus Christ hate anyone who is brave enough to call their choices what God calls them, SIN!

I think about John the Baptist. He was called by God to prepare the way for the Messiah, the Savior of the world. Remember how his life ended? He had his head cut off for having the audacity to call sin sin. Think about Stephen in Acts 7. Remember how he died? He was literally stoned to death for simply sharing the Gospel, and may I remind you that he was speaking to the religious leaders of his day! Of course there is Jesus. I remember when he preached and people left because of what He taught. In John 6:66 the Bible says, "As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore." Why? PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO BE REMINDED OF THEIR SIN, OF THEIR REBELLION TO GOD! Of course, our Lord was ultimately crucified for simply stating the fact that He was God!

I asked you today how committed you are to Jesus? Are you committed enough to be laughed at, scorned, ridiculed, and called every nasty name there is because you take a stand for Christ? Are you committed enough to be persecuted by family, friends, and strangers because you take a stand for Christ? Are you committed enough to die because you take a stand for Christ?

This has been a challenging few weeks for me personally, in my own journey of faith. I am no different than you. I am tempted by the things of this world like everyone is. I doubt God at times like we all do. I fail God too often. I try to do my best each day, but when the day is over I know I could have done more.

It is against this backdrop that I have done some serious souls-searching the last few days, asking myself, how committed I really am to Jesus? After 3 decades of full time ministry, after making the commitment 33 years ago this August to give the Lord everything I have, after faithfully being here at Liveprayer day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year for nearly24 years now, am I committed enough to take my life and service to Christ to the next level???

I hit my knees this morning next to my desk and I simply told God I don't know how much more I have, but ALL I have is His!!!

I love you and care about you so much. As I have answered God's challenge in my own life regarding my commitment to Christ, today I pass on that challenge to you. I am challenging those in the Liveprayer family to make an even greater commitment to Christ each day. This small group that God has sovereignly put together through this 21st century electronic marvel called the Internet, has already impacted tens of millions of lives worldwide and have seen over 2 million souls we know of come to faith in Jesus Christ since we began in August of 1999. God is calling me, and He is calling you, to now take our commitment to the next level!

The fact is, it is up to us each day just how much of an impact we will have for the Lord. We can do as little or as much as we want. For me, it took cleansing myself of earthy goals and setting instead heavenly goals. It took not being motivated by the temporal material things of this world but by the eternal spiritual things of God. You see my friend, the things of this world, money, possessions, power, position, all mean NOTHING in light of eternity. The moment you die, all of those things cease to exist or have any importance at all. The only thing left when you take your last breath is the things you've done for the Kingdom. Your only real legacy is in the hearts and souls of those lives you have impacted for Jesus during your journey here.

I have never asked you to do anything I haven't done. Before I ask you to take a stand for Christ, I've already taken my stand. I have always believed that you lead by example. I would not be asking you today to make a greater commitment to Christ if I hadn't already done so. I am challenging you today to take some time alone with the Lord and let God show you how He can use your life as part of the Liveprayer family to help me make the impact, not on millions, but on BILLIONS of lives God has called us to make.

If you've been called to pray for me and this ministry, seek God how you can pray more effectively. If you've been called to sacrifice to give to support God's work here, seek God how you can make an even greater sacrifice. If you've been called to share Liveprayer with people you know, seek God how you can share this work with even more people. It is no accident that God has brought our lives together, and through the commitment to Christ we have each made, God has used our lives over nearly 24 years to impact tens of millions of lives around the world.


How committed are you to Jesus?

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller