Daily Devotional for Sunday October 4, 2020
God's judgement....and...He can heal you today!!!
(Mark 5:25-34)
***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, thank you for the strength you give me each day to be victorious over my enemies. I know satan is out to kill, steal, and destroy, but he is a defeated foe. Through you, I HAVE THE VICTORY! No matter what things may look like in the natural, let me never forget that there is victory in Jesus. Because you have won the victory, I have won the victory. Thank you Jesus! It is in your name I pray. AMEN!
***LIVEPRAYER CHURCH!!! Haven't been to church yet this week? Join me for this week's service at the LivePrayer Church. This week’s message is: “Walking in condemnation or victory?” Please visit the website at: http://liveprayerchurch.com and be part this week’s worship service. Each Sunday there will be a new service at 12:01am EDT
***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: If you doubt God is pouring out his judgment on our land, please stop doubting. If this was not God’s judgment, the Chinese flu outbreak would be over by now as the Swine Flu, Ebola, and many other recent outbreaks came and went quickly without much damage. However, none of these were as infectious as the current pandemic, keeping it from naturally dying out and sparing any more souls in the vulnerable population all of these viruses are most deadly to...the elderly with pre-existing health issues. In addition, we have racial tensions that have been manufactured and used for profit. We have evil groups who wish to see our nation destroyed that have risen out of the shadows and are actively pursuing their anarchist agenda. A byproduct of the Chinese flu outbreak has been economic pain for millions of people. Currently, half of our churches have been shuttered for the past 6 months with no sign of opening anytime soon! On top of everything else, our President and First Lady are both currently battling the Chinese flu! THIS IS WHAT A NATION WHO HAS REJECTED GOD AND HIS TRUTH LOOKS LIKE!!! TURNING THE NATION BACK TO GOD AND HIS TRUTH, A NECESSITY I HAVE CONSISTENTLY WARNED ABOUT FOR OVER 21 YEARS NOW, IS NOW NECESSARY NOT TO PREVENT GOD’S JUDGMENT FROM FALLING, BUT STOPPING IT!!! We have our work cut out for us my friend, but God’s people have always risen to the task, and now it is out turn at this moment in human history to take our stand for Christ and our faith! Please pray for the Lord’s healing in the bodies of President Trump and First Lady Melania, as well as all of those in our nation and around the world fighting this evil scourge. Also, be praying for the Lord to prepare your heart, as very soon it will be time for His children to ACT if we are to save this precious land we all love!!!
*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm
***Action steps: 1) Pray for the nation to turn back to the Lord every morning for at least 5 min. 2) Share the Gospel every day with at least 1 person you know is no saved. 3) Every day share something Biblical with everyone you know via email. 4) Every day encourage at least ONE PERSON you know about the responsibility we have to VOTE in November. 5) GET ONE PERSON YOU KNOW TO DO ACTION STEPS 1-4!!!
Do you need God's healing touch on your body today? I know that a good percentage of people reading these words need God's healing touch. Many of you are reading these words today in tremendous pain. Many of you are reading these words today as you face an upcoming surgery. Many of you are reading these words today as you deal with a serious disease. Many of you are reading these words today as you are trying to heal from a sickness or injury. Every person reading these words today has a family member, friend, or someone you know who needs God's healing touch. Let me say this very clearly, GOD IS STILL IN THE HEALING BUSINESS IN OCTOBER OF 2020!
Out of the 40,000+ emails for prayer we receive every day here at Liveprayer, out of the phone calls I take 5 nights a week from viewers of the Liveprayer TV program, healing is one of the top 3 requests along with financial problems and relationship issues. Several million of the over 17 million praise reports we have received since we started Liveprayer over 21 years ago, are from people God has healed. Rarely a night goes by on the TV program that a caller doesn't share a praise report of God's healing.
Don't forget, Jesus healed 10 lepers and only one came back to say thank you, so I have no doubt God has healed 10x more people who we never heard back from. GOD IS STILL IN THE HEALING BUSINESS IN OCTOBER OF 2020!
As you read these words today I want to remind you of a great truth. GOD IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS. What that simply means is what God has done for someone else, God will do for you. Please, let me say that one more time so you can let it sink into your Spirit. What God has done for someone else, God will do for YOU!!!
In the Bible, we read about the woman with the issue of blood. God's Word tells us that she spent all of her money on the doctors of her day trying to get better without any success. Then one day she heard about a man named Jesus coming to her town who was doing great miracles, including healing people. With no other hope, she exercised that "measure of faith" each person has and began to believe Jesus could heal her.
We read how when she got to the place Jesus was ministering, a great crowd, the Bible calls it a "throng," was already present. Now it would have been very easy for this woman to get discouraged after seeing all the people gathered around Jesus and simply give up and go home. But you see this woman was not going to be denied the opportunity to see our Lord, the One she was believing could heal her.
We read how she pressed through the crowd of people. I can picture this woman elbowing her way past people, pushing them out of her way, wading through this sea of humanity foot by foot until she was finally close enough to reach out and touch the hem of the garment Jesus was wearing. The Bible tells us that the moment she touched the hem of His garment she was instantly healed. Please understand that there was nothing magical about what Jesus was wearing that day. His garment had no magical healing powers. It simply became a point of contact for her faith.
She had the faith to believe as she stretched out her hand and grabbed the hem of His garment that she would be healed, and she was!!!
Let me share something exciting with you today. There is a powerful truth in the Book of Hebrews that tells us "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Listen to me carefully now. The powerful meaning of that truth for YOUR life today is simply this. The very same Jesus who healed that woman we read about in the Bible who had the issue of blood, is the very same Jesus who is here to heal you today. Please, stop for a moment and meditate on this powerful truth.
I love you and care about you so much. My friend, as I come to you today I want you to know that not a day goes by I don't see the healing power of Jesus Christ at work in people's lives. Every single day I receive praise reports from people Christ has healed.
If you need God's healing touch in your body today, if there is someone that you know that needs to be healed, I want to encourage you to be like that woman with the issue of blood and exercise that "measure of faith" today. Just like she reached out to touch the hem of the garment Jesus was wearing, you can reach out to Him today through prayer.
Stop what you are doing right now and call on the name of Jesus. Reach out to him IN FAITH and ask Him to heal you or the one you love. As you do, remember that the very same Jesus you are crying out to today, is the very same Jesus who healed the woman with the issue of blood. He is no respecter of persons and what He did for her, He will do for you. As the healing virtue of Christ flowed through her body and she was made whole, Jesus looked at her and said, "Go, your faith has made you whole."
I want you to know that I will be praying for you today. I will be standing in agreement with you today as you take that step of faith for God's healing touch on your body or the body of the one you love. GOD IS STILL IN THE HEALING BUSINESS IN OCTOBER OF 2020! May you hear Him say to you, "Go, your faith has made you whole!!!"
In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller