Daily Devotional for Wednesday September 9, 2020

Depression on the rise during the Chinese Flu!!!

(John 17:31; Romans 14:1, Nehemiah 8:10)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Lord, Thank You for meeting my daily needs as You have promised in Your Word. I look to You and You alone for my sustenance through life, and Thank You for Your faithfulness. Please help me to be a good steward of the funds You entrust into my care during this life, and give me favor in my finances, and wisdom in my decisions. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: Surge in depression and divorce! As I warned, a tragic byproduct of the Chinese Flu and shutting down our nation, has been a spike in people fighting depression and marriages ending in divorce. Even prior to the onslaught of the Chinese Flu, depression was a huge issue with many people. Likewise, each year a higher percentage of marriages are ending in divorce. Both are the result of the fact the better percentage of the last 2 generations have never been to church. Mental illnesses like depression is just as real as a broken leg or cancer. People who live without Jesus, without a faith in Almighty God, are living without hope. Without hope, the day to day ups and downs of life, the challenges we all face at times, seem to be overwhelming. To escape the pain, people turn to drugs, alcohol, food, porn, or any other number of temporary avenues. The hopelessness many depressed people feel often leads to suicide. Sadly, due to financial challenges and other pressures, many more marriages than normal are ending in divorce. People who marry for a variety of reasons without a shared faith in the Lord, simply don’t have the will to work through problems that married couples face, problems exacerbated by the additional challenges of the Chinese Flu. Now more than ever, we need to be aware of the people around our lives, especially those who are not saved. Communication is always the first line of defense in trying to help someone you know dealing with depression or a couple whose marriage is in trouble. My goal today is to pray for those reading these words fighting depression or those whose marriage is in trouble. Look to the Lord, HE is your hope. HOPE! I also want to make you aware that people in your family, friends, neighbors, those in your life through work, are battling right now with depression or a failing marriage. Allow the Lord to use you as an instrument of healing. Simple listening is more valuable than you will know. Praying for that person is more meaningful than you will know. JUST BEING THERE AND CARING WHEN PEOPLE ARE STRUGGLING CAN BE HELP SOMEONE GET VICTORY OVER DEPRESSION OR A MARRIAGE IN TROUBLE!!!

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm

***Action steps: 1) Pray for the nation to turn back to the Lord every morning for at least 5 min. 2) Share the Gospel every day with at least 1 person you know is no saved. 3) Every day share something Biblical with everyone you know via email. 4) Every day encourage at least ONE PERSON you know about the responsibility we have to VOTE in November. 5) GET ONE PERSON YOU KNOW TO DO ACTION STEPS 1-4!!!

Mental illness and depression. An issue the church and most people refuse to deal with, is the reality of mental illness and depression that so many suffer from. Let me say right up front. Mental illness is just as real as a broken leg. Just because it is not a visible illness, does not mean it is not as real as someone with a broken bone, a bad heart, or any other illness. MENTAL ILLNESS AND DEPRESSION ARE REAL!

I have shared with you in the past that God's number one instrument of healing is called a DOCTOR. One of God's chief methods of healing is called MEDICINE. Where do you think the incredible intelligence and the special gift to be a doctor comes from? It comes from God! Where do you think the incredible intelligence, and the inspiration to create medicine comes from? It comes from God!

I want to encourage anyone today that is suffering from any form of mental illness or depression to seek out the best professional help possible. God has raised up mental health professionals and given men the wisdom to create drugs to treat mental illness, so that you can live a normal and productive life. Just like there is no reason to be ashamed to see a doctor if you break your arm, just like there is no reason to be ashamed if you have to take medicine to treat a kidney problem, there is no reason to be ashamed to see a doctor or take the proper medication if you suffer from mental illness or depression!

For many people that are suffering from depression, I want to help you find the joy in life again. Many who suffer from depression have simply allowed the events and circumstances of their life to overwhelm and paralyze them. We learn at an early age how to deal with the day to day issues of life, how to deal with problems. What happens to many who are depressed, is they have simply been unable to cope with the things that have happened to them and can't seem to get past certain problems in their life.

Feelings change all the time. Our feelings are based on our perception of an issue or problem. For example, if you have $20,000 of debt and you are only making $30,000 a year with nothing left over after the basic living needs are met, you might perceive that $20,000 of debt to be a mountain that is impossible to move. If you continue to focus on that mountain, it starts to get bigger, and bigger, and soon your perception is that it is impossible to ever be free from your debt. The longer you focus on the problem, the bigger it becomes and that is when depression can set in. Depression is the result of being hopeless.

However, even though you may have $20,000 of debt and are only making $30,000 a year with nothing left over after your basic living needs are met, you might look at that $20,000 of debt, not as a mountain impossible to move, but simply an obstacle that has to be dealt with. In other words, you don't focus on the mountain, but you focus on a way to move the mountain. You come up with a plan to retire the debt over a period of time, and instead of letting depression set in due to looking at the situation as hopeless, you maintain a positive outlook since that debt is simply an issue that has to be taken care of. Depression can't set in where there is hope. Let me say that one more time.


The other part of the answer to depression is serving others. The Bible teaches us that if we will be about our Father's business, our Father will be about our business. If we will serve others, it is amazing how our own problems become more manageable. If you are suffering from depression, let me encourage you today to get out and start finding ways to serve others. You see, when we serve others, we are serving God. Our God-given purpose in this life is to serve and glorify God with our lives. Depression can't set in when you are serving others. Let me say that one more time. DEPRESSION CAN'T SET IN WHEN YOU ARE SERVING OTHERS!

I love you and care about you so much. I realize many people suffer from some form of mental illness that is just as real as any other type of illness. I will be praying today that those who are suffering from some form of mental illness, will seek out the best professional help possible and take advantage of whatever medication that is prescribed to treat you. God is still in the healing business, and GOD CAN BRING HEALING TO THOSE SUFFERING FROM MENTAL ILLNESS.

I will also be praying for those of you today who are suffering from depression. The two-fold answer for overcoming your depression and finding the joy of the Lord again in your life, is hope and service. Seeking the Lord to give you wisdom and direction in finding a solution to whatever problems or issues you are facing in your life. If you stay focused on Christ, He will give you the hope to get victory over whatever you are facing today.

The other part of the answer is finding ways to serve others. I pray that you will get serious about finding ways to serve others. God has called us to serve others, and when we are doing that, fulfilling our purpose in life, our own problems simply don't seem as great. When you are busy serving others, you don't have time to get depressed.

I pray that this word today will be a breakthrough in your life if you are battling with mental illness or depression. God loves you very much. He wants you to have joy in your life, despite whatever trials and tribulations you may be experiencing. That joy comes from knowing Christ as our Savior. When we know Christ, there is no such thing as being hopeless. When we know Christ, we have a desire to serve Him by serving others. It is through Christ that you can have victory over mental illness and depression!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller