Daily Devotional for Tuesday September 8, 2020

A Christian worldview!!!

(John 3:16)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Father, please help me to be more like Jesus each day. Help me to be kind to others, to care about others, to share the hope of the Gospel with others. I love Jesus and my greatest desire is to be more like my Savior each day. In the name of Jesus I pray…AMEN!!!

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: The rapid rise of the fake church over the past 4 years and what it means this November! Over 15 yrs ago I began warning people of the rise of the “religious left.” The religious left was a minority of “churches,” “Christians,” and “pastors” who rose up to promote the social issues of the day in opposition to the religious right, teaching much that was in direct contradiction to the Absolute Truth of God’s Word. Over the last 5 yrs I have shared with you the rise of the “fake church” that has evolved from the religious left movement. Again, these fake churches focus on social and cultural issues and directly ignore God’s Word on issues like life, sexuality, and marriage, while perverting the Scriptures to push their agenda on social issues like racism, illegal immigration, and climate change. This is critical come the election in November since a strategy for the Biden campaign is to try and promote himself as a Godly man of faith. Of course the 47 year track record of this Godly man of faith is a perfect 100% rating by Planned Parenthood, meaning Joe has voted 100% of the time to slaughter innocent babies! It was actually Biden who pushed President Obama to support gay marriage, something President Obama saw support of as a potential political problem. For 8 yrs as VP, Joe Biden fully supported the Obama Administration assault on Christian liberties while promoting the false religion of Islam. He also sided with the enemies of Israel time and time again. So normally Joe Biden wouldn’t attract much support from Christians, but this is 2020. Evangelical support was why we had 8 years of George W. Bush, despite the fact he did very little to advance the cause of Christians. At least he wasn’t hostile to our faith which in the end is all we can really ask for from an Administration. The support of Evangelicals was critical to Donald Trump being elected the 45th President of the United States in 2016. If he is to be re-elected, it will be because of the Evangelical vote! Here is the issue. Since 2016 the number of Evangelicals has dropped while the number of people calling themselves Christians but going to a “fake church” has increased. You can bet they will be out in force on November 3rd to have a friend in the White House like Joe Biden pushing their anti-Biblical agenda! That difference since 2016 is probably only about 5%, but 5% can easily be the difference between a Trump re-election or a Biden victory. THE BEST ESTIMATE FROM 2016 IS THAT 40% OF EVANGELICALS DID NOT VOTE!!! THE FACT IS THAT IF ONLY 10% OF THAT GROUP TURNS OUT TO VOTE FOR THE PRESIDENT IN NOVEMBER, HE WILL EASILY WIN RE-ELECTION! MY FRIEND, WHETHER YOU THINK IT IS FAIR OR NOT, THE IMMEDIATE FATE OF THE NATION AND WHETHER WE HAVE ANOTHER 4 MORE YEARS TO WORK WITHOUT INTERFERENCE FROM WASHINGTON WHILE WORKING TO TURN THIS NATION BACK TO GOD AND HIS TRUTH, IS IN THE HANDS OF THE ONLY ENEMY THE “RELIGION OF SOCIAL JUSTICE” HAS...US...BIBLICAL CHRISTIANS!!!

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm

***Action steps: 1) Pray for the nation to turn back to the Lord every morning for at least 5 min. 2) Share the Gospel every day with at least 1 person you know is no saved. 3) Every day share something Biblical with everyone you know via email. 4) Every day encourage at least ONE PERSON you know about the responsibility we have to VOTE in November. 5) GET ONE PERSON YOU KNOW TO DO ACTION STEPS 1-4!!!

A Christian worldview is not welcome in the media! Like so many others things I have been talking about for the last 21 years, I shared from the beginning of Liveprayer in 1999 that it was only a matter of time before the media succeeded in silencing anyone who believes in God, puts their faith in Jesus, and believes that the Bible represents Absolute Truth! Sadly, much of the blame has to fall squarely on the shoulders of the church and major Christian ministries who long ago abandoned the marketplace for the safety, comfort, and PROFITABILITY of the Christian media.

As I have shared often, the vast majority of the last two generations have NEVER even been to church. We have watched our nation spiral into spiritual freefall. A Godless society has now been emboldened to not just embrace but promote the killing of innocent babies, the choice of those who engage in unnatural, unhealthy, perverted, and sinful sexual acts, perverting God's holy institution of marriage, and virtually everything God opposes. Anyone who disagrees with these issues from a Biblical position is marginalized, mocked, demeaned, and dismissed as a hate monger and a nutjob!

You can turn on secular news networks and see a wide array of people who openly promote and root for the agenda of satan, while opposing people of the Christian faith. There is not one openly Christian commentator who takes a Biblical stand on the issues of the day, NOT ONE! The landscape is littered with a never-ending list of hosts who have chosen to engage in supporting all aspects of the radical homosexual agenda, advocate for the killing of babies, while coddling and treating sympathetically the false religion of Islam despite the documented FACT it has a track record for 1400 years of terror, violence, hate, and death everywhere they have existed in the world!

Where are the Christians to tell the other side of the story? Where are the Christians to give viewers God's view on these pressing issues from a Biblical view? THEY ARE VIRTUALLY NON-EXISTENT! Those you do see are either gutless, compromised sell-outs looking only for their own glory and money, or cult members seeking to lead souls to hell by deceiving people will their false theology. Satan has an easy time selling his agenda to the masses when his version of the events of the day are the only one people are being exposed to!!!

Where are the Christians in the secular media? Sadly, you will rarely see anyone who is prompting an uncompromised Biblical worldview, and if you do, they are quickly denounced and savaged. There are a handful who supposedly represent the Christian point of view, but in most every case, they water down and compromise the Truth in order to "get along." There are dozens of national ministries who at times are in the secular media, but they have a track record of never taking a real Biblical view on the issues of the day since to do so, they would be blackballed and never called on again. For them, it is about exposure to raise money!

There is probably nobody more qualified to talk about this than I am. For 10 years, Liveprayer was on SECULAR TV stations and networks around the nation for an hour, five days a week, taking a bold and uncompromised stand for God's Truth on the issues of the day. As the years went on, the constant pressure from powerful groups representing the abortionists, the homosexual community, cults like Mormonism and Scientology, the false religion of Islam, and I hate to say it, even some "Christian groups," made it impossible for us to continue in high profile media platforms since I refused to back off God's Truth regardless the issue.

A great example is for years I appeared on numerous FOX News shows like The O'Reilly Factor, MSNBC, CNN, and tons of national radio programs. Over the last 10 years, those appearances have become rare. I was told off the record by a leading producer at FOX News that they wouldn't book me because I called Mormonism a cult, Islam a false religion, homosexuality a perversion, and abortion murder. Also, in every appearance regardless the issue I was on to discuss, I would work into my answers that the Bible is the only Truth there is and that unless you accept Jesus as your Savior you will die and go to hell.

Sadly, our voice in the marketplace has been lost. Major ministries years ago decided that they would stay in the Christian media where they could fleece people who were already Christians in order to build opulent buildings, have huge staffs, fly around in private jets, live in mansions, and drive expensive luxury cars like they were Hollywood actors instead of servants of God. So they left the secular media to the wolves of satan to drive the enemies message to the lost masses 24/7 without opposition. This has been one of the main contributing factors to the spiritual decay we have witnessed in our nation.

I love you and care about you so much. I remain focused and undaunted in our work to bring the hope and love of Jesus to the hurting and lost while sharing HIS Truth from the Bible into the marketplace. Because of this huge void today, I see clearly a great opportunity to lead this nation back to God and His Truth. People are hungry for the Truth. They are seeking for REAL answers to life. Faith in the Jesus of the Bible and the Truth of the Bible are what the masses are seeking and hunger for!

Thank you for your love, prayers, and sacrifice, together we will help lead this nation back to God and His Truth while leading the lost and hurting to faith in Jesus Christ!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller