Daily Devotional for Saturday September 5, 2020

Our will???

(John 3:16, 17)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, help me to be a blessing to someone I meet today. Help me to not be so self-absorbed that I miss the opportunity to be a good witness for You. Today, I yield myself to You. Use me for Your glory! In the name of Jesus...AMEN!!!

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: Why is it OK for 10,000 people to gather for a protest/riot, yet if 50 people come to church they are subject to being arrested? Simple. I have written often over the past 21 years how satan’s minions are much more aggressive and motivated than God’s people. I am sorry, but it is true! The army of satan is VOCAL, and they are ACTIVE, and they DON’T GIVE UP! They didn’t ask permission to protest in the middle of the Chinese Flu pandemic, THEY JUST DID IT!!! Liveprayer has been a platform for the past 21 years online and 17+ years on TV to educate, motivate, challenge, and inspire God’s people to be all God has called them to be while bringing His Truth into the marketplace, praying for people in their hour of need, and leading lost souls to faith in Jesus Christ! Despite giving every ounce of life I have to serving the Lord since I answered HIS call into the ministry 30 years ago, I TOO MUST FIND MORE TO GIVE! In the coming weeks, Liveprayer will be announcing a call to action that we will lead. I have always led by example, and I would never tell you to do something I wasn’t willing to do. We will continue to do the work we are currently doing 24/7, but will be taking on an additional leadership role as we call God’s people to rise up. Our nation is on the line my friend, as is our faith. It is time to call the remnant to action. It is no longer acceptable to be “comfortable.” IT IS TIME TO ACT!!! So be praying my friend, and keep following Liveprayer. History has met us at this moment and should Jesus tarry, people of faith in the coming years will learn how we responded. May we be found faithful as brothers and sisters in faith before us have been faithful!!!

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm

***Action steps: 1) Pray for the nation to turn back to the Lord every morning for at least 5 min. 2) Share the Gospel every day with at least 1 person you know is no saved. 3) Every day share something Biblical with everyone you know via email. 4) Every day encourage at least ONE PERSON you know about the responsibility we have to VOTE in November. 5) GET ONE PERSON YOU KNOW TO DO ACTION STEPS 1-4!!!

Our will or God's will? One of the biggest questions people always ask is, how do I know what the will of God is for my life? This is much more complicated, because in addition to God's will, He has given us free will to make decisions and choose what we want to do. Much of the difficulty in determining what God's will is for us is trying to separate our own desires and wants, and try to hear what God may want for our life.

Let me say here, this is probably one of the most difficult issues you will ever deal with in your walk with the Lord, and I just want to give you some basics that have helped me over the years, although I still wonder from time to time, is this me? . . . or is this God?

The only chance you have of ever knowing what God's will is for your life is to be totally surrendered to Him. You have got to be at a place in your life where you say, "Lord, whatever you want me to do, wherever you want me to be, I am yours". Let me assure you right here, it is no accident that you live where you live, work where you work, play where you play . . . and it is only rarely that God is going to want you to move to the other side of the world, or quit your job to go work in an AIDS hospital, or do things totally foreign to you.

The biggest hurdle to overcome in knowing God's will for our life is the fear of the unknown. How will my life be different if I really let God have His way? Trust me, He loves you, cares about you, and only wants the best for you.

The other basics to knowing God's will is to be totally "plugged in". By that I mean, praying every day, in the Word, fellowshipping, serving God. It is only that intimate daily contact that allows us to really hear what He is saying. God talks to us in a variety of ways, through His word, in passages of scripture that pricks our hearts, in prayer as we hear that "still small voice" guiding us.

I love you and care about you so much. A big way is through the circumstances in our life. God knows how to open doors and shut doors. Many of our problems occur when we force our way through a door He has shut. I will be praying for you today, that you will get serious about finding and living in God's perfect will. It is the only way we truly know the peace, happiness, and joy this life offers.

In His will, we can do all things because it is not us, it is Him. Out of His will, nothing works, nothing makes sense. Pray today that God will reveal His will for your life, and then pray for the strength to surrender the will to do what you want, to His will to do what He wants.

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller