Daily Devotional for Sunday June 21, 2020

Father's Day Special!!!

(Ephesians 6:4)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Please Lord bless me and my family today. Help us to never forget to honor You and praise Your holy name. Thank You for Your blessings. Let us be good stewards of those blessings and never forget to reach out to others and be a blessing to those who cross our path each day. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!

***LIVEPRAYER CHURCH!!! Haven't been to church yet this week? Join me for this week's service at the LivePrayer Church. This week’s message is: “The Blood of Christ!” Please visit the website at: http://liveprayerchurch.com and be part this week’s worship service. Each Sunday there will be a new service at 12:01am EDT

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: Domestic violence on the rise! One of the sad byproducts of the current health crisis and many people being sheltered at home is a rise in domestic violence. Families with an abuser had learned how to live with an abuser over the years by the daily work, school, and movement habits. THIS IS THE SAD REALITY MANY PEOPLE LIVE WITH EVERY DAY. Well, as the daily lives of people have been uprooted and they were being forced to primarily stay at home, it has re-opened some serious wounds. The pressures many families are dealing with financially, employment-wise, on top of the non-stop daily contact, unleashed the evil of those with an abusive history and creating new abusive nightmares for family members. Abuse of all kinds, physical, mental, sexual, financial, emotional, have all been a sad part of human interactions back to the beginning of humanity 6,000 years ago. It is NOT something new. However, due to the fact the vast majority of people don’t go to church any longer, the breakdown of marriage the family and the endless combination of “family units” that now exist, it has become exponentially a larger societal problem. This current crisis has once again shined a bright light on this sad reality many children, teens, and adults live with, and at the moment there are no good options. Please remember those who are living with abuse of any kind in your prayers each day and for God’s hedge of protection!

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm

Today is the day the world celebrates Father's Day. In our busy lives, it is good that we are forced to take a moment and recognize our dads. I had a wonderful father who unfortunately passed away when I was 16. Even though I missed sharing those young adult years with my dad, it was his love and nurturing in the early years of my life that helped build the spiritual foundation in my life. After praying about today's Devotional, the Lord has directed me to use it as a special encouragement to the dads out there.

How often do we take what dad does for granted? There are Godly men out there who are the spiritual heads of their homes. They work hard to provide the income needed to sustain day to day life. They love and honor their wife. They realize their children are gifts from God and help nurture and mold their lives. These dads realize that serving God is their divine purpose and being the head of their home is their first and most important ministry.

Today is a day to make sure dad knows just how much we love and appreciate him!!!

For those dads out there that are working hard to be the kind of dad I just described, know that you are in my prayers. Know that each day as you spend that special time alone with the Lord, He will encourage you, prepare you, and make you adequate for that day. You are on the path God wants you to be on as you strive each day to serve Him, making your wife and children your number one priorities. Balance is one of the biggest hurdles you face each day, and I pray the Lord will help you find that perfect balance between work, home, serving Him, and relaxing.

The other big hurdle is being able to give God control. Having so much responsibility each day, letting go and really trusting God at certain time is not easy. Just remember, in John 15:5 it says, "Without me you can do nothing." God has given you great talents, great gifts, but without the Lord's strength, and He being in charge, it won't make any difference. Make your faith real as you learn to trust Him more each day.

I recognize today that there are also many dads who aren't the kind of dad I described. Unless someone is totally committed and surrendered to the Lord, overseeing the responsibilities of marriage and children often suffer. Without the Lord leading your life, getting caught up in all of the traps of this world happen frequently, and life really never makes much sense. The importance of being a husband or a father, doesn't have the significance that it should. That is why so many men have left the home, abandoned their children, and continually are caught up in every kind of sin imaginable.

To those dads I want you to know that if you are tired of running from God, tired of the pain, tired of the heartache, tired of nothing working . . . this is the perfect day to turn it all around. Even though, this is a day we celebrate our earthly fathers, there is a Heavenly Father who loves you so much, and if you call out to Him, He will help you straighten your life out.

For those wives, ex-wives, and children of dads who haven't been the Godly dad the Bible talks of, pray for your dad. Know that deep down he is hurting, and only surrendering to Christ will change that. God loves your dad more than you do, and He is the one who can change your dad's heart. I'll pray with you for your dad.

I want you to know that I love you and do care about you. For you dads out there today, let me encourage you by telling you . . . if you keep Jesus first in your life, He will help you overcome the trials of this life, and allow you to see victories in every area of your life. In your marriage, in your children, in your career, in your service for Him....if you will simply trust Him and operate in His strength, you will know blessings and joy above and beyond anything you ever imagined.

I love and care about you so much! Please know that I will be praying for you today, and if you need any special prayer to be the man, the husband, the father, the servant God has called you to be....please don't hesitate to email me at: bkeller@liveprayer.com . God has given us many great examples of how to be a true father. Follow Him each day and He will mold you and make you into the father He has raised you up to be.

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller