Daily Devotional for Thursday May 28, 2020

A special gift from God for marriage alone!!!

(Genesis 2:24; Mark 10:9; Genesis 29:20; Colossians 3:19)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, help me to get through this day and the challenges that I will be facing today. Guide me, strengthen me, and give me wisdom as I make choices throughout this day. Please watch over my family and those I love in this world, and keep them safe. I love you Lord, and depend upon you each moment of each day. Bless me as I go through the day, living my life for Your glory. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: Interesting article the other day from pop superstar Justin Bieber. Bieber recently married Hailey Baldwin, a model, ballet dancer, and TV personality who is the daughter of actor Stephen Baldwin. Stephen Baldwin is a serious, unashamed Christian who raised his daughter in the faith. Bieber, who also grew up as a Christian, re-dedicated his life to the Lord a couple of years ago. As with all famous people, you really never know how true their commitment is, but that is true with anyone. That is why the Bible tells us only God knows our heart as to salvation. However, we have every right and responsibility to judge a person based on their words and deeds. I pray the Bieber’s commitment is serious and true, time will tell. I am glad that he has stayed low key, since many famous people who come to Christ are exploited by the church and thrust into the spotlight when they are very new Believers and need to grow. Even many mature Christians don’t handle the spotlight very well. As a teen pop sensation, Bieber earned millions of dollars and was caught up in all of the debauchery of that world. He recently lamented that he wishes he had waited until marriage to have sex. That was not just a very true statement, but a very mature one. SEX IS A SPECIAL GIFT GOD CREATED FOR A MAN AND WOMAN IN THE BONDS OF MARRIAGE. PERIOD!!!

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm

Because sexual sins are something most everyone struggles with at some point in their life, almost everything that you hear about sex is negative. Well today, I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you the other side of sex. The fact is sex is NOT evil, it is a gift from God.

Like everything that comes from God, sex is a perfect gift. Sadly, it is man that ruins the perfect gift by perverting it. Sex was given by God to a man and woman to be enjoyed in the bonds of marriage. PERIOD. Anything outside of marriage is a perversion of this beautiful gift.

Think about all of the consequences that occur from the perversion of this gift from God. Sexually transmitted diseases, children out of wedlock, abortions, divorce, violent confrontations between lovers, emotional disorders, and the list goes on. When sex is enjoyed in the context God intended, between a husband and wife, these consequences are greatly minimized or totally eliminated.

If the only person you had sex with was your husband or wife, there would be no STDs, there would be no babies born to unwed mothers, abortions would be minimal since the largest percentage are by women who are not married, divorce numbers would be greatly reduced, there would be no violent confrontations from people catching their sexual partner having sex with someone else, emotional disorders from people dealing with breaking up with their lover wouldn't exist, and a host of other real life problems from having sex outside of marriage wouldn't exist or be minimal.

I want to encourage those of you that are married to recognize sex as the gift from God that it is and not take it for granted. Other than your bond together in Christ, nothing is more intimate between you and your spouse than sex. It is a gift that you both can enjoy together for your entire married life.

I realize that as you get older there are lots of factors involved. A man's sex drive tends to diminish, women go through menopause, health issues, and just being busy dealing with the day to day pressures of children and life. Don't let these or anything else rob you of enjoying this precious gift God has given to you and your spouse.

I love you and care about you so much. Let me give you a word of encouragement. At least one night a month, go have a nice dinner and spend the night at a hotel if you can afford it, or at least clear out the kids and spend a quiet evening at home. UNPLUG the TV, turn off the cell phones, forget the computer, and spend the evening talking, enjoying each other's company, and make love together. DON'T NEGLECT THIS PRECIOUS GIFT FROM GOD.

For those who are single, don't spoil this gift by perverting it. WAIT! In the bonds of marriage, sex is a sweet gift from God. Outside of marriage, it is a sin. It will be well worth the wait and always something that you and your spouse can treasure together. Sex is NOT evil, it is a precious gift from God for a husband and wife to share together.

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller