Daily Devotional for Sunday May 10, 2020

Mother's Day

(1 Corinthians 3:9)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, Thank You for my mother! Please help me to live this day honoring You in my thoughts, words, and deeds. Help me this day to live my life pleasing and acceptable to Jesus. Allow me to use my life to help someone else during this day, and be kind to everyone I come across no matter how they may treat me. Let Christ shine through me throughout this day oh Lord, be glorified through my life! In Jesus name I pray...AMEN!

***LIVEPRAYER CHURCH!!! Haven't been to church yet this week? Join me for this week's service at the LivePrayer Church. This week’s message is: “A Mother’s Love!!!” Please visit the website at: http://liveprayerchurch.com and be part this week’s worship service. Each Sunday there will be a new service at 12:01am EDT

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: Ultimate justice will only come as each person stands before God when He says this brief journey is over. Justice in this life does occur at times, last Thursday was one of those times. Shelley Luther, a mother of 2 who owns a beauty salon in Dallas, Texas was serving 7 days in jail for simply trying to feed her children and make sure her employees could feed their families. Ignoring a lockdown order that was in place for that type of business in Texas, this mother decided after weeks of having her business closed that she simply had to open back up. Police came to her salon, fined her for not obeying the lockdown order, and when she refused to close they took her to court. The judge hearing her case told this mother that if she apologized he would not put her in jail. She respectfully declined to apologize for trying to feed her children and he gave her a 7-day jail sentence. Into the 3rd day the Governor of Texas changed his Executive Order to insure nobody who violated the state’s lockdown order would not have to face any jail time. That change allowed Shelley Luther to be freed from her sentence and her salon is now legally opened as of Friday. Amen! Also on Friday, for those who have followed the Russian hoax designed first to stop President Trump from being elected, and after he won shut down his Presidency, it was a was a day of justice for three-star General Michael Flynn. Flynn was the head of Military Intelligence in the final years of the Obama Administration and was fired by President Obama for not lying to the American people that ISIS was defeated as they were building up their caliphate in Iraq and Syria. Incoming President Trump had tapped General Flynn to head the US Intelligence services (ODNI) in his new administration. Since in that position he would be able to undercover the criminal behavior that had taken place by the Obama west wing, FBI, DOJ, and Intelligence communities, it was imperative that Flynn be taken out. Documents released over the past few weeks show the government gunned up false charges, forcing him to sell his house and on the verge of bankruptcy from defending himself, prosecutors threatened to charge and prosecute Flynn’s son if he didn’t agree to plead guilty to lying to the FBI. Under such duress that is what he did. However, a year ago he changed attorneys and real heroine of Justice, Attorney Sidney Powell, worked tirelessly to uncover the criminal acts the government committed to prosecute Flynn and this past Thursday AG William Barr dropped the case. AMEN! Be of good cheer my friend, not always, but at times there truly is justice in this life!!!

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm

On this day that we honor our mothers, I thought it fitting to share with you this wonderful story from God's Word that personifies a mother's love. I have often said a mother's love can be broken down into the 3 P's. Pleading, persistence, and prayer. I can testify today that the only reason I am in the ministry is because my mother who is with the Lord now, pleaded, was persistent, and prayed. I have no doubt that many of you know Jesus as your Savior because of your mother's prayers. So in honor of our mothers, let me break down the 3 P's of a mother's love for you.

A mother will plead for her child. It was the deep love for her daughter that drove the Canaanite woman in today's scripture to Jesus, pleading for mercy for her daughter. In our time of despair, "something" pulls us to God. Many people, who openly reject God, will cry out in a time of need. Even believers will live apart from Christ, not giving Him much time in their daily life . . . until the trials come. This mother in her hour of need, knew where to go to plead for help.

Persistence is something that defines a mother. Moms have a God-given talent to stay on something, no matter how long it takes, to get the job done. Many times, God delays His answer to test our belief, much like He did in the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18:2-5. Are you serious about the needs in your life? Then don't give up . . . be persistent. Isaiah 65:24 gives us that special promise, "before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear." God has promised to hear and answer our prayers, but that does not always mean in our timing. Often, we need to be persistent, like this Canaanite mother who was not going to be denied the miracle she sought for her daughter.

If persistence defines a mother, then prayer is her greatest weapon. In verse 25 of today's scripture we hear the simple prayer of faith, "Lord help me!" Moms are prayer warriors. Moms know that it is prayer that moves the hand of God. Moms know that prayer works because it demonstrates to God that we are powerless in our own strength, and have put our faith in Him. Jesus healed this woman's daughter because of her faith!

I want to encourage you today to honor your mother, she is a great gift from God. It is also God's commandment that we honor our mother. For those of you who have been estranged, separated from your Mom due to the events of life, please, swallow your pride and contact her today. No matter what may have happened in the past, tell her that you love her. I understand that many mothers have not been what God called them to be, but through your love, God can restore them.

For those like me whose Mom is with the Lord, let me suggest calling a local nursing home and finding out the name of a lady who has no family, no regular visitors. An inexpensive arrangement of flowers and 5 minutes of your day just to tell her she hasn't been forgotten on this Mother's Day will touch a life like you cannot even imagine. I am a firm believer that the little acts of kindness, even to strangers, are our most effective and powerful ministry. Don't let this day pass without making it special for your mother.

I love you and care about you, and it is my goal each day to encourage you and challenge you to have that intimate daily relationship with the Lord that He desires to have with us. I know from years in the ministry, one of the biggest concerns for Moms is their unsaved children. Mom, let me stand in agreement with you today for your unsaved kids. I will pray in agreement with you for their salvation. It would be an honor and privilege to stand in agreement with you for the salvation of your kids, since I realize that is your number one prayer request. Millions will be in Heaven because of the prayers of mom!!!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller