Daily Devotional for Monday April 27, 2020

God is no respecter of person!!!

(1 Chronicles 9:1, 5:25)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord! Today I come to you, asking You to bless the dear people who we faithfully minister to each day. I ask for Your protection, that you meet their every need, and bless them and their families richly. As I have each morning for over 20 years now, I commit YOUR work to You this day. May Your Truth in the marketplace, lives be impacted, and souls saved….FOR YOUR GLORY! My life is in Your hands and I simply ask that You use me so You are glorified!!! In the name of Jesus my Lord I pray. AMEN!!!

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: As expected, with an estimated of 25% of people not working due to the Chinese Flu epidemic, donations to charities and churches are down significantly. Last week, churches specifically reported an apx. 2/3 drop in gifts during April. Liveprayer has been blessed, we aren’t down that much but still about 40% off. We were only months old when the “internet bubble” burst in early 2000, God helped us through that time. We suffered financially like ALL churches and ministries did in the aftermath of the 2008 housing crisis. God helped us through that time. GOD IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSON AND THE SAME GOD WHO HELPED US IN 2000, THE SAME GOD WHO HELPED US IN 2008, THE SAME GOD WHO HELPED US LAST MONTH, IS THE SAME GOD WHO SILL SUPPLY OUR NEEDS TODAY AND TOMORROS!!! It is in these times where millions of families are faced with economic challenges they never imagined just 60 days ago, that our faith must become real. In the end, God, not man, is your supplier. It was God, not man, who promised to meet your daily needs of food, shelter, and clothing. It is a scary time for many, but a time to lean on your faith and trust the Lord to not just supply your needs each day, but, to open the right doors and guide your every step as people nationwide get back to work. My word for you today is a simple one, “TRUST THE LORD, HE IS THE SUPPLIER OF YOUR EVERY NEED AND WILL PROVIDE ABOVE AND BEYOND, MORE THAN YOU CAN ASK OR THINK!!!” AMEN!!!

***LIVEPRAYER/REV. BILL KELLER NETFLIX PROJECT: We are trying to close this out by April 30th! As I shared recently, the cost for the pilot episode is $50,000. We broke that up into 10 units of $5,000, with up to a 10% return after 90 days. We have the final 5 units left. If interested, I can send you the executed Letter of Intent to move the project forward and would like you to take a look at this and pray if it is something you might be in a position to be part of. Since this is time sensitive due to the fact so many people are at home right now and fresh content for the streaming services is at a premium, please contact me if you are interested: bkeller@liveprayer.com

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm

One of the joys in my life is to look over some of the thousands of incredible praise reports we receive every day here at Liveprayer. Real people that had emailed us to pray about real issues in their life. It is a tremendous honor and privilege to be able to stand in agreement with people for the needs they face during the course of their journey through life. I am always moved to see God's grace and mercy at work in the lives of people as He answers their prayers.

Several times each year, I like to share a sampling of those praise reports with you. I do this because so many of you are facing great obstacles in your life today, and need to know God is there. The Bible proclaims that God is no respecter of persons. That simply means what God has done for someone else, He will do for you. So I want you to know today that no matter what your need is, what your problem is, what the battle you are fighting may be, God not only hears your prayers, BUT HE ANSWERS YOUR PRAYERS!

Also, so many of you pray and sacrificially give to the work God is doing here at Liveprayer. I want to encourage you today as well, that your prayers, and your gifts to this work are not in vain. What we do each and every day for over 2.5 million people all over the world is only possible because you care, you pray, and you give. Let these praise reports be an encouragement to you that God is using you to make a difference in the lives of people. God is using your obedience, your faithfulness to reach those who are lost and hurting with His love and hope. May God use these praise reports today to be a blessing to you!

Brother Keller, Recently I asked you to pray for Dillan who was abducted by his dad. His grandfather let me know that he drove to Ohio to pick Dillan up. Praise God. and Jesus. His grandfather extends his thanks to you."

"Dear Bill, I prayed with you and am responding for information that will assist me in my new life in Christ."

"That TV program you did on strip clubs made it easy for me to resist temptation for me to go to them."

"I sent an email to LivePrayer.com for healing. I was so very sick with fever and chills. My body was so weak that I could hardly walk. I was healed and I am so very grateful for Gods mercy and love for doing this for me. I want to express more praise because I am so thankful but do not know what to say other than thank you and Praise God."

"Hello Bill, I just watched your TV program for the first time and I want to congratulate you. You did not back down from the Truth no matter how difficult it may have been for people to hear. How refreshing in this day of watered down preaching! Thank you for telling the truth. You gave my husband and I so much hope and so much strength, you just can't imagine. God Bless you Bill."

"Hello my name is Justin, and I just prayed that prayer. Your video asked me to send you an e-mail telling you so, and now I have. Thank you!"

"About a year ago, I contacted LivePrayer to request prayer for transportation, as I had no way of getting anywhere, depending solely on others. Just recently, I was gifted with a next to new SUV truck, that more than meets my needs and is above and beyond anything I could ask or think! I cannot thank you enough for holding me up in prayer on this. This vehicle has been dedicated to our God to be used for His glory! God Bless my LivePrayer family!"

"Praise the Lord! I had asked for prayer that my mother's house would be sold and it is. Praise the Lord and thank you for praying."


"Hi Bill. I emailed you about 10 days ago in regards to my getting a job. I'm very happy to report that God opened the doors to a good job with a very sound company. Thank you for your prayers."

"You have prayed on my behalf for at least 3 years and I THANK YOU. My prayers have been answered! My husband and I have been reconciled for 10 months and things could not be better. The devil still attempts to manifest, but IS ALREADY DEFEATED in JESUS NAME. Thank you so much for the many reassuring thoughts, and words, and mostly deeds of prayer without ceasing on my behalf."

"Praise God! My mortgage company dismissed its foreclosure action against me."

"I just said the sinners prayer and would like the info you talked about."

I love you and care about you so much. May these praise reports encourage you today that no matter what your problem may be, God is there for you. Also, thanks to all of my dear friends that so faithfully pray for this ministry each day and sacrificially give to keep us here.


All praise goes to our great God for His unconditional love for us and his endless grace and mercy. He is worthy to be praised!!!!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller