Daily Devotional for Monday March 23, 2020

This is what a faithless nation looks like!!! Personal reflections by Liveprayer.com founder Bill Keller!

(2 Chronicles 7:13, 14)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Oh Lord, give us Your strength in these difficult days. We know You and You alone are our provider and our protector. Please watch over me, my family, and loved ones as we trust You each day. I know You will deliver us one day very soon. Let us never forget these perilous days where we have been reminded of our dependence upon You. Our faith and hope is in You oh Lord...AMEN!!!

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: MANY STATES NOW HALTING ALL ELECTIVE SURGERIES AS I HAD SUGGESTED LAST FRIDAY!!! Many states are now declaring a halt on all elective surgeries. AMEN! But, not so fast my friend! Other than Ohio, New York, California, Illinois, Washington, and every other state having have all carved out one exemption. Wait. You guessed it...KILLING INNOCENT BABIES!!! The states with most deaths right now, BOTH STILL UNDER 100, are Washington State and New York. Washington State ironically is leading the charge to kill old people thru euthanasia and doctor assisted suicide. New York you may remember just a few months ago passed in their state assembly new abortion laws so babies can be slaughtered pretty much at any place, for any reason, and at any time including a botched abortion where the baby is out of the womb and still alive! At the passing of this law, led by great self-professing Catholic governor Andrew Cuomo, there was a great cheer in the NY statehouse. Cuomo was so proud of his accomplishment he had the Empire State Building lit up pink that night in celebration! SO WHILE MANY ARE PRAYING FOR GOD TO INTERVENE AND HELP OUR NATION AT THIS CRITICAL TIME, WE ARE MAKING A SPECIAL EXEMPTION TO INSURE WE DON’T STOP KILLING BABIES! IT IS LIKE A DRUNK PRAYING FOR GOD TO HELP HIM STOP DRINKING...WHILE SUCKING ON THE NECK OF A GALLON OF VODKA!!!

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm

This is what a faithless nation looks like!!! How are you doing? Seriously! Are you OK? In the 21 years of Liveprayer and all of the challenges we have faced together, this is probably the most intense since it literally affects every man, woman, and child in our nation and around the world! However, out of the 7 billion people on the planet, God has brought together apx. 2.5 million in this brief moment in human history to be the Liveprayer family.

I have had the honor to pray for many as they were still in the womb, working their way through school, their years of employment, getting married, having children, finishing this journey through life, and of course all of sad events people face such as divorce, sickness, addiction, the death of a family member and loved ones, employment issues, and financial challenges to name a few.

Please know I am praying for you and your family during these challenging days we are living in. I pray for the Lord to keep you healthy, safe, and meet your every need each day as He promised in His Word!

Today is a unique Daily Devotional unlike any I have written since we began 7,510 days ago. As you can imagine, I have been inundated over the past weeks with what do I “really” think. For anyone who has been part of Liveprayer for any length of time, you know I ALWAYS share with you what I really think and never hold back.

However, today I will be sharing some of my random thoughts in no particular order that I pray will help you in your understanding of what we are currently facing today. Know this. I love you and care about you so much. God has called us to walk together in this season of our brief journey through life and I pray for you and your family each day.

-If you go to the search engine for the Liveprayer Daily Devotional (https://liveprayer.com/devo.cfm ) and type in the word “coronavirus,” you will get the 14 Daily Devotionals since I first started talking about this on 1/31, long before 99% of the media was even paying attention since they were fixated on the impeachment hoax. Also, if you go to our TV program archives (https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-watch.cfm ), I first started talking about what has become a worldwide pandemic on Monday January 20th, and most programs since that date have at least some mention of the Wuhan Flu. Subsequently, many religious leaders have been echoing my call in the early days for “faith over fear!”

-For some reason (God), as we ended 2019 and moved into 2020, I began encouraging the viewers of the TV program to make sure they take each day in the new year as the gift from God it is. We know the Bible tells us that tomorrow is promised to none of us. Each day is truly a unique and special gift unlike any day we have ever seen before and will never see again. I wasn’t clear why God had me doing this, though am starting to understand much more with each passing day.

-In my quiet time with the Lord these past weeks, I have been telling God that we are now at this place, what do you want me to do? His response was simply to keep doing what I have been doing each day, as faithfully as possible, and know that virtually all of the seeds planted I will never see come to maturity, and the magnitude of how God has used Liveprayer will never be fully realized until Glory. He reminded me that what needs to be done can’t be done by men but only the power of the Holy Spirit. It will be up to the people to either choose God as the Ninevites did and usher in a great spiritual revival, or continue to choose rebellion and suffer God’s full wrath and judgment as the children of Israel sadly did on many occasions. My job is to continue to call the people to repentance.

-OT prophets I have always seen myself in the role of an OT prophet. Living in caves, wearing sackcloth, dining on cow dung the meal of the prophet, while railing against the corrupt spiritual leaders of the day and publicly decrying the sins of the political leaders. Meanwhile, declaring the Truth of God to a rebellious people who want to wallow in their sin and not be confronted with their rejection of God. It is the unenviable position of having everyone against you except God, yet I never forget that the Bible tells us you and God are ALWAYS a majority!

-My flesh (satan) often tells me that I am an utter failure. After 21 years of such a high profile platform to declare God’s Word, reaching tens of millions worldwide, calling a lost and rebellions nation to repent and turn back to God and His Truth, and now having to watch how FAST God can bring a nation to its’ knees for rejecting that message. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, calling a nation to repent, and now seeing the people RUNNING in the opposite direction as they curse God.

-My sadness is bolstered by God’s declaration in Ezekiel 33 where God tells the watchman that if he doesn’t warn the people and they perish, their blood is on his hands. However, if he warns the people and they ignore the warning, his hands are clean. MY PRAYER EACH NIGHT IS TO BE ABLE TO STAND BEFORE GOD WHEN IT IS MY TURN AND SHOW HIM MY HANDS ARE FREE OF BLOOD!!!!!!!

-As I have clearly shared, my personal feeling is that we have one more very bad week ahead, and next week we will start to see the first signs of the nation starting to return back to normalcy. That process will proceed throughout the month of April, but people will be encouraged as they see their lives begin to return back to where they were just a short month ago. As for the financial markets, I see them stabilizing as of early April, and by the end of May, early June, the Dow Jones being back into the 27,000 range.

-I have constantly reinforced several facts. COVID-19 came from China. It is very real. It is very contagious. It is also NOT the bubonic plague. We know that less than 1% of those infected will die, and the VAST MAJORITY will be elderly with other existing health issues. Most people infected will never know they have it and recover as will over 99% of those who do test positive. Did you know 100x as many people have ALREADY died from the flu this year than from the Wuhan flu? Why don’t we literally close down the nation since we already know at a minimum 29,000 will die this year from the flu?

-As someone who deals with death every single day of my life, has counseled people facing death and comforted millions who have lost loved ones over 2 decades, I am as compassionate as anyone could be about this issue. However, the fact is we will ALL die one day. That is a fact of this life and one a follower of Christ doesn’t fear but looks forward to! Every life is precious and from God and as a humane people we should do all we can to help people live as long as they can. I find it incredibly hypocritical that we as a culture are putting so much emphasis on life, while at the same time openly slaughtering apx. 4,000 lives every day. Oh, and now we are fast-tracking killing the elderly through euthanasia and doctor assisted suicide!

-Again, in no way minimizing those who have lost their lives, but in context, they were elderly with other pre-existing medical issues. Most people with cancer do not die from cancer, they get pneumonia or some “virus” that actually kills them. Understanding this we MUST deal with the fact that we cannot destroy the nation’s economy that 330,000 million people in the United States and 7 billion people around the world depend upon. It is a legitimate question to ask if we are willing to destroy 10s of millions of lives, the entire nation at some point, for a thousand people who are already dealing with medical issues that will eventually take their life?

-As someone who majored in broadcast journalism at THE Ohio State University School of Journalism back in 1975, I have utter disgust and disdain for what is being presented today as journalism. After abandoning whatever pretense of objectiveness they tried to present, due to the failure of the Russia hoax they were active participants in, followed up by the impeachment hoax that again they played a big role in, the mainstream media is now all in rooting daily for pain, suffering, death, and financial ruin. The mainstream media is once again an active participant leading the hysterical charge to exploit this health crisis to accomplish their selfish agenda.

-It is hard to accept, but in order to ultimately say “they were right about Donald Trump,” the mainstream media is in full attack mode to once and for all try to insure Donald Trump is NOT re-elected this November. If it takes people dying and millions losing their jobs and economic hardships on tens of millions of people, so be it. THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS! Sadly, at a time when the nation needs a vibrant and objective media, they have squandered that sacred trust to advance their own objectives. By the way, never doubt that in taking out President Trump, the media also takes out a huge part of his core supporters, people they also loathe and are disgusted by...BIBLE BELIEVING CHRISTIANS!!!

-The government has used a very legitimate issue to shut down our churches. My concern is now that they know they can do it, what if their next reason to shut down the churches isn’t legitimate but simply an excuse to shut them down like China has done!!! Just as concerning is what other rights are being put in jeopardy? Our right to free speech, keep and bear arms, from illegal search and seizure to name a few. What Constitutional rights are we going to set a precedent by sacrificing during this health crisis?

I love you and care about you so much. I DO NOT believe this is God unleashing his full wrath and judgment on this land. I DO believe that God is showing us how quickly life as we know can be over forever! Please know I am praying for you and your family as the Lord guides you through these difficult days we are living in. Never forget that God will always have the last word.

I firmly believe this is a test like the nation has never experienced before in our 243 history. The war for our independence, the civil war, world wars, the great depression, other financial crashes, as well as previous health outbreaks. The United States has come through them all by the grace and mercy of God!

As life begins to return to a sense of normalcy in the coming weeks, as the financial markets rebound over the next few months, I pray people will understand that if we don’t bow our knee to God our Creator and embrace His Truth once again, the next time there will be no return to normalcy in any aspect of our daily lives. God is giving us a wake-up call. As I asked weeks ago, is anyone listening?

Easter Sunday is a few weeks away. Easter is about the resurrection. I am praying that this Easter churches across the nation are packed and overflowing as a grateful people repent of their sins, embrace God, and commit to living by the Truth of His Word. Will you join me in this prayer? God bless you, your family, and God bless the United States of America and all the nations of the world!!!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller