Daily Devotional for Wednesday March 4, 2020

Do you fear God?

(Luke 12:4,5; Ecclesiastes 12:13)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: This is the day the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!!! Thank You for this wonderful day my Lord. It is a day like none other. There will never be another day like this day. Let me never take for granted even one day of this precious gift of life You bestow upon me. Let me do something this day to bring honor and glory to You. I love You Lord, my life is Yours, use it for Your glory. Thank You for Your many blessings, so many I can't even begin to count them. In the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I pray...AMEN!!!

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: A black pastor in Flint, Michigan confronted the head of the Democratic Party Tom Perez and asked him if there was room for people like him in the Democratic Party. That pastor stated that he is pro-life, pro-Biblical marriage, against sexual perversion, yet he is confronted by his congregation that he preaches these things on Sunday morning and on Monday they are supposed to support candidates who promote the exact opposite. To be blunt, this pastor’s issues isn’t with the Democratic Party but his own priorities! What is more important to him? What he says he believes according to his faith or a political party he may agree with on many issues yet is in complete opposition to his faith beliefs? As I have shared often, politics is an inherently evil human institution yet necessary to govern large populations. It is an institution that is animated by and rewards fleshly desires like raw power and greed. That has not or ever will change. So for a person of faith they have to remember that a politician is NOT a pastor or religious leader and never will be. That is why God separated the earthly leaders (kings) and spiritual leaders (priests). The best you can pray for is a politician who will not hurt your faith beliefs, hopefully govern according to those beliefs you hold dear, and certainly not govern in complete opposition to those beliefs. For a pastor, he is someone who has answered God’s call to lead the people spiritually. It is incumbent upon that person to be 100% clear where he stands on Biblical Truth and certainly not preach those Truths from his pulpit on Sunday morning, yet support people who would govern in complete rebellion to those Truths on Monday!

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm

Men no longer fear God! Jesus taught his disciples a great truth about human nature that is just as applicable today as it was when our Lord spoke these words. He pointed out how men feared other men, those who could take their life, but had no real fear of God, the one who could condemn their soul to eternal punishment. Fast forward 2000 years later and the same mindset exists. Men will fear other men, but have little to no fear of God. We fear those who can kill us, but the reality is, we will all die one day. We show no fear of God, the one each man will stand before and be judged by the moment they die.

If you accept the Bible for what it is, God's inspired, inerrant word representing absolute truth and our final authority in all matters, then Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived. Over the years, I have carefully studied his life, the things he said, trying to tap into his wisdom. As a man, like all men, Solomon made many mistakes in his life and gave into the temptations of this sinful world on many occasions. It doesn't make me feel any better, but it does help when I make mistakes to know that even the wisest man who ever lived also made many mistakes during his life.

I have torn apart the Book of Ecclesiastes many times and have spent countless hours reading Solomon's summation of this life. In looking back over his life, having had all that anyone who lives in this world could ever want, the word that Solomon used over and over was "meaningless." As he looked back, he realized that in the end all of the temporal things of this world were exactly that, meaningless. It is, actually, a pretty negative book until you get to the next to last verse. As only the wisest man who ever lived could, in 6 words Solomon summed up what this life is all about, "Fear God and Keep His Commandments."

This may sound like an oversimplification, but it really isn't. The Hebrew word for fear is not the type of fear you have when you are afraid, but literally means to be in awe, in reverence. That should always be our attitude towards God-awe and reverence. Keeping His commandments refers to obeying the Word of God. My friends, if we can do this throughout our lives, fear God and keep His commandments, we have found the key to what this life is really all about since this is the whole duty of man.

You see, this world honors those who lead great armies into war, rule empires and nations; those who have amassed tremendous wealth; people who are responsible for accomplishing incredible feats during their life. But all of these great accomplishments are only temporary. The truly great accomplishments in this life are the things we do that will stand for eternity. Sharing the truth of God's Word with people, leading the lost to an everlasting relationship with Jesus Christ, helping those who know Christ become all God wants them to be. These are things the world will never see, but God will remember.

Solomon at the end of his long, successful, and distinguished life on this earth summed it all up by saying that the whole duty of man is to fear God and keep His commandments!!!

I love you and care about you so much. I tell you often to stay focused on the things above as opposed to the things of this life. I pray, today, that you will take a long hard look at your goals and priorities, and make fearing God and keeping His commandments number one. Our purpose in this life is to serve and glorify God. If fearing Him and keeping His commandments is how to fulfill His purpose for our life, then that must be our top priority each day.

I pray today that you will listen to the wisdom of Solomon and that each day the most important thing in your life will be to "fear God and keep His commandments." That, my friend, is the whole duty of man and the bottom line to what this life is all about. I pray today that you will heed the words of Jesus and not fear men who can kill your physical body that will one day expire and return to the dust of the earth as God commanded, but fear the one who will judge your eternal soul...God!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller