Daily Devotional for Thursday February 27, 2020

Six words that can make all the difference in your life this very moment!!!

(Mark 10:27)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, please help me to use the opportunities to serve You that are available as I go through each day. By grace I know Your love, and peace, and hope, and have a responsibility to share that with others. So many are searching for what I have, give me the boldness and courage to not be shy about helping them find Your hope and love as I have. Use me for Your glory oh Lord. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!!!

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: Are Kanye West and Justin Bieber for real about being a Christian? Only God knows our hearts and if only He knows if these two men are truly saved. However, like everyone we are able to use our discernment to judge their words and deeds...as we are commanded to do! It is reasonable to question the sincerity of someone’s faith who has been so high profile in living a life clearly in rebellion to God and His Word. Knowing human nature, my guess is that many in the early church were questioning the sincerity of Paul’s faith. After all it wasn’t much earlier he had been a great persecutor of the early church, so such questions were normal AND LEGITIMATE! As for Kanye and Justin, I pray for them daily and pray they truly are serious about being their Christian faith. When such high profile people become so vocal, they are held to a ridiculous standard and it only takes one or two bad decisions for a society hoping for them to fall to pounce and declare them as fakes, hypocrites. My Bible says we ALL sin and come short of the glory of God. As committed as Kanye and Justin may be, they will stumble along the way...AS WE ALL DO AT TIMES! It doesn’t mean they are faking it, only that they are human. The key is when they do, do we Christians join the world in lambasting them? My gut tells me they are both serious about their faith. Both of getting incredible grief from the world for their stand. Bieber comes from a Christian home and still has close ties to his family. West grew up in the church, so it is not foreign to him. Again, only God knows their hearts, but based on their words and deeds in recent months I find it very refreshing to see these two making a splash for Christ in the culture. We abandoned the culture and it is virtually impossible to get back on that stage. These two are there, people are watching, and no doubt God is using their efforts to impact lives and even save souls. So join me and pray for them both, that the Lord to surround them with strong Believers so they can continue to grow, and for HIS favor as they take the hope of Christ to this lost world in the unique way God has called them to be His witness at this moment in human history. By the way, we are ALL given unique ways and opportunities to serve the Lord and God is challenging each one of us to be bold and visible about our faith!

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm

There are many great and precious promises in the Bible. In the Book of John Chapters 14, 15, and 16 we are told by the Lord that God will give us what we ask for in the name of Jesus. In Matthew Chapter 7 we are told, “ask, and it shall be given you.” The 37th Psalm tells us that He will give us the “desires of our heart.”

Today, I want to give you a promise in the Bible that will literally transform your life. They are six words spoken by Jesus that can make all the difference in your life this very moment. Individually, they are just six common words but put together as they were by our Lord, they give us one of the greatest promises we have in God’s Word. This is YOUR promise today!

“All things are possible with God.” (Mark 10:27)

Jesus didn’t say some things . . . He didn’t say a few things . . . He didn’t say a couple of things . . . He didn’t say selected things . . . He didn’t say certain things . . . HE SAID ALL THINGS!!!!

That means if you are sick in your body, God can heal you! That means if you need a financial miracle, God is your source! That means if your marriage is in trouble, God can restore it! That means is you need a job, God can open the doors for employment!

That means if you are in some form of bondage, God can set you free! That means if your children are away from God, God can bring them home! That means if you have lost a loved one, God can ease the pain! No matter what your need is today, God is able to meet that need!

YOUR promise today is six words from Jesus, “ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD!!!”

I want you to take a moment right now and pray about the most important thing you need from God today. There is not one person who is reading this that doesn’t need something from God. If you could ask God for anything, anything at all, what would it be? The fact is, you CAN ask God for anything. You have been told in His Word to ask for anything, so now it is time.

I want you to focus on the one thing that you want from God and pray this simple prayer. “Dear God, I know that your Word is true and I believe today that all things are possible with You. I want (insert here the one thing you want from God). In Jesus name. Amen!”

I love you and care about you so much. Now is the time to make your faith real and believe God’s Word. There is nothing wrong in your life today that God can’t fix. I want you to know that I will be standing in agreement with you for the one thing that you have asked God for today. I am believing with you for that need you prayed for to be met.

Remember God’s promise for you today, “ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD!!!”

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller