Daily Devotional for Saturday December 21, 2019


(2 Timothy 1:5)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, YOU are my provider. You know my daily needs. You promised to care what I need each day for life....food, shelter, clothing. I put my trust in You. You own the cattle on a thousand hills, and I come to You today to Thank You for providing for my needs in the past, and knowing my needs today. Today, I come to You, asking You to meet those needs as you promised in Your Word! In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!


***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: The tragic, but not surprising ambush aimed at Christians, by Christians! Over the past 24 hours, I have watched people who LOATHE Christians and all we believe, suddenly embrace and fawn over a Christian. All of the MSM media vehicles have given extensive time to Mark Galli, the Editor in Chief of Christianity Today. Galli wrote a scathing opinion piece in CT that parroted the false and unsubstantiated claims made by House Democrats that led to President Trump’s impeachment this week. The bottom line of Galli’s clearly politically motivated article was that President Trump needed to be removed from office and Christians should better never forget who we serve. Since there are very few “coincidence” in the political world, it was learned that Galli will be stepping down as the Editor in Chief of CT in the next two days.

After 20+ years laboring in the “marketplace” with extensive dealings with the secular media, I can tell you that in 2019 it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to get into the daily news stream with a Biblical worldview. Yet, due to Galli calling for President Trump’s removal, the MSM who cheerleads for killing innocent babies, sexual perversion, and hates Israel, gladly gave him all the time he needed to explain why a Christian is not a real Christian if they support and vote for President Trump. I have written NUMEROUS Daily Devotionals over the Trump Presidency on this very issue. You can go to the Daily Devotional archives on the Liveprayer website, type in keyword TRUMP, and read the in-depth thoughts I have shared on this issue. Here is all you need to know about CT. Yes, it is a publication co-founded in 1956 by Billy Graham at his alma mater Wheaton College in suburban Chicago. However, over the past 20 years, it has become a very “liberal” magazine that focused extensively on the social issues of the day.

Galli’s opinion is one that I have spoken about many times in the Daily Devotional and on the TV program. Donald Trump is a thrice married whoremonger, he is an egotistical greedy narcissist, a brute in many ways, profane, cheats people in business, and many find to be a very vile and disgusting human being. Much of that is true. It is also true that he has lived his life for the past 40 years in public view for the world to see. There was nothing about Donald Trump that people didn’t already know. So Galli prefaced his argument on these known facts over his life prior to become President. What he failed to mention was that according to the top evangelical leaders of the day, he has made a personal profession of faith to Christ. I happen to have a personal relationship with 3 people who are on his faith counsel and very close to him. The have all confirmed this. As I have stated before, only God knows his heart, and my personal assessment is that if he is truly born again, like so many he is a very “new” believer who has not grown much. Time will tell.

The core argument to Galli however is what is the alternative? In 2016, Christians were face with Hillary Clinton, someone who we KNEW would support the anti-Christian, anti-Israel, baby killing, pro-sexual deviant policies of the previous 8 years under President Obama. She would appoint liberal, anti-Constitutionalist judges to the Supreme Court as well as the lower Federal Courts. We knew that 100%. Donald Trump was a pure wildcard. He made lots of promises to Christians as ALL Republican Presidential candidates have done. Not voting, voting for a 3rd party would hand the Presidency to Hillary Clinton. So the vast majority of Christians prayed and voted for Donald Trump. THEY WERE NOT VOTING FOR A PASTOR BUT A PRESIDENT, AND LIKE ALL POLITICIANS, VOTING FOR THE PERSON WHO THEY PRAYED WOULD BEST REPRESENT THEIR FAITH VALUES.

Three years later, what Galli left out was President Trump kept his promises! He has been arguably the most pro-Israel, pro-life, pro-religious liberties President in history. He has appointed 2 strict Constitutionalists to the Supreme Court and over 200 Federal judges. I hear all the time he really doesn’t believe what he says and is “faking it.” Again, that will ultimately be between him and God, but please give me a President who “fakes it” with the real world results President Trump has produced!!! Galli and CT are nothing but a holier-than-thou moralists whose standards are fine for the pastor of a local church, but Christians aren’t stupid and know all politicians are part of an inherently evil institution necessary for governance.

At the end of the day, all we can pray for are politicians who won’t attack our faith, and if they help advance it in any way that is a bonus. For the record, ALL major evangelical leaders, including Franklin Graham have come out in condemnation of this CT opinion piece and in full support for President Trump. Their reasons are exactly what I shared with you soon after his election, over several times during the past 3 years, and here today. Those who oppose President Trump politically understand the Christian vote was critical to him becoming President, and will be just as critical next November for his re-election. Sadly, Galli became a sad tool of the political opponents of President Trump, doing their bidding in trying to break the support of Christians for the President. The only one who can do that is President Trump, and based on his DEEDS as President, he will keep that support.

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm


With 10 days left in 2019, the challenge God has for you in this upcoming new year is easy to understand, but not easy to perform! It will not sound very difficult, but trust me my friend, you will need to be prayed up each day and spiritually plugged in 24/7 so you are operating in His strength and power in order to succeed. Accepting this challenge and doing your best each day can make 2019 not only the most spiritually productive year of your life, but a year in which you will grow in the Lord like you never have in your life!!!

The challenge is simply this. Each day the Lord blesses you with in 2020, each day He allows you to wake up, before you end that day by going to sleep, you need to do something during that day for the Lord. I am not talking about your personal time with the Lord in prayer and the Word. That is a given. I am talking about doing something SPECIFIC DURING THAT DAY for the Lord.

At first glance this doesn’t seem to be that difficult. It could be finding someone during that day to share your faith with. It could be taking 30 minutes of the day and finding some way to serve the needs of others. It could be going out of your way at some point in the day to help someone you know who is in need. There are almost endless things you can do during the day that you consciously and specifically do in order to lay down to sleep at night and be able to point to at least ONE THING you did that day to serve Jesus!

Now, let me help you understand the real life difficulty of being successful in this challenge. How many people, better yet, how many times have you started the year with the goal of losing so much weight, for a smoker to stop smoking, to read the Bible cover to cover, or for any other issue in your life that you wanted to focus on. You do real good January 1st, 2nd, 3rd, maybe throughout the whole month! But, than comes February, March, April, and I submit to you that in most cases what you diligently set out to accomplish starting January 1st is a faded memory.

Trust me, I am not trying to guilt you or shame you. This is simply human nature. So, while having the goal of doing something specific for the Lord every day He blesses you with in 2019 may not seem like such a hard thing to accomplish, it will be! That is why I say you will have to be prayed up each day, spend some time in the Word each day, and be focused throughout EVERY DAY to find that time, that specific thing you will do THAT DAY to serve the Lord!

My friend, the greatest legacy that you can leave is in the lives you touch for God. As I have gotten older, each passing year makes me realize all the more how brief our journey here really is. It is only natural that we think about how we might be remembered after we are gone. I don't want to sound cold, but the fact is, other than our family and possibly a few close friends, the memory of our life will fade quickly.

Once we are gone from this life, there is very little left to remind people that we were even here. Some people may be memorialized by having a building or road named after them, others may have their memory honored by having an event named after them, but for most there will be little evidence of this life once it is over. My purpose today is not to discourage you, but to challenge you in regard to how you CAN live on long after your life here is over.

I have often talked about leaving behind the temporal things of this world when we die. How the only thing we will take from this life into eternity is our relationship with Christ. Our works will be tested and much of what we do in this life will be burned up as wood, hay, and stubble. The works that will stand the test of fire are those eternal works. So it is with our legacy, what we leave behind. We leave behind our name, which may or may not continue. The most visible thing we leave is our children, but they too will one day die.

What we do leave behind that will NOT pass away are those souls who will live for eternity because we were obedient to God. Understand that only the Holy Spirit can bring a person to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. However, God uses human instruments to affect a person's life and bring them to that point. Your prayers, your kind words, your acts of charity, your unconditional love for others during your life will live on in that person for eternity!

The point I want you to understand today is that it is never too early in life, or too late in life to impact someone for eternity. It is after all our purpose in this life. Our purpose is to serve and glorify God. Our service to God comes in the service to others. Our service to others has ETERNAL consequences. It is our greatest legacy. It is the part of us that WILL live on for eternity. We live on long after we leave this life, in the lives of those we touch along our journey.

Also, let me remind you that another way you can impact lives for Christ is through your giving to Liveprayer. Every person is at a different place financially during the many seasons that make up our life. That is why God’s Word teaches to “give according to your ability to give.” It is NOT the amount you give, but the heart you give it with, your obedience to give as the Lord purposes in your heart to give.

Let me challenge you with this for the coming year. After over 2 decades, 243 months, 7,416 days of ministering to the needs of people worldwide while boldly bringing His Truth into the marketplace, I know 2020 will be our busiest years of ministry yet. Because of the fact that the vast percentage of the past 2 generations have never been to church, a culture in spiritual freefall, our work has never been more critical in shining HIS light in the darkness of our world and in the broken and damaged lives of those who come to us each day in their hour of need!

The totality of our ministry operations, Liveprayer.com, the Daily Devotional, our personal responses to apx. 40,000 emails every 24 hours, the Liveprayer TV program “live” 5 nights a week, is $55,000 a month, just over $1,800 a day! For context, that is the annual budget of a local church with !,000 or less congregants who meet once a week! That my friend is a modern day loaves and fishes miracle. That would be just 30 people making a commitment to the Lord that every month during 2020 you will sacrifice $1,800 to Liveprayer!


Because I have refused to turn Liveprayer into a marketing organization, advertising, renting out email names, selling products, all of the things major ministries do to raise money on top of their donations, our challenge from day one, 7,416 days ago, was to stand in faith for God’s provision as Paul did by sharing his needs with those he ministered to. Liveprayer ministers in the marketplace that has been abandoned by the church and most ministries. The biggest challenge we have when reaching out to the lost is for them to trust you. Most outside of the faith see ministries and churches as a money hustle, and unfortunately in too many cases they are right. So we take that out of the conversation to simply minister to their needs and share with them the hope and love of Jesus.


So please be praying my friend about what God is calling YOU to sacrifice in 2020 to insure His work here at Liveprayer continues to be that beacon of HIS light in the darkness of today’s world. Pray about allowing God to use you, the resources He has blessed you with, to insure each month during 2020 I can focus 100% of my time and energy on ministering to the lost and hurting and not the resources we require to simply do our work! Again, just 30 people making a monthly commitment of $1,800 insures our basic ministry operations are taken care of each month. Pray about allowing the Lord to use you as one of those 30 in 2020!!!

I love you and care about you so much. I pray that you will read these words over and over for the next few days and begin praying about accepting this daunting challenge for the upcoming year. This is not a game, but is very serious. Only God knows how HE can use your focused efforts each day to impact lives and advance His Kingdom. He is only asking you to participate, to be a human instrument He can use each day to bring about His perfect plan and purpose.

This is one of those Devotionals that you should print out and keep with you. We all go through those times in our life when we wonder what it is all about, if it really matters. The answer is a resounding YES! We need to be reminded from time to time that we are significant because God can use us in His plan and purpose to touch other lives each and every day along our journey if we allow Him to.

My challenge to you today is to make sure you leave an eternal legacy, that you live on after your death in the lives of those the Lord allows to cross your path each day. MAKE 2020 THE MOST SPIRITUALLY PRODUCTIVE YEAR IN YOUR LIFE!!!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: The tragic, but not surprising ambush aimed at Christians, by Christians! Over the past 24 hours, I have watched people who LOATHE Christians and all we believe, suddenly embrace and fawn over a Christian. All of the MSM media vehicles have given extensive time to Mark Galli, the Editor in Chief of Christianity Today. Galli wrote a scathing opinion piece in CT that parroted the false and unsubstantiated claims made by House Democrats that led to President Trump’s impeachment this week. The bottom line of Galli’s clearly politically motivated article was that President Trump needed to be removed from office and Christians should better never forget who we serve. Since there are very few “coincidence” in the political world, it was learned that Galli will be stepping down as the Editor in Chief of CT in the next two days.

After 20+ years laboring in the “marketplace” with extensive dealings with the secular media, I can tell you that in 2019 it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to get into the daily news stream with a Biblical worldview. Yet, due to Galli calling for President Trump’s removal, the MSM who cheerleads for killing innocent babies, sexual perversion, and hates Israel, gladly gave him all the time he needed to explain why a Christian is not a real Christian if they support and vote for President Trump. I have written NUMEROUS Daily Devotionals over the Trump Presidency on this very issue. You can go to the Daily Devotional archives on the Liveprayer website, type in keyword TRUMP, and read the in-depth thoughts I have shared on this issue. Here is all you need to know about CT. Yes, it is a publication co-founded in 1956 by Billy Graham at his alma mater Wheaton College in suburban Chicago. However, over the past 20 years, it has become a very “liberal” magazine that focused extensively on the social issues of the day.

Galli’s opinion is one that I have spoken about many times in the Daily Devotional and on the TV program. Donald Trump is a thrice married whoremonger, he is an egotistical greedy narcissist, a brute in many ways, profane, cheats people in business, and many find to be a very vile and disgusting human being. Much of that is true. It is also true that he has lived his life for the past 40 years in public view for the world to see. There was nothing about Donald Trump that people didn’t already know. So Galli prefaced his argument on these known facts over his life prior to become President. What he failed to mention was that according to the top evangelical leaders of the day, he has made a personal profession of faith to Christ. I happen to have a personal relationship with 3 people who are on his faith counsel and very close to him. The have all confirmed this. As I have stated before, only God knows his heart, and my personal assessment is that if he is truly born again, like so many he is a very “new” believer who has not grown much. Time will tell.

The core argument to Galli however is what is the alternative? In 2016, Christians were face with Hillary Clinton, someone who we KNEW would support the anti-Christian, anti-Israel, baby killing, pro-sexual deviant policies of the previous 8 years under President Obama. She would appoint liberal, anti-Constitutionalist judges to the Supreme Court as well as the lower Federal Courts. We knew that 100%. Donald Trump was a pure wildcard. He made lots of promises to Christians as ALL Republican Presidential candidates have done. Not voting, voting for a 3rd party would hand the Presidency to Hillary Clinton. So the vast majority of Christians prayed and voted for Donald Trump. THEY WERE NOT VOTING FOR A PASTOR BUT A PRESIDENT, AND LIKE ALL POLITICIANS, VOTING FOR THE PERSON WHO THEY PRAYED WOULD BEST REPRESENT THEIR FAITH VALUES.

Three years later, what Galli left out was President Trump kept his promises! He has been arguably the most pro-Israel, pro-life, pro-religious liberties President in history. He has appointed 2 strict Constitutionalists to the Supreme Court and over 200 Federal judges. I hear all the time he really doesn’t believe what he says and is “faking it.” Again, that will ultimately be between him and God, but please give me a President who “fakes it” with the real world results President Trump has produced!!! Galli and CT are nothing but a holier-than-thou moralists whose standards are fine for the pastor of a local church, but Christians aren’t stupid and know all politicians are part of an inherently evil institution necessary for governance.

At the end of the day, all we can pray for are politicians who won’t attack our faith, and if they help advance it in any way that is a bonus. For the record, ALL major evangelical leaders, including Franklin Graham have come out in condemnation of this CT opinion piece and in full support for President Trump. Their reasons are exactly what I shared with you soon after his election, over several times during the past 3 years, and here today. Those who oppose President Trump politically understand the Christian vote was critical to him becoming President, and will be just as critical next November for his re-election. Sadly, Galli became a sad tool of the political opponents of President Trump, doing their bidding in trying to break the support of Christians for the President. The only one who can do that is President Trump, and based on his DEEDS as President, he will keep that support.

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm


With 10 days left in 2019, the challenge God has for you in this upcoming new year is easy to understand, but not easy to perform! It will not sound very difficult, but trust me my friend, you will need to be prayed up each day and spiritually plugged in 24/7 so you are operating in His strength and power in order to succeed. Accepting this challenge and doing your best each day can make 2019 not only the most spiritually productive year of your life, but a year in which you will grow in the Lord like you never have in your life!!!

The challenge is simply this. Each day the Lord blesses you with in 2020, each day He allows you to wake up, before you end that day by going to sleep, you need to do something during that day for the Lord. I am not talking about your personal time with the Lord in prayer and the Word. That is a given. I am talking about doing something SPECIFIC DURING THAT DAY for the Lord.

At first glance this doesn’t seem to be that difficult. It could be finding someone during that day to share your faith with. It could be taking 30 minutes of the day and finding some way to serve the needs of others. It could be going out of your way at some point in the day to help someone you know who is in need. There are almost endless things you can do during the day that you consciously and specifically do in order to lay down to sleep at night and be able to point to at least ONE THING you did that day to serve Jesus!

Now, let me help you understand the real life difficulty of being successful in this challenge. How many people, better yet, how many times have you started the year with the goal of losing so much weight, for a smoker to stop smoking, to read the Bible cover to cover, or for any other issue in your life that you wanted to focus on. You do real good January 1st, 2nd, 3rd, maybe throughout the whole month! But, than comes February, March, April, and I submit to you that in most cases what you diligently set out to accomplish starting January 1st is a faded memory.

Trust me, I am not trying to guilt you or shame you. This is simply human nature. So, while having the goal of doing something specific for the Lord every day He blesses you with in 2019 may not seem like such a hard thing to accomplish, it will be! That is why I say you will have to be prayed up each day, spend some time in the Word each day, and be focused throughout EVERY DAY to find that time, that specific thing you will do THAT DAY to serve the Lord!

My friend, the greatest legacy that you can leave is in the lives you touch for God. As I have gotten older, each passing year makes me realize all the more how brief our journey here really is. It is only natural that we think about how we might be remembered after we are gone. I don't want to sound cold, but the fact is, other than our family and possibly a few close friends, the memory of our life will fade quickly.

Once we are gone from this life, there is very little left to remind people that we were even here. Some people may be memorialized by having a building or road named after them, others may have their memory honored by having an event named after them, but for most there will be little evidence of this life once it is over. My purpose today is not to discourage you, but to challenge you in regard to how you CAN live on long after your life here is over.

I have often talked about leaving behind the temporal things of this world when we die. How the only thing we will take from this life into eternity is our relationship with Christ. Our works will be tested and much of what we do in this life will be burned up as wood, hay, and stubble. The works that will stand the test of fire are those eternal works. So it is with our legacy, what we leave behind. We leave behind our name, which may or may not continue. The most visible thing we leave is our children, but they too will one day die.

What we do leave behind that will NOT pass away are those souls who will live for eternity because we were obedient to God. Understand that only the Holy Spirit can bring a person to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. However, God uses human instruments to affect a person's life and bring them to that point. Your prayers, your kind words, your acts of charity, your unconditional love for others during your life will live on in that person for eternity!

The point I want you to understand today is that it is never too early in life, or too late in life to impact someone for eternity. It is after all our purpose in this life. Our purpose is to serve and glorify God. Our service to God comes in the service to others. Our service to others has ETERNAL consequences. It is our greatest legacy. It is the part of us that WILL live on for eternity. We live on long after we leave this life, in the lives of those we touch along our journey.

Also, let me remind you that another way you can impact lives for Christ is through your giving to Liveprayer. Every person is at a different place financially during the many seasons that make up our life. That is why God’s Word teaches to “give according to your ability to give.” It is NOT the amount you give, but the heart you give it with, your obedience to give as the Lord purposes in your heart to give.

Let me challenge you with this for the coming year. After over 2 decades, 243 months, 7,416 days of ministering to the needs of people worldwide while boldly bringing His Truth into the marketplace, I know 2020 will be our busiest years of ministry yet. Because of the fact that the vast percentage of the past 2 generations have never been to church, a culture in spiritual freefall, our work has never been more critical in shining HIS light in the darkness of our world and in the broken and damaged lives of those who come to us each day in their hour of need!

The totality of our ministry operations, Liveprayer.com, the Daily Devotional, our personal responses to apx. 40,000 emails every 24 hours, the Liveprayer TV program “live” 5 nights a week, is $55,000 a month, just over $1,800 a day! For context, that is the annual budget of a local church with !,000 or less congregants who meet once a week! That my friend is a modern day loaves and fishes miracle. That would be just 30 people making a commitment to the Lord that every month during 2020 you will sacrifice $1,800 to Liveprayer!


Because I have refused to turn Liveprayer into a marketing organization, advertising, renting out email names, selling products, all of the things major ministries do to raise money on top of their donations, our challenge from day one, 7,416 days ago, was to stand in faith for God’s provision as Paul did by sharing his needs with those he ministered to. Liveprayer ministers in the marketplace that has been abandoned by the church and most ministries. The biggest challenge we have when reaching out to the lost is for them to trust you. Most outside of the faith see ministries and churches as a money hustle, and unfortunately in too many cases they are right. So we take that out of the conversation to simply minister to their needs and share with them the hope and love of Jesus.


So please be praying my friend about what God is calling YOU to sacrifice in 2020 to insure His work here at Liveprayer continues to be that beacon of HIS light in the darkness of today’s world. Pray about allowing God to use you, the resources He has blessed you with, to insure each month during 2020 I can focus 100% of my time and energy on ministering to the lost and hurting and not the resources we require to simply do our work! Again, just 30 people making a monthly commitment of $1,800 insures our basic ministry operations are taken care of each month. Pray about allowing the Lord to use you as one of those 30 in 2020!!!

I love you and care about you so much. I pray that you will read these words over and over for the next few days and begin praying about accepting this daunting challenge for the upcoming year. This is not a game, but is very serious. Only God knows how HE can use your focused efforts each day to impact lives and advance His Kingdom. He is only asking you to participate, to be a human instrument He can use each day to bring about His perfect plan and purpose.

This is one of those Devotionals that you should print out and keep with you. We all go through those times in our life when we wonder what it is all about, if it really matters. The answer is a resounding YES! We need to be reminded from time to time that we are significant because God can use us in His plan and purpose to touch other lives each and every day along our journey if we allow Him to.

My challenge to you today is to make sure you leave an eternal legacy, that you live on after your death in the lives of those the Lord allows to cross your path each day. MAKE 2020 THE MOST SPIRITUALLY PRODUCTIVE YEAR IN YOUR LIFE!!!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller