Daily Devotional for Tuesday December 17, 2019

Alone at Christmas!!!

(Deuteronomy 31:6)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Lord, give me the courage and boldness to share Your Truth each day with those You bring across my path. Help me Lord to not be afraid to stand for Your Word! Please empower me through your Holy Spirit each day so I can serve You to the best of my ability. Watch over me, protect me, guide me, and give me the words to honor and glorify You. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!!!

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: “If there is a God, when I get to Heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I’m heading straight in. I’ve EARNED my place in Heaven, it’s not even close!” Those are the words of the arrogant former Mayor of New York City and current nominee for the Democratic nomination for President Michael Bloomberg. You don’t need a theology degree, or really to know much about the Christian faith to understand this statement is not just the height of arrogance, but a soul currently who has ZERO chance of ever stepping foot into Heaven! Of course the whole statement begins questioning if God even exists, making the rest of the statement moot if he doesn’t. However, IF there is a God, to tell your Creator what you will and won’t do is insanity. When we take our last breath and stand before God, the “interview” has only one question, “have you accepted My Son Jesus by faith” and your entrance into Heaven hinges 100% on that answer. Lastly, Bloomberg echoes the mindset of most who are uber-wealthy in this world. They believe because they have done many things in their life that they and many others consider as “good things,” they have EARNED their place in Heaven (if there is such a place). Ephesians 2:8,9 gives us the “salvation formula” which teaches salvation is by our faith, plus God’s grace, plus NOTHING! It specifically states, “not of works lest any man should boast.” There is no ambiguity! “Good works” has ZERO to do with salvation since no amount of good works can take away your sins. ONLY FAITH IN JESUS CAN ACCOMPLISH THAT! This doesn’t preclude a person doing good works, since it is natural that good works will flow from anyone who comes to faith in Christ. Pray for Michael Bloomberg. If this is his belief, when he takes his last breath God’s Word clearly teaches his soul is bound for eternity in the punishment of hell.

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm

***SINGLE MOTHERS CHRISTMAS!!! Thank You to all who prayer, and those led to help with this effort. We were able to give $200 to 16 more single mothers and their children than the 30 we initially planned on. This was due to several of our friends being led to make the sacrifice to bless those in need this Christmas. I still here every year from moms and some of the children we helped going back to 2005 when we first began this special Christmas outreach. God is great and those seeds of kindness will always have an impact in the lives they are sown in. May we all never forget that this season is about giving, as God gave His very best, His Son Jesus!

While we usually think of this time of year as a time of being with family and friends, a time of great joy, the fact is for many it is one of the worst times of the year. Many people dread the holiday season because for many reasons they are alone and feel left out of the festivities associated with the Christmas season.

It is the time of year when suicides are at their highest. Being alone takes on a new significance during the holidays. This devotional today is dedicated to all of you reading these words who feel this way today. You don't have the joy, you don't have the Christmas spirit, because you are alone.

I want to encourage you today. First of all, I want to remind you as God told Joshua, as the Lord told His disciples, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." The fact is, God is always with us. While that fact is comforting, it still does not alleviate the loneliness many feel from a lack of human companionship. In the Book of Hebrews, God commanded that we "not forsake the fellowship of one another."

That means being part of a local church. You see, one of the important facets of being part of a local church is that it is a source of fellowship. It is where we can find people of like faith, who become part of our life. While many of you understand that God is always with you, and you have fellowship with other believers, you are still dealing with being alone.

The real loneliness that is so strong during this time of year is the loneliness that comes from not having a spouse, or not having a close intimate relationship with your family. One of life's mysteries to me after many years in the ministry is why God allows some to remain single. I wish I had an answer, but I don't. The best I can do is to encourage you to treat it like any other battle.

Get a plan, pray, and ask God for wisdom. Have someone who will pray with you and walk through this with you, and then rely on the strength God can give you each day. Don't be frustrated if you don't see results right away. His timing is always perfect, His grace sufficient for the day. God knows your desire and understands your need. As for your family, do all that you can to reconcile with any family members you are estranged from during this Christmas season.

I love you so much. I care about you. I know the pain and hurt so many are going thru during this wonderful season when others appear to be so full of joy. Please know that you will be in my prayers. I wish I had a magical answer but I don't. However, there is One who does have the answer. It is during these times in our life, these times when we hurt and things don't make sense, that we need to press in even deeper to our daily walk with Christ. You see, that is what will sustain you through those lonely, difficult times.

The promises in His Word are true. We need to find our peace, comfort, and joy in Him. In our service to Him. My best advice for those who are lonely, is to know that you are not alone. Find ways to serve others during this Christmas season. It is in your service that you find the true meaning not only of Christmas, but in what being a Christian is all about. It is also in service that we realize we really are never alone as long as we have Jesus.

As difficult as this Christmas season may be for you because you are alone, let me remind you that I am always here for you. You have the promise of God's Word that He will never leave you nor forsake you. Here is some advice for those who are alone this Christmas season. Let the Lord use YOU to bring His hope, His love, to someone else who may be alone this Christmas season.

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller