Daily Devotional for Saturday December 14, 2019

The light shines brightest in the darkness!!!

(Matthew 5:16)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, I know that it is Your desire that ALL come to repentance, that none be lost. Please give me a passion for souls. Help me to look at each person and never forget that they are created in Your image, that one day they will die, and they have an eternal soul. Take away any fear, any hesitancy, to share the hope we have in Jesus with those people You bring into my life. Let me never forget that without Jesus, their soul will be lost for all eternity and do my part to share with them how they can have everlasting life through faith in Jesus who died for their sins. It is in the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: The Church of Sweden has officially stated that climate hysteria activist Greta Thunberg is the successor of Jesus Christ. The Church of Sweden is known for its liberal position in theological issues. Translation, it is a FAKE CHURCH! As God has been removed from the daily life throughout Europe, what few once great Christian churches that still exist are nothing but Biblically compromised shells of the faith. So, it is not a surprise that a church which is more concerned with social issues than holiness and salvation, would make such a disgusting proclamation. The Bible told us that in the last days we would be worshipping the created over the Creator. That is also happening in this nation every day.

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm

***SINGLE MOTHERS CHRISTMAS!!! As we are under 2 weeks before Christmas, God has laid it on my heart to reach out and try to be a blessing to 30 single moms out there who can't afford to buy your children any presents this Christmas or have a nice dinner on Christmas day. Even though we still need to raise the final $43,000 to cover our December financial needs, God has blessed Liveprayer over the years because I have always been obedient to the Lord's voice and given into our own needs. The Holy Spirit has told me to give $200 to 30 single moms who otherwise won't have Christmas this year.

If you are a single mother and you have no way to provide some presents and a nice dinner for your children this Christmas, I want to help you make that happen. We will bless the first 30 single moms who contact us. You need to email me at: bkeller@liveprayer.com and in the Subject line, put SINGLE MOTHER CHRISTMAS. I need your name, your address, and your phone number so that someone on my staff can follow up with you. I am asking you please, don't ask for help if you have other places like your church or other groups in your area that can help you provide for your children this Christmas. This $200 is ONLY to be used to buy your children a few presents and have a nice Christmas dinner! *If you know of such a mother with children, please forward this message to them!

As you know, I have always led by example and have never asked you to do something I am not willing to do. I have committed to personally cover 15 of the gifts. Let me challenge those reading this today who want to help me be a blessing to a single mother and her children this Christmas. Pray today about being 1 of the other 15 people to make a special gift to Liveprayer by the end of the week of $200 to cover the gift we will send to one of the single mothers we are going to help this Christmas. If God is leading you to help me make this a special Christmas for a single mom and he children, make sure on your check you put SINGLE MOM, or if you give by credit card drop me an email that your gift is for one of the single moms and her children. THANK YOU AND MAY GOD BLESS YOU FOR PRAYING AND CARING!!!

One of the commands that Jesus has given His children is to go out into this world that we live in and "let our light shine before men.' This was NOT a suggestion of something we can do on a Saturday afternoon when we are bored. This was a direct command to LET OUR LIGHT SHINE in this dark, lost, and sin-filled world that we live in. Today, I simply want to reiterate that order Jesus gave to His children 2000 years ago. To fulfill our God-given purpose in this life, we have to serve and glorify HIM with our lives. Ultimately, that is what the life of EVERY believer is all about!!!

I will never forget back January 1996 when the National Religious Broadcasters held their annual convention at the huge downtown Convention Center in Indianapolis. One evening at about 5:30 p.m., I left the convention center by a side door. As those who live in the Midwest know, at 5:30 in the afternoon in January, it is getting dark, it is cold, and it is very dreary. The moment the door to the convention center closed behind me, there was a moment frozen in time when everything stopped.

The Holy Spirit spoke to me as plain as I am speaking to you now. He told me that behind that door, inside the convention center, was a collection of some of the most gifted men and women on the face of the earth. There were hundreds of millions of commerce involved in the Christian broadcast world. Yet, with all of those incredibly gifted people of God, with all of those vast resources, outside that convention center was a dark, dreary world that for the most part, DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THEY EXISTED!!!

For the most part, all they were doing was trading dollars with each other, enjoying the fellowship Christians enjoy together, and simply self-perpetuating the Christian broadcast world to survive one more year! Rather than letting their light shine before ALL men, they were content with keeping their light in the safety of the world that they had established. And as guilty as the Christian broadcast world is of this, the church is just as bad; stay within the safety of the four walls and keep the doors locked!!!

Now you know a little about where my passion comes from for the work that is being done every day through Liveprayer. I loved my time of preaching in churches all over the country, but knew deep inside this was not where God wanted me long term. I loved my time in the Christian TV world, but knew that this wasn't really where God wanted me long term. Why? Because in both cases I knew that the light of Christ in me was not being seen by the majority of those who needed it the most. Those in the world who were lost, looking for answers, trying to find just a tiny piece of hope to hold on to.


One of the things that has frustrated me for so long is how bold satan is in getting out his message that leads to the death and destruction of so many every day. Yet the people of God, who have the only REAL answer to life, are so afraid to be just as bold. Well, I am not afraid, and I have no idea how much work God has left for me to do, so I am going out each day and giving 100% of all that I have to let the beacon of light that is Liveprayer shine bright enough for the entire world to see!

The enemy has boldly used the Internet to do his work. Well, we are using it just as boldly to proclaim the hope and love of Jesus Christ and will continue to increase the amount of people that we can reach each day. The enemy boldly uses television for his purposes. The Liveprayer television program has been a vehicle over 17 yrs that is JUST as bold as anything satan does, reaching into the same marketplace satan reaches!

You see my friend, the strategy of most Christian organizations has always been to operate within the confines of the walls of the Christian world. It is safe there, they don't have to deal with the endless attacks the lost world will bring on them, AND it is very expensive to try and compete in the secular world.


We have created a synergy between the Internet and TV to BOLDLY proclaim that there is hope, that there are answers in the name of Jesus! To me, THAT is what Jesus meant when He told us to let our light shine before men. That is what He has called YOU to do, and that is what He has called ME to do. Now, more than ever this world needs the hope that we have and know in Jesus.


I love you and care about you so much. I pray today that you not only take this message to heart for your own life, but that you will pray for me as God brings together all of those people and resources necessary to continue letting Liveprayer continue to be a powerful beacon of light in this dark nation and world. The Bible says that people perish for lack of vision!

The people in the world we live in are perishing every moment, being lost for eternity. One major contributing factor is the lack of vision among God's people. For reasons only God knows, He has given me the vision of how to play a small part in taking His message of hope to the masses. The Lord has brought you into the life of His work here for this special season to insure we fulfill this vision!!!


May you and I always be faithful to honor what Jesus called us to do!!!!!!!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller