Daily Devotional for Tuesday November 19, 2019

God is our protector!!!

(2 Thessalonians 3:3)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, please help us to wake up as a nation before it is too late. We have squandered Your blessings, taken advantage of Your love and grace, and deserve Your wrath. Please oh Lord, be merciful for a few more hours and give Your undeserving people one last chance to repent of our sins and turn our hearts and lives back to You. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: Witchcraft IN THE CHURCH! All throughout the Bible we see gross sin that was allowed to creep into the “assembly” in the OT, the “church” in the NT, which are one of the same. From false doctrine to outright satan worship! As I have shared, we have churches that are literally worshipping satan popping up all over the nation. The number of women who identify as “witches” is growing exponentially. MANY OF THESE WOMEN ARE INFILTRATING ACTUAL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES! They claim to be Christians, yet practice satanic rituals. AGAIN, THEY ARE IN OUR CHURCHES!! This is why I have yelled over and over throughout the years about compromising the Truth of the Bible. Opening that door even a crack opens up the possibilities to every kind of sin and evil you can imagine...even practicing witches in the congregation!!!

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3

HACKED! This weekend, the Liveprayer.com website was hacked by a group somewhere in the Middle East. My guess is this was a response to my challenge that I shared with you from several years ago regarding the now deceased Abu Barkr al-Bagdhadi to renounce Islam and come to faith in Jesus. Apparently it was picked up by some Islamic newspapers, which happens several times each year when I have the audacity to tell the truth about the false religion of Islam!

Thanks to God and our great tech team that works tirelessly, we were down a total over 42 minutes!!! AMEN!!!

On our website, millions over the years have viewed that video message to al-Baghdadi in addition to an entire section of Daily Devotionals and videos education people about Islam. Needless to say it generates an incredible amount of animus and hatred from Islamic groups in this country like CAIR, as well as different groups around the world as Liveprayer has been on the front lines warning people about this “religion of peace!”

Over the years hackers have disrupted the websites of many of the top banks businesses and governments around the world. These entities have MILLIONS OF DOLLARS worth of the most current and sophisticated security software to protect their websites, yet when targeted, NO website is immune.

After over 20 years online, Liveprayer has been attacked, hacked, thousands of times. However, our incredible tech people have kept us online, with less than 5 hours of down time combined!!!. That my friend, is because we have GOD HIMSELF watching over Liveprayer!!!

For the record, our credit card donation server is on a special server controlled by our processor, triple encrypted, with critical information not stored on the server to keep it secure. By the grace of God, over 20 years and not ONE issue with that critical part of our ministry since protecting our donors and keeping their anonymity has been a top priority!

God raised up Liveprayer in these last days to bring His message of hope and everlasting life through faith in His Son Jesus Christ! This is why Liveprayer has never been part of the Christian establishment, has not taken the millions available by going on Christian TV, but has chosen instead to deal with the wrath and hatred of the masses by taking God's Truth directly to the marketplace.

I love and care about you so much. I refuse to allow satan to keep us from what God has called us to do, impacting lives for Christ 24/7/365 while bringing His Truth to the masses in order to lead this nation back to the Almighty and Biblical Truth! God has always helped us keeping Liveprayer.com up and as secure as possible. I have done my best to be faithful, have never backed down, never compromised or sold out the Truth for money, while walking each day these last 242 months by faith trusting Him alone! AMEN!!!

Please continue to stand with me with your love, prayers, and generous sacrifices as we lead this nation back to God and His Truth! THANK YOU!!!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller