Daily Devotional for Sunday November 17, 2019

Does anyone care?

(John 3:16)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, help me to always be prepared to serve You in any way that I can. My life belongs to You. I am ready, willing, and able to answer your call as I go through my life each day. Use me for Your glory. I am Yours! In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!

***THE LIVEPRAYER CHURCH!!! Haven't been to church yet this week? Join me for this week's service at the LivePrayer Church. This week’s message is: “The Rich Man and Lazarus!“ Please visit the website at: http://liveprayerchurch.com and be part this week’s worship service. Each Sunday there will be a new service at 12:01am EDT

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: The worldwide battle between the globalists and the nationalists and why it is important to Christians! When a conversation comes up about a globalist point of view or a nationalist point of view, most people assume it is about politics. While it is true this is usually a political issue, it is also a very important issue for Christians. As nations around the world become more “global,” they also become less God-fearing, less Christian, and more atheistic. As the battle goes on in our country and others, it is not just a battle of political ideologies but is also a battle for the Christian faith. The freedoms we have enjoyed for the past 243 years to worship and proclaim our faith freely is ultimately at stake!!!

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm

Does anyone care? As we start the weekend, a time of rest for many, we start to dwell more intensely on those problems and concerns we have in our life. It is easy to get so busy with work and our daily routine Monday through Friday, that we can forget or push to the back of our mind many of the problems we are dealing with in our life. But when the weekend comes and our lives slow down a bit, those issues become the focus of our attention. We can't hide from them any longer.

For many of you, those problems that you are facing have been problems for a long time. You have prayed, and prayed, and prayed. You have turned them over to God, taken them back, and turned them over again. Despite all of the praying and agonizing, there are some problems that just don't go away and you start wondering if anyone is really listening. Does anyone really care about what you are facing?

Let me give you this word of encouragement today my friend. The Bible proclaims that God not only hears our prayers, but answers them as well. It is His good pleasure to bless his children. We have that precious promise to, "Cast our cares on Him, because He cares for us." No matter what your mind may tell you, your faith has got to step in and give you the assurance that God is hearing your prayers, and no matter how you may feel, when all others abandon you, God is always there . . . there to love you, hold you, and comfort you.


Don't let those problems you have today ever let you think that God is not hearing your prayers. He is. Don't ever get to the point where you feel no one cares. He does. Go through this day with the confidence and assurance that God knows and understands your situation, and be comforted that He loves you and will never leave you nor forsake you.

I love you and CARE ABOUT YOU!!! God bless you this day as we walk in the victory won on Calvary's cross. He is risen. Because of that, if you know Christ as your Savior, no matter what may be happening in this life, you have already won. Even though your life is still playing out, you already know the ending. You win because HE WON! Amen.

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller