Daily Devotional for Wednesday October 23, 2019

An act of love!!!

(1 John 4:21, 2:10; 1 Thessalonians 4:9; Matthew 25:25)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, Thank You for your love and blessings. I pray today that You help me to touch even just ONE life for You. If it is a kind act, a kind word, or the opportunity to tell someone about Your love, USE ME TODAY FOR YOUR GLORY! In the name of Jesus...AMEN!!!

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: The worldwide battle between the globalists and the nationalists and why it is important to Christians! When a conversation comes up about a globalist point of view or a nationalist point of view, most people assume it is about politics. While it is true this is usually a political issue, it is also a very important issue for Christians. As nations around the world become more “global,” they also become less God-fearing, less Christian, and more atheistic. As the battle goes on in our country and others, it is not just a battle of political ideologies but is also a battle for the Christian faith. The freedoms we have enjoyed for the past 243 years to worship and proclaim our faith freely is ultimately at stake!!!

*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm

The Bible is full of admonitions to love your brother, to love others. What an incredible way to show your love to someone that you never even met in this lifetime, than by donating your organs and giving the gift of life! What does God say about this? Obviously, there are no passages of scripture that speaks directly for or against donating your organs after you die. So as is often the case, we need to take the whole counsel of God into consideration in looking at this issue.

Our bodies serve two purposes during this life. They are the clay shells that we occupy during our brief journey, and for the believer, they become the temple of the Holy Spirit during this life. The Bible is quite clear that when this life is over, it is our soul that lives on for eternity and our bodies will return to the "dust of the earth" as God mandated. Our bodies serve no further purpose once we are dead.

Many ask about the "body" we will have after death. Scripture is clear that whatever body we will have will be a glorified body. Many people have their bodies destroyed in death. Whether you choose to be buried or cremated, your body will be destroyed. In cremation it is burned, in burial it slowly decomposes until it is nothing more than dust. So the body we will possess post-death will be a glorified body.

Since our bodies serve no further purpose once we are dead, it simply becomes an issue for each person to decide how they will have their bodies disposed of. This means that before you are buried or cremated, donating your organs simply comes down to a choice each person has to make. If your organs are healthy and able to be used by someone else, there is really no good reason NOT to donate them. The reality is, you are dead and you won't need them any longer.

What a great way to show love for someone than by literally giving of yourself so that they can continue to live. God clearly calls us to love one another, to serve others. Donating your organs is an incredible act of love and service.

I love you and care about you so much. I will be praying for you today that you will seriously pray about this special act of love. God gives us many opportunities in our life to serve others. This is the last act of service that we can perform, one that can literally save the life of someone else. Remember this, all that we have is from God and is simply on loan to us during this brief journey. That includes our organs. I pray today that you will seriously consider donating your organs once you die and give the gift of life.

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller