Daily Devotional for Friday September 27, 2019
The impeachment of our 45th President!
(Ezekiel 3:17; 33:6)
***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Father, I pray, today, for each person who is reading these words. You know exactly where they are at today financially. I pray that whatever they have today is multiplied many times over in the coming weeks and months. Bless them in the area of their finances, Father, so that they may not only care for their day-to-day needs of those they are responsible for, but so that they may feed the poor around the world, those who are materially poor as well as those who are spiritually poor. I pray, today, a prayer of BLESSING on the finances of the person reading these words. Whatever we have in this life comes from You and is Yours Father. May we be faithful in managing what You have given to us. Multiply many times over what You have currently given to the person reading this word today and allow them to be a great blessing to the work of God throughout the world. I pray BLESSINGS over the finances of the person reading these words today for the glory of Almighty God. In the name of Jesus. Amen!
***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: Common sense has been replace by political correctness! The International Olympic Committee is having problems trying to set policy and rules regarding “transgendered athletes.” This reminds me of the confusion so many churches and denominations are having regarding gay marriage and how to deal with homosexuality. In both cases the answer is so simple and not complicated! For the IOC, the policy is what it has ALWAYS BEEN!!! If you are born a male, you compete against other males. If you are born a female, you compete against other females. There, problem solved! For the church. We have a book God gave us called the Bible. It is the inspired, inerrant Word of God, representing Absolute Truth, and...OUR FINAL AUTHORITY IN ALL MATTERS. God’s Word declares marriage is between a man and a woman. PERIOD! Anyone who chooses to engage in perverted, unnatural, unhealthy sex with people of the same sex is engaging in sin based on the teachings of God’s Word in the Old and New Testaments. Problem solved. Isn’t life simple when we use our common sense and follow God’s Word!!!
*Don’t miss the Liveprayer TV program, airing “LIVE” every Monday thru Friday from 11pm EDT to Midnight! For details on viewing options for the Liveprayer TV program, “LIVE” or “On Demand,” go to: https://liveprayer.com/liveprayer-show-about.cfm
The impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. I am not interested in getting into a political conversation about whether you agree with President Trump’s policies or not. I honored God’s Word every day over the 8 years of President Obama and prayed for him and his family, and for God to guide him in leading our nation. This was despite the fact President Obama was in opposition to God’s Word on virtually every spiritual issue. I also do the same thing each morning regarding this President, and encourage you to do likewise since this is what the Bible teaches us to do.
In the history of our nation only 2 Presidents have been impeached, President Johnson and President Clinton. President Nixon never was formally impeached by the House since he agreed to resign instead. We are now facing the potential impeachment of our 45th President. This process is NOT legal, but political. It is also a very divisive and painful event for our country to go through. Our nation is currently fairly equally divided in our politics, but we always have been.
From the earliest days of our existence, we have been a divided country. It seems different at this moment because of accelerators available to us like 24/7 news and social media. However, you don’t need to be much of a historian to go throughout these past 243 years of American history to realize we have ALWAYS been divided politically. This really is not anything new or different. Actually, you can point to periods like during our separation from England and birth in the late 1700s, or the Civil War era of the mid 1800s, as much more contentious and dangerous times for our nation.
I am not minimizing the import of this moment. It is NOT going to be pleasant time in this nation if the decision is made to impeach President Trump. Until the full House has a formal vote and 218 yea’s, there is not an actual impeachment of the President underway. So we are not quite at that place yet, but looks like we could be in the next couple of months.
The key for Christians is to realize God is still on the throne. It is God who allows men to have a position of power, and God who takes men out of a position of power. So God, not man will have the final word. In the meantime, followers of Christ must never lose focus on what OUR JOB is each day. It is to serve the Lord through our daily lives. I have shared often that while my personal belief is that one reason God allowed President Trump to rise to power in this season, is so the spiritual freefall we are in as a nation might be slowed down. We have a brief season in which to stem the tide of the cultural demise we are living through.
We are in a post-God, post-Christian nation. I have always said that it is in the darkness the light shines the brightest. It is in the midst of gross unrestricted sin that God’s Truth can be seen as a welcome respite. I come into my office each day to faithfully perform the work God has called me to in the lives of the people who will cross our path that day.
From a larger perspective, I also come each day with the hope and belief that as a nation we still have a remnant that help lead possibly the last great spiritual revival the will see a mighty harvest of souls and a season of God’s blessings much like they experienced in Nineveh.
“Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32
So let me help you understand the difference between political leaders and spiritual leaders. As we are already in the heat of the Presidential election season, voting for our next President in 13 months, it always a bit dismaying watching so many people putting their time, effort, hope, energy, and vase amounts of money into politicians.
Listen, as Christians, we have a responsibility as a good citizen to be involved in the political process and try to elect people who will govern according to our values. However, because of the corrupt nature of the institution of politics the best we can hope for are political leaders who won't infringe on our faith beliefs and simply leave us alone to live out our faith in Christ. If a politician actually helps advance our faith beliefs in areas like life, the culture, our religious liberties, that is a great bonus!
Let me make two statements to set the tone for this Devotional. Again, if you are looking to political leaders for spiritual leadership, you are doomed. Also, the problems that we have in our nation today, are spiritual problems and the result of a void of spiritual leadership.
In the Old Testament, there were the political leaders, the kings, and the spiritual leaders, the priests. These were two very separate offices with two very separate roles to play. The king was the political leader of the people, analogous in our society to the President. The priest was the spiritual leader of the people, which would be the same as the pastor of a local church. God clearly established these as two separate offices. The governing of a nation and the shepherding of the spiritual lives of people are two separate and distinct roles.
For some reason, many people in our nation look to our politicians for spiritual leadership. These men and women are NOT in office to provide spiritual leadership to the nation, but are there to govern our nation. It is a great blessing to have political leaders that have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and try to live their lives in accordance with God's Word, but we can never expect them to be spiritual leaders, that is NOT their role.
Let me note that there are specific times when God WILL call upon a political leader to take a spiritual leadership role on certain issues, especially when the spiritual leaders have failed. Example, in deeds not words (very rare for a politician), President Trump has truly set the tone in the areas of life, religious liberties, and Israel.
The role of spiritual leadership is one that God has given to those men and women He has called into His service. I want to tell you today that the problems we have in this nation today are NOT the fault of the political leaders, but are the fault of the spiritual leaders. The void of spiritual leadership in this nation is directly responsible for the state of the culture and society that we are living in today.
Today's spiritual leaders hide behind the four walls of their churches where it is safe, and they preach their message to the choir through the Christian media where it is profitable. There is now a large percentage of two full generations in our nation who have never been to church. The fastest growing religious movements in this nation today are the cults and false religions of the world because they are bold enough to take their lies that are straight from the pits of hell, directly to the people the church ignores. Every day, more and more people are dying and going to hell, and God is going to hold accountable those He has called into spiritual leadership.
We are at a critical time in our nation. There are more churches, more ministries, and more resources than ever before. The paradox is at the same time we have more people living their lives void of God and a society operating in total rebellion to God's Word. The blame has to fall squarely on those God has called into spiritual leadership. Contrary to popular belief, this is no longer a Christian nation. 50 years ago it was assumed most people were Christians. That is no longer the case.
We have got to understand that this is a war my friend, a war for the eternal souls of people. You simply can't open the doors of the church on Sunday morning and expect the people to come. Most people don't go to church and they never have, so why should they come? You can't put a program on Christian TV and radio and expect people to tune in. There are hundreds of stations to choose from, so why would they want to listen?
That is why God will raise up NEW SPIRITUAL LEADERS in these last days. Men and women with the guts to stand toe to toe with the world regardless of the consequences. Men and women who can operate on a street corner just as effectively as they can behind a pulpit. Men and women who will take the truth of God's Word, the hope and love of Christ to the people through the same delivery methods the world uses to take its lies to the people. Men and women who are not ashamed of the Gospel and are not worried about being politically correct; men and women who are not here to be served but have come to serve others.
I love and care about you, and pray today that you will not put your hopes in a politician when it comes to spiritual matters. That is not their role. I pray that you will find Godly men and women who He has called to lead the people in these final days. God always has a remnant, both of people and leaders. As these final days wind down, those true leaders will rise up and you will know who they are because you won't be able to miss them. They won't be hiding in a church or secluded on the Christian media, but they will be visible in this world we live in.
The world will scoff at what they have to say, they will be persecuted for their bold stand for Christ, but God will have His hand on them and their message will be heard by the masses. They will boldly declare to this lost, hurting, and dying world the TRUTH of God's Word, that Jesus Christ is the "way, the truth, and the life," and that He is the only answer for this world and each person.
In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller