Daily Devotional for Tuesday August 27, 2019

"...not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only..."

(1 Corinthians 15:57)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Lord, Thank You for meeting my daily needs as You have promised in Your Word. I look to You and Your alone for my sustenance through life, and Thank You for your faithfulness. Please help me to be a good steward of the funds You entrust into my care during this life, and give me favor in my finances, and wisdom in my decisions. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!

****4 DAYS UNTIL LIVEPRAYER’S 20TH ANNIVERSARY!!! In honor of our 20th anniversary at Noon on August 31st, please be in prayer about sending a special one-time gift of $20, $1 for each year, $200, $10 for each year, $2,000, $100 for each year, or $20,000, $1,000 for each year. I will also humbly accept a special gift of $200,000 from one person God has blessed, enabled, and will speak to, about honoring His work at Liveprayer over these past 20 years!!!

"I have had several days of sobriety from porn and am feeling like there is light at the end of the tunnel! Your email back to me has given me much hope to persevere and get free from this addiction. Even brothers in Christ can get cough by the enemy if one is not vigilant enough. Thank you and God bless you."

"In October of 2013, I was watching Bill Keller on TV. I never was religious and barely believed in God. A particular show made an impact on me and I took Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I have never once regretted and I have grown in my religion and relationship with the Lord. I want to say 'Thank you.' Pastor Keller, you made a BIG difference in my life. God bless you!"

"I've been watching your program this week via the internet and I've given my heart and life to Jesus. I want the peace and joy in my heart that can only experienced through salvation. I thank the Lord tonight for loving me and dying for my sins so that I might be saved. Please send me the booklet that you spoke of on the show in order that I may grow in my Christian life."

Paul wrote to his friends in Philippi, "Moreover, as you Philippians know, in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel, when I set out from Macedonia, not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only; for even when I was in Thessalonica, you sent me aid again and again when I was in need. Not that I am looking for a gift, but I am looking for what may be credited to your account. I have received full payment and even more; I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

As I read that passage of Scripture, it reminded me of my feelings towards you and the work here at Liveprayer. Paul took the Gospel to the lost and hurting in the world of his day by faith, trusting that God would provide for the day to day needs of his ministry. He looked to those that he ministered to for the support of his efforts to take Christ to those who were living without His love in their life. THEY MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR PAUL TO DO WHAT GOD HAD CALLED HIM TO DO!

He reminded them that in their giving, they were not giving to Paul, but they were giving to God. It was their obedience and faithfulness that God would credit to their Heavenly account. Likewise, as you give to Liveprayer, you are not giving to Bill Keller, but you are giving to God. It is your obedience and faithfulness that God will credit to your Heavenly account. YOU MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR ME TO DO WHAT GOD HAS CALLED ME TO DO!

(From a member of the Liveprayer family) "Bill -You & your team have really been on my mind & in my thoughts. I strongly believe you're doing things the right way, & it breaks my heart that because you give the gospel for free - because you're out doing things God's way - you don't have financial support from the American church to get out in the secular marketplace & to go toe-to-toe with false prophets. My wife & I gave a gift today which isn't close to meeting your needs or requirements, but I pray God blesses it with multiplication.

I want to encourage you - your blunt honesty & the fact you do things the right way (no professional fund raising companies, no buildings or extravagant salaries) are why we're giving today. It's time for me & other Christians to put our money where our mouths are & quit paying mortgages & utilities for big buildings. Please keep telling the truth, God's truth!!! If the finances don't come in, God forbid, and you are forced to close down any part of your ministry, you have done your part by being obedient before God. It would be the rest of us who failed.

Thank you for being on the front lines! Thank you for leading & feeding me spiritually, both in word & deed! I pray today that God move hearts in a powerful way and deliver far more money than you've asked for.

May He raise up more faithful partners, freeing us from fear & making us better able to hear His commands and then, more importantly, obey them. I realized about a month ago that you are my preacher. Thank you for the daily word. I promise I will lift you up in prayer & give financially to LivePrayer. I pray our Lord bless you & keep you. In God's love."

With just 4 days left in August, we have covered the first $10,000 of our basic August ministry operations. Of the final $45,000 required for August, we desperately need to bring in $15,000 TODAY!!!

That gives us the final 3 days of the month to cover the $30,000 balance of August and enable us to end our anniversary month and begin year the 21st year of Liveprayer with all of our basic ministry operations current!!!

***I am praying for 1 of our friends who God has richly blessed, to help me with a special one-time anniversary gift of $20,000 in honor of our 20 years of ministry online ($1,000 per year) to cover that $15,000 we require TODAY plus $5,000 of the final $30,000 we need by Friday!!!

EVERYONE can pray. Most everyone can seek the Lord for what he is calling you to do to help me today to clear up our July shortfall. God’s Word teaches us to “give according to our ability to give.” For some, that may be $10, others $20, $50, or $100, and still others it may be $1,000 or more. OUR GOD IS ABLE!!!

--->If there is ONE of our friends that may have had a windfall from selling real estate, a business, an inheritance, or has been praying about sowing a significant gift into God's work, pray about sowing that seed in the proven soil of Liveprayer!!



I NEED YOUR HELP TODAY!!! If you are praying about dedicating a special one-time gift for Liveprayer’s 20th anniversary, this would be a perfect time!!!

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card at: http://www.liveprayer.com/donate.cfm or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St. Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible!!!

I love you and care about you so much. I am counting on you and other friends of Liveprayer today. I need to hear from you today. This is critical, and I desperately need your help. Will you reach down, make the sacrifice and help me today??? I will be in prayer for the Lord to move on your heart to help me with the most significant gift you can today!

I NEED YOU NOW MORE THAN EVER TO STAND WITH ME!!! I CAN'T DO THIS ALONE!!! I am asking you today to simply pray about what God may be calling you to do to help me with this effort. I am also asking you to please forward this to every person you know, personally reach out to those who God has blessed with financial resources and encourage them to support this new work, and share this email with your pastor and ask him to pray about having your church make a special missions gift towards this effort.

Know that you and your family are in my prayers each day. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support as we take our stand in these last days. When this brief journey through life is over, what do we have to show for it? The only lasting legacy we have are those things we did for the Lord, those lives we have been able to impact for eternity! I have taken my stand and will proclaim His truth with my dying breath.

Today, I am asking you to pray about continuing to stand with me at this critical time as we turn this nation back to God and His Truth!!!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller