Daily Devotional for Wednesday May 22, 2019


(Philippians 4:15)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, help me to draw near to You this day. I want to feel Your presence in my life and Your loving arms. I acknowledge that I need You every moment of every day oh Lord, and whatever I can do to enjoy that close, intimate relationship with You, let me do it! In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!

I NEED YOUR HELP TODAY! The battle of evil versus good has been raging since the Garden of Eden. In the 243 years of our nation, we have never seen that battle with our eyes as clear as it is today. Prior battles in our history have very visible opponents, they were obvious. The battle now is spiritual, but being played out through human instruments of flesh and blood as I type these words!

God has positioned Liveprayer on the front lines of this battle for the past 20 yrs, and I have done my best to be faithful to that calling. Like any soldier, they can only fight based on support they recieve. They require prayers, but practically require the day to day sustinance of life as well as the tools they fight with.

I never lost sight that I have only been able to fight the battles the Lord has called us to fight because of the faithful prayers and generous sacrifices of those in the Liveprayer family. YOU MAKE IT POSSIBLE!

Today, I need your prayers as always, and I need everyone who is able to step up and help me with the most generous gift you can to cover the dollars we require each day to fight satan and his minions. Please, take a moment and pray about what God is calling you to sacrifce today to help me!!!

Paul wrote to his friends in Philippi, "Moreover, as you Philippians know, in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel, when I set out from Macedonia, not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only; for even when I was in Thessalonica, you sent me aid again and again when I was in need. Not that I am looking for a gift, but I am looking for what may be credited to your account. I have received full payment and even more; I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

As I read that passage of Scripture, it reminded me of my feelings towards you and the work here at Liveprayer. Paul took the Gospel to the lost and hurting in the world of his day by faith, trusting that God would provide for the day to day needs of his ministry. He looked to those that he ministered to support his efforts to take Christ to those who were living without His love in their life. He was not ashamed to ask them to help him bring God's Truth to the world of his day and to save souls!


He reminded them that in their giving, they were not giving to Paul, but they were giving to God. It was their obedience and faithfulness that God would credit to their Heavenly account. Likewise, as you give to Liveprayer, you are not giving to Bill Keller, but you are giving to God. It is your obedience and faithfulness that God will credit to your Heavenly account. YOU MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR ME TO DO WHAT GOD HAS CALLED ME TO DO!

I made a choice 30 yrs ago when I answered God's calling to the ministry, that I was never going to seek funds for my own needs, or to build my own kingdom, only to bring God's Truth to the marketplace and build God's Kingdom. I have been faithful to do that month after month without wavering.

One thing I have demonstrated over these 20 years of Liveprayer is that I will NEVER compromise God's Truth, even when it would be financially profitable to do so. Sadly, very few are left who won't compromise simply to raise money!!!

This is the very time for which God has raised up Liveprayer. Our time is now. We have taken advantage of the platform the Lord has given us, the highly visible place in the marketplace to help lead the true remnant as one body and call this nation back to God and His Truth.

Today, I am simply asking you to pray today and seek the Lord what He is calling you to do to help me insure our basic ministry operations are taken care of each month to continue to be that bright beacon of light to so many around the world each day!!!

As we are now 22 days into May, due to needing the first 2 weeks to cover our April shortfall, we still require the final $50,000 of our basic May ministry operations.

*It is critical that we cover $10,000 of our $50,000 balance TODAY!!! I am praying that one of our friends in the Liveprayer family, will step up today to make a special one-time gift to insure this critical $10,000 is taken care of TODAY!!!

Also, just looking ahead a bit, the $50,000 we require for our basic ministry operations in May plus the $55,000 we will need for our basic ministry operations in June, is $105,000 over the next 41 days!!! I am praying for several of our friends who God has blessed with a recent tax refund, sale of property, inheritance, or some other financial windfall, will pray about tithing a special one-time gift of $10,000, $25,000, $50,000, or even $100,000 to insure we can keep all of our daily efforts on the incredible ministry opportunities God has given to us!!! Please pray about what special sacrifice the Lord may be calling you to make...AMEN!!!

The Bible teaches to give according to your ability to give. For some that may be $5, for other it may be $20, for others it may be $50. Still others God has blessed and you can make a sacrifce today of $100, $300, $500, $1,000, or more. Never forget that it is not the amount God sees, but your sacrifice, and He will honor your heart as you obey His voice.

Will you help me today? Will you please take a minute today, and pray, seek the Lord what He is asking you to sacrifice to help me as we boldly stand where virtually nobody else will, in the marketplace declaring His Truth as unpopular as that is today, to help lead this nation back to God and Biblical Truth while leading the lost to faith in Jesus Christ!

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card at: http://www.liveprayer.com/donate.cfm or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St. Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible!!!

I love you and care about you so much. For the 20 yrs of Liveprayer, I have walked by faith not trusting in the devices of man, but God to move on hearts to help me. Together we have impacted tens of millions of lives worldwide and over 1.3 million souls we know of will be in Heaven. However, our work is not quite finished, and I need you now more than ever!

Know that you and your family are in my prayers each day. Thank you for your love, prayers, and sacrifice as we take our stand in these last days to help lead this nation back to God and His Truth! The time is very short, our time is now! Will you stand with me as the saints at Philippi stood with Paul?

In His love and service,

Your friend, brother, and co-laborer in Christ,

Bill Keller