Daily Devotional for Friday May 17, 2019

Are the hopes and prayers of millions throughout the past 5 decades about to be answered?

(Psalm 139:13-15, Jeremiah 1:4-5, James 2:17)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, we are a wicked people. We have turned our backs on YOU, rebelled against YOU, and forfeited any right to Your love, grace and mercy. Oh Lord, may we as a nation fall on our face in repentance and beg Your forgiveness. Give us one more chance oh Lord to faithfully follow You and obey You. Spare us Your wrath and judgement oh God, and let us live in peace and under Your blessings. This I ask in the name of Jesus...AMEN!

Are the prayers of untold millions, the long hours of work by armies of God’s people, the great financial sacrifices so many have made for nearly 5 decades, and the many lives martyred, all to protect the LIFE of the unborn about to be answered?

For the 20 years of Liveprayer.com and 15 years of the Liveprayer TV program, I have been sounding the clarion call on this issue that was enough by itself to unleash the wrath and judgement of Almighty God on our land and destroy the United States!!!

The war for LIFE is at an all-time high in our nation. Many states are on the front lines passing laws to restrict abortion, some going to the point of criminalizing ANY killing of babies, pushing the abortion issue to the Supreme Court. The goal is to force the court to either uphold Roe vs. Wade or overturn it. As I have shared with you, overturning Roe doesn’t stop abortion in this nation, it only takes the issue back to each state to determine if they want to keep the killing of innocent babies legal or abolish it.

The spiritual battle in the heavenlies is at a fever pitch. For the first time in since Roe vs. Wade was made the law of the land in 1973, taking the Federal Government out of the business of killing innocent babies is a very real possibility. Could God have raised up a man who has lived most of his life in rebellion to the Almighty and His Word, to create the political climate for this to happen after 46 years? Never forget my friend, the Bible says He uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise!

I love you and care about you so much. My word to you today is simply this. PRAY. NOW MORE THAN EVER...PRAY!

I am keeping this Daily Devotional brief today on purpose, since I want you to commit the next 3 minutes, 180 seconds, in prayer. Ask the Lord to guide our President, protect the brave lawmakers in so many states who are pushing this issue towards the Supreme Court, give wisdom to the Supreme Court Justices to choose the best legal case possible in order to overturn Roe and move on the hearts of all 9 Justices to do just that!


I have to live in reality, and while I am driven by my faith, I also have to share with you each day real life. The hope I share is in Christ. I don’t share false hope! Real life today is that we could be on the verge of seeing the prayers of untold millions, the long hours of work by armies of God’s people, the great financial sacrifices so many have made for nearly 5 decades, and the many lives martyred, all to protect the LIFE of the unborn about to be answered!!!

In the 13 years Liveprayer has had a video of an actual abortion on our website, it is responsible for literally tens of thousands of babies being alive today. Here is the link to our special section on abortion, please share it with others!

Abortion: https://liveprayer.com/abortion.cfm

In His love and service,

Your friend, brother, and co-laborer in Christ,

Bill Keller