Daily Devotional for Sunday February 10, 2019

How do I know what the will of God is for my life?

(Psalms 143:10)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Please Lord bless me and my family today. Help us to never forget to honor You and praise Your holy name. Thank you for Your blessings. Let us be good stewards of those blessings and never forget to reach out to others and be a blessing to those who cross our path each day. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!

This Devotional today is a deep one. One of the most frequent questions people always ask, is how do I know what the will of God is for my life? Much of the difficulty in determining what God's will is for our life is trying to separate our wants and desires from God's wants and desires.

This is probably one of the most difficult issues you will ever deal with in your walk with the Lord and I just want to give you some basics to help you in not trying to conform God to your will, but for you to conform to His will.

The only way you can begin to understand what God's will is for your life is to be in a daily, intimate, surrendered relationship with Him. It is critical that you are spending time with the Lord every day through His Word, through prayer, and that quiet time where it is just you and the Lord in fellowship.

That is the only way we can learn to hear His voice so that over time we are able to discern whether it is God speaking or simply ourselves. I can't begin to emphasize enough how important it is to take the time each day to get alone with God and have that time of fellowship. You only begin to know God's will for your life when you really know God.

The key is you have to be at a place in your life where you are fully surrendered to the Lord. You need to be able to say, "Lord, wherever you want me to go, whatever you want me to do, I am completely yours." The biggest hurdle to overcome in following God's will for our life is the fear of the unknown. What is my life going to be like if I follow God? How will my life be different if I really let God have His way?

Trust me, He loves you, cares about you, and only wants the best for you. God wants to bless you and those blessings are found as we faithfully and obediently follow Him!!!

The more we listen to God's voice, the more we obey and follow His voice, the less time we spend trying to force God to follow what we want to do, and the more time we spend trying to follow what God wants us to do. As we grow and mature in our relationship with the Lord, we find ourselves more concerned with what God is asking us to do and we slowly begin to make His desires our desires.

My friend, THAT is the time when you find that special place almost impossible to put into words. That place where your desires have become God's desires. It is clearly no longer your will that you seek but it is His will.

I love you and care about you so much. I will be praying for you that you will get serious about finding and living in God's perfect will each day. It is the only way we truly know the peace, joy, and abundance of this life. In His will, we can do all things because it is not us, it is Him. Outside of His will, we can do nothing. Nothing works or makes sense.

Take some time alone with the Lord today and begin to pray in earnest for God to help you begin to quit trying to conform Him to your will, but for you to conform to His will!!!

In His love and service,

Your friend, brother, and co-laborer in Christ,

Bill Keller