Daily Devotional for Friday January 18, 2019
The world we are living in for this season. Part Three of Three
(John 15:19)
***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, open my eyes to see this world clearly, and show me what You want me to do to serve You in these times we live. You and You alone will have the last word Lord. Let me see this lost world through Your eyes and with Your heart and help to lead the lost and hurting to find Your hope, strength, and peace! In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!
Part Three of Three
“...but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world...” John 15:19
The world we are living in for this season. Today is Part Two of a very different 3-PART Daily Devotional series on recent major events and news stories in the United States and around the world that are shaping the culture we live in today. DO NOT MISS PART THREE TOMORROW!
It is critical for Christians to clearly understand the culture around us so that we can be the Lord’s agents of change as He has commanded us to be. May the Lord guide us each day by His Spirit as we faithfully serve Him!!!
Homeschooling, an option many parents in the United States have opted for since between radical curriculums, God-hating activist teachers, and Godless peers from all kind of broken family situations, is going to be targeted and attacked relentlessly in the coming months. It is a “loophole” many parents have turned to in order to raise their children with Godly morals and values, something that circumvents a Godless society from brainwashing everyone with anti-Biblical lies.
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in China , India, and other nations where they are under extreme persecuation. A recent report stated that 245 million Christians worldwide are facing persecution. Christians in the United States pay little price to be a follower of Christ, unlike Christians in many nations who literally are killed for their faith!
Iconic DC Comics has unveiled a new superhero, a bumbling foolish representation of Jesus. Mocking Christ is a sport that even comic book writers now gladly take part in.
40% of jobs currently held by humans will soon be performed by some sort of robot or artificial intelligence unit. People going to church with a robot/AI pastor is right around the corner!
The fastest growing “church” in the nation are churches that worship satan, while Christian church membership continues to decline rapidly, especially by millennials!
Christians are increasingly fearful of standing out in a culture where they are mocked, demeaned, intimidated, and scorned. Sadly, most Christians avoid any situation where they have to defend their faith amongst non-Believers.
I love you and care about you so much! This Three-Part series has been a challenge to stay educated about the world we live in but are not part of, in order to the best ambassadors of Christ we can be as we share His love, His hope, and His TRUTH with this lost and hurting world!!!
In His love and service,
Your friend, brother, and co-laborer in Christ,
Bill Keller