Daily Devotional for Friday November 23, 2018

One lone boy was willing to give Jesus all he had in order for EVERYONE to be fed!!!

(Matthew 14:13-21)

***NEXT TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH, IS GIVING TUESDAY!!! “Giving Tuesday” is a movement started in 2012 to create an international day of giving at the beginning of the Christmas and holiday season. Please pray about sending your gift this year to support God’s proven life-changing, soul-saving work over the past 20 yrs here at Liveprayer: https://liveprayer.com/donate.cfm

**DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, please help me to live this day honoring you in my thoughts, words, and deeds. Help me this day to live my life pleasing and acceptable to Jesus. Allow me to use my life to help someone else during this day, and be kind to everyone I come across no matter how they may treat me. Let Christ shine through me throughout this day oh Lord, be glorified through my life! In Jesus name I pray...AMEN!

***LIVEPRAYER TV IS BACK!!! We re-launched the Liveprayer TV program with a Thanksgiving Day special broadcast that was LIVE from 7p-8p EST! Our regular broadcast schedule begins this coming Monday, November 26th, airing every Monday thru Friday LIVE from 11p-Midnight EST! As we have since the program began, I will discuss the issues of the day from a Biblical worldview, and take phone calls from the viewers on every program with questions, comments, and prayer requests.

You will be able to watch the Liveprayer TV program LIVE on the Liveprayer.com website as well as major streaming platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire Stick and others. We will also archive every program so that if you can’t watch it live, you can watch it on your schedule ON DEMAND.

Another great blessing is that the TV program will initially on cost only $2,000 a monthly, as opposed to the tens of thousands of dollars each month it cost the ministry to air on traditional TV. That monthly cost will go up only as the viewership increases, meaning if we have to pay more each month it is because we are attracting a larger audience that will also bring new friends to help support Liveprayer. So please be praying about your sacrifice each month to insure that this additional monthly cost for a critical part of the Liveprayer ministry is covered.

After doing our LIVE TV program on various non-Christian stations and networks around the nation since 2003, I am humbled and most thankful for the opportunity to reach thousands and thousands of new people each night. I know that as each year passes, more and more people are growing up having never been to church, having never been in a home environment where God’s Word and faith in Jesus was practiced and honored. Pray with me that each night lives will be impacted for Christ, hope is given to those who are at a desperate place in their life, and lost souls will come to faith in Jesus Christ!!! AMEN!!!

The lesson of a selfless little boy. Most people know the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 with the a few loaves and fishes. What I never hear when this powerful miracle is recounted, is the fact that many of the people present had food to give, but it was only that one lone boy who was willing to give Jesus all he had in order for EVERYONE to be fed.

When I think about this powerful truth, it reminds me of today. How many people are blessed with 24 hours a day, talents and gifts, financial resources, yet refuse to share them with others? It is amazing that the few who do share their time, their talent, their treasure to further the work of the Lord, how God multiplies what is given to feed the multitudes, just like he multiplied the loaves and fishes to feed the multitudes on that day!

Next August, Liveprayer will be 20 yrs old. In that time, we have raised a bit under $10 million dollars for our internet and TV operations. Many ministries raise that in a month to pay for their buildings, staff, private jets, and lavish living expenses, and in the end are only preaching to the choir! There are tens of thousands of local churches who spend that on a building for a congregation of 5,000 and less!

The funds we have raised is due to the faithful sacrifice from less than 10,000 of our friends the past nearly 2 decades. That is right, less than 10,000 of the TENS OF MILLIONS people worldwide we have reached and impacted have ever given a dime to God's work here at Liveprayer. That is a small fraction of 1%!

There are many reasons for that. First, all we have done here at Liveprayer has been done for FREE. However, there is a cost involved in getting the Gospel and God's Truth out to the masses. We have never charged anyone for anything, I don't bribe people to give with "love gifts," and we don't sell books, tapes resources. All we have done has been without charge since the Gospel and God's Truth is freely received and is to be freely given. Also, over 20% of those we reach are outside the US, another 20% are under 25, both groups who the majority struggle just to get by and meet their daily needs.

Second, I don't "tickle ears." I am not a motivational speaker like the gutless Joel Osteen, nor am I trying to build my own kingdom like the seeker/purpose driven/emerging church/prosperity marketeers have done. I have had more people RUN from Liveprayer than anyone can imagine because I would not back down from the difficult issues, and told people the bare Truth of what the Bible says even though many don’t want to hear it and are often offended by it!

Lastly, well over half of the people we have reached through the Internet, on TV, and through the mainstream media are not Christians. We are one of the few ministries that has dared to boldly walk into satan's living room and share the hope and love of Jesus with the lost and hurting right where they live!

What has been accomplished? Hundreds of millions of lives worldwide have been impacted, we have sent personal responses to over 140 million emails for prayer, broadcast over 2,000 LIVE TV programs that have been viewed by millions, sent out over 7000 Daily Devotionals each morning since Liveprayer went online 8/31/99 that has read by millions of people around the world, and most important of all, seen over 1.3 million souls we know of come to faith in Jesus Christ!!!

For 20 years, Liveprayer has been one of the few places people could find the unadulterated Truth of the Bible preached daily without compromise on the issues of the day from a Biblical worldview. Despite the opportunity to generated tens of millions annually by "playing along," going on Christian TV, charging people to come to conferences or buy products, backing off the difficult issues that offend people, make decisions based on money instead of souls, joining forces with major ministry organizations which require setting aside the Absolutes of the Bible and compromise God's Truth, I have stood firm in my calling as a modern day “old testament prophet” who was despised by the world and equally despised by the established religious community of the day!

I have listened to the voice of God and done my best to be faithful to deliver His Truth to the lost and hurting masses each day regardless the personal and financial cost! A Devotional reader sent me an email the other day, "Pastor Keller, I have said this before that I feel one of the biggest and most important opportunities Liveprayer provides is the opportunity to set the Biblical record straight. So many people have either misinterpreted the Bible, or have in MANY cases, have been given mis-information!"

Compromising the Truth of the Bible, looking the other way when it is financially expedient, not talking about difficult issues so people won't get upset with me, are things I have and will continue to REFUSE to do, since like every person, I will die and stand before God one day. At that moment, I don't want to have to explain why I didn't obey Him. I want to hear the words all followers of Christ desire to hear, "well done thou good and faithful servant!"

I love and care about you so much. Just like in that crowd of 5,000, it was only one little boy who was willing to give up all he had to the Lord, while everyone else refused. My challenge to you today is simply this. Will you be like the little boy with your time, talent, and treasure, or the like the rest in the crowd that day and hold on to all the Lord has given you?

As we are now down to the final week of November, we have covered the first $15,000 of the $50,000 we require for our November ministry operations. We need to cover $13,000 of our final $35,000 for November’s ministry operations immediately!

For those who the Lord has richly blessed and have been praying about a special year-end gift to Liveprayer, now would be a perfect time as we are down to just 38 days left in the year. Everyone else, please be in prayer about what the Lord is calling you to sacrifice in these coming days, whether it is $10, $20, $50, $100, $1,000 or more.

*SPECIAL YEAR-END GIFT!!! With the end of the year just 38 days away, PLEASE be praying about a special year-end gift to Liveprayer. Over these final 38 days of 2018 we require the final $35,000 for our November ministry operations and $50,000 for our December ministry operations. That is $85,000 to end this year with all of our ministry operations current! Please be in prayer what God is calling you to do to insure we can begin 2019 with all of our 2018 ministry operations paid in full, and don’t forget that your gift to Liveprayer is 100% tax deductible!!!

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card at: http://www.liveprayer.com/donate.cfm or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St. Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible!

***I am asking 2 or 3 of our friends the Lord has blessed and enabled to PLEASE step up and help me with a special year-end gift of $5,000-$35,000 to enable us to take care of the $13,000 we require immediately and insure we cover the final $35,000 of our November ministry operations by the end of the month. If you can wire or direct deposit to our Wells Fargo account (if you have a Wells Fargo branch close by), or overnight to our office a check, or give via your credit card, it would help me greatly to get these critical ministry operations payments taken care of right away.

Everyone can pray, and most everyone can be like that young man and make a great sacrifice in order for us to feed the multitudes. Thank you for praying and thank you for giving! God Bless You!!!

* TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com,or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

Thank you for your love, for your prayers, and for your sacrifice. It is friends like you who stand with me that enable Liveprayer to do all it does every 24 hours for so many lost and hurting souls around the world, while bringing HIS Truth into the marketplace and helping to lead this nation back to God and His Truth!!!

In His love and service,

Your friend, brother, and co-laborer in Christ,

Bill Keller