Daily Devotional for Tuesday November 20, 2018

Sharing the love of Jesus with your family and friends this Thanksgiving!

(John 3:16; Romans 10:10; Ephesians 2:8-9)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, thank you for your blessings. I admit so much of the time I take most of them for granted, but today, I want to acknowledge your love for me and the many blessings you bestow upon me each and every day. It is easy to say thank you, but more important to thank you in how I live my life each day. Give me your strength to live my life pleasing and acceptable to you during this day. In Jesus name I pray...AMEN!

***LIVEPRAYER TV IS BACK!!! We will be re-launching the Liveprayer TV program with a Thanksgiving Day special broadcast LIVE from 7p-8p EST! Our regular broadcast schedule will begin that following Monday, November 26th, airing every Monday thru Friday LIVE from 11p-Midnight EST! As we have since the program began, we will be taking phone calls from the viewers on every program with questions, comments, and prayer requests.

You will be able to watch the Liveprayer TV program LIVE on ALL major streaming platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire Stick and others, as well as on the Liveprayer.com website. We will also archive every program so that if you can’t watch it live, you can watch it on your schedule ON DEMAND.

Another great blessing is that the TV program will initially on cost only $2,000 a monthly, as opposed to the tens of thousands of dollars each month it cost the ministry to air on traditional TV. That monthly cost will go up only as the viewership increases, meaning if we have to pay more each month it is because we are attracting a larger audience that will also bring new friends to help support Liveprayer. So please be praying about your sacrifice each month to insure that this additional monthly cost for a critical part of the Liveprayer ministry is covered.

After doing our LIVE TV program on various non-Christian stations and networks around the nation since 2003, I am humbled and most thankful for the opportunity to reach thousands and thousands of new people each night. I know that as each year passes, more and more people are growing up having never been to church, having never been in a home environment where God’s Word and faith in Jesus was practiced and honored. Pray with me that each night lives will be impacted for Christ, hope is given to those who are at a desperate place in their life, and lost souls will come to faith in Jesus Christ!!! AMEN!!!

I received an email yesterday from a woman that I get quite often. This dear woman was racked with guilt after one of her best friends died. Her friend had never expressed much interest in God or the Bible and most likely died in her sins and her soul is lost for all eternity. Faced with the likelihood her friend is in hell forever, the woman was bemoaning the fact that she had passed on numerous opportunities to witness to her, especially in the final months of her life as she battled with cancer.

She recited for me all the various excuses she had come up with for not sharing Christ with her friend. However, now that her friend was gone, probably in hell for eternity, none of those excuses for not making the effort to tell her friend how to know Christ as her Savior seemed very good any longer. I tried to console this woman, reminding her that the decision to accept or reject Christ is one each person has to make for themselves. She couldn't make that choice for her friend.

Sadly, I get emails like this every day from people who are dealing with the guilt of not taking the time to tell a family member or friend about the Lord and His love for them. As you prepare to be with your family and friends during this Thanksgiving, I want to challenge you today to take the time, make the effort, to share the Gospel with those who don't know Christ as their personal Savior.

Remember, you can't save anyone, that is not your job. What is your job is to tell them how they can be saved. What they choose to do is ultimately up to them, but God is calling you to be His vessel to bring them the message of everlasting life through faith in Jesus Christ.

I realize that for many people, sharing the Gospel with your family members, with your friends, can be difficult. Ultimately, you are afraid of their rejection. Remember, they are NOT rejecting you, they are rejecting the Lord. How can you claim to love a person, knowing full well if they died today they would spend eternity in hell, when you have the words of everlasting life to help them escape that eternal horror and find their rest and peace with the God who created them and loves them so much? If you really love a person, you will love them enough to tell them about Jesus!

Listen my friend, the cold hard reality of this life is that one day we will each die. The Bible tells us that tomorrow is promised to none of us. Each day is literally a gift from God. Death is final. One moment you are alive, the next moment you are dead. This life as we know it is over that quick. As soon as you take that last breath you are standing before God. In that instant the ONLY thing that matters is your relationship with Jesus Christ.

If you have rejected Him and die in your sins, the Bible says that you will be cast into everlasting darkness, forever separated from God your Creator. If you know Jesus as your Savior, you will be ushered into God's presence and dwell with Him for ever and ever.

*Each person who lives this life will die and stand before God at that moment. This includes your mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, husband, wife, grandmother, grandfather, grandson, granddaughter, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, cousin, and any other family member, as well as your friends, neighbors, those you work with, go to school with, recreate with, and encounter during your day-to-day life.

I pray that you will never be able to look at a person in your life again without thinking about the fact they will die one day and have to stand before God. Will they be ready for that moment? Do you care about them enough to ask them if they are ready for that moment?

Let me give you an easy ways to share the Gospel with those you love and care about. A short but powerful presentation of the Gospel with an invitation to accept the Lord is on this video clip I created: https://liveprayer.com/media/altarcall.mp4 This is an easy ways for you to share the hope and love of Christ with your family members and friends this Thanksgiving, giving them the opportunity to make Christ their own.

I love you and care about you so much. I pray that God will richly bless the time you have with your family and friends, and that you take the opportunity to tell the how much Jesus loves them. Pray and seek the Lord for His wisdom and boldness in allowing you to make it a priority to use the next opportunity you are with your family and friends.

I will be praying for you as you are faithful and obedient to share with those in your life about the Lord and that God will prepare the hearts and minds of those you share His love with to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

In His love and service,

Your friend, brother, and co-laborer in Christ,

Bill Keller