Daily Devotional for Tuesday October 9, 2018

Did you thank God this morning for your health?

Proverbs 4:20-22)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, please help me today to be an active member of your body. I pray each day that I will be yielded to you and your will for my life. Let me remove all that is in my life keeping me from being the best servant I can possibly for you and your Kingdom. I love you Lord, and let my love be expressed in my daily life as I serve you. In the name of Jesus I pray…AMEN!!!

As I drove to the office early this morning, for some reason I began thinking how good I felt physically, how full of strength and energy I felt, free of any aches and pains. My mind quickly started thinking first of all about those who do not have this wonderful blessing each day, all of those I hear from daily who are struggling, battling different infirmities in their bodies, dealing with pain all the time. I then began thinking about how fortunate I have been all of my life to enjoy wonderful health.

Despite the minor colds we all get, some various sports injuries, for the most part I have lived my life in wonderful health. What a gift I squandered for many years! I have spoken in the past about being in the best shape possible, watching what we eat and not putting harmful things into our bodies, all so we can enjoy optimum health to be able to serve our God. For so many years God blessed me with perfect health, and I used many of those years to "do my own thing," not using this blessing for His glory.

As soon as I got into the office, I spent some time in prayer, thanking God for this wonderful blessing of good health, and He clearly spoke to me about this message you are reading. For those in good health, especially those young adults who have not had to deal with problems in this area of your life, DON'T SQUANDER THIS TIME!

God has given you a wonderful blessing to be able to live each day in good health, free from pain, to be able to concentrate on your service to Him. This is a gift not to be taken for granted! We have a responsibility not to abuse God's blessings, and one blessing we often abuse is our good health. We live each day like we will always have good health. We live each day like it is our right to have good health. My friend, it is a BLESSING from God to have good health!

Over my 25 years of ministry, I have been in many hospital rooms. God originally created man not to die. Physical death became a byproduct of man's sin in the Garden of Eden. Sickness and disease became part of man's world. When you look at how complicated our physical bodies are, how intricate we are made, when you factor in the wear and tear of daily life, add to that how some people have abused their bodies with alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, it is actually amazing we last as long as we do. With all of the things that can go wrong, it is simply amazing we work as long as we do.

Ultimately, all of our bodies will break down in some way. We cannot escape that no matter how advanced modern medicine has become. We need to be thankful daily for the good health God gives us. It is one of the greatest blessings we have. There is an old saying, that you can't put a price on good health. There are many people who have accumulated much wealth in this world. Yet, without good health they don't have a chance to enjoy it. That is another reason why the temporary things of this world have no real meaning.

I love you and care about you so much. Know that I am praying for you today to NEVER forget the blessing of good health. We never know how long that will last, so don't squander the blessing. God has given us this life to serve and glorify Him. Our health is a tool we use to do that. Make it count!

For those who are reading this who are struggling in this area, know you are in my prayers. God is still in the healing business!!! The same Jesus who healed in the Bible heals today!!! HE IS ABLE!!!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller