Daily Devotional for Saturday October 6, 2018

A special word that EVERYONE needs today, especially me!!!

(Mark 6:31)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, help me to stand strong in these difficult days. I know that in the end, YOU...and YOU alone will have the final word. Give me boldness and courage to stand for you as evil abounds. In the name of Jesus I pray..AMEN!!!

We have become so busy every day, our lives so tightly scheduled, that we never seem to have an opportunity to just relax and allow our minds and bodies to refresh. When was the last time that you took a few hours and did nothing but just relax? If Jesus had to get away from time to time to rest, how much more do we need to?

In this fast-paced society where we push ourselves to the limit constantly, it is no wonder why so many turn to alcohol, drugs, and illicit sex. It is no wonder why so many end up in the hospital. We end up burning out our minds and bodies and try to find the temporary relief to just get through one more day.

God never intended for his creation to live this way. Productivity is fine, but to never stop and relax and allow ourselves the time to recharge, is destructive. Our original purpose was to serve and glorify our Creator. How can we do this when we are so focused on all of the things of this world that occupy our time. In our busy day, the first thing we neglect is our time alone with God. Our time of fellowship with Him, in prayer, the word. How can we truly have a personal relationship with someone that we never take the time to be with?

Let me encourage you today. Slow down. Make time each day to fellowship with God. You can do more in His strength than you could ever do in your own. Why try to do it all with the little bit you have, when He can do it all with the might and limitless power of the creator of the universe! Today, the Lord is saying to you, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Stop, relax, and refresh.

I love you and care about you so much. Take the refreshing that can only come from God. My friend, you will be able to do more, accomplish more, feel better, and enjoy life, when you are living each day in His unlimited strength and not your own.

Please continue to pray for Liveprayer.com. One of our greatest needs is to have all our friends help us get the word out about this ministry. Try to get your church to put the web address in your bulletin for people who need prayer. Let people on your social media sites know about this incredible 24/7 LIVE prayer ministry here to meet their needs. Let your friends, family members, and co-workers know they can get this Devotional every day in their email by simply going to our website, www.liveprayer.com and sign up under the DAILY DEVOTIONAL link.

God bless you and take time today to be still and get alone with the Lord. I know I will be doing that today!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller