Daily Devotional for Thursday August 2, 2018

When God Repeats Himself

(Romans 15:4)

***PAYPAL...PLEASE READ!!! After 19 yrs on the front lines, I can honestly say that I am rarely shocked at the daily issues we have to face here at Liveprayer. Few would ever begin to comprehend the challenges that occur each day designed to disrupt the Lord’s work here. Wednesday I was shocked. We have had our PayPal account since day one for people who used that online payment system. Six years ago, they cut us a deal to process our credit card donations through their site that saved us thousands annually.

Lo and behold I signed-on Wednesday and there was a message that they had closed our account with not notice or reason other than we have “violated their terms.” In 19 years we did not have one complaint, not one dispute, and have done nothing different that would cause us to “violate their terms.” It is impossible to talk to anyone with authority at these big tech companies, but I did talk to a supervisor who has put in for a secondary review and I will hear by Friday if they will reinstate our account.

I did find out that Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, PayPal, all have a consulting agreement with the Southern Poverty Law Center to advise these companies on who is a “hate group.” As most know, Liveprayer and myself have been on the SPLC bogus “hate map” for 9 years. With the purging and games the big tech companies are playing primarily on politically conservative websites and speech and CHRISTIAN WEBSITES, probably had something to do with this. So pray, if it is the Lord’s will they will reinstate our account, if not, we will be fine.

We kept our original credit card processing account so you can use your credit card like before at: : http://www.liveprayer.com/cc.cfm I will update you tomorrow if you can start using your PayPal account again and be in touch with those who have monthly reoccurring gifts via PayPal if our account is not reinstated. NEVER FORGET, SATAN IS A LIAR AND A LOSER AND GOD WILL HAVE THE LAST WORD!!!

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Father, I pray, today, for each person who is reading these words. You know exactly where they are at today financially. I pray that whatever they have today is multiplied many times over in the coming weeks and months. Bless them in the area of their finances, Father, so that they may not only care for their day-to-day needs of those they are responsible for, but so that they may feed the poor around the world, those who are materially poor as well as those who are spiritually poor. I pray, today, a prayer of BLESSING on the finances of the person reading these words. Whatever we have in this life comes from you and is yours Father. May we be faithful in managing what you have given to us. Multiply many times over what you have currently given to the person reading this word today and allow them to be a great blessing to the work of God throughout the world. I pray BLESSINGS over the finances of the person reading these words today for the glory of Almighty God. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

When God repeats Himself. One of the things that you have to look for when you read the Bible, is when God repeats Himself. Repetition is one way God is saying to you, "THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!" Since God's Word is complete, it is within the context of His presentation to us via the Old and New Testaments, that we must study to know His will and plan for our lives. His way of EMPHASIZING a point is through repeating it in several different places.

There are days when God leads me to write on a certain issue. Sometimes, it is an issue that I have previously written about and there really is little more to add. Due to the fact that each week we have thousands of new subscribers to the Daily Devotional, the Holy Spirit will lead me to repeat a past Deviational.

The point that I want you to grasp today is this. Many times, I have read a verse of scripture before, and it said one thing. Then, I will read it again on a different day, and based on how God is speaking to my heart, it will say something entirely more profound! It is the same way with these Devotionals. Even though some readers may have seen a certain Devotional in the past, based on where you are at TODAY, it can speak to you in an entirely different way!

There are time when we read a verse of Scripture, and based on where our life is at that exact moment, it says one thing to us. However, if we read that VERY SAME verse 4 months later, depending on where we are at THAT VERY DAY, it may say something entirely new us.

Since it is God through the Holy Spirit, and NOT Bill Keller directing the writing of these Devotionals each morning, what you read today may have a VERY DIFFERENT meaning to you 6 months from now...reading the VERY SAME WORDS!!! So don't ever take each days Devotional for granted, even if you may have read it before!

I love you and care about you so much. One of my desires is that you receive ALL that you can possibly receive from God for your life each day. One way is through His precious Word. Another is through those resources God has placed in your life like this Devotional to encourage you in your day to day journey.

The thing that most fail to comprehend is that God's Word is a LIVING WORD. IT IS ALIVE! It literally lives in your heart and soul. That is why you read a passage of Scripture one day, and a week later, read the very same passage and is speaks to you differently. What you may not pay attention to one day, is the most meaningful verse the next. That is because His Word is ALIVE.

I spend hours each day in prayer, talking to and trying to hear from God. Every morning after my time in the Word and prayer is when I write these Devotionals. I honestly believe that when I am typing, it is not me, but the Holy Spirit that is speaking through me to you. I honestly read a Devotional I wrote 2-3 days later, and often think, "this is good stuff." The Holy Spirit will respond, "yes, because I WROTE IT!"

So know that God can speak directly to your heart, to your life, to your circumstances through these words each day. One way He gets His point across to us, especially those like me with extra thick skulls, is by repetition. God repeats this in His Word ON PURPOSE. Often, God may have you read a Devotional that you saw 6 months ago. Remember, it is NO ACCIDENT. There is a reason for it. God will repeat Himself so that you take notice that THIS is important.

May He richly bless you today, and my prayer is that each and every day you will have a hunger for the Word of God. I pray that you will not only have a hunger for the Word of God, but for all that God puts in your life each day, like this Devotional, to give you hope, to encourage you, and guide you to be all that He has called you to be. Pay attention when God repeats Himself!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller