Daily Devotional for Saturday February 24, 2018

A Special Tip for the Weekend

(Proverbs 17:22)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, please help me to live this day honoring you in my thoughts, words, and deeds. Help me this day to live my life pleasing and acceptable to Jesus. Allow me to use my life to help someone else during this day, and be kind to everyone I come across no matter how they may treat me. Let Christ shine through me throughout this day oh Lord, be glorified through my life! In Jesus name I pray...AMEN!

The key word to living a successful life for God is balance. Solomon said it best when he stated that “there is a time for everything.” Having fun is a critical part of life and one that often gets overlooked when we discuss day-to-day living. God gave us life and having fun is an aspect of what makes our life enjoyable.

We tend to focus on the trials and tribulations of daily living, the heartache and pain, but we also must look at the fact that there is great joy in life, and having fun should be something we all strive to do each and every day. I am not in any way trying to trivialize the seriousness of the issues many of you are facing.

All I am trying to do is get you to realize that we must make time each day to have fun, enjoy the gift God has given to us that is life. There is a time to be serious, there is a time to be battling with the issues each one of deals with, but there MUST be time to have fun.

God has made each one of us unique, and we all enjoy different things. I want to challenge you today, encourage you to take at least 2 hours this Saturday or Sunday and do something you like to do. Maybe it is going to a a sporting event, or going to the park, possibly for the women it is going shopping, or maybe to an amusement park.

Whatever it is that you like doing that makes you happy, treat yourself this weekend and have some fun. You have heard the expression that “life is too short.” It is very short, so we need to not only work at our God-given purpose of serving Him each day, but make sure we have some fun and enjoyment as well.

I read through the incredible amount of email that comes into Liveprayer each day, and understand that many of you are writing because you are in the midst of problems that require the Lord’s help in overcoming. However, in addition to dealing with life’s problems, we also must recognize our need to have fun and take the time to enjoy this life as well.

When Jesus talks about the abundance of this life, he speaks of the peace and joy that can only come from being in a daily relationship with Him. That is where the true “fun” of this life stems from. When we are living for Christ and serving Him, even though we will always have problems, we can still have fun during the time God gives us here on earth.

I realize that for many of you, life has not been much fun lately. It is especially for you that I write these words today. In the strength God can give you, set your burdens down for a while today and just take some time having fun enjoying life. It will help you to re-energize, refocus, and improve your ability to handle those problems.

I really do love you and care about you very much. Finding balance in life can be one of our greatest challenges. There just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. My friend, there is just enough time each day to do the things God has for you, including using a portion of every day to do the things you find enjoyable.

Remember, this journey is not a sprint, but a marathon. It is a daily journey for the rest of our life. Taking time each day to have fun is an important part of the journey and one I encourage you to focus on each day.

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller