Daily Devotional for Monday November 27, 2017

Satan is a Liar and a Loser

(I Corinthians 15:57)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, YOU are my provider. You know my daily needs. You promised to care what I need each day for life....food, shelter, clothing. I put my trust in you. You own the cattle on a thousand hills, and I come to you today to thank you for providing for my needs in the past, and knowing my needs today. Today, I come to you, asking you to meet those needs as I glorify you for your provision. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!

Blessings my friend, I pray all is well with you and your family. Know that you and your family are in my prayers each day!!!

By the grace of God, we continue to faithfully provide personal ministry to people worldwide each day, literally 24/7/365, as we have for 18 years now!

As you know we have been dealing with financial shortfalls this past year. It has been a real test of faith, with the enemy often whispering that God has abandoned me and this work.


Never forget that GOD IS FAITHFUL!!! Dear friends like you have enabled us to keep marching forward, taking His Truth to this lost nation and world while being here to pray for people in their hour of need. Most important however, is seeing lost souls every week coming to faith in Jesus Christ!!!

It has been YOUR prayers and YOUR generous sacrifices over the years that has made Liveprayer available tens of millions of people worldwide over nearly two decades, with over 1.2 million souls we know of coming to faith in Jesus Christ. You will never know my gratitude in standing with me or the impact of your faithfulness until you get to Glory!!!

I am asking every person reading these words today, to sit down, pray, and as the Bible insrtuces, “give according to your ability”!!!! I need everyone to pray...and everyone to give a special one-time year end gift to help Liveprayer miraculously end this year with all of our operational costs covered and back to 100% full operations!!!

*******I am praying for the ONE who God is speaking to about this immediate need and has blessed to be able to make a special one-time year-end sacrifice of $35,000 TODAY!!! Our ministry accounts are at Wells Fargo, so if it is not an inconvenience, get hold of me (bkeller@liveprayer.com) so I can get you the information you need for the quickest way to get the funds into our account.

My friend, I am doing all I can to keep Liveprayer alive, but we are hanging on by sheer faith. As we head into the Christmas season where many people will be in and out over the next weeks and the end of 2017 in just 35 days, I desperately need several of our friends to help me over these next few days.

Last week we finally cleared up the balance of our August shortfall, leaving us with the $65,000 for our September and $65,000 of our October operations. That $130,000 by the end of the month insures we will be in a solid place financially!!!

It is critical to bring in the $65,000 from September over the next few days!!! By His grace and the sacrifice of many friends, $30,000 of our September shortfall came in over the past several days! That means by the end of the month, we need to bring in $100,000. OUR GOD IS ABLE!!!

******* $35,000 of that is required immediately and the the last $65,000 by the last day of November!!!

Many times over nearly 2 decades of ministry, Liveprayer has been in a place where we needed a large gift to keep our work moving forward. Once it was $30,000, several times $50,000, once $80,000, and once even $100,000. God always has a ram in the bush, and each time moved on the heart of one of our friends in the Liveprayer family who He had blessed and enabled to make such a sacrifice!!!


*******I am praying for the ONE who God is speaking to about this immediate need and has blessed to be able to make a special one-time year-end sacrifice of $35,000 TODAY!!! Our ministry accounts are at Wells Fargo, so if it is not an inconvenience, get hold of me (bkeller@liveprayer.com) so I can get you the information you need for the quickest way to get the funds into our account .

If everyone else will pray, everyone can do that, and everyone gives as the Lord has enabled you and purposes in your heart this week, I have no doubt we can cover the $65,000 shortfall from October by the end of the month, allowing us to work on the $65,000 for November and December ($130,000) during December to end the year current!!!

Please continue to pray as we continue the work God called us to over 18 yrs ago, and pray about helping me with the most generous year-end gift you are able to as we press on towards the prize!!!

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card or PayPal at: http://liveprayer.com/donation.cfm or directly at paypal@liveprayer.com or, bkeller@liveprayer.com or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St. Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible!

I love and care about you so much. Thank you for your love and prayers and know that I stand in prayer daily for you and your family each day as together we continue to faithfully take HIS Truth and love to this lost and hurting world!!!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller