Daily Devotional for Sunday July 3, 2016

Today is The Most Important Day of Your Life!

(Psalms 118:24; James 4:14)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Father, I thank you for this day. I know that today was not promised to me, but it is a gift from You. Dear God, You know the pain I have today from what has happened in my life. I am tired of carrying this pain with me day after day. It is robbing me of my joy, of my peace, of knowing the abundance that this life can offer. I trust Your Word today that tells me that I can give this burden to You, that You will take it from me. I trust Your Word today that tells me to cast my cares on You, because You care for me. In the name of Jesus, I give You the pain of my past today. In the name of Jesus, I surrender it to You. Take it from me, and fill me right now with Your joy, with Your peace, and let me live from this day forward in FREEDOM FROM MY PAST! In Jesus name I pray...AMEN!!!

Now that summer is in full swing and many are a bit more laid back at this time of year, it is easy to simply take these days for granted. Sadly, much of our lives are lived on “auto pilot” and one day simply runs into the next. This is incredibly dangerous since it cheapens the value of each day, and causes us to take our lives for granted. If you hear one thing from todays message, HEAR THIS! TODAY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY OF YOUR LIFE!

Why do I say that? Simple. One thing that the Bible clearly teaches is that tomorrow is promised to nobody. Each day is a gift from God and tomorrow is not promised to any of us. I want you to take a few moments right now and simply dwell on the fact that God GAVE YOU THIS DAY. I realize that you have an agenda for the day, that you have things you must get done, that you have a very tight schedule. But let me ask you a couple of serious questions. PONDER THESE QUESTIONS.

What if in the course of your busy day you are driving along and another cars hits you? What if you are sitting in your office and all of a sudden your chest gets tight and you can’t seem to get your breath? What if you are walking to school and out of nowhere guns go off and bullets are flying by? Sound far fetched? Sound like unreasonable questions?

EVERY DAY tens of thousands are involved in auto accidents that they never planned on being involved in when they left their homes that morning. EVERY DAY people end up in hospitals for a variety of health issues, never thinking for a second that they would not be in their own bed that night. EVERY DAY people are involved in random acts of violence that alter, or in some cases, end their life. What I am saying to you is that YOU HAVE NO IDEA how this day will unfold. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WILL HAPPEN TODAY.

Listen, I love you and care about you so much. My goal, today, is NOT to scare you, to make you paranoid, or to make you afraid to live. My only goal is to make you appreciate how SPECIAL this day is, how special each day is! We get so focused on our lives that we forget each day is a special gift from God. THAT is the point I want you to take from this word today. TODAY IS SPECIAL. It is a day like no other, and when it is over, you will never have it again. So the ultimate question becomes, how do I make today count?

LIVE FOR HIM. Let your light shine wherever you are at today. Let the love of Jesus flow through you to all those that you encounter today. Make sure that the average person you meet in your day’s journey knows that there is something different about you. You have something. That something is an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ! Show HIS love throughout the day in all that you do. My challenge to you is to make today, not just another day, but the SPECIAL DAY that God made it to be! IT IS THE ONLY DAY THAT YOU ARE GUARANTEED! THAT IS WHY IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY OF YOUR LIFE!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller