Daily Devotional for Wednesday May 4, 2016

Two Signs from God!

(John 3:16)

2 signs from God!!! I wrote this prophetic word 4 months ago. PLEASE READ THESE WORDS CAREFULLY AND PRAY OVER THEM. In the midst of the incredible financial challenges I have been facing these past 4 weeks, it is on these words I am holding on to by faith!!!

I told you 2015 would be a year of victory and that in the first 20 days of December God would confirm it. I have to admit, He did in 2 ways. One I saw, the other I just realized today in prayer. He was faithful, the signs were there, I simply didn’t recognize both of them!

The first I saw and shared was $7,000,000. That represents the amount Liveprayer would need to do everything we need to reach the nation over a years time that would literally change the spiritual course of this nation. Sadly, many major ministries take in many times that amount each year but use those funds to build their kingdom and not God’s. Also frustrating is watching political candidates with as much chance to become our next President as my precious cat, spending tens of millions of dollars that in the end means ZERO!

*The second is Donald Trump. I could CARE LESS about Trump politically. Spiritually I highly doubt he is truly saved or has any real relationship with God other than an acknowledgement He exists. However, Trump was the sign I missed because he has risen up over these past 6 months as an example of someone that the world of politics in our lifetime has never seen. Whether he becomes President or ends his campaign tomorrow, he is a sign from God because he is a political anomaly, someone only God for whatever reason that we may or may never know, raised up like nobody else in modern political history!

(Donald J. Trump is now the nominee of the Republican Party, a feat that only God for whatever reason could have allowed regardless of your political beliefs!)

These two signs God has given me are to press on despite the daily challenges, despite the desire at times to simply quit fighting. However, this is HIS life not mine. This is HIS work, not mine. Mine is simply to be faithful and obedient, yielded to Him to use for His Glory. I will continue to fight each day as I have for the past 17 yrs to simply keep the doors of Liveprayer open so His work continues, walk by pure faith each day for my personal needs and the needs of the ministry believing God to send HIS people to hold my arms up and those who are able to make the financial sacrifice to cover our operations, and give my whole heart to ministering to the needs of the people, boldly and without compromise deliver His Truth to this blind and hurting world, and share the hope of Christ with the lost!

I love you and care about you so much. My life, and God’s work here at Liveprayer is as it always has been in YOUR HANDS! Let me say THANK YOU! Over the most challenging times of the past 17 yrs, it has been the love and prayers of the Liveprayer family that has sustained me, and the gifts that have been sacrificed so God’s work here at Liveprayer is available 24/7/365 to those lost and hurting souls we ministry to worldwide each day while bringing God’s Truth into the marketplace.


***APRIL FINANCIAL UPDATE!!! As you know, we ended March with a $35,000 and just cleared that up in the final days of April. As we headed into May, we are trying to now cover the $65,000 required for our April ministry operations. So far, we have taken care of $16,000 of our April operations, down to the final $49,000. ALL OF THAT IS OBVIOUSLY NOW PAST DUE AND IT IS CRITICAL TO GET THESE FUNDS IN BY THE END OF THE WEEK!!!

*******URGENT!!! I am in prayer today, standing in faith for several of our friends in the Liveprayer family God has blessed will step up TODAY with a special one-time gift of $5,000 or more to bring in the $49,000 we require immediately. If you are able to help me today, email me at bkeller@liveprayer.com and we can work out whatever details we need to.

I have been praying for many days now for one or more of our friends who the Lord has blessed to step up and help me take care of this critical need to prevent Liveprayer from having to close down our operations due to not being able to pay the costs involved. That is a total of $49,000 we need IMMEDIATELY TO CLEAR UP OUR APRIL OPERATIONS!!! PLEASE PRAY ABOUT HELPING ME TODAY SINCE WE ARE NOW ALSO FACING THE $65,000 WE REQUIRE FOR OUR MAY MINISTRY OPERATIONS!!!

Please pray about what God is calling you to do in these coming days to support His work here at Liveprayer! Your gift, $5, $50, $500, or $5,000 is an act of obedience and worship as our blessings flow from that obedience. Thank you for standing with me today as we take our stand for the Lord in these final days!!!

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com , or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St. Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller